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python or node for new restful api?
@FlorianMargaine +1
why? and why not .net webAPI?
.net works too
Or c++
just as long as you use a mature enterprise stack
linux servers are cheaper than windows'
does webAPI run on mono?
@ssube Mostly yes
mono is still far from hotspot afaik
it's not all that quick, no, but everyone seems to be hung up on IO these days
personally I think we should just get rid of networks, but...
yeah. I just wonder how many pigeons we'd need though...
so noone in the js chat would use node!!!
Nobody said that. All that was said is that other languages work too.
Nobody in their right mind would use Node
yeah, iojs is all the rage nowadays
iojs is worse
Why is it worse?
@FlorianMargaine well, you need to calculate the weight of an electron times the number of electrons in a byte, then the number of bytes in a packet, etc. We know that an African Swallow can carry a coconut, so we need to set up a packet:coconut weight ratio.
Python, maybe, but only if it's not important
@Meredith Maturity
Once we know how many packets fit in a coconut, we can figure out how many African Swallows are necessary to replace the internet.
@copy that's a tricky one for io, since most of their code isn't their code and has been around for a while. Having an upstream like Chrome helps a lot.
@copy why not in their right mind bruv?
@ssube The whole standard library (file system, etc.) is theirs now
iojs isn't worse
Python has issues
There are good reasons to use node/io
Stop the FUD :/
Java is a lot more work for creating a REST API
@ssube not really, no - the next version does but it's in alpha
@BenjaminGruenbaum depends on the dev. Takes me about as long to set up Maven+JavaEE+Jersey as it does Gulp+JS+Express
@BenjaminGruenbaum Much fewer than JavaScript. But that's not the point
mostly cause I've done the Java one a bunch of times... :\
@copy for web? I'd argue npm has a lot more practical packages and JS on the server has a much nicer ecosystem than Django or whatever.
@ssube It'd take me less time to set up gulp+js+express than it'd take you to open a Java IDE.
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's a shame. I really wanna use C# for stuff, but actually be able to run on Linux...
@ssube yeah, C# is really nice it's the language I use the most.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ha, I don't doubt that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The npm ecosystem is huge. But not nice
@rlemon my feet are starting to feel numb...
@copy It's very nice, you're just not the typical user. What you're building in node is not web apps or REST APIs, the system is optimized just not for your use case.
@NickDugger your way worked on it !data
@copy quantity over quality, but it's all too mushy to be any good
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mean in terms of quality
@NickDugger numb > pain
yes, but is numb healthy? lol
@copy it's not any worse than other ecosystems. You're just probably more familiar with it.
Userland Python libraries are often very bad - there are only a few really good ones that are usually maintained by very smart people.
@NickDugger are they swollen?
I don't think so
my feet are almost numb, and I'm sitting
@copy remember that a REST API is just a database skin + some simple stuff - it takes very little time to get done with express (a lot less than it does with twisted for example) and you get a pretty fast API in return that can serve thousands of users - you can just forget about it.
idk. mine never went numb. just hurt for a bit
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's useful if you need to quickly throw something together (like what PHP is commonly used for), but serious use – not really
Maybe I'm not into web development enough to see how it works
@copy at the end of the day a lot of big companies like HP, Intel and PayPal are using it for big things switching from other "more enterprisey" technologies. Node is not a sound system and it has a lot of issues - but it doesn't have any more issues than a lot of the alternatives.
tl;dr: "still better than PHP"
I think @copy is just overestimating the centrality of complexity in most web development
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok ok, you're right
I think you're just giving web development way too much credit
I do and you always bring me down to earth. All websites are terrible and break all the time
I calculated with a lot of approximations that there were around 650 students doing the regional maths olympics, and I just read that they're taking the best 300 to the nationals. There's some pretty good odds!
Zirak has added an event to this room's schedule.
Zirak has removed an event from this room's schedule.
Zirak has added an event to this room's schedule.
hi all
...and added room meeting to the schedule
someone here is comfortable with "bezier curves"?
