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@connorspiracist so you won't allow plugins to use more than one file?
@connorspiracist not a server, a user
@EnglishMaster But I think Peter Jackson is going to change and add a lot to the next movie, so... You never know.
each user has own port?
do you know how a server works?
Yeah, I agree. However, the part where Thorin is going to die and Dain ll Ironfoot will become the next king of Erebor won't change.
@FlorianMargaine go on...
no, I don't have time for that
with what you know, it's simpler for you to have each plugin with its own server
talk with a sysadmin if you want a more efficient solution
and for development, you can just have each plugin with its own port
it's for production that the "each server" thing matters
why do you want each plugin to know nothing about the main app btw? will you run plugins that you didn't write?
@FlorianMargaine yes
@FlorianMargaine Even when someone is developing a plugin, they can access everything about everyone
The only reason you would have different ports is so they cannot access different plugins, but surely i can restrict them to only including files from the plugin direrectory
with each plugin having a different user, yes
and to run 2 different apps on the same server, you need them to have different ports
I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you..
I know 2 different ports
but not one for each plugin/user
makes no sense
1 for app 1 for plugins makes sense to me
only one process can listen on a port on the same server
if you run each plugin as a separate process, you're forced to have them run on different ports
No, what i was planning on doing
is having one server for the plugins
plugins can access other plugins data?
I'm going to have a like request class that will get the request, find the right plugin, tell the plugin what the crack is, then send the response
The plugin it'self isn't going to be handling the bare request
A class will basically translate the request for the plugin
@FlorianMargaine no, but it doesn't really matter
it does
if you care about security, that is
@FlorianMargaine not on the global object
you're not thinking on the right level
they wont be able to access other plugin files, and if any plugins define data on the global scope then that's their problem
it's a matter of resources shared by processes, not a matter of js code
hey guys!
got out of school sooner today... teachers missing
@Cicada3301 Missing?
See any milk cartons with your teachers' faces on it?
@Neil I didn't kill them
@Neil XD
Normally they don't cancel school if one teacher is missing
nope... one of them had a conference, the other teaches religion, and I don't do religion
Were they all missing?
@Neil only one
@Cicada3301 You don't do religion? Ah, smarter than I thought.
@Neil -_- I take it as an offense... I don't think any coder really believes in a god.... other than the god of logic
@Neil Let's not start a flamework here :)
@Miszy oh, hey miszy!
@Cicada3301 And I think you're generalizing and you're not right.
@Cicada3301 Well you're terribly mistaken
@Miszy Sorry, that wasn't my intention
ok guys... I take back what I said
@Cicada3301 Even though I'm not a man of faith, I know a lot of very good programmers believing in some kind of god :)
any of you are religious?
@Cicada3301 quite a lot of people in here are
Most people assume I'm athiest based on how I talk, but I'm christian, honest injun
I'm just really mad at God for not leaving any proof
@Cicada3301 I'm not religious, but Christianity is kind of part of my national culture.
I believe in Logic, for example... did you ever thought that Him is exactly as a god? I mean... the base of everything... many people fight to death becouse some don't use it... it has labs aka churches...
@Miszy In Italy we have the Pope and most of the pedo priests...
@Cicada3301 Oh, right :D I forgot you're from Italy :D
@Miszy and in romania... if you're not ortodox you ain't anything
There's the whole omnipotent, omniscent, and omnipresent argument
@Cicada3301 Oh yeah, did you know that the age limit for sex was 12 in Vatican city up till 2008?
so my grandpa created a new religion and my grandma is induist...
Most people decide god doesn't exist when they hear that, but I just choose to believe god isn't exactly as we expect him to be
@connorspiracist can you even have sex in vatican city? XD
@Cicada3301 You can, but no condoms allowed.
@Cicada3301 A lot of people have.
@Cicada3301 No, we're too old
@Kippie and where? every place accessable by public is crowded
like most things in this world, the issue with religion isn't the system, it's the human aspect.
@connorspiracist XD But a fun fact is that you can't use CO2 emiting cars in Vatican.
did any of you guys read the cicle of foundations by asimov?
@Miszy that complete sense makes...
@phenomnomnominal I think we can all agree on that
@phenomnomnominal Can you elaborate?
