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ewww setInterval
thats a bannable offense
@BenjaminGruenbaum @rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rl‌​emon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon@rlemon (source)
@Loktar iz awesome
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
@Loktar What's wrong with setInterval if you don't need perfect timing?
@KendallFrey rlemon iz awesome (source)
!!caniuse performance.now
@phenomnomnominal That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Oh, do we not have that?
@copy because its wrong to use setInterval for rendering
when requestAnimationFrame exists!
Oh, right
@Loktar but I don't want 60 fps
I want near 100fpms
you mean 10fps
I said what I mean
eh its teaching bad practices still
like saying "I dont need a perfect layout, tables are fine for this one"
sure it works, but its not correct by any means
but but but... I see where you are going. he is learning
I was just quickly turning it into colourful lights.
yeah thats the main reason I mentioned it
because hes just learning
@RUJordan don't do what rlemon does.
including, but not limited too, pooping on slides.
esp powerpoint ones
now what is still plaguing me is my damn domain issues.
anyone here done 3d programming before?
@Loktar yo
@phenomnomnominal is there a term for vanishing point perspective 3d
I dont want to say that during my presentation
but I've never found an official term for it
2-point perspective?
sounds good :P
Ill use it
assuming you have 2 vanishing points
just dont want to sound like an idiot and say "vanishing point 3d"
eh in that demo I cheat and use 1 but meh
still good enough
anything with vanishing points is usually just using a perspective transform on the 'camera'
yeah, I just wanted a term for it to encompass it
maybe "perspective projection" could work as well?
ah yeah there we go
thats perfect, thanks man
@SomeKittens wow I forgot about that
Tonight: @loktar00, @alecbeta, @paulgraff, @BRock97, @BruceCoddington, @hoodja, @teknohazard, and @jmhobbs. Wooo! http://www.meetup.com/nebraskajs/events/118573952/
heh itll be like "yeah gave the presentation, twitched weirdly and fell off my chair"
10/10 would present again
Now they have links on their page the 'signup' link don't work
@Loktar does that mean you're up first?
I think so :?
so Im going to get there quite early
Live stream?
Haha that's good, you'll either blow everyone away, or no one will remember you
Knock em dead, you're better than most of the other guys there
@copy thank God no
@BenjaminGruenbaum hah thanks man
@copy itll be recorded im pretty sure and uploaded later on
@grotrianster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah, but if you fall off your chair, they might cut that out. I'm not trying to be mean though. Good luck
@Loktar 10/10 would watch fall off chair again
@Loktar presenting is 90% sweet slides and 10% knowing your you're shit. You have both, you'll be sweet.
@phenomnomnominal 1% witt
thats what I'm missing.
@rlemon can I bring you up on Twitch?
Not a chair, but close enough: vine.co/v/hJ6FLVVdiY2
Ill be like, I brought along @rlemon for the wittyness!
@SomeKittens is that you?
and if so UofM fan?
@Loktar Yes
@Loktar No, but others at our office are
ahh ok
@Loktar hahah sure
I'll do my 'Canadian' impression
@SomeKittens knows it
hey your tree is a pick btw
cool, I'll have to check out codepen now :P
see i liked the other one better
the other one is pretty neat
this one has a creepy vibe to it though, its cool
just because it looks like its time lapsing
i really need to fix the wind function
and tweak the generation so there is less clumping of branches
it almost looks 3d
the way it moves
I always start to read codepen as codependency... I think that says a lot about me :(
that is because to fill it out at random points I start a new 'generation' jumping ahead a few generations
@rlemon link?
the angle of movement is based on the generation number + wind
ahh ok
Ember.JS does anyone know why this does NOT log "APP ERROR"?
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
	beforeModel: function() {
		throw "bad things"
	actions: {
		erorr: function(reason, transition) {
			log('APP ERROR')
well its pretty cool regardless
It just throws "bad things"
It's amazing what 111 lines of code can do
@BenjaminGruenbaum was late, was drunk, needed movement.
@rlemon what happened to the color?
function update() {
  wind += Math[windfn](Date.now());
  if (wind > 32) {
    windfn = 'cos';
    wind = 32 - Math.random();
  if (wind < -32) {
    windfn = 'sin';
    wind = -32 + Math.random();
  setTimeout(update, 100);
@rlemon yeah that's cool as fuck
@BenjaminGruenbaum is a different pen
animating it is very expensive and adding colours / filling it out more to add them KILLS perf. like 4fps
It looks wintery without colour. I like it
@rlemon fix it
@BenjaminGruenbaum codepen.io/rlemon/pen/GcFza
ok fixed, but I had to remove the motion
Gets wonderfully spazzy when you click a lot
@phenomnomnominal nice, I got the idea to do these with motion during the halloween crazy. Thought this on a hill top with some rolling clouds would look creepy / eerie
@SomeKittens yea, you broked mah demo
Yeah nice! You should do a 2d cloud sim, they can look badass
ohh nice I didn't see Shmiddty got his message.
