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@Waxi there is such a thing as a non-violent break up
@Waxi if you can stand to be near someone for a couple years, you probably are compatible on a friend level
Good friends date, realize they're not right for each other, go back to being friends
@SterlingArcher So it's your dick that makes them crazy.
personal feelings at that point make you not want too
some people can handle it, some cannot
100% situational
@Waxi I'm friends with most of my exes. The only one that I'm not is because we stopped being in contact. There was a pregnancy scare and when it turned out to be nothing, she dumped me, and I never spoke to her again, lol
@Trasiva well I'm 1/7 on that theory, and on an adverse theory, there is a 100% chance my dick will not cure crazy.
So that's a decent ratio
I understand it's situational, but it doesn't make it right, because you're still not giving yourself 100% to your partner, you can't argue that.
@SterlingArcher But were they crazy before you played tickle the pickle?
@Waxi you absloutely can argue that
lol, your views are skewed. You're allowed to have friends.
@Waxi with that logic it's like saying you can't have any friends
@SterlingArcher with that logic, no women I've slept with has contracted schizophrenia, so I can conclude my Mountie cures brain things
@Loktar You're splitting yourself among multiple women, when your current should be good enough!
because if you have anyone else you spend time iwth you aren't giving yourself fully to your partner
YOU don't believe it's right, doesn't make it a social law
@Waxi so you can have 0 female friends?
I've never had a girlfriend that was so ridiculously jealous that she didn't let me speak to my friends that were girls
You can't be friends with an ex, there is too much history and chemistry there...and nothing to gain besides maintaining that connection.
There's a difference between having lunch with an ex, with "permission" (not sneaking around) and polygamy
@ndugger I've had a few. Looking back, they were all pretty unhealthy relationships.
The ones who were really adamant about it were insecure about themselves and one did end up cheating.
@Waxi can, and have done, and has not caused an issue
One of my best friends is a girl. If I wasn't allowed to talk to her, I would break up with the girlfriend.
just checked this chat ... keh @SterlingArcher
@SterlingArcher How did your current feel about the situation?
@Waxi if it was somebody you should have dated in the first place, somebody you actually liked and enjoyed being around as a person, you should stay friends.
@rlemon impressive track record on the schizo cure
anyways, I gotta go run some errands
The things you liked about that person probably haven't changed.
@Waxi I showed me current the attention and honesty she would have expected and she was fine with it
!!afk pee, then errands, then home
@Waxi That's a load of crap and you should know it.
She may have been crazy, but every woman who knows me knows I'm not a cheater
@ssube depends if it was just temporary infatuation blocking you from seeing their shortcomings
@ssube That's exactly why you can't be friends with them!! You have lingering feelings you won't let go off and your current is not filling that void.
regardless my wife and I do not maintain friendships with any ex's anyway.
@Waxi Feelings aren't bad. You have feelings for your friends.
But I'm unfair. I'm like a robot with my feelings. They're on a switch
They were all losers because they weren't me
@Loktar totally true.
That's why I'm not butthurt I'm losing Red to texas
Hell.. she's trying to set me up with her friend right now O.o
@Waxi remember when I said "some can, some can't" well we can conclude you are the latter :P
I prefer to date people I'm already friends with ("hey, we're friends, we're hot, let's see what happens") and prefer to stay friends if it doesn't work out.
conceded that isn't true for all
It's a lot easier to have a good time and a lot easier to let it go safely if you already know somebody and have some amount of trust.
@Waxi wtf?
skinny dipping is a lot easier if everyone has seen me naked
then why did you break up?
I broke up with all the girls I was with because I was over them
@rlemon I can attest to that
I'll just say that it's pretty beta to maintain friends with an ex. Why are you even thinking about this girl anymore? You two didn't work out, move on with your life. Holding onto the past is kinda weak. You should be moving forward with your next conquer. I don't understand this thinking at all.
no feelings left over.
if you have feelings.. wtf would you call it off lol
@Waxi you don't need to understand this thinking, that is fine for you
@Waxi Your problem is that you can't draw the line with your feelings. You can have fond feelings for someone as long as you realize that you two broke up for a reason and that for you two to remain friends you need to keep those feelings in check.
