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i don't really use my real name. If anyone calls me Donald, they obviously don't know me.
donald trump
Vote for me.
my real name isn't actually Rob. I'm playing the long scam.
My real name is bitch
but donaldmull.com IS available..
I have nickdugger.com
and I do nothing with it
but my name is protected, kind of
@Luggage you got a kid?
If luggage had a kid, it would be named carry-on
this you?
heh, no
there are very few pics of me online (or anywhere)
@rlemon Looks like a really hairy pair of tits on his chin.
I look like my avatar
found your twitter
i used to have a twitter account, yes.
I hope I didn't find you
is that you?
Anyone know if it's possible to set the datasource as a function using datatables.js?
@AlexH Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
no. one sec, i'll try to find a pic
found one for you
@Luggage ???
crap. forgot my facebook password
Yes. I died in 1963.
@Nick lol jhoopins
@HatterisMad yooo
@jh sup
@rlemon omg, it's some kind of meth head hipster hockey bro
I'm a pro investigator
@Luggage dude with your name is a registered sex offender
holy shi,t that's Mark. Not me, though
Awww :(
so close
that's a friend of mine, You are getting close.
good news everyone! I got a new bluetooth keyboard
right before finding out that my keys work again -_-
except return and down
I have like 4 bad pics of me from one event 5 yers ago on facebook, that's it.
I found your facebook, but the images are private
caps lock and down to a function key :)
...but which one? :O
That explains the Charlie Brown picture.
the girl next to you looks like she's had enough of the camera mans shit
The one with the big tits
That pic shows me more shaved that I usually am, too.
"But which one?!"
I bet you use that as your lazy "go to" costume for Halloween.
note that this is still completely ambiguous; luggage could be a woman who shaves her arms
I used to have an orange shirt with a black stripe in the middle
Oh shit I thought that was caillou
not a personal attack, i'm pointing out the lack of "yes, i'm the guy holding the cup in the brown shirt" kind of descriptor :p
guys, I have a better picture of Luggage
i.imgur.com/u7rI71u.jpg you're welcome
Which one?!
The best one
@rlemon But which one?!
@rlemon what a hottie
@rlemon thumbsup
!!afk filling the old crap factory
I shouldn't have opened the js file in this project
Get that crap outta here.
that looks way darker than i meant it to xS
Well I cringed
!!afk killing myself
@FlorianMargaine why?
@FuriousFolder I just got cancer
!!youtube kids arguing over memes
yes, that's the one
cancer of the eyesacks
@ssube Eyesacks sounds like a disease of its own.
I wrote some..terrible JS the other day, strictly to get code to work
			ajax_request_autocomplete = jQuery.ajax({
				type: "POST",
				url: '/ajax_suggestion/'+$this.val(),
				success: function(result) {
					result = jQuery.trim(result);
					if(result != '') {
						$this.parents("form").find('.result_suggest_container').html('<div id="result_suggest">'+result+'</div>');
						//jQuery('.result_suggest_container').html('<div id="result_suggest">'+result+'</div>');
It pains me inside.
some excerpt
Has the person never heard of a "var"?
		jQuery(function() {
		//find all form with class jqtransform and apply the plugin
			jQuery("#form_results .form-item-nbresults, #form_filter .form-item-filter, #form_sort .form-item-sort, #search-api-sorts-widget-form .form-item-sort-by, #mini-panel-search_pager_sort .form-item-items-per-page").jqTransform();
raise your hand if, sometime in your past, you've been guilty of such debauchery
that's the kind of shit that would knock down a server if it was SQL
I probably have done such debauchery, but I don't remember it... I'm either really good, or have blocked it from my memory
how to spot a copy&paste "programmer": there's a mix of $.foo and jQuery.foo in the same piece of code
1 message moved to Trash can
@FuriousFolder Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
@Nick You're just in denial.

success: function(result) {
					result = jQuery.trim(result);
					if(result == '')

						var suggCont= $this.parents("form").find('.result_suggest_container');
						suggCont.html('<div id="result_suggest">'+result+'</div>');
at least it's legible now.
it still has 7 tabs for no reason
you must be joking.
anyway, that's the cleanest part of the code
Nope, he's French
the misleading indentation is actually worse
one would think the var suggCont part is still inside the if body
the other code has too many references to the project, can't share
You're actually giving me a hard time over formatting?
yea, especially after the if, making it look like a block
Formatting is extremely important. I give people shit about their bad formatting all of the time
format your code, or find a new job
@FuriousFolder if you're going to use an if without curlies, put the statement on the same line
lol... some indentation fun
dude. SO complained that i "didn't format the code"
        if (!container.is(e.target)
          && container.has(e.target).length === 0)

		function limit_query_length(search_val) {
so i hit CTRL+K, assuming it would fix it. it didn't.
if (result === '') return;
We're kinda joking, but formatting helps organize code in your head. there is a reason most good programmers also format code strictly.
makes it way easier to read
or you can use curlies, which is generally preferred
since they make it more clear to the parser
this is what SO posts my formatted code as.