@Julo0sS guess so
You should be comfortable with your curves no matter what kind they are
@Zirak lol
this was a "real" question heh :P
@Julo0sS I prefer my (preferred-gender) with real curves. Bezier curves just promote unnatural standards of beauty.
@towc you're good with this? need some more explanation about cubic bezier curves
@Julo0sS sure, go ahead
what do you not understand?
@ssube I know, but when working you just sometimes have to deal with "unnatural curves"...
@towc maybe private room not to spam js room with this ?
@Julo0sS nah, if I get something wrong people here will correct me
which is good
@towc ok, first, im working on it within .svg elements
this does not matter, concept is the same
0.3492,0.5332 -0.3801,0.9877 -0.0119,1.4442 0.2299,0.2852
0.4635,0.3325 0.2979,0.7281 -0.1069,0.2552 -0.2264,0.4795
-0.2264,0.7639 0,0.4055 0.1379,0.8095 0.1192,1.2413l
-0.0596 1.3726
this is what it looks like
I'm not familiar with any of that... svg?
this is the curve data
is c a spline curve?
for cubic bezier you only need to know 3 points, and maybe the weight...
I see way more than that here, are you sure it's only a cubic bezier?
or just a general bezier?
this is "start point, end point, and 2 control points
@KendallFrey what do you mean by spline curve?
What's your question?
quadratic 4 lyf3 m8
@Julo0sS I see 13 points there
@Julo0sS I thought it might be something other than a bezier
I looked it up though
here is what I don't really understand
how can it be so many points
@Julo0sS maybe fiddle the whole of the svg?
@Julo0sS because it's multiple beziers
here is what I find about c command but my english isnt good enough to make it clear for my little sleeping brain...
Draws a cubic Bézier curve from the current point to (x,y) using (x1,y1) as the control point at the beginning of the curve and (x2,y2) as the control point at the end of the curve. C (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow; c (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow. Multiple sets of coordinates may be specified to draw a polybézier. At the end of the command, the new current point becomes the final (x,y) coordinate pair used in the polybézier.
the first point is the start, the next 3 are the first bezier segment, the next 3 are the next segment, etc.
Loktar has added an event to this room's schedule.
oh crap lol
@Zirak you already did haha thanks
Loktar has removed an event from this room's schedule.
does someone want to add another one? XD
@KendallFrey so, if my example looks like this (to make it clear) :
0.3492,0.5332 -0.3801,0.9877 -0.0119,1.4442
0.2299,0.2852 0.4635,0.3325 0.2979,0.7281
-0.1069,0.2552 -0.2264,0.4795 -0.2264,0.7639
0,0.4055 0.1379,0.8095 0.1192,1.2413l
-0.0596 1.3726
there are 4x3 coordinates
+ 2 distinct coordinates
I think the first point is the start
oh, wait, maybe not
well, maybe
check full :
what are the last 2 values then?
@KendallFrey x and y weight of the CPs?
M138.617 224.078
c0.3492,0.5332 -0.3801,0.9877 -0.0119,1.4442
0.2299,0.2852 0.4635,0.3325 0.2979,0.7281
-0.1069,0.2552 -0.2264,0.4795 -0.2264,0.7639
0,0.4055 0.1379,0.8095 0.1192,1.2413
l-0.0596 1.3726
M = move to
oh, that's an l
missed that
that's a line
so yeah
so, on my svg plan, i move to position 138.617 224.078
4 bezier segments, and a line segment
fuck yeah, happy friday
think i got it...
I'm very excited about friday night beers and programming
Get your Ballmer peak going
that is the idea
code drunk, debug sober ™
wrote once code while i was drunk
@ZetCoby Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ZetCoby Did you start seeing PinkElephant classes?
second day, i saw the code and had no idea why it worked xD
most of the demo's I've written that you guys actually enjoy (and userscripts) were alcohol induced
@KendallFrey so if I'm right, this means : i'm at 138.617 224.078
Moving to -0.0119,1.4442 (meaning 138.617 - 0.0119 || 224.078 + 1.4442 i guess)
with 2 control points to draw the curve (which are located at startX+0.3492 || startY +0.5332 AND startX -0.3801 || startY +0.9877)
THEN 2nd curve, starting at first curve endpoint (written over..)
