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@RyanKinal the last -5% is even worse - just after it's released and before it's passed to maintainers - debugging and adding new uninteresting features sucks.
@RyanKinal God... I've been on the last 2% of a DBMS for a week almost.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Javascript is Life. Life is Javascript. Please review the room pseudo-rules: rules.javascriptroom.com. Don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. [ecmascript] [ecmascript-5] [horses-riding-cowboys] [no-fighting]
@Cicada3301 That was a compliment. Now ride like the wind!!
aaaand, I'm gone
bye o/
Wow, C# question got a lot of upvotes for 2 hours.
@Kippie I already told you, nobody cares.
Q: `using` with commas can cause a memory leak?

Benjamin GruenbaumC# lets me do the following (example from MSDN): using (Font font3 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f), font4 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f)) { // Use font3 and font4. } What happens if font4 = new Font throws? From what I understand font3 will leak resources and won't get deallocated. Is...

@Kippie Were you afk or does she just not like you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum How'd you come across that? Did you run it in Ants or something?
ah, I see
var some_array = { 'head': [] }
Misleading name D:
@BenjaminGruenbaum Apricots are people too!
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am a banana!
Exactly -_-
!!afk beer
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
@Jhawins BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: beer
@Jhawins I found that
@BenjaminGruenbaum for all those problems I'd need something of industrial strenght, really.
anyway @Cicada3301 with all due respect, you still need to learn a lot about software development.
@SomeKittens anyway @everyone with all due respect, you still need to learn a lot about software development. (source)
Is there anyway to target all IE versions in CSS instead of having to list each and every one?
@SomeKittens anyway @MY FRIGGIN COWORKER with all due respect, you still need to learn a lot about software development. (source)
<!--[if IE 8]><!--[if IE 6]><!--[if IE 7]>. I don't want to do that.
@Jhawins but tbh I can't find the part where he's making the fun of me
Cannot wait to have a build system that rejects things that don't work.
!!afk testing
now to go for a smoke and come back after two minutes
So <!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]> would target all IE's 9 and up?
greater than usually is not inclusive
do I really have to specify IE9, 10 and 11?
there's gte
gt IE 8?
!!are you alive
@rlemon By all means
looks like afk notifications are gone
Yeah, I tried to afk earlier
!!tell SomeGuy afk i'm using you for testing
in two minutes ping him and see if you get a reply
that should still work
and if this works... we REALLY need to lock down not being able to do that ^^^
lol, yeah
no notification === very little chance you'll find out who hijacked your afk
That wouldn't work, though, would it?
Wouldn't that be Caprica going afk?
no the tell works
Huh. Interesting.
!!tell RyanKinal nudge 1 'Surprise!'
@RyanKinal Nudge #1 registered.
I suppose you're correct
we'll have to add another 'flag' (property) to the commands. isTellable or something
then check against that when we use the tell command
Not a bad solution
unless someone has a better suggestion
@RyanKinal nudge Surprise!
I guess it's either that or an array
@RyanKinal the array would be more places to maintain
Yeah, that's why your solution is better
at least this way we have the default of yes, and if you wanna lock down a command you just update that plugin
I don't often have good ideas... but when I do. they are not bad.
You should have Caprica call out people whose flags are invalidated.
"@flagger don't abuse the flags, you tattle-tail."
I don't think she knows even if she had 10k
why isn't alt + F10 giving me maximized gedit ???
She has 10k at heart :(
@RUJordan only diamond mods can get that information
We'll have to hack her the diamond then
!!> giveDiamondAccess("Caprica Six");
@RUJordan "ReferenceError: giveDiamondAccess is not defined"
Well I've done all I can do.
posted on January 14, 2014 by ericbidelman

The Web Speech API adds voice recognition (speech to text) and speech synthesis (text to speech) to JavaScript. The post briefly covers the latter, as the API recently landed in Chrome 33 (mobile and desktop). If you're interested in speech recognition, Glen Shires had a great writeup a while back on the voice recognition feature, "Voice Driven Web Apps: Introduction to the Web Speech API".

