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not like you can choose multiple..
@Luggage No, but if you need three options?
or integer..
or byte
sure, but depending on your DB you might not actually save space with that.
Sum types!
well it'll still make me feel good about optimizing
@Luggage I didn't think about that, touche!
single char 'C', 'F' or 'K' is small and human readable.
@Luggage Okay, okay, you win.
I knew if I kept talking long enough people would give up.
un-onebox that before the time runs out, please.
Do you keep a list of such links around just in case
unrelated: I found this useful for throing together some UIs for configurations screens: jeremydorn.com/json-editor
@Amine I'm a tenth degree black belt in Google-Fu
@Luggage Seriously though, how do I un-onebox? I nuked it that time.
Looks handy
Just add text to it. It only oneboxes links that are all alone.
But how does it handle deep nesting
it seems to handle nesting, but I don't use that feature.
"pets" is a nested list.
Can you write a temporary json file that can be used as an argument to node, but not written to the fs?
how about stdin?
shouldn't node do_some_stuff.js | node process_the_output.js do the job?
@corvid node app "[{'your':'json'}]"
process.args[3] or some shit
meh.. if' it's not too long..
I like the convention of taking a filename and if it's "-", use stdin. Flexible.
also, that's not valid JSON. Double Quotes..
so that'll be problematic on the commandline
He's probably passing a small JSON object
Escaping the quotes shouldn't be too much of a chore
I still think stdin is simpler. It's a line of code or two to get access to the stream and it will let you use files on disk, a stream or on the commandline directly.
Can do single quotes in bash also
echo "{\"your\":\"json\"}" | node useData.js
cat data.json | node useData.js
node makeData.js | node useData.js
echo '{"your":"json"}' | node stuff.js
none of those are good for large amounts of data, though, since pipes have to keep it in memory
Dunno if all shells support that
json needs to be parsed all at once anyway, right?
Not necessarily
you sure pipes keep everything? i see people piping between programs on unix all the tme. I thought that was THE WAY.
Well, yes, you need to parse the entire thing to have a meaningful result
why not just store the file, open it with fs then delete it once the application is running
if you are 100% you don't want this file on your machine
And yeah piping is pretty much standard
opening stdin is even less work, and the file doesn't hang around it if crashes.
I love how how we're all discussing this and @corvid hasn't said a thing since the initial question.
I've been reading y'alls responses and trying them out
That's like 50% of the questions I answer on SO
Sup peeps. Any JS experts here that could help me reopen a question to close it correctly? ;)
It was suggested to me through meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/300952/…
All the relevant data is there
That doesn't look very interesting.. :)
Yeah I guess not :)
I got bored.
Seriously though. it's just going to be a closed question either way? Meh. Is it that important?
@Luggage i.imgur.com/OLxFRx2.gif I raise you.
The point of closing it to not pollute the site with too many bad/duplicate/whatever questions. The reason for closure is less important.
I guess not, it's just for posterity. And say that that question later gets flagged as a duplicate of another question when this one doesn't contain the answer.
There is no closure without reason
There is a reason, it's just slightly wrong.
For a good reason
Well, it shouldn't take much time to make it right
No, one reason is entirely right and the other is entirely wrong ;)
Yea, but mods have enough on their plate without trying to make CLOSED questions all accurate and clean.
Apparently, that's why I'm here :)
It's like organizing all your paper files right before putting them through a shredder
More like organizing your paper files right before putting them away
into storage
You're confusing closed questions and deleted questions
"there, all alphabetized" (light stack of paper on fire)
Me? yea, probably.
hey party people hows it hangin
It won't get deleted. It will remain in google search results, site searches and possible future duplicate flags
According to Jeff Atwood, duplicates are very useful to the search engine
Imgur 503s! Run for the hills!
I'm sold (not that I can do anything about it).
how do I assign an ip to an interface and have it persist?
ip addr add 192.168.x.y dev eth0 reverts after a reboot
@rlemon put it in the interface's file
which is where?
sorry I've always just DHCP'd and called it a day
depends on your distro. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/*, /etc/networks (or /etc/networks/*), not sure where else
Usually /etc/network/interfaces
i set up my static ip, dns, etc in /etc/network/interfaces in ubuntu 14.04 if that's at all related.
yeah, RH is /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/* and Debian is /etc/network/interfaces
Angstrom is fucked
lets just grep for 'network'
should be in the same file
/etc/network doesn't exist
I suck at regex can anyone help out with this?
