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whatta 1:1
removed the line aswell and pasted css
Hey all.
what is the difference in saying foo with value null and foo with value undefined? why both?
var foo;  // foo's value is 'Undefined' primitive type, where the variable's value is string 'undefined'
var foo = null; // foo's value is 'Null' primitive type, where the variable's value is literal 'null'.
@GottZ I like this one
pure css power
@BenFortune if its loading too slow the animations get slight out of sync.. i hate it
I never know how to organize scripts. I just throw everything in one file and minimize it later. Any suggestions? It's literally just small scripts for like, closing alerts and little things like that
@overexchange i think you answered your own question.
I could put it in a partial I spoose...
@overexchange That was pretty clear. One is 'undefined' and the other is 'null'.
@overexchange Because null !== undefined
@JoshLeBlanc i use embercli alot for asset compiling etc... but maybe ember is not good for you.. i dont know.. maybe you prefer angular as everyone does.
I said small scripts
@rlemon is nice o______O
!!>JSON.stringify({one: null, two: undefined})
@Luggage "{\"one\":null}"
@Maurize pure css power
Isn't Alison Brie a porn star?
no, she is a hot actress.
@rlemon maybe we should all switch room to css.
@rlemon deeze selectors... ul, ul:target:not(:last-child) ~ ul
@Trasiva HAH! My girlfriend said the exact same thing when she saw she was in Bojack Horseman
Alison Brie is my lover
she just doesn't realize it yet
Why would people think she's a porn star? She's a true American hero!
@JoshLeBlanc I just looked her up, no...not a porn star, but I wouldn't kick her out of bed in the morning.
she's in Community
@rlemon Best porn ever???
@FlorianMargaine not as long as I keep the drug supply constant
@BenFortune btw its based on this: img.pr0gramm.com/2015/06/22/58aa2407d38a80c5.gif
@Kippie there's no "best porn ever"
Beg to differ
@GottZ Too fast, making me edgy
I watched a pirates of the carribean porn parody with my girlfriend
It was hilarious. 10/10 best comedy of the year
Did you jack it, though?
i found this yesterday.. i'm still a bit confused: youtube.com/watch?v=6piw3sCcFG8
Hey found about Server Sent Events
Is that usable
typeof null; // object (bug in ECMAScript, should be null)
Notwithstanding browser compatibility
@Amine sounds like a concept. if you'd say.. „found bout websocket and long polling“ i'd understand what you mean
Server-sent events (SSE) is a technology where a browser receives automatic updates from a server via HTTP connection. The Server-Sent Events EventSource API is standardized as part of HTML5 by the W3C. == History == The WHATWG Web Applications 1.0 proposal included a mechanism to push content to the client. On September 1, 2006, the Opera web browser implemented this new experimental technology in a feature called "Server-Sent Events". == Overview == Server-sent events is a standard describing how servers can initiate data transmission towards clients once an initial client connection has been...
@overexchange how is that a 'bug'?
It's not a concept
It seems to match my exact use case
I dont know, I just copy pasted from MDN
@JoshLeBlanc The one called Pirates?
@Trasiva Maybe?
@SterlingArcher you like metal or something right
@KendallFrey what's the name of the song at 0:11
@Amine It's obviously Darude - Feel the beat
@JoshLeBlanc Was it crazy long for a porn? And involve candles in dark places?
In python, we write docstrings to test the function using doctest module. what in JS?
@Amine I know this
hold on
@Trasiva You're asking me far too many questions about a porno ._.
it sounds so much like Pantera
@JoshLeBlanc Haha, sorry. I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet.
but I can't remember exactly which song starts that way
I listen to a lot of pantera, but no headset at work :p
JS doesn't need tested. Bugs are impossible.
@BenFortune I bought a pair of noise cancelling bose for at work. My boss hates them because he comes over and tries to talk to me and I just don't hear him.
did anyone here play around with AudioContext yet?
@KendallFrey dudududududududu
@GottZ I've used it for an MML player
good morning everyone
i think about replacing an audio tag with it. just want to know if its a bad idea.
@Neoares daa-rududududu
for visualisations etc.. i also think about transfering audio files through websocket and want to create some kind of custom buffering system
@KendallFrey what's the song name?
this is another ambigous statement in MDN..
@BenFortune i just made a neat mp3 player for my own music.. since we are not allowed to put music onto our working laptops i prefer keeping them on my server and playing them using my little player :3
Decimal integer literal consists of a sequence of digits without a leading 0 (zero).
