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@Shmiddty lol
@KendallFrey you don't speak for everyone, missy
@ndugger I wish
is that not how that works?
does he chew ternaries?
but yeah, pretty cool
It's both National Sausage Day and International Girls Day
probs fake
@ndugger oh my
Oh, that's a meme dump... I only saw the first image
it annoys me that if I moment() an undefined, it becomes an invalid moment and not simply undefined
its infuriating
lern 2 prugram pleeb
damnit, moment? Really?
Does anyone know how to access a site's localstorage from chrome if the site is now offline? I was playing decisionproblem.com/paperclips/index2.html but it's now dead. I know chrome has my save file in localstorage somewhere, but from the "site can't be reached" page I am unable to access it
afaik, it's like a jQuery: meant for cross-browser compatibility, consistency, and utility, but not much reason to use it now
@towc whats a good alternative?
uhhhhh, @towc no
actually i should just ask that on the main site
If you're using dates, moment is still the defacto
@SterlingArcher can't find a youtube mirror
@KamilSolecki well, depends on what you need to do. Sometimes all you need is your own helper
but that is hilarious
@ndugger well, so is jQuery
but yeah, that "afaik" is there to show that maybe I'm not that sure about it
@towc no it isn't
you're deluded
no argument there, but...
@david Go to your chrome profile directory (which OS are you on?), there's a directory called Local Storage
I was just told: The rounded corners don't have a constant radius.
It's a bunch of sqlite files
@svgcoding do some googling please
@Zirak macos, i'll google the location though
even w3schools will teach you about it
althought please use mdn
Is the person not telling the truth?
I speak for everyone here
Is he lying?
no, he's not is he gone?
up to you to find out why
now please go do some research
ok. will do.
@Loktar holy shit that was so fucking funny
lol yea
> Real talk though I have some snacks in my car
lol remember when he died?
@Zirak damn it doesn't look like it's there
Whatchu think I do pilates?
anyone gonna play SW battlefront 2?
depends on what modes they have
it looks pretty good, my roommate has been playing the beta
@Zirak Nice one
if u learn something do u grow?
SW BF1 was so bad, def passing on 2
beautiful engine though
BF1 was terribad, but 2 seems somewhat better
still waiting to see how they balance it and stuff
battlefield 4 was alright
yeah if it gets really good reviews I might grab it
in my opinion
but not preordering/day one buying or anything
i won't be
@Tobiq yeah I didn't mind it
is terribad a word?
apparently they've made BF WWI more like BF4 with each update, or so I hear
I don't really play that one anymore tbh
that doesn't sound like a bad thing
I enjoyed BF WW1 and played a decent bit, but it was a little slow
yeah, I agree, I just got bored of WWI pretty fast I guess
the maps were too big for the speed/range of the guns
again beautiful game though
that frostbite engine is so pretty
on the smaller maps, or the ones where people grouped well, it was a ton of fun
tf... [ts] This syntax requires an imported helper named '__extends', but module 'tslib' has no exported member '__extends'
some of the bigger maps were unplayably dull
@ssube BF WW1 as in BF1
but we were talking about Battlefront too
and Battlefront Two
editor just being stupid
have to reopen all my files
we have battlefront, don't like networking, kind of sucks as a 1 player game but missions and trainings are fun
@david Try searching the whole directory for part of the website name
If it's not there though, sorry
@copy Do you know how terrible of a shot I am? This was a coincidence more rare than lightning hitting a shark eclipsing the moon eclipsing the sun
On Friday the 13th
do you play on pc?
Yes :(
@zirak it's all good, looks like you need to use an sqllite viewer thing too which is way too much effort
@david aw
I'm sorry for your loss
i don't really care, it was for a friend who hadn't finished the game yet
he can just restart
Fuck you then
@Zirak Sounds ... unlikely
i'm really appreciative of your help!
@Mosho OW is one of the first shooter games I've played for more than 10 hours, so it's just inexperience. And I'm a tard.
@david np at all
you said you play destiny too
On ps4, and just started
shame you can't play titanfall
that's one of my favorite shooters
cuphead looks cool
the second one is really hard, not sure I ever made ranked
does PgPromise supply any nice stuff for dynamic building of queries? I cant really find anything in the docs, but I might be missing something. (To be precise, I wanna insert where clauses conditionally, or at least pass them with some kind of a wildcard)
@KamilSolecki knex and some of the other query libs have that
not sure about pgpromise
@rlemon @KamilSolecki new Droeloe song
cc @RaisingAgent although it might be too trappy
I guess im going to have to write my own implementation
oh boy this going to be ugly af :P
Concat all the strings!
make sure you sanitize params correctly :D
I guess its gonna be a one-time func
too much effort to write a reusable one, I would just go with knex next time :D
what are a couple of tricks I can do to improve my webpack dev build?
handstands and kickflips
An FS 360 big hardflip always looks cool
was it something about blood today
whatcha did?
was your camera on?