& so on?
this is my question, is my logic correct or not... I'm not sure of it at all, I'm really confused about these curves, and sometimes, in my svg code, they have really MANY MANY MANY points in the same curve (c) that's what makes me confused... :/
@Julo0sS pretty much, yeah
@Julo0sS one long c is the same as many individual c
basically, every time it comes to the end of a command, it uses the previous command unless there is one specified
SO Dark Chat+ version has been released this fixes the transcript page and adds additional functionality to the user color bars
if you don't wanna wait for auto update, uninstall and reinstall
I don't know why but it seems to be instant for some people, ~24 hours for others to get the updates
@KendallFrey ok, i'm tryin to make an example
thx for explanations
posted on February 20, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} nernernern

@SecondRikudo Wasn't this clear ?
@GeorgeStocker I think I made it clear how it's a different problem now. Note that my question has an answer that wouldn't be an answer to the other question (as it doesn't prevent the injection of other scripts). — dystroy 8 hours ago
Why did you close my question ?
That was a different problem, with a solution that couldn't be useful for the other question, so why ?
in sublime text on windows, it gives error nodejs not found for running some plugins which relu on nodejs... it shows path c > progra...files> nodejs but in reality my nodejs is in program files (86)
if i just copy paste the path all slashes are wrong
if i correct slashes
then it still doesn't work
how do it tell sublimetext to look for nodejs in C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs
if i convert that to this: C:/Program Files (x86)/nodejs
it doesn't work
ok nvm google finally helped me out
is short form
it worked cuz of no spaces
but had there been a space, original problem still there
how bout quotes tho?
@dystroy Do you detect mobile users based on user agent?
If so, why don't you allow inline scripts only for mobile users?
@copy Because I prefer to keep the security brought by CSP
And yes, I detect mobile requests based on user agent (server side)
Hrm, stupid ISPs
Should probably be a bug report to them
@copy I don't think a bug report to a French ISP is even doable ^^
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@Jhawins My teeth-holes seem to be fully healed at this point
@Shmiddty Have they closed already?!
closed? There's still a bit of a crater
I dunno man, the dentist didn't really explain anything to me
The holes lol. Eventually the holes close over completely.
they have not
@rlemon numbness is subsiding and pain is going down. I guess it was just the climax. Yes, I said climax.
Well nice. Mine just feel like any other part of my gums at this point. Took me I think 9 days until they felt totally fine, still have holes tho.
@NickDugger good stuff
in a month you'll be much happier
Just call yourself RXlemon
I'm still trying to keep food away from them for now
I've got a follow-up next thursday
My dentist told me it'd be 3 weeks minimum before they close tho.
wisdom teeth?
@Shmiddty Oh? I thought it was odd they didn't want to do a follow-up with me. Afaik I'll never be in that office again
I just want to select a child that is somewhere later after #dialogNewUser.. is that possible or do you need the exact trail in jQuery? : $("#dialogNewUser > #txtEmailValid").html("<img src='images/calendar_icon.jpg' />");
I remember getting mine pulled. Interesting experience
sometimes I get bored with programing
Hi, might I ask why my code works fine when called for within a page itself (a Drupal article), but fails to achieve its function when called for via the complete website (via a Drupal theme's javascript?) The code is the following:

<script type="text/javascript">(function($){$(document).ready(function(){$
function getKey(element) {return element.href;} function sameGroupAs(element) {var key = getKey(element); return function () {return getKey(this) === key;}} $(document).on("mouseenter", "a", function () {$("a").filter(sameGroupAs(this)).addClass("active");}).on("mouseleave", "a", functio
@Jhawins Maybe it's just an excuse to extract more money from me, but I think it'll ease my mind
@Shmiddty it's more likely so you don't go off and get cancer and pregnant and then DIE
Oh, well that makes more sense
@Shmiddty Yeah I went back 4 days later because I was having weird tastes and other shit. I was checking the holes all the time but I didn't know what they were even supposed to look like lol. I'm glad I went back and he told me they were doing great.
having teeth removed often leads to pregnancy, seealso: alabama
P.S.: some other code that I've loaded in the same way, does works fine accross the complete website.
