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7 messages moved to Trash can
@KendallFrey you binned messages?
yes you people are being annoying
@user2137186 can you please be bothersome somewhere else?
@FlorianMargaine sure
@CapricaSix Name one dictatorship that successfully transitioned back to a democracy without the sitting dictator being overthrown?
No stfu
@rlemon just kick him...
just did
@user2137186 I love being annoying to those who are
had to ask politely first.
very diplomatic
@monners I wouldn't call it a dictatorship, you're overstating this a bit
@monners UK?
it is an experiment
let it rock for a week and see how it turns out
@SecondRikudo I'm sorry, I haven't had coffee yet and I've got a performance review today. Little on edge.
give Benji the benefit of the doubt and see how it goes
@rlemon What are we measuring though?
Am I the only one who thinks there are a few too many experiments going on here?
if the atmosphere of the room gets better or worse. I suppose.
Yeah, put the tag back please
The atmosphere here seemed just fine
don't come back as other users either. please and thankyou.
@JanDvorak not everyone agreed
it wasn't my decision, so I can't answer all questions. but multiple people complained about atmosphere and (@BenjaminGruenbaum correct me if i'm wrong) Benji talked to mods and they suggested we try to rock less owners
see how it works for us
Inb4 we get a wall of generic anonymice because of the guy we just kicked out
I'm not sure what that has to do with the atmosphere of the room
@JanDvorak I hope you're wrong D:
@KendallFrey shrugs
lol @ anonymice though
@JanDvorak you mean gaypride flags?
Still better than swastikas ;-)
That's a new word for me
I do think sometimes we're too quick to pass judgment and discipline
As in Zigi's case?
If the first thing someone says when he comes to the room is STFU I'm content with judging.
I (personally) am going to try to be more diplomatic
@JanDvorak no, not at all
@JanDvorak Heh, no.
I think the main reason of this RO purge is to make the room more JS oriented. No more funny titles all the time, a more professional JS room methinks
Correct me if I'm wrong
@SterlingArcher Reduce the noise?
@SterlingArcher let's see if that helps
Fuck me if I'm wrong, but I think the purpose is to allow more trolls.
God I hope you're wrong <3
what is wrong with SO login lately
Can I be troll pls
I keep getting logged out
2-3 times a day
@monners sorry if it's annoying - that was not the intent
@rlemon I think it's when you have multiple devices
I'm with Benji. But to be fair I'm still not sure why I was kept.
like right now.. I am just on desktop
@SterlingArcher The noise of 15 random imgur posts per evening?
!!afk work and cig
logged me out in the middle of the chat. just said "you have to be logged in to speak"
that "no seeing deleted messages" can be fixed with a userscript
Guess I'll have to keep Miaou open all day as well now for all of my javascript-related humour doses
@SterlingArcher lol uh yeah...
@rlemon ftr, that doesn't happen here
jk no cig yet
damn, it happens to me at home and at work
so ugh. I can't even blame it on the network
@rlemon Happened to me a dozen times today
@monners humour isn't banned. I do think we need to work on our culture here though.
@rlemon happened here too.
@rlemon Happened to me a couple of times too
good! not just me!
@KendallFrey if people really care, they can have my RO. It doesn't matter to me, it's an internet chat position
yeah, everybody around here
@copy sorry, I'll stop going on imgur
@SterlingArcher use reddit instead
@SterlingArcher you can keep going
@FlorianMargaine SterlingArcher is afk: work and cig
doesn't mean you should share every single pic you see :P
the chat quickly gets flooded
If I go on imgur, I'll want to share because I like making you guys lol :P
@CapricaSix umm... wat?
@SterlingArcher For the record - that attitude is why you're ro. I love all the regs here but you're here a lot, you help a lot of news but I haven't seen you curse at one or act unprofessionally - when I have I let you know and you stopped doing that a while ago
I <3 all the regs here, and we'll likely add more ROs soon, but I think we need a culture change, the room has seen some deterioration in the past few months.
Whatevs, I'm just here for the free kittens
If only there was a way to democratically do everything ro related
Democracy's overrated
Oh, well, uh, thanks :) I don't like being a douche. I'll keep that up I guess.
@KendallFrey I opened a room in miaou and waited for discussion for a week, I posted it in the main room several times - not a lot of people showed up and not a lot of discussion happened.
Poor hygienic douche. It gets a bad rap on account of being associated with assholes all the time.
Aaaaand afk xD
!!afk good night.
Well, now john's in the lounge
wait, I don't see flags anymore?
or was it that fast
Lounge tends to act fast
It got to +3 really quick, then I added mine
@monners That's an enema
Ok, I should probably get some work done
What do you guys think of combinedArray = (maybeArray1 || []).concat(maybeArray2 || [])? I feel like there should be a cleaner way to do that.
@Retsam looks legit
combinedArray = (Array.isArray(maybeArray1) ? maybeArray1 : [maybeArray1]).concat(maybeArray2)?
I like @Retsam's solution better
iirc concat is pretty ok with nulls
@Retsam What is supposed to happen if maybeArray1 is truthy but not an array? do you want to discard it or array-ify it?
If it helps, by "maybeArray" it's either an array or undefined.
then [].concat(maybeArray1).concat(maybeArray2)?
@JanDvorak ["undefined"]
If those are the restrictions, then I like @JanDvorak's solution
!!> [0, 1].concat([2, 3]).concat(null)
@SecondRikudo [0,1,2,3,null]
Jesse, we need to cook.
eh, that's not quite the desired result
BTW... why don't we use [].concat instead of [].splice.call?
people use [].splice.call?
For cloning an array-like, I believe.
I mean, [].slice.call
(function(a, b) {
}(1, 2))
[object Arguments]
oh. That's not too useful.
Ah; so concat only unwraps actual arrays passed to it, not array-likes.
The whole concat unwrapping arrays thing is one of those JS idioms I'm not too fond of.
Have you seen (or do you have an idea) for "collaborative" editing
(ie multiple users at the same time, each one sees the other's modifications)
google docs
JSfiddle has one
I think JSFiddle has (or is working on) a collaborative mode
yes would you know how to do this ? the main key ideas for making this?
@Basj too broad
My website : bigpicture.bi/demo had a quite good voting on reddit.com ! But I think this feature would be the top requested one!
@Basj websocket
@JanDvorak I know, but just the "key ideas" ? I'll search on this deeply then
most websocket libs have a "broadcast" option
@FlorianMargaine in a few words, does this mean that at each keystroke, something is sent to server?
@Basj get input => handle input locally, encode the input over the web => handle input remotely
@Basj yes
Lol I can't believe it
@Basj yes, but the connection between the client and the server is never closed
IE actually went ahead and did everything people asked for
@FlorianMargaine each keystroke => send to the server (with what ? AJAX to text_has_been_written.php every few seconds?)
@Basj Advanced collaborative tools use keystroke prediction (eru => d-i-t-e) and then self-correct if they misguessed, but this should suffice for now.
They have proxies, arrows, CSP,
Well, back to sleep, gnight
@Basj not with ajax, with websockets.
@FlorianMargaine if you draw on this : mrdoob.com/projects/multiuserpad, can I see your drawings ? does this use websockets ?
@Basj yes, it uses websockets
Start with your conflict-resolution algo, then figure out a transport tech.
@FlorianMargaine google docs, jsfiddle collaborative , do they use Websockets ?
no idea
did you know this http://www.yourworldoftext.com/ ?
Lots of people told me about this site, in regard to my site http://bigpicture.bi/demo
!!afk home then gym
looking for a tool or a plugin to test for xss vulnerabilities
any suggestions ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum If I call .then on the same promise in a loop (theoretical situation), It'll resolve once, and then instantly call the function in .then() from there on, right?
if "instantly" means like setTimeout(fn, 0), then yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum a couple meta answers are python and java -- that seems a bit off topic or are all languages a go?
@SterlingArcher all languages
@SterlingArcher honestly... interesting things though
python and java are boring
This is, without a doubt the best line of code I have ever written. var validationResult = validation.validator.validate();
(Okay, maybe not)
dat alliteration doe
A: How to duplicate object properties in another object?