1 message moved to Trash can
@FuriousFolder Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com or pastie.org
what's this FTFY you keep repeating?
I'm not joking. Bad formatting is the bane of my existence. I get angry when I see bad formatting... not sure why I care so much; I almost take it personally
:24933118 that's bad indentation too
grah grah grah
@FuriousFolder BOOM! Headshot.
@Luggage "fixed that for you"
MTWFY: Made that worse for you
@Nick how many spaces do you use to indent?
tabs, sized to 4 spaces
So..so hates me.
then you are bad formatting
gist. github.com/anonymous/fbc16bb50945fa20808d
Dat return
4 spaces are king
you should use two space characters for JS and Scala and other very-nested languages
Returns are very useful.
four space characters for C-family less-nested languages
nest less.
with 4 spaces, things allign much better
promise more
when you have closures, you'll be dealing with 4+ levels, so 2 spaces
@ssube haven't you heard? linux coding standards is tabs at 8 spaces
var foo,
also, only PHP uses tab characters anymore
4 spaces allow that ^^
do you really want to be PHP?
@FlorianMargaine yeah, they're a mess
Tabs are more semantic and allow for quicker navigation
@ssube PSR-0 uses 4 spaces
Wine's standard is "whatever the file is already using"
i setup my IDE so each tab indents the next prime number of spaces, starting at 2
@Luggage not sure if joking
prevents over-nesting
@Luggage fibonacci indentation would be actually nice.
@FuriousFolder how old are you
@Luggage that's kind of a good idea
I am joking, I've heard it before.
@Luggage that would be super useful tho..
@JoshLeBlanc why in the world do you want to know?
tabs, sized to 4 spaces. If you disagree, you're a muggle.
So if i disagree with you, you insult me? excellent.
Meet @Nick.
If you think muggle is an insult, I cringe for you
not the word choice, the phrasing.
Dear Flagger: he's not actually a predator
that was a sarcastic response
he can't even go invisible
@ManOfGod yOUR cAPS iS oN.
@FuriousFolder You're too serious, clearly you don't know us well
@Trasiva That's how he talks.
Bash is tough to write, :/ Should I learn Python or Ruby for writing shell scripts like stuffs? P.S. I don't like identation.
He probably sheds files like crazy
furious folders are the worst.
It's a speech impediment, you insensitive prick.
Sorry Hello Everybody. I have a Uncaught ReferenceError: utility is not defined error on this page usefaith.voiedusucces.net/test.php
please how to solve that ?
@Luggage I resemble that comment.
@cswl ruby looks good for shell scripting, but I don't use it personally.
@cswl Python. It's installed by default on a lot of systems. Ruby never is.
it has a nice simple way of calling external processes and getting th eresult
So I downloaded this jQuery Trickshots - 100 Advanced Techniques ...I am actually learning some really good practices.
Bash+Python is modern shell scripting
@cswl common lisp
ruby is installed by default on my system (mac)
python is not.
that's what happens when you don't use a computer
Does someone know how to solve an Uncaught referenceError ? I have been trying for w while now
@ManOfGod include utility
@Trasiva Learning good practices from a jQuery book? i fear for you.
@ssube please how do i do to do that ?
I stand corrected, python is, too.
@Nick I don't mean like coding practices, I mean jQuery things. Things that'll help clean up some of the crap I wrote in my novice days.
@ManOfGod no idea. Where does utility live?
Just be aware that jQuery creates a lot of crap...
I wouldn't trust a jQuery book.
@Luggage python is also on all RedHat systems and I think Debian, so everywhere but windows
Okay so now I got Python, Ruby and Common LiSp.. I guess I will check all of them and see which fits my style. Thanks guys.
you forgot Haskell
MS should have distributed it with windows 10
and nodejs
for shell tools, Bash or Python are the defacto standards
in our build system, we use both
although I'd like to move entirely to Python or Node at some point
@FlorianMargaine NodeJS is roughly equivalent to python. Same style of coding, etc.
@Lalaland Not even vaguely.
What JS !=== Python
result = "some-shell-command"
@Lalaland what do you mean by "style of coding"?
Ye. And node has creepy io exceptions instead oft python
I tried scripting in nodejs.. but spawing process pipings..
@FlorianMargaine Both are dynamically typed languages with reasonable support for both OOP and functional programming.
Should have said JavaScript. Oops, typo.
@Lalaland that operate in very different ways
JS uses callbacks and async IO, Python tends to be more imperative
You cannot catch the usage of a file handler to a file that has Bern removed. I hate node for that
@Lalaland well, that's like half of the languages
*been.. No edit button in mobile
I think visual basic can fall into that list these days.
@ssube You can use async io in python as well.
@Lalaland you can use sync IO in node
doesn't mean anyone does
JS is a special snowflake.
we could write a shell interpreter in nodejs?
@cswl why?
la la land is a song by demi lovato
!!hearthstone or guild of dungeoneering
@ivarni guild of dungeoneering
you could.
@Nick she used to be pretty cute
I still think she is
!!water or coffee
@Trasiva coffee
!!coffee or water
@Trasiva Could not process input. Error: unexpected or on line 8
@ivarni Magic The Gathering
does anyone actually know why they never made bad io errors catchable in node?