@Jhawins checking the holes with what? did you get a little mirror or something?
@Shmiddty Flashlight lol. I have a irrigating syringe to spray them out with so when I did that I would check out the sockets
I didn't get one of those
@VincentVerheyen format your code!
So, I was wondering why this code does work when loaded on a single page, but doesn't work when loaded via a Drupal theme.

(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {

function getKey(element) {
return element.href;
function sameGroupAs(element) {
var key = getKey(element);
return function () {
return getKey(this) === key;
$(document).on("mouseenter", "a", function () {
}).on("mouseleave", "a", function () {
Is it possible to test BOTH keyup and mousup in jscript?
$("#txtEmail").first().keyup(function () {
@towc @KendallFrey ok, am I right with this ? : pastebin.com/Fe4Q3beE
Yes, but only an arbitrarily chosen subset of markdown
@towc @KendallFrey copy/paste in .svg file & open with browser
@JoJo .first()? why would there be more than one element with the same id?
@JoJo yes, don't use stupid alias methods
@JoJo Hopefully you don't need to use first there, since selecting by id only gives back one elemenet.
Second, look at `on`
!!tell JoJo jquery on
the alias methods are stupid
wow you guys are GOOD
That's what yo ma---...nvm
It took use years of hard work to understand how this chat works
@rlemon aren't a lot of them deprecated now?
@Julo0sS depends what right is
sadly no
@VincentVerheyen ask on SO
or is that only bind and stuff?
@JoJo flattery will get you nowhere, peon!
live is definitely out the door
and iirc .bind is deprecated
nvm, .on is just recommended over it
@SuperUberDuper - Should I consider Drupal Stackexchange instead?
is there a way to use bootstrap css in only a portion of a page?
without using iframes
@NathanJones you can only use their classes in a few spots, but the global rules, no
@KendallFrey ok, I think then that I got the logic :P
@ssube strip out the globals, eh?
@Zirak is this like what your saying? stackoverflow.com/questions/11510144/…
@Shmiddty at that point just nip the classes you want
@JoJo yeah. Also see the docs, just to enlighten you.
Or, if you use LESS, you could do something like this #namespace{ @import: url('../bootstrap.min.css');
grab the ones you need, iframe that chunk of the page, or just use bootstrap like a normal person
But some of it may not work as expected
most of their global classes are pretty reasonable
@ssube i wish i could use it like a normal person
I have a theory that developers have to put up with insane requirements because we're not very good at winning arguments
@NathanJones but you were cursed by an evil sorcerer as a child with a WAP attached to your soul and are now forced to live as an outcast from network connectivity due to interference and can't use bootstrap because you can't resolve the CDN? I've seen it before. :|
@Shmiddty i agree.. because at the end of the day we know its all possible
@rlemon This is why webGL exists
@rlemon I saw that on reddit this morning
I've found that reddit is a great information sifter.
@Shmiddty speak for yourself. Having a nigh-illiterate PM and fairly sharp manager meant sane requirements.
I make my own requirements. they are often insane :(
@Shmiddty Did you see the Steve Yegge article I linked to yesterday?
In short, it's not necessarily their fault. Complexity is very hard to grasp, especially when there's existing infrastructure.
@ssube So dealing with insane requirements isn't commonplace?
@Zirak I didn't
Oh I did
the "Legalize MJ" article?
@BenjaminGruenbaum huh, you're kind of a creep
Yeah good read
But a bit out of date
@Shmiddty oh, it is, but you can push back if you have enough political capital and a decent argument
@bjb568 that was a featured network question and fwiw I upvoted it :) Also - digging a message from January is kind of creepy on your behalf :P
@ssube That's what I'm saying. The question is usually "is this possible", and our answer generally is "probably"
But we lose the argument because we don't bring up whether or not something is reasonable or worthwhile
@SuperUberDuper - Ok, I hope I'll get some response. stackoverflow.com/questions/28633824/… Greetings.
