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Don't feed the vamps!~
define 'height'
@deep In your case, $(element).height(). Simply because I'm not going to spend the next 40 minutes explaining how to get the height for you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum i'm not, i'm pushing him to the knowledge that his question is incomplete
codepen.io/RUJordan/pen/pLGDq How do I clear the canvas properly so that the lines don't build up on top of each other?
once he finds the correct question google will have all of his answers
Is anyone familiar with the ko.validation library?
@RUJordan before the render context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight)
thank you @phenomnomnominal
@BenjaminGruenbaum Exactly haha
@rlemon I don't buy macs but costumer support has been nothing but awesome from there here. One time I dropped my laptop (2008) and my screen cracked. I called them, they came, they gave me a replacement laptop, fixed the screen, replaced the keyboard, replaced the mouse cover, replaced the battery and gave it back.
I thought that has issues with google chrome and drops the FPS by a couple?
@rlemon Honestly the only support I've ever had that was better than Apple was from Toyo Tires.
has anyone ever used mobiscroll?
@RUJordan the last thing that will really affect your performance is the browser.
252.32640075683594px ?

Have i messed this up?
@Jhawins Zirak also read and liked it.
Besides I have that in there and it doesn't reset it. Is it in the wrong spot?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oddly, my one support experience was an issue right at the home of Apple.
Everything got fixed but it took the better part of a week of hassle
As soon as you tell them you're a developer they ask if you want transferred to the "next level of tech support" which is a guy/gal who usually knows their shit (happened twice anyway...). The person just asked me what I needed, he didn't make me go through some BS diagnostic with him so he could find out what's wrong. I just told him what was wrong, he said I'd get a box in 2 days with a new iPod and to ship my old one back in the box.
@SomeKittens I'm just saying how it worked for me - can't indicate about the general way it works.
@SiddiqBaig Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hah. They didn't believe me when I told them. Gave them the error code and everything. Basically said 'that's nice' and did their own thing.
And no, I don't call people and say "Hello I iz developerz." It usually goes something along the lines of: CS:"Have you tried X" Me:"Yes" CS:"Are you sure you did X?" Me:"Yes, I'm a fucking web developer and I know how to click "reset."
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, me too.
!!afk co-worker bday. Gonna bug @rlemon when I get back :3
@RUJordan Stay safe.
don't go
@BenjaminGruenbaum looks cool
@rlemon RUJordan is afk: co-worker bday. Gonna bug @rlemon when I get back :3
!!afk watching a show
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why are you leaving me!?
Speaking of good customer service; I'm getting AT&T internet installed this week and didn't want to pay $100 to have someone come plug it in for me. I called to see if I could install it myself, and they told me they didn't have that option in my area, but went ahead and just dropped the $100 charge, and someone's still coming to install it for me.
Am I missing something here?
!!afk $0
posted on November 05, 2013

Last week Luke Wroblewski published an important article in which he said that web developers practising responsive design rely too much on a device’s screen size to determine which device it is. He showed that two devices with an ideal viewport of 320px may need two drastically different user interfaces, something that cannot be discovered by studying the screen, or the browser viewpor

@Jhawins Stay safe.
@RUJordan well when you get back gist.github.com/rlemon/16d0916699a2e51db64a
@jhawins hey
@Jhawins Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
Oops too many conversation
Fuck. Someone ping me.
!!afk $0
@Jhawins .
@Jhawins Why are you leaving me!?
@Jhawins ping piong
@SomeKittens Jhawins is afk: $0
Damn. Boring. Didn't do what I expected.
@Jhawins You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
@CapricaSix Actually afk now. I'm just not telling you this time.
what, were you expecting it to echo what the person who pinged you said?
!!afk Sleep
@deep Apricots are people too!
!!tell CapricaSix afk I'm not actually a real person
@CapricaSix Apricots are people too!
@CapricaSix ohey
@SomeKittens CapricaSix is afk: I'm not actually a real person
and she ignores herself, so it won't be unset.
But if she's not real, how is she away from the keyboard?
that was strange.
!!echo banana
Anyone have an opinion on which is better Sessions or Tokens?
@connor.js inb4 "It depends"
@BenSinclair Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
posted on November 05, 2013 by Peter Beverloo