I was trying to remove a stripped bolt to replace my headlight, and I jammed it real bad
were you trying to pick up goldfish without getting off your bike?
oh, I hate jamming my finger and bending the nail
nail injuries are so annoying
except i didn't jam the nail, I jammed the skin up
it's a flap of skin
it stings and is throbbing :(
pour vodka on it
ill pour ghost pepper sauce on it
every bike has a spot to hold a bottle, right?
dip it in the gas tank
drink the petrol and it wont annoy you visually at least
Are you required to put .innerHTML = ''; in every code you do, or only when needed?
drink that party liquor
@svgcoding do you even know what that's doing
It's for inputting text.
@svgcoding you are never required to put stuff in your code
@svgcoding That question doesn't even make sense, aside from the complete lack of context.
You were warned about vamping
Multiple times
@ssube You like that one, eh
@KamilSolecki not even code
@KendallFrey I do
but it's true all too often
@ssube well, unless you are dating a psycho :P
I wasn't. I was only asking a routine question.
@svgcoding What are you actually doing? Is it a school project? What training do you have? How old are you?
give us some context to the craziness we are all seeing
I was asking you to make me a code or anything like that.
@svgcoding this is not a routine chat room. Routine questions can be solved on google
You were warned multiple times to stop vamping heavily, you even agreed to me the other day you'd stop
So now you're going to be kicked if you ask a question google can answer :)
ok. Then this would be, like the last resort?
he's trying to modify blogger. which apparently gives limited access to inserting javascript. but not so limited that <script> can't be used, but for some reason he insists on using inline event handlers anyway for everything, which is weird and confusing
After I tried everything else?
@KevinB Exactly. Blogger only accepts certain types of code.
why can't you put it all in <script>
if <script> is available, you're not limited to certain types of code.
How do I add a button to my blogger sidebar? Log in to your Blogger dashboard.
Click on “Layout”.
Click on the “Page Elements” tab.
Click on “Add a Gadget”.
Scroll until you find the “Picture” option and click the plus sign button.
Click “Save”.
@KevinB You mean like this? jsfiddle.net/dkq2drvd
@svgcoding why are you doing this? is it a personal project? is it a school project? is it work?
@ssube I wrote it but its ugly af :D
as predicted
My heart hurts
where do those params come from
From a function that gets invoked on route by express
does anything validate that they're numbers?
Yeah ofc
After all validations pass, this gets invoked
And afaik pgpromise doesn't provide a nice way of building them queries dynamically like that
you could probably eliminate that first conditional and instead have one at the end that checks the length of your array
right, ofc.
man I would really really like to not have that piece of code in there
ue4 has a pretty interesting way to write "code"
alongside c++
wow, do you just drag and drop blocks ?
looks intuitive af
it can become spaghetti more literally than text code
but yeah, it's pretty great
imagine visualizing javascript that way
lots of contextual features
you drag a line out of something and you get all the possible things to do with whatever type is in that line
there're some projects that do it, it's called visual programming
it has breakpoints too
Anyone remember Alice 3D?
actually yeah, it could be interesting to make a visualization tool using something like esprima
OMG that sounds like an amazing project
OMG how did I not think about it before!
universities would love it!
too bad I have to send the application within 2 days from now
OMG why am I such a failure
Holy fuck @KamilSolecki how's that murdering coming along?
holy shit tim holman left codepen? :/
holy fuck he seems crushed
Surprisingly found myself jobless last week. Headed home to rest. Prob not ready to work until next year, but feel free to start a convo!
wait, maybe it was another job?
three omgs, two holy fucks, and a holy shit in a pear tree
@SterlingArcher speaking of your video, if that scared you, be mentally prepared for people trying to drive into you because they didn't see the bike
@towc make a mockup of the project. a Visualization without moving parts
Make the visualization with my custom stroke renderer
Make Kendall's stroke render cause strokes
there'll be plenty of strokes a'ight
still though, I genuinely don't have time for it
We can be rest assured @KendallFrey strokes enough for himself
I can lerp with the best
I'm still really struggling with making a personal statement, and I already have a decent amount of stuff to show for it
personal statement = piece of text in which you sell your soul to the devil in order to maybe get an offer, if anyone was wondering
my element has a click property, however, another element ontop of it has a click property too, how do i set it so that i click only one?
still trying to find out if tim holman's last job was at codepen
i click on 'SUBMIT' and it also activates 'Biceps' click event handler
i usually look up examples, "best personal statements"
I'm a Haskell programmer. We use expressions, not statements.
what do you use haskell for?
@KendallFrey probably why I'm struggling with this
too much state
to write expressions
doesn't make sense in the first place
@Ace stopPropegation
@Ace Mostly to stroke my ego
well, he's still listen in the background here 😒 codepen.io/about
anyone got ideas?
i click on one button and it also triggers the button behind it
how do i tell the button in front to not trigger the one behind?
I gave you the answer
they removed him from the team list on that same page. Will look through the web archive to see how long ago that was
@BenjaminGruenbaum ah i thought it was a response to the other question about haskell, thx
haskell is the answer regardless
@towc go back to sleep
and yeah, last wayback machine snapshot featuring him was 14 sept 😒 Next one taken was on 3 oct, so very likely was his latest job
@Ace I would if I knew how to
or maybe I wouldn't because I have a deadline
but the deadline is on something on which I need to be creative
you have task at your job?
or like a personal project?
