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!!play or experiment
@Zirak experiment
When did I become pink?
mine isn't the same as @Shmiddty
mines is auto generated off username and userid
but I can set a new one for you
give me a hex code
hangouts link
hey everyone :D
@rlemon ugh,
lemon, what is the NOPE link in your bookmarks bar
@ziGi ^
ahahhaa :D
also you don't like the dark theme?
gif from rlemon was moved
well I do
I am just not used to it being so colorful
yea the colored bars were @Shmiddty's idea. I stole it
I think it helps keep track of fast moving conversations
It's just a visual shorthand for quickly recognizing who is participating in the conversation
what about icons?
what about icons?
> whitevape is the new whitesmoke ~ Kendall 2015
I have no idea what either of those are
that is whitesmoke
that makes me think
can male web designers distinguish more color names than normal women on average
shall we not devolve this room into sexism?
@rlemon can web designers distinguish more color names than normal people on average (source)
so if someone did a study and concluded that gender is specific to people's qualities, is that actually a sexist research?
for example the fact that women are better than men in colors because of evolution since they were mainly gatherers and men are better in spatial because prehistoric men were hunters
I totally agree with the color graphic
at least for the male part
idk, see I know all of the colors on the left. that chart proves that some stereotypes will be met by a small amount of the population and that is no excuse to deem them accurate
Honestly, what I would call a color would depend on who I'm talking to, for one
If I'm talking to a designer or artist, I'm more likely to use a more specific color name
If I'm talking to the lay-person, I'd just bundle it into a primary/secondary
guys also distinguish between green shades
that chart is not actually accurate
what research are you referencing?
The chart is based on a study/survey
@ziGi guys also called some colors "penis" and "gay"
yeah well
oh, sorry, did I turn you on
you lookin' for trouble boy?
@ziGi oh, totally, the author just put together vague recollections of previous research he saw on random google searches during an internet argument
!!> trouble = "love"
@KendallFrey "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable trouble"
@ziGi I am now
when I wrote it I imagined a redneck with a shotgun asking you with a deep southern accent
funny, I did too
did he turn you on?
I am not an electrical device to be turned on
@ziGi electricity to certain parts of your body will artificially turn you on
Did you know that heating a magnet will demagnetize it?
actually I did know
@Shmiddty i knew!
because ecig fire switches used magnets or springs and the magnets were once thought to be better but people didn't think it through.
mods get hot if you use them long enough
well springs also have disadvantages since they break or just unwind
@Zirak Can you not reach behind your ear?
well you might be able to scratch behind your ear but I haven't heard of anyone able to lick their bum
well my router just ate shit
is it a router that routes shit?
so, no
that reminds me...
!!youtube ellie grace
wtf did I just watch
Little Britain
it's amazing
I love you more than scat films
it's quite funny
that one's pretty good
is anyone here familiar with ember?
Your face is a morning breeze
can anyone help?
@Steve what do you get when you run git status in the repository?
Don't post screenshots, and post the whole output
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\ [master +0 ~0 -1]> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

deleted: "index/\r\n \r\n contact\r\n \r\n /forum.html"

C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\ [master +0 ~0 -1]>
does that help?
There's no indication of anything wrong, but that is a strange file name
is that actually what it says?
yes sir
is that actually the name of a file?
there are 3 files
what are they?
they all are suppose to be .html but only forum is
html everything else is without it
so 3 files were deleted?
umm the files are still there not deleted
are there any uncommitted changes you want to keep?
If not, I'd try a git reset HEAD .
i dont care at the moment reason is because i made backup :)
got error @KendallFrey Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\ [master +0 ~0 -1]> git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

deleted: "index/\r\n \r\n contact\r\n \r\n /forum.html"

C:\Users\user\Documents\GitHub\ [master +0 ~0 -1]> git reset HEAD
error: Invalid path 'index/


