don't come back as other users either. please and thankyou.
@JanDvorak not everyone agreed
it wasn't my decision, so I can't answer all questions. but multiple people complained about atmosphere and (@BenjaminGruenbaum correct me if i'm wrong) Benji talked to mods and they suggested we try to rock less owners
@SterlingArcher For the record - that attitude is why you're ro. I love all the regs here but you're here a lot, you help a lot of news but I haven't seen you curse at one or act unprofessionally - when I have I let you know and you stopped doing that a while ago
I <3 all the regs here, and we'll likely add more ROs soon, but I think we need a culture change, the room has seen some deterioration in the past few months.
@KendallFrey I opened a room in miaou and waited for discussion for a week, I posted it in the main room several times - not a lot of people showed up and not a lot of discussion happened.
@Basj Advanced collaborative tools use keystroke prediction (eru => d-i-t-e) and then self-correct if they misguessed, but this should suffice for now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum If I call .then on the same promise in a loop (theoretical situation), It'll resolve once, and then instantly call the function in .then() from there on, right?
A bit more modern: With ES5 came Object.extend which allows you to do this very simply:
Object.extend(secondObject, firstObject);
This will extend secondObject's properties with firstObject's. Note that firstObject's properties will override second's if they have the same key.
I'm 'shopping' for a persistence framework/pattern for the browser. Something like Backbone collections or the Ember persistence. Anyone have any names for me to google?