Last week, 1,869 commits made by 453 authors landed in the Blink, Chromium, Skia and v8 repositories. This update discusses them up to r232687. There wasn’t an update last week as I was in Dubai! John disabled the ability to double-tap-zoom on websites which specify a width=device-width viewport, meaning the click delay of 300ms will […]

I hate you people. Don't do that again. This is why I can't have nice things
@rlemon eh? Don't do what?
her memory is a fucking mess to sort through to remove entries by hand
Wait, that afk broke her?
no, but anyone pinging her would get a stupid message
but that isn't fun, that would be annoying
@CapricaSix penis.
ohh heur heur heur
you and Octavian probably know more about her internals than I do
@rlemon You shouldn't need to manually remove her afk status
inb4 dirty comments
dammit couldn't think of something dirty to say.
another !!tell CapricaSix afk should clear it
for example:
Can you add a context for qSA?
so no one on this apache issue.
i've become lost for ideas of what to try next
element.qSA, got it
!!tell rlemon afk furiously fapping
@rlemon Hurry back, ok?
a name entry is there, virtualhost is there, server is restarted.
!!tell rlemon afk
@rlemon I thought you'd never come back!
@rlemon Why are you leaving me!?
!!tell rlemon afk
@rlemon You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
lol you can force the bot to afk itself?
so, even though she'll ignore herself, you can invoke commands in her name, and calling !!afk while you're afk will unset your afk
@nderscore yep
and it won't unafk itself by responding to people, etc
hue hue hue hue hue
var NOHOPEONLYZALGO = function() {return NOHOPEONLYZALGO()};;;;;;;;;;/*;;;;*/;;;;;
so @Shmiddty hows the job?
just to make sure the statement is terminated?
you mentioned your boss was let go suddenly?
 +    url : '' + nodeCommand + (nodeArgs ? '?' + nodeArgs : ''),
 +    jsonpName : 'callback',
 +    fun : finish
 +  });
What's this?
that's the hacks
ohhh god someone, anyone, why does no one know apache :(
or care...
@Loktar It's fine. The boss' boss said there wouldn't be any more layoffs
@Shmiddty Shoot. That's what I get for working on the node branch and having terrible practices
where is the monkeys?
@rlemon seems odd if its apache at this point
considering other domains work fine
@Loktar I can't understand it
the only difference is the other domains are .coms and this is a .ca
but I don't see how that would matter
yeah i was wondering that as well, thats why I asked if you were certain the nameserver records were perfect
like a .com wasnt accidently fat fingered in
@Loktar well I had pics of them both
ah I was at lunch
the zone a record entries
/me scrolls up
there are two pics there
i used ahhpics (first pic) as a comparison, because well, it works.
Also, I'm undecided about the current implementation of ZALGO. I can't decide if I should or shouldn't approve it. Either way, Zirak is upset. I could go either way.
@rlemon what is beginPath() and closePath()?
@RUJordan Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
.. strips
@RUJordan magical functions that never appear on MDN
not ever
Is that sarcasm?
where is your nameserver?
thinly veiled contempt actually.
you forgot to use the sarcasm font, robby lemon
fucking lazy bastards... 'robby', who would do that to their kid.
mom: 'Robbie is short for Robert'
me: umm... you do know what 'short' means right?
heh weird yeah man idk, I host my own nameservers as well and handle my own dns, I just update the nameservers ip's on my domain hosts
