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5:00 PM
@towc still errors, but works
what would make JavaScript behave differently in my fiddle from on my page?
other scripts loaded on the page, most likely
@Webster The LoadType dropdown possibly.
there are other external scripts, would functions have to share a public var to interfere with eachother?
anybody who forgot a var could potentially break another script
the fiddle is working correctly, the other page is not?
5:03 PM
can you eliminate scripts until you find the problem or will it break the page?
I can change the external .js file names so they don't get called. Scripts are called dynamically in this !@#$ asp.net site
well, if you haven't already, you probably want to find the exact spot with the conflict (assuming that's the problem). From there, rename something or add logic to break loudly, rather than quietly.
You can step through in a debugger, but removing extra code usually helps.
I would've started with "this is what the error is"
SInce we have no information at all yet lol
5:12 PM
it's kind of big to get into a question
search should search file names and return results
there are probably some keywords you can search through the code for
search a file name and it says "no rresul;ts"
in the error message you're getting
After flashing the correct results
5:13 PM
THis isn't helping
Show us code and the error
you have a fiddle, right?
At the very least, what is the error?
not matching search terms from titles
working fiddlle:
What's the javascript error
Good luck.
the javascript error is the wrong result being returned
That's not the javascript error lmao
@Webster do you have any errors in the console or no?
5:15 PM
im thinking progam, function error
coming from the javascript
like a car, whats the problem> it doesnt run
I dont knopw enough to ask or answer the question
start by checking the console
for big red error messages
SO you pasted from A to B and want to know why it doesn't work
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵀᴴᴱ ᴳᴬᴹᴱ
well I made the fiddle to exactly match the page conditions
5:16 PM
tried to
having tried searching on your page (not the fiddle), it appears to reload
But how can we help you with this information you've given us? We don't even know what's wrong
a search for "pulp" show the pulp and paper document
instead it says "no results"
it is intermittently working for me
and sometimes flashing results, then seemingly hard-reloading and showing "no results"
no idea why, that might be a pain to track down
no errors in the console, though
5:18 PM
It doesn't do anything for me ever
No errors either
it seems to be submitting the page
which then reloads
and the results are gone
Now it's loading lol
so, got myself some salad, tomatoes, and carrots
also have a couple potatoes and some garlic left
and some vegatable oil
I'm either getting Fazolis or not eating
5:28 PM
Cooking with towc is my favorite time of day
I wish it was an adult swim show
I'm excited to see how he fucks up a salad
@Cereal expecially the part where he gets salmonella and is in the hospital for days, right? :D
@Cereal just you wait, got something nice in store for you
you haven't done that yet, though, somehow
@towc Did it happen? Cause we all expected it to.
5:28 PM
I certainly hope you don't get salmonella
@HatterisMad not yet, but at this point, it has to happen
salmon cannon >>> salmonella
or maybe I have salmonella and I just thought it was some form of depression or something
but I haven't pooped blood in a while
or vomited
in a while
thank god
5:29 PM
My bio professor in high school had two turtles named Sam and Ella
well that's good
@Cereal lol
I actually pooped blood at some point since I came here
@towc You mean he dies
it might have been salmonella, but I doubt it, I was feeling great
Eat like an american and you'll shit blood regularly
5:30 PM
@Jhoverit you must be my #1 fan
you need chipotl-away?
well, tbf I couldn't run the next morning
I think it was from the mac and cheese somehow
@towc No I just meant salmonellosis will kill you
@Jhoverit want an autograph?
this guy wants an autograph
Cause you'll just say "I'm just sick"
5:31 PM
"I just have bloody stools"
And then u die
if you got salmonella from mac and cheese
so what if my dick fell off?
you deserve a darwin award
@towc gluten
@ssube at least I achieved something
5:32 PM
@towc then we have even less concern about you reproducing
I'm doing just fine with not reproducing myself thank you very much
if my dick falls off, I might produce a lot less testosterone, my acne will go away, and someone might actually like me and decide to find a way to get my sperm out of something somehow, and then I'll reproduce. Do you really want that?
Slovakian girls, never forget
Dude put down the bottle you're plastered
But how will you pee
@Cereal oh god I never even thought about that
I guess it just sprays?
5:34 PM
Maybe you'll pee with your butt, like women
Haha, that remind me
When my brother was young, he told me sister "Don't worry, it'll grow in eventually"
actually, I think J had the answer there. Put the bottle down, don't drink, and no more need to pee!
@Cereal oh wow
@Cereal how long did she hold out hope
ok, so, salad: wash things, set them on fire, and throw them out of the window. Wait 20 minutes for them to be contaminated by people stepping on them in order to unleash protein, and put in a bowl
did I miss something?
before or after the stampede?
5:38 PM
i have a question with understanding what's happening in webpack
i created vendor files which is the minified bundle of my libraries while i have seperate bundles which is the minified used functions of the libraries
why is it doing this and what are the benefits
you can usually cache the vendor bundle longer than you can cache your program code
it may load both simultaneously
what happens if the vendor bundles get massive?
say a 1 mb
1mb is not massive :)
but caching works even better on large files and if it gets too big, you can split it further
Tree shaking, gzip etc
vendor-frequentupdates and vendor-infrequentupdates
5:44 PM
Is it generally ok to be able to pass up to 8 different query parameters to an API route?
8 is on the higher end, if you consider them arguments
man, Im gonna have to think that search through thoroughly
4-6 is the sweet spot, imo
Pre-ordered the Pixel 2 \o/
5:45 PM
@ssube they are for narrowing down the search
as in, each is optional
sure, but when you start to get a lot of individual fields, it's worth thinking about if you actually have a query or should use some new Filter and pass that
group and organize them if you can
yeah thats what im doing right now
its gonna be a mix of query and filters
as in, textual search for example will be a filter
ok, i think i get it
so client's are caching the vendor bundles
NBC’s Pete Williams just broke the news that the Boy Scouts have decided to accept female scouts.
Well that's interesting
while utilizing the minified used functions from those libraireis
is that right?
5:49 PM
yay i finally found me headphones!
they were in the glovebox :P
> Damn!! There goes my another excuse for refusing to donate to the scout kids standing in front of Safeway.
that could become a very real problem
what if the boy scouts and the salvation army stop being awful?
I donated a garage sale to the salvation army last month
Poor employees
@KendallFrey lmao how does that work
Change name also?
Allow Boys into Girl Scouts?
5:52 PM
not a clue
We already have Venture Scouts for the gender confused.
I was in it
My girlfriends Dad ran it lmao. Camping with girls? U know it
5:54 PM
Damn did I jus say I dated a tranny?
That first message screwed me no matter what I say
s/first message/person/
@ssube Care to elaborate? They're not awful.
From what I can tell, everything defaults to awful for ssube
They're awful in big city metros. Big city metros are awful and full of awful people lmao
5:57 PM
But you go where sane people are and we're just out for 2-3 week camp trips and survival training. No drama. Nothing awful about it just boys learning to be men in a real sense lol
@Jhoverit did she shift well?
@ssube I have a personal request
Could you please recommend something like this?:
Voice not necessary

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