I'm guessing those \r\n have something to do with it
is there way to like reset it?
it may be something wrong with the repository itself
how did it get like that?
no idea i was about to update some of the files and its been over 2 weeks since last time i did an update
Guys, does an entire yam count as dinner?
!!Does it?
@crl Yes, absolutely
Could I get some help? I've some recursive code for the 2048 game, that runs terribly slow. I put a low depth=1 by default, when there are only 4 or less free tiles depth=2 (very slow) and less than 2 free tiles depth=3 (deadly slow). I don't understand why it's so slow... jsfiddle.net/crl/50gy6fmf/1
It even crashes the browser tab, let me try Firefox, I was on chrome
@KendallFrey i had to delete the Repository
back online :) thanks for helping
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
when running with node.js
thanks Steve
yw :)
i havent used node yet pretty soon yes ;)
@Steve Do you use a build chain, like gulp or grunt?
im still a beginner learning a long @monners
Good place to start with Node, as it's something you're likely to use in the future anyway, regardless of whether you dig deep into backend Javascript
i wana learn how to build app for ios and android ios is not going to happen since it requires mac and virtual box doesn't do much for me slows my laptop down alot so android will be first
"Of these four forces, there's one we don't really understand." "Is it the weak force or the strong--" "It's gravity."
Anyone else not really get the ubunutu phone promo video? Lol lots of food tho
Is there a known issue about iOS 8 where it only considers the visible part of the button as a tap target ?
wouldn't that be a sensible thing?
i'm trying to install geolib in my my node project
i'm sure it's something simple i got it with npm install but it's not functional in my project
Could somebody reopen this question ?
@dystroy it's not closed
Uncaught ReferenceError: geolib is not defined
has anyone seen this?
@FlorianMargaine Right... How can we remove the stupid header ?
@dystroy which header?
@FlorianMargaine In fact I'm the only one to see it... I didn't knew this feature... It's cool but a little misleading when you're used to closings...
yeah, only you see it
How do you guys feel about that edit : stackoverflow.com/posts/28306756/revisions
Was my wording so bad ?
@dystroy no. I actually prefer yours.
Anybody else with an opinion (it's possible we French make the same error) ? I woudln't mind a revert...
@dystroy dunno who nominated that as a duplicate, but whoever it was needs coffee. now.
@ivarni It wasn't obvious initially that it wasn't a duplicate. I edited after the closing. But yes, people are often too fast at closing (I might be too)
anyone doing counseling here ?
Hi guys.Can anyone help point me to good beginner tuts for angular js.Apparently this ones have it wrong asp.net/web-api/overview/getting-started-with-aspnet-web-api/…
@THE counseling?
@FlorianMargaine He probably means he want to give us a big lot of money in exchange for some specific technical advices. I just doubt it's a big enough big lot for people already busy.
hi @FlorianMargaine
@dystroy oh. Usual business.
works better with Cunningham's law though.
@FlorianMargaine yeah, when you feel down, you nkow
I just tried typeof for 1 and 1.22 in the console and both returned number. Does JS have floats or doubles?
@nosille all numbers in JS are doubles
@dystroy So, is 1 actually 1.000 in JS?
@nosille that's some way to say it...
why does it return number then?
I don't get your question. 1 is a number
!!tell nosille mdn number
@nosille all numbers are of type number in js.
I see
It's surprising at first but if you know the basics of IEEE754, it's easy to deal with when you're aware of that specificity
I am populating my ddl in document ready and also adding sortable to it just after, but it's not working
it used to work when I used to do it through server (asp.net backend code)
What is easier to copy and use, Code or Design?
@dystroy "Numbers: 6, 3.14 (all numbers in JavaScript are floating point)". Why doesn't typeof return a float, like it would in Java for example?
Because there isn't a difference between float, int, etc; it's all numbers.
because it's called "number", not "float", "double", "dbl", "f64" or "potiron"
I see now
"float" and "double" are just other names, stupid names by the way, coming from the early history of C calculus...
just like the ridiculous "short", "integer", "long", etc...
long long time;
long long time; // ago, in a galaxy, far, far away?
@dystroy That question is for Miaou?
@SecondRikudo yes
(and now Miaou is available again for mobile users)
The most elegant solution would be to use HTTPS
Hi everybody
@CatherineTyler Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SecondRikudo Yes, I know (I mentionned it in the question), and I'll probably switch to HTTPS at some time, but it's costly and painful (partly due to OAuth2, parly due to my ignorance)
It's precisely the type of thing HTTPS is meant to stop :)
@dystroy But I'm sure that sites with HTTPS use Google's OAuth2 API...
It shouldn't really be impossible (or hard, for that matter)
@SecondRikudo yes, but you have to reconfigure all providers
HTTPS is difficult to set up even when you're using libraries (no OAuth)
I'll do it... But when I have some time to deal with that breaking change. Don't forget it's a side project...
I'd hate to see what it'd be like to implement HTTPS entirely
entirely ? Nobody does that... even Google relies on libraries they don't know...
@Neil Not really...
What I usually do is build the server normally, and add a layer of nginx on top.
@SecondRikudo That's what I'm planning too
@dystroy That's my point.. HTTPS isn't a difficult concept, but the implementation sure as hell is
@dystroy But with OAuth it would be a tiny bit problematic I'd think
(I already have nginx in front of miaou)
@SecondRikudo Not really what?
@Neil Build node normally (no HTTPS), have it listen to port 9XXX
@SecondRikudo That's just HTTP though
@Neil Then layer of nginx listen to port 80/443 with HTTPS, and upstream (with connection upgrade) to the nginx service running on localhost:9XXX
@SecondRikudo That is just running two web hosting applications on different ports.. when does the public key come into play?
Oh, you'd be depending on nginx for that
server {
        listen 80;
        listen 443 ssl;
        server_name example.com;

