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woah woah woah.

it is. it definitely is.
@JohnSnow I don't understand what a "grouping function that only runs n concurrent arrays at a time" mean :P
The only thing I can think of is something like
@DanieClawson trying to draw a circle with a gun and then lets shoot on something :D
Nah, I can't even picture it right now
It's ok, I'm bad at explaining things :P But whats happening is that the array of things to query get split into n groups, then those groups are being run to query the API one by one; when one query is completed, the next one gets started. There's never more than n queries going on.
@JohnSnow Ah, lol, that's not what bluebird does
You're describing chunks
bluebird is more like a moving window
Exactly :)
Which is a lot more efficient
I never said my script did it better or even equally good as blue-bird
But it effectively does the same thing
You get a window of N promises running concurrently, and when one finished another is started immediately
This is more efficient than yours ^
Imagine if you have a single element in the array which is heavy for the server, it takes it 40 seconds to calculate a response and return to you
With your solution, that 40 seconds element will be a bottleneck.
(Since the next group can't run until it's finished)
So it's not as efficient.
It does work though, so.. you know, kudos.
@MadaraUchiha Of course it is!
@JohnSnow You're contradicting yourself here :P
"I want it as efficient as possible", "I know there's a more efficient solution, but mine works"
I NEVER said mine was better or even equally good, it just does the same thing, kinda
@MadaraUchiha not sure what you mean, definitely link me when you get it done. canvas is my bottom bitch
As efficient as possible as I can make it without promises
Just make a queue then.
A queue?
Yes, a queue. Max 10 concurrent actions? Fine. Add the rest to the queue. Once an action is done, pop something from the queue and run it.
That's kinda how it works..
@JohnSnow Kinda, but things have to wait per group as @MadaraUchiha mentioned.
Each of the 10 connections have a queue
@DanieClawson will take a look :D
@Maurize :D yeah that is probably my best work right there lol
@RoelvanUden Hmm, I see what you're doing there. I'll remember it for later. The import as it is now works (everything can always be optimized IMO) and I can't afford to put more time into it now, I have to make queries to the data now. But I'll get back to that when I'm on maintaining duty
@DanieClawson The only work I can show is my comment script on my website. The others are forbidden for public :/
hey guys, anybody made an ebay shop cusotm template before?
No need for javascript cause it is not allowed there.
@Maurize can always copy / paste into codepen. not having to set up the whole html doc helps get things going pretty quickly, and you can load all the big frameworks with a couple of clicks
@DanieClawson yeah, but I am not allowed to. I mean: if I paste the codes from a 100k project into codepen my boss says bye bye. :D
@Maurize OH, okay gotcha. That stinks
@DanieClawson not really, it's common knowledge
quick answer: something like this possible?
pasting 10 lines is fine, pasting 100 lines with heavy business-specific logic and confidential names et al is not
@Maurize requestAnimationFrame(function foo() { window.requestAnimationFrame(foo); });
window.requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
although we usually only do it once
@FlorianMargaine i can understand that and still say it stinks. like for building a portfolio for example.
@FlorianMargaine @MadaraUchiha saved my day. Thank you, Sir's.
(function foo(){ window.requestAnimationFrame(foo) })()
there is pretty much no reason that I can think of to start calling the thing with a rAF the first time
@towc this is even a good solution. But think about calling functions you only need once (createElement)
@towc i'd have to agree with that
I mean in my case
3 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
although we usually only do it once
@Maurize uuuuhh... Are you creating an element at every frame? 0.o
@FlorianMargaine don't get mad, nobody taught me how to read XD
@towc nevermind, took yours :D
eh, i'm handling requestAnimationFrame differently than you all
(function start(){

(function update(){
	//every frame
you could handle it in this way. :P (sh and c are side by side :o)
should -> could
var functionName = function() {
    // statements doing for each frame
^-- how i do
function init(){

