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5:00 PM
He listens to the same music as 14 year old girls.
Q: ES6 template statement versus eval()

vitaly-tI'm considering to do an independent parsing for ${something} variables in a text string, to execute eval() on them and replace within the resulting string. Is there any specific to ES6 template variables to be aware of? Anything that makes them behave different from the way the standard eval() ...

@ton.yeung notice the 's
does cat copy to clipboard?
5:02 PM
2 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@SterlingArcher use your terminal
All I see is shit for xclip and pbcopy but I don't have those and can't isntall shit
I am using my terminal D:
Just select, right click and copy?
It's a huge file, and I cant scroll select
hey guys, i´m using my localhost for my webapp, and suddenly i´m having this problem on my chrome: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost
5:03 PM
@ton.yeung That's weird, my music tastes have stayed almost exactly the same for as long as I can remember having them.
@Japa sounds like you're having a CORS problem.
@Japa keep in mind that different ports on the same domain/host are still different origins
i don´t even know how to resolve this..but it´s giving me a lot of problems...now i cannot debug or anything else
i started mamp as always and did´t do anything different...what could do this?
Note that cross-origin means different protocol, subdomain, domain, and/or port. so even if the two apps are on the same server, they still could be cross-origin.
hwo do i resolve? pls help me.
5:04 PM
@ton.yeung I don't play an instrument, probably why I prefer music with synthesizers.
@FlorianMargaine pastebin.com/kP1u52S2 here's my directory stuff
@Japa Don't spam; you haven't given us enough information to help you
@Japa Please use english, not text speech.
@Japa first you have to figure out why it's being considered a CORS request, and if that's intended. we've already outlined the things that can make a request a CORS request.
@ton.yeung because of raves?
@ton.yeung if you like that... I saw Kutski two weeks ago. Great show, good music if you like hardstyle.
5:06 PM
@ndugger false, in the 7th grade I was more hair metal. Now I'm more post-hardcore
I miss old fashion techno and trance.
Kutski and Darren Styles played two weeks ago, seeing Morgan Page and Borgeous this weekend, Gramatik next month.
@ton.yeung this was a hardcore/hardstyle rave, actually.
lol, "old fashioned techno"
I know what you mean, but that's a bit of an oxy-moron
The world needs more "Human After All - Daft Punk"
first video was wrong
@SterlingArcher yeah... I'm asking for the full stuff for a reason. I think you have a configured user somewhere.
I can't believe there was a point in time I actually liked CNN. What I thought was them being unbiased, was actually them being spineless.
5:09 PM
I don't watch any news
@FlorianMargaine I can't give full, but the closest I see to that is: User apache Group apache and ServerAdmin root@localhost
@ndugger How do you find out what's happening in the world?
If something is bad enough that it warrants my attention, I end up hearing about it.
@Waxi he reads news
@Rishav thanks! How'd you know you can find me here, though?
5:11 PM
Yea I can't watch the news. Too annoying. Reading it is much nicer
CNN has mastered their trolling/click bait. Their headline: "A crisis of faith - Zika virus tests Catholic position on birth control". So many people will see this and not think anything of it, but who's agenda does this represent? Or why is it the homepage article?
I just read hn and Reddit yeah
MSFT wanting to put datacenters in the ocean, wonderful idea, time to invest in them!
so... I just watched The Shining... had heard that it was a great movie in the history of movies...
ended up always waiting for a jumpscare, but nope...
Reddit and a select few twitter accounts gets me informed about most world news
If it interest me enough I'll research the topic specifically
5:18 PM
@ton.yeung nah, it was just this particular show.
and it seemed pretty confusing as in "the story still makes no sense"
I thought reddit was like an internet joke, not to be taken seriously.
was one of that series of shows
@towc ? / 10
I'm not a huge fan of hardstyle, typically, but it was a great show. 600 people, good lights, plenty of poi and stuff.
5:20 PM
nowadays it's a "wtf / 10", maybe it was a hugely good movie when the dinosaurs were still alive
going to see him this weekend
Q: How to make dropdown based on checkbox value using angular?

komalI have some nokia mobile models with some offers.Here two objects is there one for nokia models with price another one for offers. For example i have offers for these two 1."brandname": "Nokia", "model":"Lumia" "submodel": "Lumia 735 TS" 2."brandname": "Nokia", "model":"Lumia" "submodel": ...