        ssl_certificate /path/to/server.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /path/to/server.key;

        location / {
                proxy_pass localhost:8080;
                proxy_http_version 1.1;
                proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
                proxy_set_header Host $host;
                proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
no redirect from 80 to 443?
@FlorianMargaine That's if you want to host both versions (no https + https)
There's a way to do that as well
@SecondRikudo You're a very talented programmer, but don't think less of me when I say that that is a little complex
I just don't remember how
@Neil nodejs should not concern itself with webserver logic.
Also, the ssl support is still given by nginx
nodejs is your application level
If you were to implement "ssl support" given everything you need to put up an http server, I believe it would get very complex indeed
Unless you're implementing an actual web server (which in most cases, you aren't), you're better off delegating that logic to nginx, while doing the bare minimum (listening for requests on a port) in nodejs.
I won't run both http and https for miaou, when I switch I'll end unencrypted support
@dystroy You can do that with nginx purely without touching your logic.
The problem I foresee in your case would be the OAuth.
server {
       listen         80;
       server_name    my.domain.com;
       return         301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
@SecondRikudo that's exactly what he said...
@Loktar I probably won't be able to participate significantly. It's okay though.
Is it possible to capture requests both GET and POST using Javascript before it is being submitted to a page?
anyone aware of any fiddle i could use for getting items from web service ?
This is what I am trying.
<script type="text/javascript">
var xmlHttp = null;
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.open( "GET", "postvaluesoftheformtothispage.php", false );

<form action='test1.php' method='get'>
<input type='text' name='txt1'>
<input type = "hidden" name="somehiddenname" value="secret" >
<input type='submit' name='sub1'>
@Loktar Please schedule an event
@CatherineTyler "Capture" how?
@THE ... no.
@SecondRikudo Thanks
Like this.
I am expecting a scenario such that, when I fill in the textboxes and press the submit the button., the textbox values should be sent to postvaluesoftheformtothispage.php
The values will still be posted to test1.php , but what I expect is.. the values should also be sent to postvaluesoftheformtothispage.php
Is it possible?
@CatherineTyler Maybe, but why?
Just trying to create a code that can capture requests.
both POST and GET.
Chat server down?
Thank you.
@SecondRikudo, any pointers to start ?
@CatherineTyler Why would you want the client to submit a request to two places on the same server?
Why can't the server handle the message when it's being sent once?
(The performance bottleneck on most web applications is network traffic, you want to minimize that as much as possible)
Why would you want the client to submit a request to two places on the same server? Sorry for not making things clear, The postvaluesoftheformtothispage.php will be on another server.
from london
@SecondRikudo, Sorry, that file postvaluesoftheformtothispage.php will be on another server.
@CatherineTyler Sounds like architecture smell to me.
Can you describe what you're trying to do?
(What's your concrete case)
When I am trying developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-user-repositories for github.com/kevinsawicki this user. I only get like 30 repositories. For example github.com/kevinsawicki/http-request this is not getting listed. Why? Is there any limits on the number of search results?
@SecondRikudo We are doing a college project actually, this script of ours will capture the requests from some server A , to our server B. The server B of ours checks if the requests received from Server A has any malware threats.
@CatherineTyler Okay, so you want a script to plug in to a website, that will send any form submission to a second server?
How can I check if a list has a list item with a specific data attribute e.g. data-crateid="123;123"
@SecondRikudo, You are my hero.
!!tell THE mdn queryselectorall
@SecondRikudo it's "tell THE mdn ..."
@CatherineTyler You want to listen to the submit event on the document, and send an XHR request to your server on submission
@FlorianMargaine Right, my bad.
@CatherineTyler Also, your server must be configured with the right CORS headers
@SecondRikudo, Thanks a lot for your help. But this can be done with JS right?
not sure how can I use queryselectorall, let me check tho
@CatherineTyler Yes, although please note that this "ability" can be used for both good and evil.
I need ng-hide div parent but not div children doing ng-click="hide", maybe I need stopPropagation