@overexchange you're free and encouraged to edit it.. MDN is a wiki.
@GottZ Since that's not Brittany Spears, I know it's shopped!
@overexchange not ambiguous
!!> [ 34, 034 ]
@Luggage "SyntaxError: octal literals and octal escape sequences are deprecated"
@Trasiva would give you a link if you provide me a way to send you a private message
Note that decimal literals can start with a zero (0) followed by another decimal digit, but If the next digit after the leading 0 is smaller than 8, the number gets parsed as an octal number.
still not ambiguous
@GottZ Oh I believe you, I'm just busting your chops is all.
just don't start literals with 0 to avoid it
@Trasiva its 100% css btw. even the buttons. they are borders .D
@GottZ Oh nice!
to avoid ambiguity in document? your thought is positive
what you pasted is very clear.
@GottZ The bar looks like jQuery-UI, I hate it :P
thanks, i've been working out
@BenFortune give me a sec. i'm not using ANY library btw.. except one for reading ID3 tags.
it's saying "want a decimal? don't strat it with a 0 because it might be interpreted as octal".
I'm using q promises, are there any hooks for .then and .done methods?
12 (Decimal), 012 (octal) 090 (not a valid octal, therefor decimal)
and yessss.. teh code iz messeh.. i put around 15 hours of work into it. i've never worked with audio before. also.. it was a challenge between me and a friend to create a simple mp3 player
@FlorianMargaine Yeah.
@GottZ yes he left, almost a year ago I guess
@Ant's If I understand your question, .then() is your hook. That's how you say "do this when you are done that previous thing".
why undefined here..
ohai @jAndy
var a = 0888;
a = 0888;
@jAndy well he's doing fine and celebrating bday on 14th (just in case you want to know that).. oh wait.. i'm refering to gerrit with this btw.
damn I missed the German overtake
@overexchange var declarations are statements not expressions
var a = 0888; is a statment. statements don't have values.
@FlorianMargaine o/
a = 0888 is an expression. expressions do have values.
@Luggage: Hmmm, that is making some sense to me. Ok let me tell you what I'm looking for. I want to run a ajax spinner on the ui on every promise call. Rather than repeating myself, are there any way to say promises to start spinner and close when done is called?
i dont know why its giving an error in line 45
Please indent the damn code
oh sorry
@IAMTHESTIG Because that's not how you concatenate text.
@overexchange the fact that expressions can be used as statements is why you seem to get inconsistent results, but "a = 1" can be composed into more complex expressions and statements, "var a = 1" can not.
it's a declaration statement, that happens to also have an expression in it.
@BenFortune yuu no commenting my horrible player sauce D:
Typically while ((a = stuff.getNext()) != END)
@IAMTHESTIG Dude, seriously. All you had to hit was TidyUp at the top...
I've got question what's new tool/technique that you've learned in last 6months. can I order AngularJS ?
@GottZ Didn't see a ping :P
But while ((var a = stuff.getNext()) != END) is incorrect
@BenFortune ok here it is again: gist.github.com/GottZ/ecc899a847780f766032
I'm not quite sure if I understand question.
@prog.Dusan I certainly don't.
href="dickbutt.jpg". Not this time!
@BenFortune as i said. it was made in a hurry so.. its uggly. still readable somehow i think.
@BenFortune thats my default album cover too in case an mp3 does not have an embedded image :D
@Luggage any ideas for my problem?
Hey is it possible to use Angular Formly to generate static html that could be exported elsewhere? Can't find anything related to it in the docs or elsewhere on the net so I guess its a long shot
@IAMTHESTIG When you're concatenating and your string uses " to initialize the string text, use ' for inner text like empty strings, and vice versa when you start the string with '.
n.setAttribute("class", "progressBar out" + (o.cname ? " " + o.cname : "")); :(
@Ant's startSpinner().then(doAjaxthing).then(stopSpinner); Have you read up on promise basics?
@BenFortune :D yush. could be better but again.. it was made in a hurry :D
assuming startSpinner, doAjaxthing and stopSpinner are all functions and that doAjaxThing() returns a promise.
@IAMTHESTIG Get it now?
i kinda messed that up
got it now
@GottZ Holy shit, you actually used with?
I used with last year
@BenFortune yush i like screwing my scopes :D
@IAMTHESTIG If you HAVE to use quotes inside of quotes for some reason, escape them. .append("\"innerstring\"");
with (element.style ) {
  top = ..
  left = ..