I'm wasting my time here so who cares
job? Nah, I've been unemployed for a while
tending plants?
the god plant made me an offer I couldn't refuse, sure
im bored
someone cook me lasagna
console is logging the opacity value of an element (.5) as --> 0.50, .50, .51 wtf
are you sure it's a number?
you mean i should .tostring? or parse as decimal?
to get consistent answer?
I dunno, you do you
anyone, can you name some things going tits up in the tech industry?
@towc pornhub
anyone knows a good article about speed testing?
stuff like Moore's Law, AI, Quantum Computing (vs our current crypto systems)...
I am testing my own library to one of google
mine turned out... faster
@Wietlol you mean performance?
so, I suppose I did something wrong
@Wietlol it does less and is not as safe, don't worry
@towc ye, performance
google has a big library to search
safety here isnt an issue
@Wietlol google "performance test javascript"
its a pretty simple task
@Wietlol well, for google it is, hence yours might be faster, nothing wrong there
its protobuf
dunno what security must be in there
Hey, I know this isn't about Javascript, but is there an SO chat for people who generally review SO questions in general?
@Axoren Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Everything seems Language specific.
@Wietlol safety !== security
safety can be as simple as proper error handling
or type checking
or maybe expecting multiple parameter signatures
@CapricaSix Are you a bot?
how dare you?
@Axoren yup
I did add quite some error handling though
mismatched classes
invalid sequence of bytes
missing models
stuff like that
google has to be absolutely reliable, remember that
you don't
true :D
also, maybe they're supporting netscape or something
still, mine shouldnt be 10 times faster
@towc they were the first major website to drop support for IE8
did you google what I asked you to google?
@FlorianMargaine shhh I'm trying to tell someone they might be wrong
also, that's cool, didn't know that
@towc that is so untrue
well, probably more reliable than what he might have hacked up in a couple of hours either way
@Wietlol protobuf focuses more on payload size than performance, afaik
protobuf has 2 main advantages over most other serialization formats
1, its smaller
besides, iirc, protobuf is a streaming protocol, so it's easy to decode chunk by chunk
2, its faster
yeah, protobuf's selling point isn't speed
@Wietlol is yours smaller too?
If you want something advertising speed try cap'n proto
@Wietlol That's some oversimplification
not smaller
either equal or larger
protobuf lets you define and consume a protocol
depends on how you use it
also, ue4 has actual hot reload
Also, any testing you do may be biased: Check protobuf's tests themselves, see how fast you can get them to run when you use your implementation instead of protobuf or capn' proto
which is a little more impressive than hot reloading react
If you have something good then great, publish it
but it's more buggy than I expected
@Zirak do you know about lz4?
formChange = event => {
	const target = event.target;
	const value = target.value;
	const name = target.name;

		[name]: value
@Mosho what're you working on?
Is this destructuring or is there a different name for this?
and you use VS with an amount of declarations that totally cripples intellisense
@FlorianMargaine Just that it exists
@SterlingArcher inline dynamic property declaration?
@Zirak a game off a tutorial
that I will bake my own idea into after I'm done
@SterlingArcher You mean [name]? Dynamic property names
@Zirak how fast I can get them to run?
though the tutorial is 100% blueprint (the visual programming thing) and I'm doing mostly c++
Is that a new feature?
@Zirak you should use it everywhere. It doesn't compress very well (like, 50%), but it's so fast that it's basically free lunch.
@SterlingArcher You can use destructuring there though
I like free lunch
not for the final object
@FlorianMargaine ok? Where exactly though? I usually opt in to use xz
unless you want extra properties
10 second compilations are painful
this.setState([name] = [value, name]); ?
// @SterlingArcher
const target = event.target;
const { value, name } = target;
// or even
const { target: { value, name } } = event;
@Zirak wherever you need to store any kind of data
@SterlingArcher is that js
probably not
@Wietlol yeah, use their own tests as benchmarks
@Zirak ah I thought you mean inside the setState function
had to test it because I wasn't sure
// you could

// but you get a lot of extra stuff
oh, actually, this works:
I guess not if you use const { target: { value, name } } = event;
this.setState({ name } = target)
!!> ({ a } = { a: 1, b: 2 })
@towc {"a":1}
@towc {"a":1,"b":2}
nvm I need to test my shit
@Zirak well, im not sure how to run them... or even where I can find them
what are you guys doing
omg this works
!!> const { a: { b, c }, a } = { a: { b: 1, c: 2 } }; [ a, b, c ]
@towc [{"b":1,"c":2},1,2]
so you can use that if you really wanted, but at that point I recommend using 2 steps
that is 2 steps
because using 2 of the same property names in an object (let alone a deconstructor) is going to be very unreadable
well, the 2 steps in his case would be
const { a } = {...};
const { b, c } = a;
I don't even know what you're talking about
I'm trying to impress uncle sterling
he's looking to es6-ify his code even more
and by steps I mean lines, I guess
doing 2 different operations
formChange = ({target: {name, value}}) => this.setState({[name]: value})
ok that's a lot better tbf
depending on if he wants to do more stuff with that

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