div.container-form(ng-show="formVisibility" ng-click="hideForm()")
				form.form(type="form", name="form")
What you're basically doing is creating a spyware logger for all requests the user makes.
@SecondRikudo, What if that is sent through an SSL protocol ?
That will be secure right?
@CatherineTyler Your second server should support SSL as well.
@SecondRikudo, What if the Server A is not on SSL and Server B (ours) is on SSL. ? This is secure right?
@CatherineTyler Yes
@SecondRikudo, You are awesome.
$("ul[data-group='Companies'] li[data-company='Microsoft']") //Get all elements with data-company="Microsoft" below "Companies"

am I going to check if it's null or length > 0 ?
@argentum47 Yeah, that's obviously paginated.
Only shows repos that start with a-e
@argentum47 thank you :)
i think you find it for me ?
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 4 mins ago, by Mr_Green
Check this website: http://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/b/border-radius/
In this page, there are no css files but there are SCSS files
How come this is possible?
Can browsers render scss files directly?
@SecondRikudo why scss file is also loading to client side?
AFAIK, scss files are just for devs
to write css faster
@Mr_Green Debugging.
I usually wouldn't have a sourcemap for a production file, but since Chris wants people to look at his site's CSS and learn it, he enables them.
Q: Javascript - Too much click listener in app

Bernhard PointnerI have a general question about javascript (jQuery) events/listener. Is there any limit for the number of click listener without performance problems? Thank you for your help! I would appreciate every answer.

ahh ok
@SecondRikudo but still I didn't get why in inspect element the styles are being shown to scss files but not to css?
@Mr_Green That's thanks to the sourcemap.
The browser reads the CSS, then goes into the sourcemaps and finds these rules in the SCSS files
You generally want to know where a rule is defined in the source code, not in the compiled output.
Now what....
 $("[id$=ddlFruits]").change(function () { FruitsChanged(this); });

function FruitsChanged(selFruit) {
     var isRotten = selFruit.data('isrotten');
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
also tried

var isRotten = selFruit.attr('data-isrotten');
@THE For starters, .on('change', function() { please
Q: On select change, get data attribute value

ofkoThe following code returns 'undefined'... $('select').change(function(){ alert($(this).data('id')); }); <select> <option data-id="1">one</option> <option data-id="2">two</option> <option data-id="3">three</option> </select>

I wasn't using "selected" and ok i'll change it
Second, passing this will pass the actual DOM node
And the DOM node doesn't have the .attr method
You want to pass $(this)
Or frankly, stop using jQuery altogether.
you are funny :-)
but helpful too
Was never my intention to be.
you should be grateful for not being front and back end developer together
in other words a SharePoint developer
can i somehow compensate
for touch end's position coordinate ?
as in "fat-finger" compensation ?
@SecondRikudo thanks
@THE I am a frontend and backend developer together.
asp.net ?
o.O really?
@argentum47 Unfortunately.
:D . :P . I guess you work in an mnc maybe. I mean big companies making enterprise applications are mostly mnc's
@SecondRikudo o/
@darkyen00 \o
whats up ?
Cool, how are you? :D
but iOS safari is ensuring my weekend starts late.

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