I want to turn 5551231212 into 555-123-1212
but right now its 555-123-121-2
just need to know how can I limit a regex search to x occurances?
@rlemon that post says Angstrom uses some kind of conman thing that has a bunch of scripts to set stuff
step 1: use regex101.com (make sure you choose JS flavor regex)
Oh, you're trying to change it into a phone number?
much nicer for debugging regex
@Loktar \d{2,4}
or (\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4}) or whatevs
yeah but I need to do it in real time as well so as the user types
(its for an input mask)
I can do the match afterward and make it look perfect, but as they're typing is where I'm having trouble
also awesome site @Luggage
ohhh. like prevent them from straying from the format?
@ssube pattern works after, on submit
I need it to auto insert hyphens as they type
so they type in 3, it adds a hyphen, then 6, adds another
my example almost works
I don't think regex is the right tool there..
I just need to say "hey after you match 2 sets, stop it!"
replace the input from (\d{3})-?(\d{3})-?(\d{4}) with \1-\2-\3
Messing with text while the user types might not be a good idea
Could break pasting, etc.
@Loktar I'd actually write a tiny parser for this
@copy I agree, but tis my requirement :(
i.e. not regex
or use a real validation library
I'm sure there's a jQuery plugin for this
@Loktar Can't you show the formatted number on the side?
oh there is, but validation isn't really the issue, I just need it to be "pretty" basically
we just rip out the 10 digits regardless
@Loktar can you replace it on defocus?
@copy there is a placeholder before hand, but they want it to auto insert the hyphens as a user types :/
I love when inputs insert -'s for you, and you go back to try to fix a mistake and it keeps sending you to the end
so you get frustrated, clear the box and start over.
@Loktar Meh, good luck then
haha ty
I think the best you'll get is onChange combined with a regex that matches and adds hyphens
@Loktar why don't you juste slice the match array
or 3 inputs next to each other and just focus the next..
it's gonna be an awful UX, but elem.value = elem.value.replace(/(\d{3})-?(\d{3})-?(\d{4}), '$1-$2-$3') could work
make it LOOK like one input.
oh damn @Amine thats an idea
That has the "i can't correct a mistake" syndrome.
you should remove all non-digits
@Amine damn nice man
works great if you don't make mistakes.
Right now, if you go to the beginning to change a character, the cursor jumps back to the end
@ssube yeah I already do that before hand this was just a reduced example
yea, that.
@Amine Only do yourself a favor and use input and not keyup cc @Loktar
@MadaraUchiha I generally do keyup, but I need to stop the text after x chars.
for browsers that don't support maxlength
@Loktar keyup sucks, it's not responsive
Browsers don't support maxlength?
IE6 supported maxlength
oh you said use input vs keyup, heh I'm actually using keydown
hmm I thought IE8 didn't
it doesn't.
Morning guys
unless you use react. that makes an input event for you that works in ie8, supposedly.
What's wrong with this code ?
console.log("Outed !");
@ZahidSaeed $
@MadaraUchiha what $ ?
> Outed
@ZahidSaeed you're not using on
@ZahidSaeed It's what's wrong with this code.
I'm joking (only half joking, really). What @ssube said is correct though
@Luggage I wish I was using react on this project
its a huge legacy project
aww I'm late to the party
document.getElementById('#container_ul').addEventListener('mouseout', function () { console.log('Out!'); });
var parts = "1234567890".match(/.{1,3}/g);
parts[parts.length-2] += parts.pop();
console.log( parts.join('-') ); // 123-456-7890
@MadaraUchiha no
Guys at least listen my question !
@ZahidSaeed works for me: jsfiddle.net/audkjL3s
It works for me too !
@Loktar np
@ZahidSaeed Your question was:
2 mins ago, by Zahid Saeed
What's wrong with this code ?
@ZahidSaeed Then what's the point of the question?
That's not very specific.
Indeed don't use keyup it'll fire on anything
Let him finish
@ZahidSaeed alias methods suck, jQuery is probably overkill, indentation is poor.
@Amine input ftw, but input also has crappy legacy support IIRC
ohh, carry on.
But the problem is when I even hover on any li in the #container_ul, the event is fired
@MadaraUchiha it has
@ZahidSaeed understand event capturing
@ZahidSaeed that makes sense.
@rlemon nice one

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