At least, perhaps, in the early portions of our careers
@BenjaminGruenbaum January was just next to Feburary, they have 0 time inbetween. So it was just now.
Why on does not work? No alert
    $("#txtEmail").on('keyup mouseup', function() {
        var boolEmail = isValidEmail($email);
        if (boolEmail) {
            $("#txtEmailValid").html("<img src='images/calendar_icon.jpg' />");
The creep part is somehow guessing that I'm 13...
@Shmiddty see, I start with "probably not" and let them convince me, if they really want it.
@bjb568 I'm pretty sure you disclosed that at one point - but I wasn't sure so I asked in the room.
whistles happily as I know I didn't
Maybe it was someone else... As I said - I didn't make a claim, I asked about it.
Ok, fine.
I could be.
@VincentVerheyen nice
If anything, you'd call @BenjaminGruenbaum a creep for stealing your underwear
And inhaling them. Deeply.
… I was wondering where they went
Oh, I didn't mean to say that in a derogatory way, one can be 13 and be an amazing programmer or 50 and be a bad one. It just sounded strange you asked about teaching kids from a parent's perspective.
@BenjaminGruenbaum how much experience can you really have at 13?
IMHO it's a huge part of being an "amazing" programmer
@BartekBanachewicz some people are just really smart. I know 13 year olds that invented cool stuff.
There is correlation, 50 year olds have had more opportunities to progress - but there is no causation imo
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah well you can be a mathematical savant
which would involve, say, CS
A programmer isn't a person who write code. A programmer is a problem solver, who also happens to write code.
but imho being a programmers is... pragmatic
@BartekBanachewicz I've seen on SO a few impressive teens
@KendallFrey to be able to solve problems fluently you need to solve a number of them
if you're a genius and you get throught them fast, good for you
@BartekBanachewicz not really, you can just have a talent for it
@KendallFrey ugh, I hate that claim..."programmers are problem solvers". That's so elitist.
to get all the edge cases and know the usual pitfalls and solve them robustly, experience helps
Humans are problem solvers
@ssube people who are talented also need practice
We just use a different spectrum of media to do that.
@Zirak but different kinds of people solve different kinds of problems
@BartekBanachewicz Absolutely. Doesn't mean we're different because we solve problems.
Or somehow better at it
@Zirak but we are.
@VincentVerheyen no
@Zirak better at solving problems specific to programming. There's nothing elitist in that
it was ironic of course, I wouldn't advise to hit anyone
apparently in other areas of life you don't really call it a "problem" nearly as often
@BartekBanachewicz That's not the point I'm making though. The claims that "programmers are problem solvers by nature" is annoying and elitist.
hm, i get your point
Switch "programmer" with any other profession and you'd probably be right
the "by nature" claim is certainly dubious at best
especially given a lot of programmers are totally dumb
yea, there are other people with as little emotions as programmers too
@Zirak "hookers"
Do programmers have little emotions ?
@FlorianMargaine they hop on really hard problems
> The vast majority, and I really mean most, like 99.99999 percent of all head injuries, have a very bad outcome. In most cases I don't suggest trying this – don't go hitting yourself in the head to pass a test
@dystr - I'm not sure, would be hard to check; -- but I think many people struggle with problems since they are emotionally completely fuzzed out about it
!!afk lunch
@FlorianMargaine They sure solved my hard problem
Also, people, mark the date: An argument/discussion with @BartekBanachewicz reached a peaceful conclusion.
The problem with working with musicians humans is that they lie
grawrgh Data.Map isn't in standard library
Dude is telling me my server fucked up and that's why his shows never made it to the database.. So I go to raw access logs and determine that he never even visited the webpage that day.
He says "It probably just missed it".. But when you're on line 1,491,087 of the logs you don't really assume the log isn't thorough enough lmfao

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