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12:03 AM
This is how everyone should, really, use a computer youtube.com/watch?v=dXp3BXTPesQ
I feel like I'm a few days behind on my internetting, so that's probably old
First world problems; I'm now trying to run more than 4GB of mods on KSP, and it runs 32-bit on Windows.
@KendallFrey why do you have 32 bit windows?
@KendallFrey mod recommendations?
@Loktar ._. no
12:13 AM
I have the planetary base mod, and mechjeb, and the docking mod
@rlemon RO/RSS
ah nm.
Thought you were weird and installed the 32 bit vs for some reason :P
planetary mod?
planetary base*
just some structures
I'm realizing that most of the mods for realism have been superseded by KSP updates
12:15 AM
I hear there is one that makes the orbits realistic with our solar system?
The new aero model is much closer to FAR and deadly reentry
@rlemon RSS?
Realism Overhaul suite.
it was like 2am when I was watching the video he mentioned it in and couldn't remember what it was called
Once you're installing so many mods, be sure to use CKAN
If you want to do career/science mode, be sure to use RP-0
12:32 AM
Hooked on KSP?
I can't wait for 1) 64-bit 2) multithreading
once we have those, KSP will be one heck of a space sim
12:48 AM
my obsession is growing out of control lol
^ adding pets to my game
lol derpy pets
That font color hurts my eyes
does anyone else think it strange that this is a problem?
var a = 3
function foo() {
  var a = a + 2;
  return a;
Is there good reasoning behind this, or just an odd JS thing?
!!> undefined + 2
@SterlingArcher "NaN"
1:02 AM
I don't really see this as odd -- you're overriding a
@SterlingArcher It's the best contrasting color I could find :P
It would be nice to do:
var fn = require('./whatevs')
function foo() {
  var fn = fn.bind(null, 123)
  // etc
Just avoids renaming the variable
Yeah. Maybe fnBuild = require('./whatevs')
sometimes it's just awkward =D
1:05 AM
@FlorianMargaine do you remember the solution you gave me for using a timeOut to check for a client reconnection?
on.disconnect() -> setTimeout(doLogoutShit, 30000);
on.connect(if (timeoutExists) checkSessionAndClearTimeout();)
Is this still a valid methodology for canceling a disconnection event in the appearance of a reconnection?
@Loktar there are ships (which are pure images) then there are bullets
that are transaparent and leave trails, missiles, lazers, asteroids and planets too
I optimized the performance by moving weapons and trail leaving things to a sepearate canvas which draws on an overlay
(towc's technique)
1:23 AM
The Towchnique.
1:54 AM
@Luggage o/ have an internet cookie for that.
2:09 AM
Here is the concept of the game I am working at : (Lets see what you guys think)
Its 4 vs 4, 8 vs 8, or 16 vs 16 (Whatever makes you happy)
1 v computer?
Players team up to pilot and shoot ships (1 Pilot, 1 Gunner)
At beginning of each round you can add stuff to your ship (like AI droids, Upgrade weapons)
There are three mission types ( Blow / Save the target, Diplomat Escort / Assination , Hostage Extraction / Defence --- yeah I like counter strike)
should I remove the necessity to team up for ships, I think it makes the game different because you have to collaborate
@phenomnomnominal its pvp AI is really sucky (and I have no clue how to make it better, as it will need path-finding and stuff)
so far driods just follow you in an aggressive or defensive stance (agressive will leave you to follow and kill fighter in range, the defensive will not leave you no matter) and they are sucky enough to collide with objects and get destroyed
Also for sake of simplicity & realism you have maps which are sectors and not the entire solar system / galaxy to fight.
2:28 AM
Can anyone tell me why does Angular.js have jQlite? Isnt it possible to do all in Angular?
Q: Does AngularJS really need jQuery?

AlanI was reading that AngularJS comes with a lite version of jQuery. However I keep hearing reference to people who talk about Angular and jQuery going together. I even checked out ng-grid and noticed that it says: Angular Data Grid written in AngularJS and jQuery by the AngularUI Team So if I...