In my experience, dating somebody you don't know leads to expectations, which leads to fear, resentment, and anger. Dating somebody you do know starts with some knowledge and makes it so much easier to just enjoy being around each other.
you can continue to live your life like that
I couldn't imagine juggling exes in my mind when I have a girlfriend.
@Waxi stop saying things like it's a rule. It's not beta to maintain, you feel that it is beta
Then you see where things go and let it work out however it will.
@Waxi that is beta as fuck
understand other people maintain perfectly healthy relationships with ex's
what you just said
I don't think you understand what Alpha and Beta are.
@Waxi Man, what are you? 12? That was hands down one of the most beta things I've ever fucking heard.
Truth hurts, betas won't let go of their exes, while alphas try to fuck them. I'm not sure where in that divide you fall though.
Rule 1: never cuck yourself
@Waxi lol you are beta as fuck bro
ITT: the world as Waxi sees it
@Waxi Treating people as a conquer is super fucked up. You shouldn't date anybody you wouldn't be friends with.
knight in shining beta armor
be me, beta af
@Meredith um, is it safe to google cuck?
I delete my .exes after they execute.
@ssube but bitterness is real
All I hear is you guys justifying why you can't let go of a past love lol
then I empty the recycling bin
@Loktar gtfo
and it is easy to hate the ones you once loved
If you couldn't be friends if you were both ugly, you shouldn't bother dating. It won't work.
@Waxi and all I hear is you being ignorant as fuck
carry on m8, doesn't effect me :D
alpha.com, because I ain't got time for .exe's
I'm more of a gamma
@SterlingArcher No, probably not
@SterlingArcher fedora and eyeliner?
that is awesome
Nailed it.
seriously who brings up beta and alpha as a realistic argument point
that is comedy
@Trasiva lol gifvs dont' autorepeat
does his neck have a beard or is his neck the beard?
@SterlingArcher I...
I'm so alpha I need to give all my love to one woman, I ain't even allowed to have other female friends! That's what alpha totally means.... right?
Answer me this, what are you getting from your ex turn friend, that you're not getting from your current, and if you're not getting it from them, why are you with them?
to pretend for a second you can know why people are friends with ex's because you have personal hangups on it is ignorant. don't pretend like you are an expert on the subject
@Waxi A second friend.
@KendallFrey just bask in the glory of the reference game
@Waxi what do you get from your mom that you don't get from your dad?
Why even have 2 parents, seems super beta to me
If you're getting a second friend from your current SO, they have multiple personalities and should see a doctor.
@Waxi I still have a good time hanging out with them, there just wasn't enough there to be the foundation for a dating relationship.
I think Waxi must think it to be impossible to be friends with the opposite gender and not want to fuck them
That's why I suffocated my dad
@Loktar omg
I only need one parent, because I'm super alpha
remember when he died
@Loktar lol
@Loktar one time I broke both arms...
TIL Loktar is probably some kind of insect
does anything else eat their parents?
(I really hope someone gets that joke)
sorry I derailed the convo, but the argument on one side is getting way too crazy
@rlemon it's a great mom joke ;p
I'm not saying you can't be friends with girls while you have a girl, I'm just saying you can't be friends with your ex. And your current girl is not OK with it, even if she lied to you about it just to make you happy.
yeah, I think the whole thing can be summed up with
@Waxi false. My ex gf and my prev ex gf became good friends
You should date people who are cool. If you do that, when you're not dating, they might still be cool. Then you can be friends, that's cool.
@SterlingArcher You've proven to be a 1% in your wild ways...
@Waxi that is making very big assumptions about everyone else and how they conduct socially.
@Waxi Just. Shut. Your. Mouth. With. Those. Absolutes. Slow enough for you?