I assumed you did the same thing
@Loktar all nameservers are the godaddy specified ones
@rlemon She knows. She slept with your dad, after all.
like n36 / n37.somethingserver.net
yeah that gives you a lot less control I guess, which sucks
sucks because its hard to tell whats going on
@Shmiddty As the author, I like it, but I'll understand if you don't want that insanity in the codebase.
unless I wanna call GoDaddy and pay the ridiculous amount for live support
you should get a level of free support
for domain issues
id just have them check (the domain settings on their control panel) and make sure its ok and right at the very least idk
not apache, obv that will cost $$
or ask if there are special rules for .ca's
Hey neat, it's almost like a dance party light. Didn't even mean to do that. codepen.io/RUJordan/pen/pLGDq
Thanks for the tips @rlemon
ahoi! i'm working on a project that has two different types of video players and i don't want to instantiate the given player every time. i'm thinking of maybe storing the DOM for that element. is that something i can use localStorage for?
now it really is a dance party
onclick? onclick?!?
I was actually just adding in a loop for that xD Next step, change the line color
also this is much better to do
  for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
    var x = Math.floor((Math.random()*200)+1);
    var y = Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);
^ call stroke/fill as few times as possible
better to always batch them when you can
So, the new issue we're discussing is the Dart cascade operator (..) - opinions, do we like it, do we hate it, etc.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You saw that whore again, didn't you!?
^ that's amazing.
"There are two infinite things in the world, the universe and the time it takes eclipse to load"
but i'm not sure about the universe!
@Loktar how do I set the speed of that animation frame?
What are you using eclipse for?
@RUJordan youd time it in your render loop, not slow down requestAnimationFrame itself
@twiz Nothing :)
so like if(renderTime > lastTime+waitTime){//render}
@RUJordan Codepen is mad because you put an entire HTML doc inside the HTML section...
@Jhawins heh I had never seen a codepen warning before today
Yeah I saw I removed the doctype
Me neither
Well not just that. The <html> tags too.
And the body tags I know
I just tried to explain to a coworker how all information is contained in PI. He didn't follow.
Thanks for the heads up
@Shmiddty not all information
@Loktar do you have a working example of the render time? I don't quite follow
@RUJordan You're not getting mad at me. Or saying you know what's what or that we are elitists. I like you.
@Shmiddty just because it's infinite and not repeating doesn't mean it necessarily contains all the information.
@NathanJones Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal I'm pretty sure that's precisely what it means
I miss that guy. Who was it that always called us elitists and basically forced the gallery mode tweaks for Caprica?
wow such an elitist
@Shmiddty Fixed the node issue
@Jhawins what's the point in getting mad at somebody trying to help? I just alienate somebody who might potentially clear a bug for me in the future.
Besides, I DON'T know what's what. lol I feel like a JS noob again learning canvas drawing.
@RUJordan Tell Deep that.
No don't! He'll show up.
A: Does Pi contain all possible number combinations?