help me out
@towc You fell victim to expectations going in, because it's still a good movie, even if some things are left unexplained.
@towc yeah man I thought it was super meh as well
just not my kind of movie
5:22 PM
I expected it to kind of scare me... the most scary thing was the scared face of the wife
dude the wife was so weird looking
just in general
@towc really? I had to write a paper on it in HS for a Film as Lit class. It's a fascinating movie.
It was supposed to be creepy, not scary. Did you at least get that sense?
@Loktar dunno, she had a western europe vibe to it, looked good :P
ah, she just isn't my type then :p
5:23 PM
@towc by "western european" you mean "horse?"
Popeye is gonna beat your ass for talking about his woman like that.
Because western europeans are hot as hell. Horses are not.
@Waxi I hated when there was creepy music and nothing creepy happened, so when something probably creepy happened I was like "oh, ok"
If somebody ever remakes The Shining, they'll cast Sarah Jessica Parker as the lady.
5:24 PM
Are there spoiler tags for this chat?
@ssube a few of my romanian relatives look like that :/
@ssube LOL
@towc Do they pull carts?
Do they ever take off their shoes?
@ssube -_-
5:25 PM
@towc To me, the creepiest part is when they zoom in on the picture and you see he's reincarnated.
@Waxi repeatedly
he's part of the hotel
@Waxi it just felt like a really really bad transitions, as a web dev, I'd stab them :P
Kubrick is one of the best directors of ever
it par-pixel transitions over steps
@ton.yeung oh, that one was quite funny tbf
ok Michael Bay
not every transition has to be an explosion
some movies make you think about things
5:27 PM
It's coming back to the "I had expectations of what the movie was before I saw it" which ruins so many good movies.
if you thought The Shining was dull, watch A Clockwork Orange
it has more action but is done just as well
yeah a clockwork orange is much better imo
it will also make you think, so if you're a lazy fuck, you should probably just give up on films
still don't love that movie either, but I can appreciate it at least
5:28 PM
I really want to see Eyes Wide Shut, heard it's very Kubrick
What's the hostname option of server.listen about? I don't know much about networking. It seems like you'd have to listen on
@m59 then you only listen for loopback connections
if you want to listen for the outside world, you need to listen either on a specific IP, or to which means "everyone"
the IP you listen on controls where you can get connections from, based on the system's routing tables
usually, you use nginx in front of node though, so listening to is fine
if you have multiple IPs on the same box (like a router) but only want certain IPs to serve a page, then you specify
5:34 PM
@FlorianMargaine I would even say it's good practice, so node isn't listening on the internet
@ssube definitely
So, basically or unless you have some fancy stuff setup
imho, listening on a unix socket is even better
no TCP overhead between nginx and node
socket is less overhead, yeah?
5:35 PM
and it's clearly local
and access-controlled, iirc
yeah, classic permissions stuff
@m59, usually
@ssube the usual unix permissions apply to write/read from a socket
it's a "normal file"
so yeah overall... I prefer unix sockets
and you're saying it's usually better to give that as an argument? I've always left it blank.
@m59 assign it.
the default value is, which is no good
the idea to treat most things as files was definitely one of unix's better ideas
I feel like they took it a little too far in some places, though
5:37 PM
"the idea to treat most things as files was definitely one of unix's better ideas" in unix everything is a file
@Brendan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ssube it's why plan9 interests me... it takes this idea even further and does it "right"
but I have yet to actually use it...
@Brendan not everything everything
just almost everything
networking is where that idea goes to shit
networking is shit
5:39 PM
working is shit
I actually managed to set up a nix box as a router the other day, just using iptables and the kernel. Taught me more about networking. Still hate it.
Makes no damn sense.
@ssube I've read a fair bunch of posts lately about that, and using openbsd/pfsense is now tempting me
@ssube it does :P
(my first jobs were as network admin though, so I may be biased)
I just want this world to be free to DNS and HTTP1.1.
@FlorianMargaine I usually use pfsense, both on VMs ("WAN" network and "LAN" VM network with a pfsense vm) and at home (their appliance)
I'm starting to understand routing and gateways, but it's way more complicated than pointers and stuff
@ssube pointers are complicated?
5:41 PM
@ton.yeung you should screw with openstack (devstack, on a local machine) and its networking.
@AwalGarg pointers, references, locals, move semantics, copy/move constructors, etc
@ssube that's more like "C and C++ stupid and should die"
looks like my old dog
beagle pointer hound mix
@AwalGarg he's mentioning C++ stuff.
oh right, fixed
@AwalGarg but it's also kind of how memory is
5:43 PM
and these concepts exist in rust too, btw :)
@FlorianMargaine except that there they aren't insane
@AwalGarg they're the same concepts...
it's not because you didn't spend a week learning C++ that everything in it is insane and stupid.
@FlorianMargaine I mean, move semantics for instance aren't enforced from the compiler. usual "unsafe" stuff etc... it is much harder to have a dangling pointer in rust than these two languages
hi anyone is using sqlite?
@yongyun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
5:46 PM
@FlorianMargaine not everything, mind you. I am still a fan of C's simplicity.
@CapricaSix ok thanks for remind
hi , do you guys know how to use sqlite to generate the data dictionary?
in what language?
check what room you are in
haha , but i saw nobody at java or android room.. so i came here to ask
5:49 PM
why does that make sense?
if there was no one at the gas station, would you expect the pizza joint next to it to fill your tank?
i think the logic still the same?
you can ask, ofc. but don't expect answers from here.
it is very much not in the JS domain
@ton.yeung they can't?!
I just ate
holy shit I hate the school administration
what a bunch of knobs
how anything ever gets done is beyond me
I ran out of "whats" after The Shining, I should have reserved some for Trump's Nobel Price for Peace nomination independent.co.uk/news/people/…
not sure if who nominated him actually believed it or was trolling trump
@AwalGarg std::shared_ptr, silly
@ton.yeung they can! They just speak English, like the Queen and her consort God intended.

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