@Waxi classic JavaScript
on face value, just by making the blanket statement, you are wrong and ignorant
yeah the absolutes are what get me @Trasiva
@Waxi ok, you're getting pretty sexist. That's not acceptable here.
you have a problem with it
don't push your shit on us
eh I don't think he is being sexist
@Loktar absolutes and arguments. There's a math joke in there XD
You need to stop with the absurd comments treating women like jealous nutters.
yea I don't see that. ignorant, yea
but not sexist
I won't lie, I'm literally the best edge case here. My exes are crazy af, and I don't have emotions
ignorant... about how women think
I'm all about dat ass
Plenty of dudes don't want their girls to have guy friends
so assuming they're all little bitches
@Loktar Dude's last 'girlfriend' probably required lotion and a softcore cvs block on a new bra.
p.sure that's sexist
and also not a particularly inviting room environment
@Loktar yea. some can, some can't
@SterlingArcher no treble
get in my car
Last time someone said that to me, it didn't end well
Waxi clearly has personal hangups about it and assumes everyone else must be lying to him or themselves because he cannot seem to grasp a concept
The BBQ sauce was delicious though
I'll just say it again and I'm done; betas won't let go of the ex, and alphas are fucking their ex...decide which one you are and own up to it.
Did it involve a pen cap that comes off for like... no reason?
@Waxi dude, shut the fuck up
19 secs ago, by rlemon
Waxi clearly has personal hangups about it and assumes everyone else must be lying to him or themselves because he cannot seem to grasp a concept
@phenomnomnominal easy bro
@Waxi ?
so are you a delta?
@Waxi If you wanna keep up the men's rights stereotyping, I'm going to kick you.
@SterlingArcher nah man, this is not the place.
so confused with your beta/alpha argument.
@Loktar no bro, he's full release now
@phenomnomnominal I agree, but that stfu should ba a) calmer, and b) to the topic
he went gold!
greenlit and everything
2 patches in
@Loktar Worse, @Waxi is an omega.
99 reviews. very positive
@Waxi I'm a foxtrott
@rlemon I'm just gonna stay early access so if I wanna totally ditch everything one day, nobody will get pissy.
On nomnom's note, we should drop the shit out of this topic
interesting haven't heard hte Omega term @Trasiva
@ssube but you still charge $39 and have DLC
you fucker
@jhawins uniform charlie kilo
Haha. I'm laughing so hard over here. So much rage.
@rlemon I got the D, the L, and the C.
@Waxi not rage, just pointing out your ignorance
I just bought a truck with no transmission and no title.
lol come on don't kick him
now he thinks you really are mad
also, pity !== rage
as soon as you try to tell other people what they think, you are being an ignorant twat
just get it
and stop doing it
not cool with the whole sexism "haha you guys so ignant" thing
@rlemon Let me guess: You previously used the browserify branch, and now you ran the master one
@rlemon You don't really think that
@Loktar The only reason I even knew it was because there was a movie about it that I took a girl and her kid to see.
@Zirak nope
fresh computer
installed the userscript like 6 days ago or something
eh I dont think there was sexism involved, but whatever still not a good topic for the chat
@ssube yeah, neither, and I don't think we should put up with it in here.
@ssube agree with that kick. It was just more flame fuel
@rlemon Right, the memory was from a browserify branch
ran the memory today. the one command taught between won't go away
in fairness a room owner brought it up
the memory was from the branch like a million years ago
Which version are you running now?
@Loktar yes, but it got out of hand
@Loktar the alpha/beta, "conquer your exes" thing?
that's the specific part I kicked for
@ssube I think you're really reaching on sexism
you brought up sex to begin with dude
// ==UserScript==
// @name ChatBot auto-loader
// @author Zirak
// @namespace ZirakInSpace
// @version 0.1
// @description Loads the bot when you visit a room
// @include /chat\.stack(overflow|exchange)\.com/rooms/\d+/
// ==/UserScript==

var s = document.createElement( 'script' );
s.src = 'https://raw.github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/master/master.js';
document.head.appendChild( s );
console.log('Injected Bot!');
treating people like something to be conquered is pretty not ok
and incestuous relationships
> You should be moving forward with your next conquer
So that's the master version
@Zirak but this doesn't solve the localStorage issue
That is way past the line for me
@ssube oh you said that. Yeah I was trying to find it
Guys it's over, let's let it die please?
localStorage changes made in the console do not persist past a refresh
Because I dump memory on beforeunload :D
Internet shields are up
@Loktar yes, I did. As an anecdote about a group of people and how they handle it like adults. Folks may not like it, which is cool.
ohh really? you fucker
so load the page without the bot
Run the browserify branch of the bot, it'll work
dump memory
@ssube lol my point is the whole topic isn't really a JS room topic. Picking on one dude doesn't change that :p
There's a big difference between that and advocating that you have to "conquer"-fuck people or you're a bad person.
load bot
got it
Hello There
oh lord, he wasn't even saying that
No no no :(
stop being babies.
too late
doing it
I have a one problem, Can you help me ?