Read this
^ nope
@SterlingArcher o/
@rlemon missed your ping. Node version 0.12.9
Remind me to check the serialport version tomorrow, I don't have access to the hub from home
> Sterling has reconnected!
3:06 AM
if (disconnection.delay && disconnection.sid == socket.request.sessionID) {
    disconnection.sid = null;
    console.log(`${socket.request.session.player.user} has reconnected!`);
@FlorianMargaine still works like a charm :D
!!should I use a server or keep building p2p
@Abhishrek keep building p2p
@SterlingArcher what are you using to host the game btw ?
// yours isn't latency critical though.
@Abhishrek server OS or programming stack?
or actual host?
DigitalOcean, Ubuntu 14.04, MySQL Express and NodeJS
Ow. ES6 not allowed in 2016 JS1k.
4:04 AM
No ES2016 in JS1k2016
4:35 AM
No ES2015 in JS1k2016.
4:55 AM
if I need tips on code refactor should I ask in code review?
@SterlingArcher actual host
oh how is your ping ?
5:29 AM
@Abhishrek hi ... wanted to ask regarding your photo gallery application
5:48 AM
@shortCircuit shoot
@AwalGarg where the heck are you ?
@Abhishrek did you use nodejs for api authentication ? and did you do google photos? or only flickr and instagram
and what packages did you use?
@Abhishrek hey I'm going to bed soon but will you be around tomorrow?
I want to talk to you about the job
some good news
i used passport and used fb, disk, insta and flickr
@Loktar am up in your timezone :P
and good news :D
ok cool Ill shoot you a message tomorrow
I'll be at home so we can even do hangouts
@shortCircuit If you have a specific refactoring aim, a specific problem to solve, I think you can ask it on SO. But general refactoring advise may be too board.
5:55 AM
@Loktar :D :D good news :D
eh screw it messaging you now :p
@Abhishrek so with passport I get the token with passport , save to db and then use github.com/totemstech/instagram-node .. although for flickr I used passport-flickr and github.com/Pomax/node-flickrapi the token I got from passport-flickr wasn't being valid when I was passing it as parameter
Something weird's happening with my browserify. If I use require(path) it's supposed to put that in the output file, right? It's not reading any of the requires I have in a file for some reason
its being difficult to integrate stuff :(
@SterlingArcher ahh dude a new video came out today from AA called "The Black"
so I was just confused
/me goes to bed
6:14 AM
Never mind with my problem apparently you can't do require( pathBaseVar + "Class.js" );
how inconvenient
@Abhishrek why does the token received from passport invalid when set here github.com/totemstech/instagram-node#how-it-works is the token not same as access_token?
6:55 AM
can i ask a question??
Good morning :)
7:14 AM
12am here lol
08:23 here
@TahaDhailey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
7:30 AM
Not as good as Caprica Six bot
Not as hot as Caprica Six bot
I've pretty much spent the last 3 hours just refactoring my code for browserify to work T_T
2000 lines of code spread across 20 files meh
Doesn't feel worth
@Lemony-Andrew you have experience developing android applications?
@Maurice yeah but probably not in the way you have
All my published games are android apps: lemonfinity.com/games.html
@Lemony-Andrew Oh, I just wanted to know how hard it is to develop a data tracker :D
7:33 AM
But games are a whole different genre
Haha If I knew what that was I'd try and help
I got an idea: If people are in a dangerous situation they can "do stuff". The point is that I need gps coords at first. Is it worth creating this?
Because battery and so on. Targeting group are friends (more the female say it would make sense)
You know, I wouldn't have a good opinion on that in particular. That seems like a choice you'd need to decide, it's best to do what you "have" to before what you'd "like" to. If it makes your job easier and gets the job done then do it. That's really all I can say, if someone's battery life is going to die your program would probably be the least of the drain on their phone.