Brian M. ScottIt is not true that an infinite, non-repeating decimal must contain ‘every possible number combination’. The decimal $0.011000111100000111111\dots$ is an easy counterexample. However, if the decimal expansion of $\pi$ contains every possible finite string of digits, which seems quite likely, then...

However, if the decimal expansion of π contains every possible finite string of digits, which seems quite likely, then the rest of the statement is indeed correct.
@Shmiddty just because it's infinite and not repeating doesn't mean it necessarily contains all the information.
If the decimal contains all of [0-9] and doesn't have an identifiable pattern I think it's safe enough to assume that it does.
@Shmiddty there is no proof that Pi is normally distributed (although the results indicate so), if it is than that statement is closer to true. That said containing every book does not mean containing all information.
That's a MASSIVE assumption
Nothing to see here. Just an accidental paste from wiki.
So you're saying that π is a bit like reddit? — Mark Byers Oct 19 '12 at 11:00
@Loktar das wut i tell him do
@Jhawins It's not enough to contain all digits, it has to have them normally distributed too.
What the fuck
@Jhawins put simply - every digit has to appear about as many times.
Where's Octavian been?
eArray = window[butName + "Logo"];
@BenjaminGruenbaum would it be exactly as many times?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's all about how you "decode" the sequence.
Although I do like the thought that you could just read pi and eventually find the answer to any question.
@phenomnomnominal Of course not - there is no point in discussing the exact number of times in an infinite sequence. Mathematically the correct statement is : N digits of PI as N approaches infinity, the probabiltiy of getting the digit x for all digits is 1/10
(That's still not accurate, because it's not the probability of getting the digit x, is that the probability of getting all digits is uniformally distributed)
which means the probability that each digit occurs is exactly the same?
πfs - related
Oh right, I get you
@Shmiddty No, it's not - you have to assume that it's normally distributed and we think that but we're unsure of that. The thing is that still doesn't mean it encodes all information, it just means it encodes everything we can write.
Most philosophers believe our thoughts are extremely constrained by our language, we can't think outside of it so we can't express a lot of information at all. Also, there is the issue of being countable.
don't worry, there's always Moore's law!
too many maths. must monkeys
The sequence of predicates inductively proving that 1+2+...+n = (1+n)* (n/2) is in Pi too but it's a lot harder to rationalize about it (think about Hilbert's hotel)
@rlemon your mom?
isn't she wonderful
There's a word for this but I can't think of it. When you take X options and simply look at which option has the most evidence against it, even though you know no answer can be proven you can come up with what you may as well accept as fact. But there's a much better way to word it.. It is the basis of religious studies. Problem is using this method (and 97 days in class) it's possible to come up with multiple answers that are presumably correct.
Then proofs that are not countable in the amount of predicates they "require" can't appear in Pi.
Comes with a built-in dildo
@Jhawins occam's razor.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what we can write has no theoretical limit.
codepen.io/RUJordan/pen/pLGDq now that's a party light
@phenomnomnominal I wanted to say that but I don't think that's the term I was thinking of.
No not quite. Occam's Razor says the simplest solution is the best.
@Shmiddty Sure it has, it's א0
@RUJordan Deja Vu
We can write countably many things in our language.
But yeah. Then the next year comes around and the teacher quits because she doesn't even believe in her class anymore...
@Shmiddty though we're just being pedantic assholes here :P
@SomeKittens most likely. I don't doubt I'm the millionth one to do that lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum :p
!!afk smoke
@Shmiddty You iz in mindjail
@RUJordan What's different from the one you posted before? (or am I running into caching issues)
@RUJordan jsfiddle.net/loktar/HSM8b slowing down animation
@CapricaSix lmfao
@phenomnomnominal Right. Which isn't quite what I'm thinking of.
Oh, uh.. this one has color?
!!/unban Shmiddty
@BenjaminGruenbaum User Shmiddty freed from mindjail!
@rlemon ^ wth
@RUJordan Alright, then I've got the wrong link. New one?
!!afk rlemon is a dickface
@Shmiddty Nobody cares.
!!ban rlemon
I've been trying to remember the term for weeks...
@KendallFrey Cannot mindjail owner rlemon.
!!ban CapricaSix
@phenomnomnominal Cannot mindjail owner CapricaSix.
thats also about halfway to deltatiming
!!ban phenomnomnominal
@phenomnomnominal Cannot mindjail owner phenomnomnominal.
@Loktar thank you!
@KendallFrey wonder if mute still works
!!/mute rlemon
Not supposed to
@BenjaminGruenbaum Please give mute duration, see /help mute
!!mute rlemon 24
@phenomnomnominal You probably didn't want to mute a room owner.
Yep, Zirak fixed it
!!mute this
@Jhawins I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Jhawins
You never do what I want
!!ban Jhawins
@phenomnomnominal User Jhawins added to mindjail.
!!mute CapricaSix 24
!!fuck rlemon
@SomeKittens You probably didn't want to mute a room owner.
@KendallFrey thump thump thump
!!fuckable rlemon
@phenomnomnominal Why don't we ask @rlemon?
!!unban Jhawins
@phenomnomnominal User Jhawins freed from mindjail!
Let's all ping @rlemon
@BenjaminGruenbaum 895174 (?) 1355043 (?) 1079641 (?) 1858108 (?) 1076743 (Dave) 10 (?) 1005250 (?) 1941949 (?) 990192 (moderns)
@rlemon's mum
Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@RUJordan jsfiddle.net/rlemon/QmuW6 NOW it is party lights.
I'm not going to ping @rlemon without a good reason.
Yeah, pinging @rlemon for no reason would be rude
@KendallFrey @rlemon is in danger, is that a good enough reason?
isn't simply pinging @rlemon already a good reason to ping him?
@rlemon Looks like me 'n' ur mum
@SomeKittens @KendallFrey @BenjaminGruenbaum @phenomnomnominal @ThiefMaster penis
@rlemon YUM
@SomeKittens @rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon (source)
wtf {1}

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