@Loktar he literally said that
...but that won't solve the underlying problem
I didn't see sexism
he was trying to shove his insecurities on everyone
yeah he wasn't saying it in that context. He was using examples. I didn't agree with his viewpoint, but the dude wasn't being sexist.
what @rlemon said.
Would a woman have been comfortable in this room?
@phenomnomnominal would a llama?
I'm a man and I wasn't comfortable

I need to wrap item with div, Can you help me ?
I'm not going to speak for women.
@rlemon this
No doubt he was generally being an ass about it
it wasn't about sexism
don't make it about sexism
this isn't twitter.
but there was a factor of gender superiority to it
or tumblr.
Hey boys, Will you help me ?
@SterlingArcher this isn't tumblr. (source)
gender was mentioned, doesn't make it sexism
Shit man did liberal arts classes let out already?
ok, sexism was the wrong word on my part. He was just saying you should treat people like not people.
I guess it's 3:30
@FlorianMargaine could you confirm I didn't do something stupid in here?
Arguing about why he's an ass is stupid
For the record, his advocacy to dehumanize ("conquer") other people made me supes uncomfortable. That's what the kick was for.
@Chicharito what have you tried?
@Chicharito you want to wrap existing elements in other elements?
yo dawg
Are you trying to wrap brogrammatically, or just static html
@PeeHaa hiiii
!!tell Chicharito welcome
I want to wrap all input and label elements <div class="checkbox">
Like this

//<div class="checkbox">
// <input id="chkbListType_2" type="checkbox" value="28">
// <label for="chkbListType_2">ITEM 3</label>
What have you tried in order to accomplish that
@rlemon I'll just merge browserify to master
We can read your fiddle, please listen to what we are typing ._.
@Chicharito are you using jQuery?
@rlemon help, afk, ban, coffee, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, user, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angryticks, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, asdf, asians, awesome,
didn't solve it
ban coffee?
@phenomnomnominal Yes
wtf man.
/me triggered
!!tell Chicharito jquery wrap
wait, fuck, could I be throttled more because I'm running cap. do they somehow throttle based on ip?
that went well.
ok @CapricaSix
@CapricaSix I now this function
@rlemon I awoke on Wed, 03 Feb 2016 21:24:44 GMT (that's about 1 minute ago), got invoked 4 times, teleported 5 goats
@SterlingArcher hahaha
@SterlingArcher That gif, oh my god, haha.
hrm, only one of her running
@CapricaSix I can not make it with wrap function
why not
@Chicharito why
@Chicharito what about api.jquery.com/wrap
Loktar I swear
@Loktar no no no, @Chicharito needs to use api.jquery.com/wrap?v=newest
@rlemon ah damn you have the updated vs of the link
Because I want to wrap input and label in same div tag
lol alright I'm in a stupid mood I need to get work done :P
@Loktar sure do!
@SterlingArcher Dude, you can't just be calling everybody green like that.
He needs some
That's super offensive to the redtriarchy.
in another life @ssube was a SJW
sometimes it bleeds through
I hate you all
@rlemon SJWs typically bleed when punched.
Nope, patriarchy
You're very thin skinned
I actually have kinda mixed feelings about it, but the whole treating people like objects thing is super not cool for me. Don't really care about any of the other issues.
No one wants to rag on me for making bad financial decisions?? Come on I baited and everything
@Zirak You have the skin of an eggroll: thin and crispy.
what did you do @jhawins
I bought a second Ranger to rob the motor out of for mine. Actually not a bad decision. But I'm so excited to get my truck back I need to annoy the room with the news!
Ah ok that makes more sense
@jhawins I guess you didn't fully dodge that coat hanger if you decided to make that poor of a decision. Feel better now?