@Lemony-Andrew ha, okay. I will try my luck. Thank you :D
7:40 AM
@Maurice Glad I could be of insight :). Good luck!
Is css filter really pooerly supported like this?
css filters are performance vampires.
Welp Browserify just gave me the bird
is this the filter as in filter: blur(4px)? I remember I saw many examples running well on chrome and firefox...
I used to though that it is with css3 and is supported well by modern browser...
filter is filter: blur(4px). Remember to make the filter static. Changing the css will kill performance
7:49 AM
@王庭茂 Yes. The chart is correct.
is there something i'm doing wrong?
1 message moved to Trash can
@TusharShukla Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
sequence= $(this).attr('data-sequence');
opt= "q"+sequence+"_option";
I see a syntax error. Do you see a syntax error in browser console?
@王庭茂 yes, it's unfortunately not really usable right now for the common web
7:50 AM
Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
@TusharShukla If you press F12 in your page (with bugs) and reload the page you can see javascript errors.
$("input[name^="+opt+"]").blur( // { <= I think you missed this symbol or is this a function?
@LinhPham Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
More than a symbol. Blur takes a function, not a block or object.
7:53 AM
i know, i use firebug, but i dont see error
@sheepy yes,
well that is a function
I think yoou mean this.
this is the actual code
This is quite different from the posted code, is it not?
7:54 AM
well i tried to generalize the code, sorry for mistake
And the problem is...? Something not working?
The posted code even have syntax error - -
yes, it not firing blur event
is it like hasFocus doesn't updated for you?
no no, hasFocus has nothing to do here, i mean it is of some other reference
7:55 AM
Do your console log 123 when you leave focus?
@TusharShukla Have you checked $("input[name^="+opt+"]").length is not zero and match the number of input you are expecting?
guys, it's so easy to make a fiddle, don't lose time without one
@DenysSéguret yeap, agree
7:56 AM
Just a minute, lemme give u exactly what i've tried
I don't agree. Anyway. @TusharShukla Both Firefox and Chrome has a DOM inspector. It shows you every DOM element... and the handlers attached to them. Even those added through jQuery.
If a event is not firing, first check that they are attached correctly. Second check that no other handlers called stopPropagation.
$("textarea[name^=question], input[name^=q1_option], input[name^=q2_option], input[name^=q3_option], input[name^=q4_option], input[name^=q5_option]").focus(function(){
        sequence= $(this).attr('data-sequence');
        console.log(sequence);//working fine
        quest= "question"+sequence;
        opt= "q"+sequence+"_option";
        console.log(quest);//working fine
        console.log(opt);//working fine
    $("input[name^="+opt+"]").blur( // not firing
Yeah, I think you need to use jsfiddle or the main SO site...
and in this blur event, if i do not concatinate the variable and just write exact name of the element then it works fine, there seem to be some problem with concatination
Do try to learn how to use the debug tools. You are very lucky to have them; when I learned JS we basically don't have any debugger.
8:00 AM
Use F12 debugger to check the variable.
@Sheepy Visual studio.. Does it have basic operation like step in and out, breakpoint, next, look up variable and continue?
i am using FIREBUG, and console.log are all showing up expected values. When i use that "CONCATINATED" syntax for blur, it does not work however if i simply write the exact name, it works fine
yay, the new Noblesse is out
@王庭茂 Not the full VS. The "script debugger". But it comes with VS. So almost every web dev I knew didn't even know it was possible to debug JS.
maybe try to pre-parse your selector first,

