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Anybody with 2 or more geolocation (GPS) enabled devices
@Sprottenwels it sounds like you're doing a beginner JS course.
kindly can you perform the accuracy test ?
@AbhishekHingnikar what accuracy test ?
@Esailija For being able to catch syntax errors in my code vs semantic errors in the logic.
Stuff like try/catch with all options is unacceptable.
Can anybody perform a simple test with 2 geolocation (gps) enabled devices ? [ take a device , take another ... open google maps and keep one stable... move them far a lil and give an estimate measure of when the geolocation api can give a lock on 2 distinct devices ] ?
more or less @Joe
@BenjaminGruenbaum actually syntax errors can be caught at compile time :) but I get it
@dystroy ^ ?
simple eh ?
I mean the JS does not run if there is a syntaxerror
@Sprottenwels if you know the logic, skip the beginner classes, learn a framework or something useful. I've wasted a lot of time on pointless beginner classes
@Esailija Not if you import code dynamically for example.
i am going to try it with an android 4.0 and an iPhone 4s
Yeah, exactly, that
dunno about the accuracy results
but should be interesting if it can tell them distinct in meter accuracy :P
Let me phrase something and consult you, be back in a 10-20 minutes
@AbhishekHingnikar the more accurate you make it, the easier governments will be able to tell what you do in your house
US military GPS is supposed to track to within cm, IIRC
> The "shall we keep `new`?" discussion pops up from time to time.
Since we can't take it out until Go 2, if I understand the Promise correctly,
there doesn't seem to be much to be had from going round the
loop again; by the time Go 2 is thinkaboutable, we might have some
different and better ideas ...
thank you @Joe

i am actually doing this as a part of my AngularJS application for training :)
posted on November 05, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

It looks like I should have found it...
@KendallFrey i can track accuracy in mm :P
but i need a custom built phone xD and a constant pinging radio antenna :3
// genius french people
however, i still have improvable knowledge on the guts of Javascript
@dystroy heh
@dystroy maybe the "pops up from time to time" is "happened now and then in our HQ"
@Sprottenwels don't be too quick to jump on the Angular bandwagon either. Look at other options like Ember too.
@FlorianMargaine Might be that. But I stopped reading the gonuts list about one year ago, because there was too many messages
@dystroy heh
anyway, added an answer to your question.
I've read many times that what you learn in the language, you won't see in a framework.
Damn... They should stop add them when you obviously don't know what to do with them :
> 1 invitation awarded on Stack Overflow Careers
while that's a good point, it is also very confusing and overwhelming. there is such a lot of things to do and learn, i'm quite happy if i figure all that stuff out, bit for bit
All developers I know already have invitations or aren't worthy of one...
Even the ones that never come to SO somehow got one...
@Esailija can you create a short code example illustrating the issue in generators and type errors?
(In BlueBird)
@Sprottenwels goodluck, but remember, learning the language is only a small piece. Things like design patterns, databases, serverside, client-side, servers, linux, version control all become important in real development.
sounds like a good excuse to head back to work
@Sprottenwels dont give up on learning though. it's a useful skill.
fo sho
Anyone any good with Ember.js?
@Esailija still here?
@Esailija @FlorianMargaine gist.github.com/benjamingr/7319658 comments please
(before I send)
@Esailija what's your email address?
@BenjaminGruenbaum looks good
Q: I want to be a programmer, work in corporate environment, earn well, learn fast and eventually become a great programmer.

Shin SanI'll try to keep this simple: I'm 29, been dabbling with computers for the past 10 years, had entry level jobs in tech support for different apps, been fixing computers for a while and now want to specialize in something. I'm not 100% stranger to programming but haven't gone past if/then/else wit...