@SomeKittens you are jailed as well.
!!unban Shmiddty
@rlemon User Shmiddty isn't in mindjail.
!!unban SomeKittens
@rlemon User SomeKittens freed from mindjail!
...I wasn't jailed
i banned you right after you stopped spamming commands.
!!unban SomeKittens
@SomeKittens User SomeKittens isn't in mindjail.
bot.memory.get('ban').add(userId) from the console circumvents the owner / mod check
:that moment when you realize the grooveshark playback stopped and you've been listening to nothing for the past 10 minutes... or longer:
happens all the time
@dystroy look at the updated answer. new is there for historical reasons
@rlemon oh sweet!
@rlemon Oh, the room hasn't frozen yet?
it is actually rather active
longest it idles is over weekends. otherwise there is usually a post every 2-20 hours
which means if we all pop in and out we are a) going to get new music we've likely never seen. and b) keep the room running
how do I make sure dynamically added content picks up the javascript code. My original content works fine but anything after that does't pick up the javascript
@benlevywebdesign rub your penis against it.
Have you sacrificed a virgin yet?
It won't work without that
@phenomnomnominal so not funny
@benlevywebdesign you won't know if it works if you don't try.
@RyanRapp Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ps4 is out in like 10 days woot
whats funny is I wont be awed because I have a kickass pc :?
@SomeGuy suicide isn't the answer
I'm not doing that
@Loktar 17 days here...
@SomeKittens Heh
@benlevywebdesign how are you adding the content? Are you putting it directly onto the page or are you using an iFrame?
oh nice you're getting one as well?
hellz yeah
man none of the launch titles have really got me crazy excited though
Im not a huge killzone fan, that seems to be the killer launch title for it
@Loktar I won't be awed because I won't buy one
yeah I'm gonna do Killzone and Lego Marvel
I was keen for Driveclub but delays...
@rlemon just wait until some amazing game comes out like Last of Us!
thats why Im getting it, Sony has some badass exclusives
@Loktar did you play Beyond: Two Souls?
plus I have a psvita which has awesome ps4 integration
jsfiddle.net/h9DvD this is interesting. I had never really considered doing something like this before.
@phenomnomnominal no
@Shmiddty I already told you, nobody cares.
@Loktar yeah, heard it was disappointing.
Those types of games arent my thing
I didnt realize it was just an interactive movie basically
@Loktar well exactly, if I do get it it will be in like a year when they are $100 less
Actually their pricing is reallly agressive
I think itll take a few years before it comes down
not like the friggin PS3...
what was it like $600 at launch?
I gave up on walking dead after like 3/4 of the way through because the 'playing a movie' got boring
I'm so annoyed...
I don't think I would play another one of those games
I didnt get one of them until like 2 years ago
I don't want to be buying PS3 games once I have a PS4
but GT6...
@phenomnomnominal yeah man the lack of backwards compat is painful
I am more likely to buy a ps3 before i buy a ps4
but to be honest, I haven't been a console gamer for a very long time
I don't know if I want to do that too myself
And no DLNA...
yeah ps3 is the first nextgen console I purchased for myself since the n64
I have others, but they were for the kids mostly
er wait I lie, the Dreamcast I think was my last most recent one that I bought for me
@rlemon minecraft
ohh I owned all nintendo consoles < WiiU
play with me
do it
all that I could own.
@Loktar riiiiiiight
the wiiu....
so disapointing man
bit of a joke aye
Play with Shmiddty.
Do it.
Wii lost its novelty quickly.
ohh the days of Wii Tennis elbow
I do not miss those
@SomeKittens haha Im not afraid to admit Im a console collector, just the newer ones like gamecube/ps2/wii I didnt really buy for me
none of the games jumped out at me on those as much
@rlemon Not nearly as bad as the days of Mario Party palm.
the only good games I ever played were the CoD (the gun mechanics were interesting, the game sucked), RockBand, the sports package, and 'The Bigs' which was a baseball game
@Shmiddty contra 'turbo finger'
the finger cramps you got from trying to press a as rapidly as possible.
I'd rather have cramps than blisters.
Metroid Prime was such an epic game.
I miss my GameCube
the most enjoyable system I ever owned was a toss up between SNES and PS1
the titles on both were outstanding
Crash Bandicoot fo lyf.
mine was the n64 for sure
god I loved the n64
SNES had all of my RPGs
I have, and always will, prefer PC gaming
@Shmiddty yeah pc gaming has always been the best by far
I'm a late PC gamer past the casual type games
In the late 90's it was a toss up tbh
Playing D1 all night on shitty computers
on dial up
games that require graphics cards... these are new to me
D1 sucked me in hardcore
he yeah that was fun. I used to modem connect to my friend @yutt
MSDOS gamesssss
we would play Starcraft, Diablo..
so many games
the only pc games that did that to me were Diablo and Ultima Online
and before that Serial connection!
