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7:00 PM
I just don't buy AAA games anymore. I bought destiny 2, that's the last thing I remember buying for full price
that really sucks, but! it will be so cheap in a few months/year
Stil to my 40 dollar vita games :/
Shadow of Mordor has been $5 for GOTY edition
eh $40 vita game now... $80 vita game in a year
New and trending shows DLC now, apparently
if it's physical
7:00 PM
@Loktar lol
@Cereal sent :)
@Loktar do you already have an Oculus Rift
I can't remember
I still need to get the new Ys physically
@TylerH yeah I had the devkits too
@KendallFrey and I got the rift day one
I like it more than the Vive, I just need to use it more often lol
7:01 PM
I have a physical copy of Semispheres coming
Only 2000 printed
Limited Run games?
So, where is that application to register as @Loktar's son?
ooooh right I saw that actually
that's the shmup right?
Are you gonna get the new dev kit?
7:02 PM
@TylerH no
I saw plans were released for it though
but yeah man the software just hasn't leaped forward like I expected/wanted it to
oh weird, yeah play asia had a limited game like a month ago, I guess I forget the name
I always watch limited run games, but I enver had the money
7:03 PM
Tachyon Project
Now that I actually have a job, it's gunna be good
the problem is now they sell out SUPER fast
lots of people wanted Ocean Horn, sold out in 2 minutes..
Yeah I tried t oget ocean horn, too
Like, of all the games to have a physical edition of
It's wind waker lite
7:04 PM
only one I want now is Salt and Sanctuary
@Loktar btw have you see Oculus Go?
I also didn't get OceanHorn
Is that coming?
@KendallFrey yeah just saw that today, like $200 seems cool
@Cereal yea they haven't said exactly when yet though
Seems kinda pointless IMO
Like a games console with only 100 games or something
7:05 PM
@KendallFrey I just hope it gets more people into VR, and more devs on it
Gunna have to try and get that. Love salt and sanctuary. Was in the middle of it when danganronpa came out. (Speaking of danganronpa - 80 bucks on steam, 50 on vita)
Hopefully, but doesn't seem like the best investment for entertainment
we have the tech for VR finally... and everyone just wants to make wave shooters
and fruit ninja, where all you do is wave, not even shoot
tbf fps is so much better in VR
7:07 PM
but ... how
yeah but I want a survival game in VR
no precision movement
@KamilSolecki way more precise of movement
maybe singleplayer
I hate just standing and shooting, gets boring
7:07 PM
@KamilSolecki Just like IRL
you're so much faster and more precise in VR
well as long as all use VR, then yeah
@Loktar The star trek game is good
I haven't actually bought any wave shooters for my vive
ah yeah I don't have that.. I need to get/play it
7:08 PM
@KamilSolecki I didn't say anything about PvP
@KendallFrey then yeah
pvp is cool too though!
@KendallFrey and I did some
But I suck so much ass at it
pvp sword fights would be so much fun
lmao yea I didn't want to bring it up :p
7:08 PM
The star trek game is fun because you need the mic on to even start it. So everyone in your game has a mic, and is stalking to complete the mission
Super cool
@Loktar Did we do that western shooting one?
yeah dead and buried I think right?
that's the one
I wish there was a good marksmanship game
That's basically pointless in VR though
it'll be better when the larger controller-props come out
and you actually have a weighted gun to hold
I'd still be laying on the floor though
7:14 PM
plant sod and trees in your living room?
Do I look like a Romanian-Italian living in Slovakia?
omg trees!
I need that
also, yeah, you look somewhat romanian
since you asked
@KendallFrey hotdogs, horseshoes, and hand grenades is pretty fun
That's the shooting range one, right?
great variety of guns and such
7:22 PM
I think the last update added some better AI to one of the arenas, but I'm not sure. I'm addicted to the stupid shoot the target game
you need therapy
the one with the flying targets?