@AshleyMedway Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
new Event() and IE 10
this is actually petty ridiculous.. when I click that feed link.. my Chrome Tab says:
Java - I want to be a programmer
Stupid chrome. Get back to loading my porn! *cracks whip*
hoi :)
@Jacta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Esailija ...
Can anyone help me rewrite a small snippet to pure javascript from jquery - otherwise guide me gently :) pastebin.com/HXzjeW4e
!!tell jacta mdn parentnode
the logic is weird, however
the logic? Mine?
@BenjaminGruenbaum in practice those libraries throw untyped errors anyway.. unless you use bluebird which converts them to RejectionErrors if the originated from async callback and are untyped or leaves them alone if they originated from synchronous throws
@Jacta you should never need to read the HTML or text content
@Esailija What do you think about the post? What do you suggest?
I just want to show the problem, not the solution yet. Also, what's your email?
I put my email on facebook
@Jacta Something like this maybe
not tested
@connor.js it would be better if he tried first
How would you else do it? Only differences in the tags are the word ipad in front in the text :/ - Cant change layout
@JanDvorak lmao. yes
@Jacta what kind of business logic says "Ipads are never available"?
note I'm not complaining about how tthe logic is implemented.
Its a webinterface for calls, the ipad dont get calls and i want to remove them take space
are you sure "html starts with iPad" is the best designator?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I commented on your gist
You should encode the list of IDs that refer to iPads instead
there is no good native DOM method which grabs all parent nodes of a specific node is there ? Pretty much the opposite of .children()
But i didnt make the interface, and cant change it
so have to live with that
wondering why they missed that when they added stuff like nextElementSibling etc.
@jAndy because there is only one parent?
@Jacta you should at least skip leading whitespace
@FlorianMargaine why would you say that ?
@jAndy can you show me an example with multiple parents? I can't think of any.
@Esailija ty will look soon
don't be a nitpicker
span only has one parent. if you mean recursively, then children doesn't do that either
I never said direct parent
@jAndy normally you call indirect parents "ancestors"
.children is exactly the same: it doesn't go recursive
@FlorianMargaine the jQuery function is named parents, thoug
yea might be a misunderstanding
I think the name pretty much fits it
@JanDvorak there is such a function?
!!tell florian jquery parents
Q: jQuery delgate events on dynamic elements with a click away handler

TomasJust thought I'd share this and see what kind of improvements could be made that I'm not aware of and taking advantage of. The situation is this: I have a list of items on a page that have a button that opens a menu. I need a click away event as well as close others when a new menu is opened. Al...

@jAndy do you mean for jQuery or for native DOM?
native DOM
then native DOM has no recursive method anyway
as I said, I'm wondering they didn't implement such a method when they added a bunch of new stuff
DOM API sucks
@jAndy I don't really see a usecase tbh :|
think harder :P
what I mean is that if random people don't see a usecase, maybe it's not a good idea to add specific-for-someone methods
well it pretty much depends on how you're working with DOM trees and functional things, but its very useful in a ton of DOM operations
I regularly work with the DOM
I mean a recursive call to .parentNode is not really.. rare
if i have button and content on the same level, it's possible to show right content? jsfiddle.net/_sm_ki/aAd2Z/9
ppl do that for a reason most of the time
@Esailija sent
I'd say it's value vs variable, but not sure enough to answer.
@BenjaminGruenbaum to esdiscuss? do you know the update timer?
@MarwanDoumit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum cool :)
@connor.js hmm - pastebin.com/QpU7YyWc - it removes text from every second li
think i have to find a parent with a class somehow
good morning
@Jacta ....
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('truncate');

for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
	var element = elements[i];
	if(element.innerHTML.substring(0, 4) === 'Ipad') {
		var parent = findParent(element, 'status-available');

function findParent( element, className ) {
	var parent = element.parentNode;
	while(parent.className.indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') === -1 || parent === null) {
		parent = parent.parentNode;
	return parent;
@FlorianMargaine It's just that you can't take the address of a literal (it would be an interned constant, I think) and it wouldn't really answer as you can't specify the type of the 0 (int64 ? int ?)
yeah I was thinking that but didn't know how to word it
I thought Go pointers were safe. Nevermind
@connor.js TypeError: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined
do you need the ul i'm working on maybe?
@Jacta try
while(parent.className && parent.className.indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') === -1 || parent === null) {
@copy What do you mean ? It's hard to get a pointer error in Go without especially trying to produce one. I never saw one, in fact.
!!tell connor mdn classlist
Exactly, it's impossible. Which is good

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