   // buncha stuff

  if( tick === 0 )
function anim(){

   window.requestAnimationFrame( anim );

window.addEventListener( 'click', init );
that's how my baby sings
in most of my animations
@towc what you do with that tick thing?
yeah, easy to do conditional checksum if everything is available before displaying the frames.
@Maurize I use it for math stuff, like changing the general hue or pass it through a wave...
it just keeps track of time
@towc it is like a timeline or something?
@Maurize pretty much
@towc checked, tested and included.
random thought, how do yall feel about doing this?
var ctx = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas')).getContext('2d');
i found your code slightly bad ...
@DanieClawson wouldn't work :p
@KarelG oh, really? why?
function createElement(w, h, c){
	var e = document.createElement("canvas");
	e.height = w;
	e.width = h;
	var ctx = e.getContext("2d");
	var centerX = e.width / 2;
	var centerY = e.height / 2;
	var radius = e.width / 2;
	ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
	ctx.fillStyle = c;
	return e;
what does document.body.appendChild return?
just for testing
@towc the element
@DanieClawson parent or son?
you can then access the canvas element by ctx.canvas
its a daugther
@DanieClawson oh, didn't remember that. It's ok if you don't care about the canvas, I sometimes do something similar aswell
@DanieClawson oh, right, but that's simply bad, might aswell separate them
@Maurize it itches me slightly
@towc at least slightly
@towc lol yeah just some of the dumb shit you can do with js i guess. ive done it a couple times when i was only accessing the canvas once or twice
@Maurize bring me your daugther bring me your daugther to the slaugther let her go let her go let her go
@alovaros my daughter is the returned element, it will not go, I think.
1. I hope you're not doing it on every frame to render a different circle
2. don't var every line! It gets you diabeetes!
3. that function name is horrible as a description
@DanieClawson well, i meant "doesn't work always". If the browser doesn't support canvas ...
@KarelG -_-
@Maurize but iron maiden ! :D
@KarelG LOL no you just spoke to soon, admit it
@towc I disagree with 2.
@KarelG you know, HTML1 might not support <!DOCTYPE html>, but who cares?
@FlorianMargaine I disagree with u
@towc I disagree with all, it is testing function. But thanks for feed me back :D
@towc varing every line avoids this kind of bug: github.com/Canop/miaou/commit/…
@Maurize I just needed to add a 3rd point, not sure what to put in it ;)
@FlorianMargaine I don't get what's the bug
@towc searching for a fist smiley
the script can terminate because you aint checking if the browser supports it. The user doesn't get a feedback while a simple canvas in the document does if you add a sentence in between: <canvas>doesn't support</canvas>
@towc s/;/,/
at the end of the "tribostat" line
the elo variable was an implicit global
who says it's a bug?
@KarelG I'm skeptical you would ever really do that
... are you kidding now?
as in, it's not a js bug, it's a bug for whoever wrote that code
yes, it's 99% of the time a bug for whoever wrote that code
you're not making much sense
and whoever wrote that will eventually get used to remembering to switch ; with ,
@KarelG like, you'd probably have already tested for support of all required elements before rendering the element containing the canvas
Is there a better way to change canvas position as using ol'school style property
the colons have no fault @FlorianMargaine
@towc except the last line
@FlorianMargaine but he'll get used to it, as most of us did
@DanieClawson yeah, that's a result of my job. i'm in QA
then it means that it would be a problem that js doesn't parse funciton as function, because most of the time I write that. I'm the only one at fault
it results in my personal projects too
it became a habit
but i know that people sometimes don't care about that
in any case, I like my style, you prefer yours, we aren't going to convince each other to switch over the internet
@towc I don't like either style, I'm just saying that one leads to less bugs.
and you are making some nice points, which is different from convincing, I know. But you get what I mean
it's the same reason for always using braces for if, really
@FlorianMargaine less bugs for you. that = preference
or always using semicolons
@DanieClawson the example code I took is not mine :)
@FlorianMargaine lol that doesnt change what i said. if i used var for every variable, i know i'd encounter more bugs because I'm used to the other way.
its completely subjective
@FlorianMargaine maybe not?
whenever I can I just skip them
it's faster to type, and the visual noise of the code is much improved
doing whatever is most readable, for you personally, will result in less bugs
not that I'd code like it was python, that's just painful, but when I can the less noise there is, the better
I only do the comma-delimited declarators for variables of the same "type"
@Purag wut?
@Purag woo proper terminology lol
for example, if I'm writing a loop and decide I want to declare the vars outside, i'll do:
var i = 0,
    len = arr.length;
because they're both numbers
but I wouldn't do, say
var arr = func_call(),
    i = 0,
    len = arr.length;
@Purag makes sense, on the surface, but then you end up mixing and matching your syntax and THAT will make bugs for sure
@Purag how about:
@Purag nice approach
var arr = func_call(),