I don't have time for PC gaming :(
HoMM, Doom..
I walked back and forth along the same short track of dirt SO MUCH in D1
I barely touch my consoles as it is
Ultima Online I probably spent a couple thousand hours on if not more
@phenomnomnominal I don't have time for anything else :(
gotta drop that potion at the right time
@Loktar HoMM 1 sucked.
2+ or nothing
@enridaga Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I loved HoMM1
@KendallFrey :(
although my fav was Kings Bounty
granted, I started with HoMM2, then played HoMM1. the mechanics (imo) were SOO much better in HoMM2 and they for the most part are carried through to the modern versions
I get home from work, work out, spend a couple hours playing guitar, sleep, repeat.
If you have an old WC1 or WC2 disc, put it in your CD player
and enjoy
I get home from work, pass out, spend a couple hours dicking around on the internet, maybe play some games, then pass out again.
game, sleep, work, repeat
@Shmiddty yeah lots of 90's games are like that actually
@rlemon HoMM 2 and 3 were so awesome.
I used to listen to the WC2 soundtrack pretty frequently
@Shmiddty like the 'hidden songs' on tapes
I still own them. WC1 is getting pricey on ebay actually
I used to put it on when we played DnD
didn't work out when CDs came out - I remember a few. but it seems they died after the tape
@rlemon ?
Cd's had tons of hidden songs man
secret songs?
not in the volumes of tapes
yeah, some tracks would be like double or triple lengths
every tape I owned had a secret song
< half the cds I owned had one
heh weird I never heard a hidden song on tape tbh
but I didnt own many tapes
maybe it was just the music I listened too. But I remember always looking for them and never finding them
IIRC, one of my games has a secret song
honestly, hidden songs were always kind of frustrating
I don't want to listen to 10 minutes of silence
@phenomnomnominal I watched that :P thats what reminded me of the release date
It is soo pretty
yeah looks pretty cool
but honestly man this generation of consoles could very well be the last
Its so fucking awesome when you think about it
What makes you say that?
all I heard through the late 90's and 2000's up to what like 2010 was how pc gaming was dying
blah blah blah
@phenomnomnominal the tech gaps just arent there anymore
But the market really still is.
consoles really don't have the specialized HW like they used to, they run on x86 architecture now
And is growing
actually, PC market grew more than the console market last year
You can't change the fact that PC gaming is still considered "uncool"
is it possible to animate (fade in/out) background: in css3 by changing class of element?
That viewpoint has changed man
hahaha doesn't give the same effect when youtube defaults to 320p
PC Gaming is the cool thing
Indie devs really helped get it in the spotlight more. I mean look how hugely popular Minecraft is
The Master Race
Popular !== cool
those console gamers are just peons compared to us
@phenomnomnominal eh I have kids in school.. its the cool thing
and casual gamers can just shove it
way cooler than consoles now
yes but kids aren't where the gaming money is
3DS is the only console my kids and their friends care about
@phenomnomnominal you should check out financial stats man
Steam is HUGE, and the pc industry is the #1 gaming industry in the UK now
it surpassed console gaming
I do not want to play games in world where Monkey Island is not cool!
And with things like steambox.. it just makes it easier for users to play on PC rather than buy proprietary consoles
Man, that blows my mind
I mean in the 90's and early 2k's it made sense, consoles had amazing hardware. But now, the next gen consoles are already surpassed by recent pc hardware
i still don't think you'll get old people and the super casual gamers playing on pc's
and the next gen consoles are supposed to last 10 years..
@Loktar that pisses me off
@phenomnomnominal farmville, candy crush?
and those console will be driving the game development standards for the next few years
lol its actually quite easy to do :P
@Loktar there's still definitely a demographic for consoles.
angular guys please raise your arms
SomeKittens Incase you were interested, you can do include something.html in jade, just found out
Yeah Im not saying they are dead.. yet
I do suspect this generation will be much longer than previous generations...
@phenomnomnominal men and women between 3 and 78?
@RyanRapp here is my jsfiddle jsfiddle.net/benlevygraphics/UPCUH/17
but I think they are on their way
@rlemon exactly
but I need to get going, fun convo! see you all later
@Loktar fix my domain when you get back.
@phenomnomnominal I was a casual gamer for years. I had a PC, not a console. So I was a PC gamer.
@KendallFrey yeah I'm just saying consoles aren't going to die anytime soon
In fact, the only reason I'm a gamer at all is because I've always had a PC.

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