I got it for $200 lol so once I take the motor out I can scrap it... For $200. It's free!
damn dude great deal actually
@rlemon @SterlingArcher got the shipping email for my vape. Should be here Friday, I hope.
But it costs me more because I have to pay to have it removed then installed vs. buying one already pulled and just paying for the install.
@ssube wahoo!
Anyway. Back to JavaScript lol
@jhawins no one will rag you for buying toys
no one cares when Loke spends x hundreds on keyboards
whatever makes you happy m8
keyboards are important
who here only has one or two keyboards?
I only have one that cost more than $20
I have 2, if you only count what i have at home
then I have like 10 $20 keyboards
do pianos count?
Whether you have 2 $100 hookers or 10 $20 hookers, you still have more than one hookers.
@ssube yeah m an seems crazy to me! :p
but it's time to get a new one, my spacebar is starting to wear out
I think I'm the only one in the building where I work who funded their own keyboard
and took it home during Christmas break lol
@Loktar Hahaha do you still use yours?
@Loktar have you seen the super hacking keyboard?
@ssube no?
splits in half, you can pick ANSI enter or the other one
lemme find the kickstarter
@jhawins yeah it's there
@ssube woah interesting
but yea, I need a new kb for work
I'm using this logitech k120
haha omfg, that is awesome man
splits in half and you can add a nubbins
its as small as a poker, but splits
that's pretty sweet
yeah. A little too pricey for me.
I'm happy with my quickfires.
@jhawins see, next time people give you shit for buying truck stuff just refer them to their last PC hardware nerdout
man so pricey omg
@ssube I have seven or eight keyboards at home.
@ssube yeah just noticed the price, jeeze
@Loktar $250 list price. :( too much.
why is it that hobbies are so expensive
yeah I have like 10 or so at least
Maybe they'll mass produce it and it'll go down.
yeah that would be nice
Oh yeh, that old capitalism thang. But still.
@ssube $220 for that keyboard? They can kiss my ass!
most I'll pay is like $200 for a fullsize one
the poker3 was worth the $120 though easily
I'm totes ok with a $120 board, but not more than $150
that thing is so gorgeous
$100-120 is the sweet spot
yeah definitely
the guy behind me has a poker
I use a quickfire rapid at work btw, great keyboard, esp for the price
$15-45 is the sweet spot
@Loktar I was surprised. CM hardware usually isn't great.
wait what
@KendallFrey no, that is 1000
yeah they did a nice job though
!!play KSP and drink beer or program and drink not beer
@rlemon program and drink not beer
but... KSP
KSP and not drink beer!
you heard the bot
@Loktar but... beer!
wifes at her mothers tonight
I can take off my pants and get sloppy
@rlemon That's what I usually do lol and they are like "But I don't drag my PC through the muck and snow and mud"
lemonparty tonight?
Oh god
Google does not return nice things
@jhawins "no, but I'm less ashamed of my muddy truck than you are of your torrent history"
@rlemon When you order as much shit as guys like us do you have the CC memorized....
I don't
saved on all sites
Just me?
I remember maybe half the numbers
and the ccv
I feel uncomfortable with saving it everywhere.
@rlemon master branch is using browserify, god help us all.
I remember the CCV for one of my cards, cause it's 666
was pretty excited when that came in the mail :P
by everywhere I mean Amazon, Google, and dx
@Zirak But...why?
The voices told me to do it
@Zirak dude, I already fixed it
your services are no longer needed here
go back to your bridge
It's seven
@Zirak @Loktar @SterlingArcher @KendallFrey I could be convinced to join a hangout tonight tho
bah I would, listing the house tomorrow
so super busy tonight
I've been late to work every day this week, I have to go sleep
I can't be mad
hurry up and move so we can have a real "hangout"
@Zirak you are employed?
That's a setup for a "yo mama" joke
humpday hangouts?
Yo mama is my mama
But I will be MIA for hangouts tonight. Going to Reds
Maybe. I might make an excuse so I can go home and code
Rouge is still around eh
@SterlingArcher You're so full of shit.
How's married?