    i = 0,
    len = arr.length;
? Just put a blank line in the middle
@towc this.
less visual noise, easier to type...
@towc that would work too, if you group your variables correctly.
that's fine too, I guess. :)
but remember that you should always write code that's easy to maintain
having a comma followed by a blank line is dangerous for a future reader of that file
var canvas-related stuff,

      options & constants,

      post-computer variables and arrays;
they may think there's a semicolon there
that's usually how I do my animations
I think the best is to do it my way, and also (duh) always have comments indicating
@Purag not if they see something with the same indentation right below
@Purag from my experience, if you need comments, your code is probably bad
holy crap what
sorry dude...that is very naive
seriously, unless you need to adress something external
@towc and if you're working alone
oh man
please, please, please. if you ever plan on working at a company that writes code (they'll make you do it anyway), start commenting
can you not read the source and understand pretty much everything at first glance? Maybe having a look around for some variable declarations
I don't think I'm biased
honestly, no
the code is art by itself, and I know I'm being cocky, it's because I am
it's almost offensive...
@Purag coming back to this point, maybe its just my ocd, but I just don't see how the hell you can make that mistake
grabs popcorn
@BenFortune ;)
@towc you are a kindred spirit, man. it should always be art.
dude, you don't even have a general description anywhere for how this thing works
@towc : an advise before you start a profession as developer in a company: write comments.
@towc Not sure if you've seen this
@Purag you must not write a lot of js if you think that needs one o.o its immediately apparent...
@BenFortune that's awesome
why should any developer spend more time reading the code themselves to understand as opposed to reading comments that make it immediately clear?
Took me fucking forever to work out how to make a hex grid without that.
@BenFortune red blob is an excellent resource for lots of stuff like that. anything thats useful for map making, i guess
@towc it's a little far fetched to say that. Comments saying the why are useful. For example, you can read the code and see that it does something stupid and change it. But it actually fixes a bug. If you had a comment explaining why the code is doing what it does, you wouldn't introduce back the bug.
@DanieClawson It's great, I'm part-way through a tower defence game using the path-finding resources on there
@BenFortune lol, newb ;) (jk obv). We had a whole hexagon-theme thing going on 2 weekends ago codepen.io/collection/Xdbeaa
you should have brought that up
and if you think people in the industry write "artistic" or "beautiful" code
well hell, you can dream
@FlorianMargaine of course, but not on usual code. I consider that something "external"
but you have clearly never seen a code project with even a couple hundred lines of code
(function update(){
	var e = document.getElementById("player");
	e.style.left = (x - e.offsetWidth / 2)+"px";
	e.style.top = (y - e.offsetHeight / 2)+"px";
Just yesterday at work I wrote a 20-lines comment explaining why I do something utterly stupid.
why is performance soo bad?
@Purag ok now you're just being rude man
@FlorianMargaine that's not art
@Maurize don't get the element at every frame
@DanieClawson no, that's working code.
also, use transform:translate, it's much better performant
@FlorianMargaine they can be the same thing
@towc thanks will give it a try
the browser can't update styles at 60fps most of the time
ES6 is art.
@DanieClawson in a 300-lines project? sure.
ctx.fillRect( opts.cx + ( this.x + x ) * opts.len + Math.random() * opts.sparkDist * ( Math.random() < .5 ? 1 : -1 ) - opts.sparkSize / 2, opts.cy + ( this.y + y ) * opts.len + Math.random() * opts.sparkDist * ( Math.random() < .5 ? 1 : -1 ) - opts.sparkSize / 2, opts.sparkSize, opts.sparkSize )
I reccomend using linear transitions @Maurize
@towc, you make awesome looking stuff my friend
@Purag ...
but how in the hell do I sit down and interpret this properly?
@BenFortune yeah, and Florian & purag will be the first to shit on it and claim its industry standards im sure
i couldn't care less about industry
@Purag if you go through it it's really simple, it's pretty much a RNG with a both positive and negative range, it's as simple as that
i care about my ability to come back to my own code in an arbitrary number of years and understand it quickly
@Purag all you have to do is not be lazy, then