okay wth... Putty just up and switched right click -> paste to middle click -> paste on me
but... I didn't change it!
@CapricaSix♦ Hey, it worked!
@SomeKittens Thanking bot is one thing, but I've never seen her name with a diamond :-)
Can you change her name to have the diamond despite the obvious? lol
People might stop talking to her like he's a human
> Display Name can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens and must start with a letter or digit
@RUJordan Changing her name back to SOChatBot would be better...
@Jhawins ...
@JanDvorak ...
@SomeKittens isn't there a guy with all chinese symbols?
Guess those count as 'letters'
npm install serialport
npm http GET registry.npmjs.org/serialport
npm http 503 registry.npmjs.org/serialport
npm ERR! registry error parsing json
Alright, got something.
Still with the serialports eh?
How did you do that?
@SomeKittens New name?
@RUJordan Do what?
seriously not fucking cool man
this package worked yesterday!
@rlemon report a GitHub issue
I've had that happen before
do you just post your profile link?
@SomeKittens against npm or the repo?
@RUJordan yes
RUJordan, Virginia
3.1k 2 10 32
All the arrays.
rlemon, Ontario, Canada.
10.1k 3 26 69
@rlemon The repo.
look at all of that tag goodness
...why are we posting our profiles?
@SomeKittens because we wanted to be like you
And.... More serial downvoting... Wtf.
@rlemon aww, how cute.
> SomeKittens Ux2666 //U+2666 is the unicode symbol for mod-status
Q: Regular user able to appear as diamond mod

SomeKittensI've been able to make myself appear as a diamond mod on my StackOverflow profile. I don't have access to any mod powers (despite my attempts to get an irradiated ThiefMaster to bite me) but it may confuse users. Make sure your unicode parser is up to date, otherwise it'll just show the code.

@SomeKittens you don't have a diamond.
1 min ago, by SomeKittens
> SomeKittens Ux2666 //U+2666 is the unicode symbol for mod-status
29 secs ago, by SomeKittens
1 min ago, by SomeKittens
> SomeKittens Ux2666 //U+2666 is the unicode symbol for mod-status
all I see is Ux2666
not the character it represents
> Make sure your unicode parser is up to date, otherwise it'll just show the code.
It just shows Ux2666 for me
@SomeKittens I'm completely up-to-date.
You cheeky bastard..
@SomeKittens I can't see the diamond mod symbol
you clever devil u
IT'S A TRAP! HAX! — RUJordan 1 min ago
^ What a dick
^what an ass
I didn't give away the punchline...
I didn't give away the punchline O.o
It means he hacked his way to mod
e.g. HAX
how come <!-- language: css --> isn't working?
A: Circular highlight css3

connorspiracistYou can do this with border-radius and box-shadow at least that's the only way I can think of with pure css What you do is you make an element that is circle with a transparent background, then you give it a box-shadow completely back that will fill the whole of your page, and you can get some a...

... because that's an HTML comment?
the CSS tag doesn't have a language associated
@SomeKittens they don't get your humor :(
try lang-css
Meta usually doesn't.
I only have rep because I whine about chat and all you folk upvote me.
If you can't see it you may need to download Javascript and install it on your machine. If on Windows be sure to use sudo, if on Linux be sure to run as Administrator. — Jhawins 6 secs ago
^ brilliant
@JanDvorak cool, that works :)
@JanDvorak ^k^k?
Isn't it ^H
I'm pretty sure it's ^H
Damn, is it?
I don't know what either mean
!!google ^H
Can you point me to the help page?
What's more destructive, an F-bomb, or an H-bomb?
Holy cow, I still got positive rep from that.
Well, I guess it would depend on who you dropped the F-Bomb on
$('.username').each(function() {
  this.textContent += ' ♦';
  this.style.color = '#4979b9';
  this.style.fontWeight = '700';
EVERYONE is a mod
it doesn't work on new messages
@SomeKittens it can.
but that would involve work.
The trick to knowing I'm not actually a real mod is that I still retain my sense of humor. — SomeKittens 5 secs ago
@rlemon I don't like work, already did enough of it
Guys, how do I check if two variables are actually referring to the same object?
For example,
var a = {1:1};
var b = a;
is different from
var a = {1:1};
var b = {1:1};
In the first case, it should return true and the second case it should return false
They deleted it?>!
@SomeKittens this is why you add the tag
then they know iz jokes
@thefourtheye Yes, that's exactly what it does
youtube.com/watch?v=W_IzYUJANfk#t=116 //Asking hipsters about bands that don't exist
if(a === b) { // do something }
1 min ago, by connorspiracist
b === a
@connorspiracist Awesome :) Thanks :) I thought that it will do member by member comparison
@rlemon I had the tag
!!> var a = {1:1}; var b = a; if (b instanceof a) console.log(true);
@RUJordan "TypeError: invalid 'instanceof' operand a"
@RUJordan Umm....
well shit
@SomeKittens not clear enough apparently.
That's not how instanceof works haha
!!> var a = {1:1}; var b = a; var c = {1:1}; console.log(a === b); console.log(a === c);
@thefourtheye "undefined" Logged: true,false
> The instanceof operator tests whether an object has in its prototype chain the prototype property of a constructor.
yeah i just found that one out
!!> var a = {1:1}; var b = a; if (b instanceof Array) console.log(true);
@Jhawins "undefined" Logged: true
@Jhawins "undefined"
sk sk
I didn't see the edit, did you do Object first?
!!> var a = {a:1}, b = a; (a instanceof eval((typeof b).replace(/^o/,'O')))
@rlemon true
no idea what that means
way to make me look like a tool :P
aware of the outage. please be patient. working to resolve this now.
Got an Ecig. Hurts my throat a fuck ton more than normal cigs. Fail.
And how do I create a copy of that object in JavaScript?
Q: Most elegant way to clone a JavaScript object