Yeah, with the timer and the rounds
that's a ton of fun
a therapy with rounds? neat
7:23 PM
that, Arizona whatever's wave mode, the Valve lab's archery game, and Superhot make up most of my VR time
I haven't gotten superhot. Couldn't justify like 45 dollars for a game I already own
oh, it might be the best of all those
I got it as part of the bundle
and it works great on the Vive
Superhot is definitely the most fun I've had in VR
I really like racketnx
Although I punch things with the controller far too often playing it
7:25 PM
my living room has a big front window and so many people have punched it playing VR
it's a damn miracle the thing is still intact
Vue was GitHub’s 6th most forked projects in 2017!
uuuh, vue has been forked more than react
tbf I'm not sure if that means that vue needs more tweak or something else
well, it certainly is in the process of stabilization, so there's that
question is... why are people forking it
and that reminds me, I need to get some code in the linux kernel at some point >:)
@towc It's 1%. Probably insignificant.
sure, just interesting. I'm not claiming this makes vue any better, I don't really know how to interpret this :/
7:30 PM
@KamilSolecki for that music Q, I'm not sure exactly what makes sense with the guitar sound you want, but youtube.com/watch?v=edOrKeBS-s8 and youtube.com/watch?v=G02wKufX3nw might be good starts
there's 3 kinds of people who fork: contributors (a minority I guess), people who just play around with the code (majority?), and people who need to fix it for their own project
Don't lend it any credence; they can't even get subject-subject agreement correct in their tweet
Guitar? What guitar sounds? @KamilSolecki
heh, true
fork vue
7:31 PM
fork u
it sounds like part of the Mad Max OST to me :P
ah meh I hoped he was creating something
Redux question... an app's state is described in a single object. using the todo example, you could have an todos array that is a property on it which you could add to by creating a new todo. my question is how is that state object populated, specifically the todos property, if you refresh the page?
it would seem you'd want to make a call to the server if that property is not populated yet. just wondering how/when this should be done
or would this be a react concern?
@rlemon omg omg omg Hari Seldon's father did hydroponics apparently
this is the beginning of the first book of the foundation cycle:
> HARI SELDON–... born in the 11,988th year of the Galactic Era; died 12,069. The dates are
more commonly given in terms of the current Foundational Era as – 79 to the year 1 F.E. Born
to middle-class parents on Helicon, Arcturus sector (where his father, in a legend of doubtful
authenticity, was a tobacco grower in the hydroponic plants of the planet), he early showed
amazing ability in mathematics. Anecdotes concerning his ability are innumerable, and some
are contradictory. At the age of two, he is said to have ...
hydroponics is that old?
@ssube, pls more edm :3
7:40 PM
hydroponics is thousands of (real) years old, afaik
well, I can check wiki
> The earliest published work on growing terrestrial plants without soil was the 1627 book Sylva Sylvarum or A Natural History by Francis Bacon
hmmm, bacon
don't see any earlier dates on wiki :/
but still, pretty damn old
@RaisingAgent post more? what sort?
@towc Francis Bacon wanted to grow plants without soil so his descendant, Kevin Bacon, wouldn't have to fight sand worms.
I see
it all makes sense
just like that gipsy woman said
hmm... well, if you ask like that: danceable, four on the floor kinda music
I would've said hardstyle, but then you added "melodic"
7:45 PM
:) ye, not that much bass
trance-like but not too nightcore-ish
oh man, that's pretty specific
not sure what I have around, most of my thumbs-up are pretty bass-heavy
I've been going through these: chat.stackoverflow.com/…
lol, I post the same songs a lot
That Electric Valentine one is good tho
goddamnit I want to read the whole foundation cycle again at some point :/
hm, so you like synthwave and whatever electric valentine is
youtube.com/watch?v=MvSfouP2ulA might be worth a listen
in a very different direction, so is youtube.com/watch?v=ZHKMDsLfvMk
@ssube I like that one
The other one is 'Video not availabe'
That was the most intense interview I’ve ever been in
boo. It's the IAMX song Kingdom of Welcome Addiction
if you like Bassnectar, though...
@ssube Kingdom of Welcome Addiction is good too, I wouldn't say its danceable tho
Synthwave is a good direction in general
7:54 PM
there's probably some european club that dances to it
but yeah
@ssube thanks, will check out in a moment :)
that whole album is pretty good imo
The Pitt and Fly For Your Life are probably the two most-linked synthwave songs here, between me, Ben, and Kamil
oh yeah that one
I love it ^^
@SterlingArcher well, how do you feel it went?

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