@towc what about this cursor problem. document.body.style.cursor = "none";
( Math.random() < .5 ? 1 : -1 ) // make it go negative in a semantically correct and intuitive way
( - size / 2 ) // make it start in the center
( this.x + x) // relative to something central
opts.cx + // relative to middle of the screen
eh, is it not really a matter of spending time ? If i know what a function does by reading its comment only, then i win more time then reading the whole function body ?
it's not that hard at all
@Maurize what about it
@Maurize why don't you do that in css ?
@towc seems like it does not work. :D
@KarelG that's what function docblocks are for, when using the API
not when fixing bugs though
@Maurize usually setting styles like that doesn't even work. Try document.body.style.setProperty( 'cursor', 'none' ) and check that it's not an actual css thing overwriting it if it doesn't work
but if you comprehend the function's activity, i believe that you can find out the bug more easily (through unit testing)
plus, comments detailing the proper behavior can make incorrect code immediately apparent
>_< oh man
@Purag yeah... we disagree there.
emphasis on can...
alright lol I'm outta here. great talk. have a good day everyone. stay awesome, @towc
@towc man this transition stuff is beautiful!
@BenFortune That's an amazing resource.
@RoelvanUden The whole site is just amazing.
@Maurize and you don't even need js ;)
@DanieClawson cya!
@towc I do for manipulating position.
if you don't need an huge number of positions I reccomend just changing a class with JS, and let the class do the rest. It's easier to read and a bit more performant
I want this to follow my cursor :D
So I need to update it every frame and then transform
have fun ;)
I need 10 votes on this one... then I'll finally have a 100-upvoted answer.
fun fact: I have 2 "Famous question" badges with only 30 questions asked.
@FlorianMargaine You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/851498/florian-margaine) have 20675 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 30 questions, gave 552 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:92.
avg. rep/post: 35.52. Badges: 5g 47s 82b
@MadaraUchiha You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/871050/madara-uchiha) have 70584 reputation, earned 38 rep today, asked 70 questions, gave 2363 answers, for a q:a ratio of 70:2363.
avg. rep/post: 29.01. Badges: 28g 113s 170b
@BenFortune You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2615209/ben-fortune) have 10910 reputation, earned -1 rep today, asked 11 questions, gave 354 answers, for a q:a ratio of 11:354.
avg. rep/post: 29.89. Badges: 4g 20s 37b
> earned -1 rep today
I need to up my rep/post
@AaronHarding You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/3924022/aaron-harding) have 184 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 8 questions, gave 13 answers, for a q:a ratio of 8:13.
avg. rep/post: 8.76. Badges: 0g 1s 11b
@MadaraUchiha wow, you have a golden css badge
how awful
@FlorianMargaine On purpose to dupehammer
who renamed the room? :D
but... it felt adequate.
The room rename is a silent but desperate call for generic type constraints
rlemon did
@RoelvanUden ain't nobody got time fo' types
@FlorianMargaine Played this far too much, internet at work sucks ass
anyway, for instance
my comments are probably excessive, but it's really not a good idea to have none at all
Comments are nice as long as they describe why the code is doing something. They shouldn't have to explain what the code is doing because that should be obvious (imo)
So as long as comments don't repeat what the code is already saying I'm fine with having plenty of them
@Purag your comments suck
they're useless
e.style.transform = "translate("+(x - e.offsetWidth / 2)+"px, "+(y - e.offsetHeight / 2)+"px)";
how can I get the left and top position?
@FlorianMargaine i know some of them are unnecessary, but you feel they all are?
@Purag I read 50 lines and they're all useless, didn't read more
@Purag no, some of them are perfectly fine
the first 50 lines contain 10 lines of comments. 15-25% is usually a good range to be in
I found 1 useful comment
/* find the ideal resultant parse. should be the one with the longest rule among those
 * which are complete and originate from the beginning of the parse */
that's the only one
all the others are plain useless imho
and actually harmful, because we usually don't update comments like we update the code
/* complete this production rule; move the marker beyond any word(s) with the
 * same type as this completed rule */
meh.. alright, 2.
/* scan the next token if it's terminal */