@Miszy That place really creeps me out
@connorspiracist before when I said use Object.defineProperty, use it to define a setter on global which throws an error.
@Neil I don't... the better the system is the less people complain
@phenomnomnominal hm ok, well I've like completely revamped the idea now :) thanks
@Miszy isn't it obvious? The problem isn't in religion itself, it's when people interpret what are essentially guidelines for leading a morally just life and use them to justify doing abhorent things to other people
wow... I left school before religion and now I have religion lessons at home... yay
@phenomnomnominal So IMHO the problem is with the system :] But that's probably just because we understand system differently.
I've never been able to figure out religious teachers
@Miszy I can't get the thing to work on different screens... can you check my stylesheet plz? www.copot.eu/cicada
1. you shouldn't teach a religion you don't believe in
2. you shouldn't be taught about your religion by someone who doesn't believe it
@Cicada3301 you don't have to do @media screen and (min-width: 0px){
@Cicada3301 and you don't have to repeat everything in @media screen and (min-width: 321px) {
@Miszy I'm probably being overly reductionist when I say this, but if you assume the Christian religious system is just essentially the 10 commandments, it would work fine without all the additional interpretation and bullshit added to it by men.
But when you get to that point you have no need for a "god" figure anyway
@phenomnomnominal It would if we assumed that.
Religion is stupid and does more hurt than good, it's pretty sad, but it's true.
@Miszy I changed in the last one so that it displayed as stuff was before... and in the first one should I put max-width:320px instead of min-width?
@Miszy it currently uses a bit of both... I'm confused
@phenomnomnominal It's not the religion
it is the people
@Cicada3301 no, remove the first media-query at all. Just make it global.
guns don't shoot anyone
@connorspiracist people are the religion
@connorspiracist yes, but if people were perfect, Religion would never exist in the first place.
@phenomnomnominal That's not true.
Of course it is
@phenomnomnominal you don't have to be perfect to not hurt
@connorspiracist That's true, but if you were perfect, you wouldn't hurt
No you don't, which is why I can be a much better person than many religious people I know.
You can make a choice to not be a dick, to not go out of your way to do bad stuff. But none of us are perfect, we all are dicks, we all fuck up. The only difference is that I don't need the guilt trip of a heaven hanging over my head to make me get up every day and want to be a good person.
That's another thing i don't understand
who wants to go to heaven?
people who can't stand the idea of being dead
But in the paradise earth you don't die
@connorspiracist Certainly not I, since that would imply that I just died
@Miszy did it... that means I have to set again every property that before was default, since now it has been reset globally? and also... still doesn't do the thing at 320px
@Cicada3301 it works, what do you mean? It's getting better now :)
@Cicada3301 But i'd make it not 320px but rather ~500px
how do I load images again?
@Cicada3301 What do you mean?
@Miszy I want to post an image that displays my page at 320px width, it is still the same layout as before... no bar on top
that happends at like 170px... but that should just be html doing strange stuff by itself
@Cicada3301 Your media-query says min-width: 321px
@Miszy Ik, that's why I'm confused
@Cicada3301 Confused about what? Make it 500px.
@Miszy now it does the thing at 449... wth?
@Cicada3301 "the thing" ?
@Cicada3301 No, it doesn't.
@Miszy it does what is supposed to do only <450...
while I set it to 500
@Cicada3301 What is it supposed to do? Why <450? It works just fine for me.
it is supposed to display everything in one column below 500px, but it does it only below 450px
@Loktar Interesting arguments about Nidhogg here youtube.com/watch?v=ykDW1dWU7Fs
maybe it's windows or this version of chrome doing strange things
@Cicada3301 No, it actually does work for widths below 500px, just as it should. You must have something wrong with the browser, press ctrl+0
something changed...
now it works..
but I need to do it for every page...
@Cicada3301 What do you mean "for every page" ?
i did it on this page and something changed... dunno what... maybe the width of the chat... I reloaded my page and it didn't work...
tried using ctrl+0 on that page, and it worked
@Cicada3301 ctrl+0 is setting your browser's zoom to default. You must have zoomed in before.
oooooh... and zooms are local for pages
cool... what should I do now master jedi?
Make it readable
@Miszy by that you mean presentable? well.. that's the point... how?
