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the problem is not the language. the problem is most people fail to organize their code.
@eAbi dart was no option, because most people use javascript in today world, if you would have developed it in dart, it wouldn't be usable in javascript

but if you develop it in typescript, it is usable in es5, es6, typescript and also in dart. Typescript is awesome in the sense that you can generate many languages from one source code.
so you can write your angular 2 app in dart: angular.io/docs/dart/latest/quickstart.html
@GottZ the problem is there are 100 different ways to organize your code in javascript, in dart there is just 1 way, that makes it that people learn dart fast, and that you more easily read some project written by someone else, that structure is already familiar
I haven't worked with dart, but I know that google develops some fine open source libraries. I played some time with golang, and it was awesome!
@Kasper thats true but guess what.. i still prefer choosing the right one out of 100 over being forced into a pattern
I didn't take the risks to develop something important with golang, because I am used to scripting languages like PHP and JS, but the time to pick up the language and do some nice things with it was quite short
dart does look pretty interesting. i won't be putting any effort into using it in production, as long as it has to be compiled into js. I mean, just look at how long it's taken to get es6 ready. and unless someone can show me huge performance boosts using dart I just don't see the point
here is some dart playground btw:
@DanieClawson you never compile it in development, in development you just run it in dartium
the point of dart is being more productive, and having more fun
@Kasper given the personal time i'd have to invest to get used to it's strong types and such i don't see it being that much of a production time saver... though i guess if i had found my programming origin in a strongly typed lang to begin with it would be
you don't have to use any type, it is like typescript, you can use it, and you get much better autocompletion, and refactoring etc, if you do it, but you don't have to
you can also let the analyzer add or remove the types
if you later become more of a type lover @DanieClawson ;)
I think code becomes more readable with types
@Kasper of course use jQuery!
@JimmyScray oh you built that with go?
from desktop clients to servers?
it looks interesting anyway :D
@JimmyScray but?
@ʞɔᴉN okay, haha, thanks for the advice ;)
@Kasper i guess that is pretty cool. what are the real advantages of using dart, though? like, problems with JS/regular production environments it solves? i guess from my uneducated perspective it just looks different not necessarily better
@ezAbi Its just straight js.
@Kasper No worries, I'm always here to help noobs :)
@ezAbi with require.js
@JimmyScray No I was asking if you used golang for that project :P
oh, you were talking about your original question
did you solved ur issue?
@eAbi no, not yet
@eAbi I have a feeling its from some type of circular dependency.
The problem it tries to solve is to make devs more productive, that's it. But that is a real advantage. I know a company that works with dart. And says it probably needs 2x times more devs if they would use javascript/node.js
@eAbi all my libraries load. The return value of the second should give back an object since it did log it to the console but for some reason its returning Null when require.js loads it.
@Kasper well that is certainly intriguing as an indie, then...are there any "native wrapper" style build options for it? like an equivalent to node-webkit/nw.js ?
native wrapper, for buidling native desktop apps/ native mobile apps ?
yeah, that is coming around jan 2016
with sky
google: dart + sky + android
there was some hype about that some time ago, when google told the world they are trying to get dart on android
@JimmyScray isn't define([deps...], function(err, deps...)) ?
just asking as I don't use required js
require js*
can you console.log(arguments) in your define function (the one where u get Null)?
what would "err" be?
I can do that.
also native desktop apps can be build with sky @DanieClawson no need to compile to javascript with sky btw, if you find that important ;)
ah, well i will keep an eye on it i guess. i am really interested in that sort of thing, for game dev. currently diving in to electron
@Kasper very interesting indeed
@eAbi [null]
with some other stuff. Didnt know you could do that in js.
what other stuff?
well it's that the callback pattern in node js like modules (require.js in this case) is of: function _callback(errorObject, dataYouNeed) {// do stuff}
@Kasper i cant find anything about sky from this year
So if the errorObject is not null, it means that there was an error (which you can find more info about by inspecting the errorObject); If the error object is null then there was no problem so you can use your needed data from next argument(s)
http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/05/googles-dart-language-on-android-aims-for-java-free-120-fps-apps/ @DanieClawson
Google’s Dart language on Android aims for Java-free, 120 FPS apps
@JimmyScray No I was wrong, there is no error object passed. See requirejs.org/docs/api.html#defdep
is there a way to ignore elements z-index'd above a given element so that something like mousemove event will still fire if you're inside the element's boundries?
Thank you guys so much. It's all working now. Peace out! :D
You're very welcome!
Grr, still no dice
Super Similar to this one though
Q: Undefined object being passed via Requirejs

Jason EvansI'm using Requirejs to load the JavaScript in our web app. The issues is that I'm getting an undefined object being passed to a module which, when used in other modules, is instantiated perfectly fine. OK, here's the setup. My main.js file which requirejs runs on startup: require.config({ b...