mindeavorI have an object x. I'd like to copy it as object y, such that changes to y do not modify x. What's the most elegant way of doing this in JavaScript? Edit: I realize that copying objects derived from built-in JavaScript objects will result in extra, unwanted properties. This isn't a problem, si...

@thefourtheye for plain objects, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x)) is probably the easiest way
@Jhawins my ecig was a lot smoother than a normal cig
not as satisfying tho
like a less potent hookah
Yeah they're kind of a let down
@RUJordan That's what I feel like. I'd rather just get my hookah out and some shisha.
@JanDvorak Oh... Is there anything which is getting to ES sooner that clones?
@someguy Looks a bit like a place people will dump pseudo-philosophical things into, like twitter
@Zirak SomeGuy is afk: i'm using you for testing
omg omg omg Zirak!
Using ME!?
@RUJordan yeah, it is I, contain your orgasms.
Too late
How it going man?
@thefourtheye Yeah, what Jan said, except it won't copy functions
@Zirak o/
@thefourtheye a shallow clone is pretty easy; clone=Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(orig)); (for k in orig) clone[k]=orig[k]
Still alive.
starts 4 minute count down
Well, that's always a plus.
@Zirak how are ya? whats new? did you do anything fun with your phone yet? SO Chat Mobile interface sucks eh? the bot is awsm! love you pal! see ya tomorrow for another 4 minutes of bliss.
@Zirak Yay!
Got that one down to a science lol
@JanDvorak Thanks :) Its nice to see getPrototypeOf. People normally do obj.__proto__, I think
best excuse ever for downtime: "Boss I can't work because NPM is down and I need a package. Sorry! they tweeted about it... so you know i'm not lying :P"
@thefourtheye ewww __proto__
This may be a really stupid question, but is it possible to have 2 different web host servers running your website?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute sure why not.
@rlemon Interesting shit, having a lot of fun. With phone... not much, browsing the xkcd I missed.
Yep, mobile interface sucks. Love ya in a totally platonic way.
@rlemon In short, how would that work (aside from the syncing issues)?
Q: how to read a textfile containing arithmetic operations and executing it in javascript?

Prog GrlI am working to read the textfile which has specification as p=9999 q=2000 s=4555 t=7676 r=p*q+s-t the textfile can contain any such arithmetic operations. However,I am unable to create the variables dynamically and perform the operations.

close plox
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute what is your need
I smell XY
!!> function derp(arg1,arg2,arg3) {} console.log(derp.length);
@RUJordan "SyntaxError: syntax error"
@RUJordan "undefined" Logged: 3
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute that's called clustering
Ha, I didn't know you could do that
@rlemon I am currently on a free web hosting plan, because I don't have the funds to buy a server. Unfortunately, the audience will probably be too much for the free server to handle and the free web host will likely temporarily suspend my account for too much bandwidth usage. As a result, I am thinking of someway to balance it out so I don't cross the bandwidth limit, at least until I can get a paid web hosting plan.
!!> [1,2,3,4] + ',5'
@rlemon "1,2,3,4,5"
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute then nope
just get a paid host
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute I just got hosting for less than my netflix account's cost
If I paid upfront, it would have cost me half as much
get a shared host for like $5 / mo
iPage (I had bad experience with them) costs like $50/year for shared hosting
including 1 domain
I host my stuff on GH pages vOv
^ or that
how much money have you spent on coffee in the last month?
yeah after they finally dump jekyll errors it makes much sense
can you give that up for a shared host?
don't drink coffee
i am college student
don't be an ass you know what I mean.
because last time I fucking mirrored their config, with exact same version of ruby and whatnot, and it built locally and not on gh
posted on January 14, 2014 by Victor Rodriguez