var selector = "input[name^="+opt+"]" ;

or setup Fiddle, or post a question on SO (hard to debug this way)
sure, gimme five minutes
8:03 AM
@shortCircuit should be same
what error do you get ?
@TusharShukla Don't use Firebug. The native debugger already serves you well. Set a breakpoint on the blur and check that the input actually exists.
Browsers do not make bugs like this. jQuery do not make bugs like this. Such errors are always caused by faulty logic on our part.
Oh maybe I know why your code don't work...
initially opt is undefined but as soon a user would focus the element, opt would have a value and it is visible in console as well
You should bind blur event when focus was handled and opt variable was set.
8:13 AM
@TusharShukla You bind the event when opt is undefined
umm... i didn't get it, sorry but can you please explain this to me
Your binding won't retroactively change once you set opt.
You need to bind the event handler only after opt has been set.
jsfiddle.net/wtm_w/y5p30yx0 @TusharShukla hard to explain, but check if this work
@TusharShukla I think you are trying to put $("input[name^="+opt+"]").blur within the focus handler, when it is actually outside the focus handler.
@王庭茂 That will bind the event every time you focus.
You'll execute the event multiple times that way.
8:15 AM
@MadaraUchiha I turn off the previous binded event when I'm binding
Ah, right, didn't see that one, my bad.
However now I think if you decided to design in this way you should off the handler as soon as the event is handled.
what is 0..* ?
@Mathematics 0 or more
0..1 = 0 to 1
0..* = 0 to ∞
what should I call these notations, it's not use case relationships neither er diagram
maybe I missed something
8:18 AM
@王庭茂 Thanks a lot.....very very much thanks, it worked
@TusharShukla jsfiddle.net/wtm_w/fwsj2a9n this way is better...
just one last thing, for my learning, what is this
i mean what is this OFF thing?
@TusharShukla Remove any existing event handlers first.
because on is for bind, so off is unbind.
element.on('event', function...)
8:20 AM
great, i didn't knew that, thanks a lot
and @MadaraUchiha Cool name :p
@TusharShukla Thanks, my mother gave it to me.
@MadaraUchiha U're kidding man... m a naruto fan too
Try to avoid off while you are learning - learn to attach the handlers you need and don't change them. Dynamically on and off make things more dynamic, naturally, and thus harder to follow or debug.
@TusharShukla That little brat has too many fans. Why are there no Madara fans ha?
I'm much cooler than that good-for-nothing kid
@Sheepy Ohh, ok, i'll keep that in mind,
@MadaraUchiha Lol, indeed.... the legendary Madara
8:23 AM
Just a curious question.. Now I discovered that my name is Chinese ( which I set a year ago and didn't care about how other can @ me.. ) and I'm talking to you which don't have Chinese input ( I guess ), how do you @ me?
When we @ we will have options of recent speakers :D
@王庭茂 well it just comes into suggestion :p
We can also click your message and select "reply".
Oh I see..
8:24 AM
And of course you are not the only one who can type Chinese.
And also how can I reference to all people I'm chating to now in one word in English? ( you sounds strange to me )
@taco Where you are in?
@王庭茂 Atlanta, Georgia, USA
@王庭茂 In this method, you put all 'blur' code in a variable, don't we have to call that variable somewhere? how is it working? (P.S. I'm new to jQuery)
@taco Oh is it like 3:26 AM now?
And its 2 p.m. here in India :p
8:27 AM
@TusharShukla you means inputopt? it is not blur code.. It is a reference to the element.
sup folks
@metalim Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don'task if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
jQuery will return the element when you call element.on so you can chain functions like .off.on.
It is 4 p.m. here in Shenzhen
@王庭茂 yes, I am working :<
@taco Oh so unlucky. Why is it happening?
8:31 AM
24/7 workplace
what does xandercoded tag mean in this room?
a joke I guess
also all tag links are broken. is that normal?
oh, not all
promises and xandercoded
could someone add "promises" alias for "promise"?
Had anyone here used the nodejs bulit-in debugger? i.e. node debug index.js
@王庭茂 I think so
8:41 AM
Do you know how to exit the repl mode without using ctrl+c, or ending the debugger?
well i guess that exits huh
don't seems to work..
.exit will just end the debugger.
I want to be able to quit repl mode without ctrl-c because I want to run the debugger under nodemon, which if I press ctrl-c I will kill the node process.
Do you have any other ideas how can I do this?
Good morning @Neoares Here Shenzhen is now 4:54 p.m.
9:54 A.M. here in Barcelona
8:56 AM
( In fact it should be :56 now -.-
no, here is always :54
9:16 AM
no, there is always :16
o.O true that
Can someone explain to me :54 and :16 ..?
and pancakes
yo mama so fat she's in multiple universes
@王庭茂 dude, change your tmux config, the default one is ugly
@FlorianMargaine That's a good news, now there is a hole to be used as access to other universes
9:23 AM
@FlorianMargaine I only add one thing which is to disable auto-renaming windows..
What other stuff should I config? ( probably navigate using hjkl? )
the colors
the numbering
that's the conf I used, it has a few goodies github.com/ralt/.dotfiles/blob/master/tmux.conf
(one nice thing is the man command)
9:28 AM
Could somebody find another older QA for closing ?
Q: Comparing to null values