!!code or play videogames
@rlemon play videogames
this is why I keep you around
@rlemon same dilemma here <=/
@eAbi, turns out your dependencies have to named exactly like the variables being passed into the functions.
!!should DanieClawson play video games?
too sleepy for coding too thoughtful for gaming...
@rlemon All signs point to no
@CapricaSix :{
are there any tasteful gentleman in here at the moment?
I need shoe recommendations
clearly you are not a tasteful gentleman
let's do it
lol disqualified, shit
everytime I press control + a, then control + k to kill a line it just indents it instead of deleting it
why must I suffer
I think you know why
terrible at javascript?
@GarrettKadillak hahahahaha............sigh.....
@JimmyScray So you solved your problem? It was strange enough anyway
@script47 hey there
How's it going @GarrettKadillak?
had an interview this morning. It went all right. You?
did you get the job?
lead engineer said he would let me know tomorrow. I really hope so
sf is expensive
@GarrettKadillak good luck man. Hope you get it.
@script47 appreciate it
ha you live in SF and you don't have a job?
how does that work lol
I saved up money from my last job that paid pretty well
Took the leap on a startup and it just isn't making any money right now
So I've been praying to the job gods every night
it hasn't been all bad. I've had plenty of free time to learn so I've been working on observables. Really interesting stuff
very nice
.match(/\"(.+?)\"/) turns into Unexpected escaped character '<' in regular expression. any idea why? It's working by the way
@GarrettKadillak Yup. I really like React for example
How is "reactive programming" different from "event-driven programming" though?
i.e. javascript
you can subscribe to streams of data which is very powerful
@ʞɔᴉN You're requestiong not for an easy answer :P
@eabi lol very true
@GarrettKadillak mm I see
I think rethinkdb has some reactive features
@ʞɔᴉN the article I linked explains it very well
@GarrettKadillak I'm reading through it
@ʞɔᴉN I think you might get a good idea of reactive programming if you played with fb's React library
I only just started with it as well but if you're interested, I've been doing these exercises as well reactive-extensions.github.io/learnrx
seems pretty similar to what angular and react does
@eAbi I'm going to get into React big time soon
just haven't had a reason to start using it yet
me neither. the concept is attractive though. it's taken off like crazy
the slack channel has 5k+ people
angularbuddies is at almost 2k
@GarrettKadillak is it just me or does 70% of that page just not load at all? (edit: nvm, apparently I have to complete each exercise first)
so in react the data is just a big object stored at the top level of your page... then each page sub component reads from that object (think subscribe to streams from above) and it updates automatically
You just have to worry about updating that big object and everything comes into place
It's quite a superficial description but you really have to get going with the library. You'll get it in no time. At least if you're interested in front end stuff
I am :)
it's a fun library. I'm no expert but it's entertaining to dabble with
I know netflix uses it in production
yeah. And you also should couple it with flux architecture
you can just map a big application in your head... I mean... it makes the data flow super easy
compared to event-driven where the bigger the app the more overwhelmed you get by the data flow of the app
@eabi I'm still unsure on how flux fits into react. what is the role of flux?
good night guys
@catgocat good night man
@GarrettKadillak So that big object that page gets its data from, it's actually collected (formed) by querying Stores
so in flux you have Actions, Stores and Components (where page component is a web-component as well)
Stores will actually contain domain specific data -e.g. UserStore is a singleton holding all the users
CommentStore will store comments and so on
BigObject will contain comments: queried from CommentStore and users...
so it behaves like a table?
stores that is
but you will have components in your page, for e.g. creating a new comment
sounds like Repository pattern?
just like a repo (this is the Store)
I've used react small-scale to try it out. I'd like to introduce it to my current big project which is mostly knockout
now when you create a comment you actually launch an action (think something like an event) e.g. CommentActions.createComment(commentData)
It might fit to make some components with, but I can't go replacing the main part of the app with react without a lot of work.
anybody here have experience with electron? wondering about how to best utilize the 'browser-side' / 'renderer-side' architecture for a game...i don't know if it's actually been used to make a game yet
I thought about making a game with it, dunno how well it would perform though
If it hasn't been used to make a game it surely soon will. I think it oes webgl..
it should perform like a browser, whihc is to say "ok, but not great"
tha really depends on the game..
now that method from CommentActions will post a new request to server, create the comment on server and dispatch an event of type: comment_create_success which the CommentStore subscribed to. So it will consume the event by adding the newly created comment to the repo
yeah, i'm just wondering if I can take advantage of the split process to squeeze a bit more performance out of it
it would probably run fine, just not as well as a native build
@eabi and react is used to handle the event?
@DanieClawson I'm not sure, this is the first I've heard of 'browser-side' / 'renderer-side'
from when it was still atom shell but still applies afak
the Stores launch an event signaling that it was modified, and a single handler for this event will update the big object from the top of the page, which will trigger the updates within all components
this diagram sums it up pretty well
"image not found" :)
just click
click on it

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