Second RikudoA bit more modern: With ES5 came Object.extend which allows you to do this very simply: Object.extend(secondObject, firstObject); This will extend secondObject's properties with firstObject's. Note that firstObject's properties will override second's if they have the same key.

The rest are horribly outdated
I'd suggest using something like this FiddleJonathan 3 mins ago
I have no idea how this fiddle relates to the question in any sort of manner
Ah, advertising map builder, got it
I'm 'shopping' for a persistence framework/pattern for the browser. Something like Backbone collections or the Ember persistence. Anyone have any names for me to google?
localStorage won't do?
Unrelated. I'm talking about a library that handles syncing data with the server (thought a rest api, sock.io, whatever)
What kind of server
I do it 'manually' right now, but I'm considering Backbone sollections.
I've heard about meteor
My data is currently exposed through a rest api, which works fine
But i'm lookig for more lient-side features. caching, syncing, etc.
@Luggage - Can you use signalR for node?
It handles data syncing, live updates, push, etc
i could. I'd lean toward socket.io.
but that just a communication channel that knows nothing about persistence.
i assume singalr is the same
persistence would need to come through some sort of service that is tied to a data access layer
Yea, i have that and am willing to change it to match.
it's 'standard rest' enough that backbone.collectiosn work with it out of the box.
Just looking for 'alternatives' to see what's out there.
I don't need the rest of bacbone, i already have routing, templates, etc solved.
I'm not against just growing my own, but I'm just checking before i re-invent the wheel.
or just fallback to backbone
is there a built-in javascript function that converts 1.50 to 1.5 but if the number is 1.25 it will leave it ?
the string '1.50'?
decimal or string
if it's a number it won't have trailing 0s. IT's jsut a value.
the value comes from mysql db
if it's a stirng, you can parse it to a number then .toString it
which is set to decimal(18,2) which makes 1.5 = 1.50
ohh. Well, how is that representied in JS-land?
that should work
or jusr parse without the .toString() if you need the number and not a string representation

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