palAlaaI am trying to check if value is NULL before I process the flow.. if (index === 'serving_obj' && nutritionArray['size'] !=='') { } It keeps return this error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of null I am testing if it's null or not. Why the browser read it before testing ...

@FlorianMargaine that's an interesting idea: bind-key ' last-window
look in jAndy answers
You are correct dear! The problem was from nutritionArray itself.. — palAlaa 1 min ago
That cringe.
And the other identical answer is downvoted...
(I was looking, there was no error, it didn't change)
9:29 AM
@FlorianMargaine I don't think it would answer
!!> 1 === '1'
@underscore false
@underscore ???
i don't understand the reason behind nutritionArray['size']
@KarelG you're right, it's a bad practice, you should comment
9:31 AM
@KarelG yeah, nutritionArray['length'] would be better
or nutritionObject['length']...
10:09 AM
!!> !!('1')
@underscore true
!!> !1
@王庭茂 false
Useful bot...
10:35 AM
10:57 AM
sorry .. i don't know chinese
Me neither
hai is like a pinyin in my Chinese eyes...
Chinese pronunciations as alphabet
how to write hello in chinese ??
11:08 AM
which is hai
ok .. am bad at it
[ OK If you ask me how to "write"... that's why I don't like Chinese.. The writing system is too complicated for me that I often get characters wrong ( which is awkward ).
[ I mean, handwritting
@Neoares 嗨/
11:11 AM
@Maurice \嗨
better than o/
Yeah is more hipster
it's o/ v2.0
11:13 AM
It's like "sup" and "bra"
@Neoares o/ v1.1
posted on February 02, 2016

After my recent post about updating Chromium WebViews I was contacted by Scientia Mobile, the company behind the WURFL database, and was offered actual real-life stats! The situation is less dire than I assumed. About 90% of the users do in fact use the latest Chromium WebView. This number is based on several hundred million hits in December 2015, primarily from North America and Europe. Th

11:38 AM
I'm staring at it like an idiot for 5 minutes, and only when I come to ask I see the answer.
hi someone used gulp nodemon with node-inspector?
Probably that is why Rubber duck debugging works @MadaraUchiha
@shortCircuit nodemon node debug index.js like this should work
@chinese/japneese name .. pastie.org/private/hjlwnrdhrf4tqnxw4npcfw I am running gulp dev .. it shows that debugger listening on port 5858 .. but then where do I access it? localhost:8080/debug?port=5858 .. address invalid ..
@shortCircuit node debug localhost:5858
BTW, Can I change my stackoverflow username so that others could @ me easier?
Oh I see, actually could...
Maybe I should wait for cache to update...
when I put debuuger; in my nodejs's js code, it shows unexpected token
11:51 AM
yeah .. I wrote debugger
})).then(datas => debugger)
Is it something like Coffeescript?
no.. its es6 :D
@shortCircuit debugger is a statement, not an expression
11:55 AM
oh . so its treating as return debugger
btw, nice syntax. Thanks for mentioning
how may of you uses ES6
I only use the const syntax in node.js

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