@Cicada3301 3 colums at 500px is not readable IMO
@Miszy so... you don't want the user to need to scroll down?
@Cicada3301 No, I want user to be able to read anything
@Cicada3301 eg. at 500px there should not be a sidebar IMO
@Cicada3301 the sidebar should show at 800px
oh so... not showing it at all?
@Cicada3301 I mean: showing it the same as at 320px
@Miszy as such?
dead on the keyboard... again
"I once bought a disposable camera. There was a picture taken already."
aww... how sad
guys... what music do you usually listen to while coding? or no music?
I listen to Skinny Jeans song
lemme youtube it
why's static reserved?
Currently listening to a Celtic Woman radio
@EnglishMaster by lil wayne?
I listen to Ke$ha
So listen to these songs
1. Skinny Jeans song
2. Do you like waffles? (10 hours loop)
3. Workers song - Dropkick Murphys
Best music for developing
I think I heard already workers song...
Should we always place the Function expressions at the start of the javascript file?
Like $fn.demo.name = function(){ ....
skinny jeans I just heard it... not my style
@Cicada3301 I just put on my headphones to look like I can't hear anything so that people don't disturb me.
You should listen to "Quack like a duck" by Goat and Your Mum
I don't really like having voices while I'm coding*
@EnglishMaster -_- is it a joke?
No I'm totally serious
this is the kind of music I like to hear youtube.com/watch?v=3vUgOU_M2wo
@Miszy not back yet?
Godamnit. Just requested user statistics for my current project. Apparantly 23% of the users are still on IE7. Why the hell.
@Kippie corporate environment?
@Oleg that really makes you anscious and makes you want to finish the project as soon as possible
@Cicada3301 I listen to it when I figured out the "how" and it's just a matter of putting thoughts into text.
@Oleg well... that works aswell
But music is really disturbing when I need to think about the "how".
@Oleg then I usually listen to michael jackson's newest songs or to the minecraft soundtrack
@Oleg or I simply get out with my bike... and don't come back until I figure out a solution
@Cicada3301 Doesn't work for me. I think too much about the traffic. Running is good though.
@Oleg In italy nobody really goes outside of the city if not at 8am/pm
@Jhawins Pull request! Thanks
penning something
@Zirak How are you here?
It's a Tuesday!
I thought you were gone all week
This isn't what it looks like
I swear
I have multiselect box and cant attach change event, Object #variant-options has no method 'change', where 'variant-options' is id of select.
From http://api.jquery.com/change/ it should work, am i missing something?
@Srle calling change on the wrong element?
@SomeGuy uhu. Yeah, I've got a phone with an internet connection.
Which means I can have about 4 minutes of SO a day.
@Oleg, ah stupid mistake, i write ('#variant-options') instead $('#variant-options') :D
@Srle ;P
@Zirak one minute left
what's your last wish?
guys... gotta go!
I'll return in about 2 hrs
An octopus with frogs for tentacles
last wish denied
go off and die.
You sucj
Yeah, I said it, you sucj
Yeah, Florian, you sucj!
I don't want to sucj :(
And I want an octopus with frogs for tentacles. We can have something arranged.
like, a marriage?
@Zirak you sucj at spelling :-)
@FlorianMargaine You're too ugly, and have too many penii to qualify
@rlemon Damn! Getting an MRI then?
I am in love with less :D
sucj means?
@AbhishekHingnikar less like in LESS, the CSS preprocessor?
i am learning it :D
wish i could dynamically generate keyframes there :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar its beautiful, but sass is fun too :D
@AbhishekHingnikar I liked LESS but now I prefer SCSS since it's the default in Yeoman :) Heh.
yeah am trying sass and scss
@Miszy @mikedidthis codepen.io/darkyen/pen/lhrLD
can any of you tell whats wrong with the background color ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't understand.
why is it not generating a color
but just a common shade of grey ?
background:hsl( ($index*15), 0.8, 0.4);
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't think the browser will understand the multiplication or the extra parens
@JanDvorak thats why i am using SCSS
@AbhishekHingnikar sorted?
@mikedidthis no i just realized maybe less was converting it to browser's % based system
lemme try that
background:hsl( ($index*15), 100%, 75%);
yeap works
ahh right, I get what you mean.

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