Why Einstein Will Never Be Wrong One of the benefits of being an astrophysicist is your weekly email from someone who claims to have “proven Einstein wrong”. These either contain no mathematical equations and use phrases such as “it is obvious that..”, or they are page after page of complex equations with dozens of scientific terms used in non-traditional ways. They all get deleted pretty q

you clearly have $50 a year to spend, and if you don't then I have no idea how you can afford to live.
convert("coffee" => "monster" + "ramen" + "no sex");
but accumulating those $50 for a upfront payment is hard part.
if you have no CC get a pre paid visa - I did that once to buy a domain. worked like a charm
I paid $7.13 upfront for my host
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute seriously? it is hard for you to get $50 for a domain + host?
and $8 for my domain
var object = {
     test: 'name',
     overflow: object.test // I know this doesn't work, but is it because "object" doesn't exist yet?
@rlemon Right now, I don't have a job and I go to college. I don't want to bother my parents for money.
@rlemon I couldn't buy something for $50 right now. It's ok to be poor.
They're already helping with college money.
get a job! I delivered pizzas for a night just to buy beer once lol
@RUJordan Haha you just walked in and said "let me deliver for the night?"
Kinda sorta
I applied, they hired, I went out for the night, got $63 in tips, never went back
Design process for pretty much everywhere:
1) Remove all color except blue
2) Add gray
3) Piss off Ryan
Nice. I wish it was that simple here. "Get a job" is kind of like saying "Find the garden of eden" right now over here.
I got lucky I think. I was working full time as a pool boy the day after my graduation, and I got home and spent hours on my computer looking for jobs and contacting recruiters, and 3 weeks later I'm hired as a web developer.
Luck + Hard mother fucking work = job
Meaning it's not that it's hard to find... It's that you're unsure about whether or not it even exists to look for.
Haha. I was about to start my legitimate job search. That's what I said I'd do when 2014 hit. But now I'm in limbo with court stuff and everything else... Can't drive.. Completely cleaned out on cash. I don't think my odds are good.
I wouldn't think a potential employer would turn me away for having this on my record... But I wouldn't know.. It's a class a misdemeanor if I'm convicted. Do you think that's going to hurt my job search? The charge is criminal, but it is for driving on a suspended license. That's it on paper.
I have a 1/32 chance of winning a TV today.
I might get a job at a grocery store pretty soon. Will save it up for web server. Only thing is that the site is releasing tomorrow.
Means, it needs to not crash before I get money to buy server.
Walmart in my area treats you like dirt. Jus sayin
it's not walmart
it's Stop&Shop
My mom works at walmart and got promoted and the kids treat her like shit. I want to come in and knock their heads together
I miss minimum wage job searching... You can just apply anywhere and they'll show you what to do haha. Here I have to prove my abilities.
@RUJordan They'll be gone before too long anyway..
Otherwise just tell her she should Open Door their asses.
^ Sounds weird but thats correct terminology for running a complaint up the chain of command at Walmart... Minus the asses part.
I'm bout to open door my foot in their ass if they treat my momma bad
She'd beat me to it though lol she's small, but she's got freaking like 10 years of pilates teaching in her and she's a lot stronger than she looks
maybe I should go to some freelance website and get some startup money
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute Yeah good luck. Foreigners (nothing against them, but they're the ones who do it) will undercut you to the extreme.
As in they'll happily make minimum wage and do a job like shit.
minimum wage in massachusetts is $8
ImportError: No module named compiler.ast
when trying to compile node.js
# opkg install python
Package python-core (2.7.3-r0.3.7) installed in root is up to date.
what is faster? $(this).prop("checked"); or $(this).is(":checked");?
@RUJordan this.checked
no shit
but forreal
Then why ask?
you know I mean that with love right
of course!
@Retsam because it's about jQuery.
@RUJordan I think prop is fastest but I don't know for sure
but that is an abuse of jQuery
it isn't faster, it isn't easier to write, and it isn't less to write. <- no core philosophy is met.
PWND @RUJordan :-P
Edit: I support qwertynl's answer because vanilla.js
$(this).get(0).checked might still be faster.
@Retsam haha NO
-1 not enough jQuery. — BlackSheep 33 secs ago
> Just check checked of the DOM object (this):
That sentence is confusing..
@Jhawins blaaaah
@RUJordan is an abuser
Fixed @Jhawins :-P
Should I consider hosting from my personal computer until I get a reliable host?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute No.
@rlemon only hard drugs brah
@qwertynl Why?
you should consider taking our original suggestion or stop asking :P
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute because.
I don't have freaking money to execute your original suggestion and am not getting it at least until the end of this month.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute most ISPs do not allow hosting on personal computers
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute github has free nominal hosting...
@qwertynl Don't I have to open source my code for it though?
My buddy had to go to court because he was hosting a server on his ISP. (not sure of the details, it was a while ago)
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute you put static pages on github
compile on your pc and upload the static html pages

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