Haven't talked to her in a bit.. couple weeks now
Rogue still here till... April? Then texas
she's trying to set you up with friends but will be around for 2 months?
yup, gonna be some romcom shit up in here
$5 says it ends with a box of puppies or a threeway
@ssube inorite
she's gonna fall in love. you're already so in deep you can't see it.
she'll leave
that's the extent of my romcom knowledge
you'll develop a drinking problem
then one trip to texas later, she's preggo and you're fleeing to Canada
I've seen the future
@SterlingArcher you should really try being alone and miserable like me.
is much simpler
@rlemon then does Walker Texas Ranger come after him? D:
It's shockingly simple right now.
She calls, I come over
booty calls that last >6mo probably have developed into feelings and you both are afraid to admit it
just like you don't trim dem brows
I know your secrets
I've already let go tbh :P
who doesn't trim their brows? heathen
now, I could be totally wrong.
but bro, I've seen that big ol teddy bear heart
you are not fooling me bruh
One day you'll come to realize I simply have the most perfect eyebrows
@ndugger I found some hipster-wear for you slidebelts.com
@jhawins ndugger is afk: pee, then errands, then home
big old jello mold
oh, Sterling is definitely a giant teddy bear
dats you
one day he'll meet the right person and be all for that forever
I'm definitely a teddy bear, but I'm a different man when it comes to women
Seems kinda like why I date friends
Masturdating is where it's at
I'm for lack of better words.. selfish. I love me, and really only me
I have analytics that are fired just before a user leaves the page, but they get cancelled if the transition occurs fast enough. how do I deal with that?
So it's super easy for me to like somebody, and immediately turn it off
@rlemon That happens if you are only friends with benefits with each other.... Sterling likes to, uhh, let the branches grow
@SterlingArcher ummm
@SterlingArcher have you considered you might be a psychopath? :P
oh my god
@Mosho interrupt the leaving of the page, do the request, then send them on their way is unfortunately the only solution unless you want to use synchronous ajax.
@ssube honestly? Potentially.
@ssube I don't.
@KevinB well shiet
or, a redirect page.
@SterlingArcher I mean, being honest, we all have.
It's worth considering, just to make sure you aren't.
who here hasn't been driving down the highway and wondered "what would happen if I just yanked the wheel 90 into the median"
redirect page would at least preserve middle click (open in new tab)
@ssube Every therapist the military and VA has forced me to see says I am.
we don't do it, we are not psychopaths
If you don't occasionally check and make sure you're not a terrible person, you might wake up one day and find out you are one.
but who doesn't think it amirite?>
@rlemon every day lol
you are not alone
we are all fucked up inside
if being a psycho is scary, then you're probably ok
@rlemon Usually I try to calculate how to cause maximum damage, but I have a short ride to work, so I don't see that many cars, lol.
That's why I dip the pen in the psychotic ink
@rlemon Is it worth trying to get the joke or should I just let this one go over my head
like, I'll think about yanking the wheel, then I'm promptly like "holy shit nowaiman"
@jhawins his desires are coldfusion
I'm following...
@SterlingArcher no, you do that because the sex is better.
that is proven
Also true
crazy is just too good :(
that isn't a gender thing
@rlemon I wonder that alllllllll the time lol
goes both ways
the crazier you are, the better in the sac you probably are
That explains a lot
it's because you have fewer reservations
is there a more sexy way to do this:
throw yourself into whatever you're doing more
function getProps(el){
	let o={};
	for (let i = 0; i < el.attributes.length; i++) {
		let attrib = a.attributes[i];
		o[attrib.name] = attrib.value;
	return o;
it's good as a temporary thing, just not as a way of life
(get the attributes of an html element)
function getProps(el) {
	return [...el.attributes]
if you need them copied into an array
for (let i = 0; i < el.attributes.length; i++)  o[attrib.name] = a.attributes[i].value;
Ohhh that's way sexier
I'd prefer an object, let me check
something like this maybe: let a = Object.assign.apply(null, {}, ...el.attributes);
@ssube way of life eh?
Just use attributes
Just call me Sterling Gray
@phenomnomnominal why apply
shouldn't matter
cause attributes is an array

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