!!coffee or water
@Trasiva Could not process input. Error: unexpected or on line 8
She done broke.
its just stupid. i could catch them just fine using c or c++
@HatterisMad The latest komputah games are boring and I don't fancy playing cards with myself
!!water or coffee
@ssube coffee
!!info coffee
@Nick Command coffee, created by God, invoked 2 times
@ssube "undefined"
or right
she's trying to parse it as CS
@ivarni Cockatrice MTG
@GottZ "catch" them in C? :)
!!coffee console.log('hello')
@ssube "undefined" Logged: "hello"
@ivarni or if you have money then MTGO
!!'coffee' or 'water'
@Trasiva 'coffee'
Well, it's a workaround.
@HatterisMad Yeah, I spent enough money on actual physical cards :)
But she's definitely biased to coffee.
@FlorianMargaine well.. you know what i mean.. you can at least do something about io errors
Cap understands a human's caffeinetical needs
@ivarni i agree thats why i couldn't play MTGO, so i play the illegal free version called Cockatrice lol same cards but free
@GottZ so can you in node
@HatterisMad Suppose I could sell a few moxes and play MTGO but cap said guild of dungeoneering so that's a moot point by now
@ivarni play Dungeons of Dredmor
sacrifice lutefisk to the lutefisk god
There is no lutefisk god, lutefisk is vile
be a demon-slaying vampire werewolf pirate with eyebrows
also just play dungeons of dredmor sometime, it's a fun little game
that and Don't Starve
Will look it up, thanks for the tip
@FlorianMargaine you cannot, without guarantee, continue a node process without a memory leak after catching an io exception that is considered bad. well you can catch some using onerror but srsly.. only "some" and i'm pissed about it
thanks for your tip
keyboard prob solved :D
@GottZ how many IO exceptions do you deal with?
@towc why are all of your emails from the same person?
this is awesome, I can type without even seeing my pc
I have to get used to the low sensitivity tho :/
@ssube wut?
@ssube i'm dealing with child processes that crash and break their stdin / stdout pipes without notification. i also have to deal with network exceptions like dead sockets i try to write to.. without knowing they are dead.. and many else. also file exceptions that pop up if i listen to a file stream of a file that during streaming is being removed.. like.. /dev/input devices that get detached from the machine
i'm only using node for personal use though but srsly.. except catching uncatched exceptions i didnt find a solution to certain exceptions
if node isn't a good fit for your task, use something else. Its not good at everything.
@ssube thats gaben thanking him
shouldn't you be getting errors on your event handlers instead of exceptions?
@Luggage well. if i'd take this seriously i'd not use node for anything IO related.
but I think it can hanle that if you handle the right events..
@Luggage to be fair, node is intended for IO-intensive tasks because event loops fail miserably under CPU-intensive stuff
@Luggage to be honest.. i'm dealing with theese uncatchable exceptions since 0.2
now that we are all being fair and honest
@GottZ I'm fairly certain there are no uncatchable exceptions
all the core devs say is.. dont catch it.. it will cause in memory leaks.. kill your fork and restart it..
@GottZ you should probably have some C processes running to handle the IO in a more graceful way and just use sockets to connect to them
although once you start using pipes, there are kernel-level issues you will inevitably run into
I started coding it.. :0 hastebin.com/vasajijuse.js
ok then try it. run a web server on a machine in your network. put a big file there. then just cut the cable and see what happens
like on Windows, trying to read from both ends of an empty named pipe will freeze both processes in such a way that only a reboot can terminate them
You owe me a new cable.
well i mean.. download it from your pc and disconnect it
like.. removing your LAN cable
too late.
download a new cable
not disabling lan.. that would in some cases still properly close the socket
I'll just coil up the cable and wave a powerful magnet over it
I'm hungry
but I don't want to eat
O̦̺h҉̰h̷̗ͅ,̱̣̞ ͔̩͈̗͎s͎̰̯h͓̥̹it͢.̛̥̱̝
maybe I'll have some beef jerky
or the tears of my enemies
@Nick That's my favorite dessert.
make jerky from your enemies with their salty tears
@towc not a mechanical keyboard
Just eat a banana. Its healthy
@cswl But bananas are radioactive!
You're radioactive.
Whose banana's are you eating?
normal bananas are radioactive. slightly. not dangerous. less than flying on a plane.
@Trasiva Unhandled SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'are'
@cswl Yo....@FlorianMargaine beat me to it.
@Luggage Tell that to Spiderman.
I'm back!
He wasn't bitten by a banana unless I've misunderstood the story..
everyone is concerned about bananas and no one gives a shit that eggplant is addictive.
Pretty sure I've said worse than that before
I forgot, what did you say?
@rlemon TIL aubergine's translation
I've never had eggplant
What's it like?
Yes, I know that much
Okay, making a shell interpreter is tough nut.. can I transpile JS to bash :|
how could I know that you know that much
it is like a pepper, but different taste
and mushier when cooked
ew, I don't like mushy vegetables

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