@rlemon i guess he's referring to this: with(new XMLHttpRequest()) {
@Trasiva i kinda dont get this - array_list[i].value + "'>'"
why put '>' there
@IAMTHESTIG To close your option tag, I'm guessing you didn't write it?
@IAMTHESTIG Look at the code, that's to close the html option tag.
@Luggage: Yup, still a novice to promise concepts.
@IAMTHESTIG It translates to this: "<option value='value'>DisplayText</option>"
Which is the html code for a dropdown option.
@BenFortune I'm pretty sure I saw this in a dropdown javascript example a while back somewhere.
@BenFortune yea i only did the arrays there, and the second part was from a tutorial.
var o = document.createElement('option');
o.setAttribute('value', 'value');
o.textContent = "DisplayText";
@GottZ nice
feels like RAII
@FlorianMargaine thanks florian that book was in my library it's a great book.
Found an old english test
@AwalGarg cool
@Luggage o.value = 'value';
@Luggage I wasn't going to confuse him with that yet either haha.
glad it's what you wanted
@FlorianMargaine well you know.. with also exposes all the inherited values into the scope. its pretty ugly whats happening there.. but there is a reason i use with. i know how v8 runs through that. it will basically unwrap the with so yap.. its kind of exactly like RAII. you should not use with in performance critical code though. in my case its just fine. but i bet you know that bullshit already :D
@Abhishrek basically, fuck indian government, and fuck my ISP. leave porn, banning github is infinitely stupid and no amount of stabbing in the dick of the guy who did it is enough of punishment for him.
@AwalGarg Wait, what?
@AwalGarg github is banned in India now?
They banned it for a week back then, and now it temporarily keeps going down every now and then.
no, that's just github
Why are the outputs like this?
no not github. I VPN and github works.
alert('5' + 5 + 5);    Output= 555
alert(5 + 5 + '5');    Output=105
alert(5 + '5' + '5');  Output=555
alert(5 + '5' );       Output=55
holy moly... well this makes me proud to work for an isp...
@KalaJ is that a test question?
@KalaJ Is that a question?
@KalaJ or are you seriously asking?
that is a question
Object.assign(document.createElement('option'), {
    value: 'value',
    text: 'DisplayValue'
}); // ??
@KalaJ to be honest.. you need to learn javascript. especially how types work.
@Luggage it's text, not textContent
@Luggage also... are you sure that works?
@KalaJ In the first, third, and fourth instance, there is a string as the first or second concatenation, so it changes the whole thing to a string for appending.
but textcontent did.. that's what mdn said.
bunking classes and sitting in the library reading about linux makes me feel like a pro.
anyone know how to chain together a bunch of git commands and gulp-sftp commands?
@Luggage weird, I thought it was text for options
that was on Node.. hm.
@KalaJ Whereas for the second one, with order of operations, it did 5+5 to get 10, and then it was appended to a string, to make 105.
Make sense?
@KalaJ you can convert strings into numbers by doing one of theese: parseInt("123", 10); aswell as: parseFloat("123.123", 10);. the "10" is optional and represents the base to wich you want to convert. this way you can even convert hexadecimal or binary numbers to true numbers.
@Luggage heh, both work
just wondering why the order matters?
@KalaJ vice versa you can use (123).toString(10) to achieve the number → string conversion.
Hey JS ppl again :D
@KalaJ The order doesn't, the second you append a string into it, it converts it to a string.
ohh I see
like the difference between first and second
the second line you are appending a string
vs. first where you are prepending the string
@KalaJ Exactly.
gotcha thank you
@KalaJ Yep!
time to get out of bed..
@KalaJ also keep that convertion stuff marked down. you will need it in such cases where you want to calculate using numbers that are stuck in strings
I'll just ask my question ;P
I've got an MessageEvent from my webapplication it's an "hashmap" so it was in Java
I have a key as uuid and a string as value can I now just get the value ? o:
the object looks like MessageEvent {data: "{"7776c32a-33b3-417f-8ebe-bbefe01e762d":"Test"}"} in js
he doesn't know the key
^, but that's IE9+ without a polyfil..
@Luggage the UUID is the key in Java but I need the key and the "Test" as 2 different datas if I write object.data I get both
Oh god, I just went to the jQuery tag on SO...I have all of the questions there. That's a little embarrassing.
@alovaros if you want IE6+ compatibility you could walk through the object: var value; for (var i in MessageEventObject) {value = MessageEventObject[i]; break;}
Hello Everybody

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