/* predict rules we might see next from the grammar */
@Purag what?
return ideal ? ideal : ["Parse failed."];
return ideal || [ 'Parse failed.' ]
@Purag useless, that's what the code does
other than the comments not helping much at all if not obstructing the view and making you have to scroll more
@towc that's a stylistic thing and consistency will come soon. this code is highly in progress
@FlorianMargaine the thing is, the blocks those comments are above have no indication of scanning or prediction happening. these describe two of the three essential parts of the algorithm
and the completion one is the third.
I know how to read code, tyvm
:24922422 if I need something like that what I have is a single block of code in which I word my way through the steps: codepen.io/towc/pen/zGMXQw?editors=001
@Purag : i found it amusing that you are even using /* */ for single line comments
// is fine
@KarelG that's from writing C at school
can't be blamed
we were compiling with c89 so I had to use them
in any case...my poorly done comments don't invalidate the idea of commenting code
@KarelG `many useless comments too
// obj to hold coordinate is in the same style as a lot of my comments
um lol
here we have two ends of a spectrum
@FlorianMargaine you don't want to see our work comment (documentation) ;)
myself and @KarelG seem to go with very thorough commenting, some extraneous
business standard ( ISO stuff keh )
@FlorianMargaine is very, very sparse, probably too few
@Purag then there's also people like jackrugile who comments where he probably shouldn't, but they're not painful to watch: codepen.io/jackrugile/pen/AokpF?editors=001
@Purag I do have some comments. When necessary.
Most of the code is straightforward though
and @towc uses none at all, which is basically him saying "I leave the interpretation as an exercise to the reader."
Then there's conventions or coding standards that require some comments like docblocks, depending on the project
@Purag I leave very few: only when there's something external that needs to be mentioned, somehting quirky in the code that needs explanation even for me and then there's the case where my thought process for it certainly needs explanations for others
@BenFortune yeah, many of my files are like that too.
@towc the jackrugile code you linked me has not a single useful comment, though, and they each take up 5 lines just to echo the function name...
@Purag but they look good: when you scroll you know what's up, exactly at what point in the code are you
I do write function headers, just hadn't yet. like i said, in progress code
that's also a pretty good use of comments when you have a lot of code in a single file, even if it's not really his case
@towc it's only useful because you can't have several files
@FlorianMargaine precisely
btw, sometimes I do write tedious comments
the logic is almost completely wrong, so don't mind if what's in it is true or not
but it was certainly needed, untill I found a much more comprehensible method for others
if that helped you, that's probably fine
with time it could be more concise and understandable
@Purag I know that probably at first glance if I had looked at it now I wouldn't have understood it, I also know that probably I wouldn't have needed a comment anyway, it was mostly for others. In this case, this is necessary
@Purag not sure how to explain scaling trigonometry smoothing functions more concisely
the main reasons I have started to comment aggressively are
1) we are required to thoroughly comment programming assignments at school, and
2) after writing no javascript all year, coming back to some of my SO answers and old JS code had me a bit confused and referring back to documentation for well-known stuff
here's some garbage I wrote years ago. no comments. but I do have a file header
then it's useful for you. Most other programmers won't assume someone who hasn't programmed for a long time and can't remember much about the language will read their code, so there's no good enough reason to comment aggressively. They just expect them to start from more basic stuff, and that is really well commented usually

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