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you have a few css issues with the login box brandon
protip: the entire chat is google index'd and you're using your name
@BrandonGelfand and their twitter?
@SomeKittens sizeof(payment) === unfair();
oh shit i'm using my real name too
@plodder //true
First of all, I dont appreciate u ppl patronizing my clients
guys... i need you all to start calling me rlemon
I don't mind using my name, people know I'm an asshole in real life too ^_^
so am I, but I am proud of 100% of the filth that comes from my mouth
@GNi33 in that case, would that be better if i use some class + title, as i may not know in advance what would be in title
I made a lot of money by writing bad PHP code when I was young too
@david I just hope the decent developers and contractors get out and start something new, shame to see it all go to waste
@MLS well, you could just make the selector at the time you know, what the title is
@BrandonGelfand Patronizing eh?
well at least now the IRS knows that im really broke ;)
@copy I made soso money from bad php - mostly because a few of my clients never payed and I was too young to take legal action or break legs.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thats pretty rude and inconsiderate, and knowing him he will probablly hang up or not pick up at all
yes cells are alive
@mrd the glassbox engine sounded so amazing. It sucks that it ended up being so bad. Like if you have 5 fireengines, and there are 5 fires, all 5 engines will go to the first fire, then the second, then the third... and by that time the other fires will have spread
otherwise you're made up of a bunch of dead shit and it's walking dead up in here
@rlemon If I was worried someone would actually be pathetic enough to bother reading through all my nonsense, I would need to do a lot of deleting...
the cell is a lie
@BrandonGelfand Do you register all your 'clients' domains in your name?
@GNi33 thanks !! for idea
Question: during the Zombie Apocalypse.. who the fuck keeps mowing all of the grass?!?!?!?!?!
@GNi33 hmm you took the blue pill?
Yes I do @MrD
he transfered that one to me though
so not his
zombie cows... they graze it
Whats the css for lining a ul horizontally, style="list-style: none"?
someone saying cells aren't alive?
then where are these cows?
I haz question. Chrome is still 32 right? Would it be a lot faster in 64 bit ? (Linux has 64 bit I have read somewhere. But didnt find uptodate stuff)
that seems indefensible
@SimonSarris that is why we are nerd-raging on @BrandonGelfand
Want me to put something in the footer @MrD to proove i made it?
@XCritics that doesn't have anything to do with the alignment
@OliverSchöning 64 bit doesn't make things faster in general
he keeps citing wikianswers and ehow
@copy tells truths
you'll probably have more luck with floating the li's or setting them to inline-block
it's fun
Yup, it's his.
aww are we on js now?
Oh maybe it is registered to me...
1 message moved to Trash can
Gee thanks for posting my address
lets not post personal information
even if it is publicly available
@GNi33 I have list-style-type: none; display: inline-block; but it's still vertical x.x
not available on google maps.
not real
call the feds
@SomeKittens hard to fault you for that
@david Wow that sounds a lot like the London Police service
This is one of those moments when I have no clue why I am bothering to be in this chat... ha
@XCritics inline-block needs to be on the li - elements
my house is on google maps @rlemon
I found it on the map
@twiz it's like participating in a before tv soap opera
It was just updated recently i think...
wtf google maps canada... u suck
@SimonSarris Kid was throwing around a lot of questionable stuff, wanted people to know he wasn't kidding about the soup
But you're probably right about the bin.
wha, soup?
of the site
yeah i found it too
found what too?
yeah it seems legit, and a link to networksolutions is fine
your house
@SimonSarris Yeah.
ohh, if i put in the postal code
@GNi33 while this chat is still incredibly off topic, do you know how to add a vertical seperator with bootstrap?
YEP lets cyberstalk a 14 yr old TOTALLY LEGAL PPL
@BrandonGelfand is their dip really souper... or is their soup really dipper?
@XCritics Ooh, was wondering that myself
@XCritics a vertical seperator?
He lives slightly too far away from me for me to go round there with a wifflebat
like a <hr> - tag?
@GNi33 yeah like a | but through bootstrap
@twiz idk... potatoe one is good though...
@BrandonGelfand Technically it is.
@BrandonGelfand I've sent a message to SouperDip on facebook about the problems with their site I found and a link to this chat message. I'm also sending a message to the IRS to make sure you paid taxes for those 3k with a link to this message :)
oooh, sorry
In my footer I have a few links like Link | Link | Link | Link I just want a vertical separator
uhm, i tend to just use a border for that
@BrandonGelfand haha it has potato, but you don't know if it is dip or soup...?
@BrandonGelfand actually it is. we're looking at the information that you provided publicly.
@XCritics Oh, just use the pipe character
@BenjaminGruenbaum My guess is it is his site and there is no 'client'
@BenjaminGruenbaum soup, and ur a pretty big dick
li {border-left: 1px solid #000}
li:first-child {border-left: none}
Seriosuly your gonna ruin my only client?
welp I'm off to continue working
be nice to the kids
@BrandonGelfand ...for making sure taxes are paid?
I pay them
at 14?
I give it to my brother
Or alerting someone about security vulnerabilities in their website?
can you?
I'm just a responsible citizen (of another country)
@SomeKittens ummm we gotta stick it to the man? no?
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
can you even pay taxes at 14 yr old?
Yes, you can
@BenjaminGruenbaum your a pretty big jackass if you do, do that
@plodder in Canada no, not until 18 or emancipated
@BrandonGelfand You wouldn't steal a car. You wouldn't steal a TV. Tax invasion is a crime.
here in NL it's 16
@BrandonGelfand If you didn't pay your taxes you're a pretty big dick, and a criminal. If all the information you said here is true you have nothing to worry about.
and there arent any security vulnerabilities
sorry yea here it is 16 as well
@MrD I would steal a TV if it was my TV and the government was taking it from me....
its processed on paypal
now that I think about it
there are ALWAYS security vulnerabilities
alright guys, i'm off to bed. See you
cya @GNi33
K I lied happy?
I got 125 for it
(valueof(payment) === lies()) ? signoff() : setTimeout(signoff, 1000)
and he hasnt paid me a dime monthly
Were getting closer to the truth... not quite their yet. Have you paid tax on the 125?
laters plodder
@plodder See you
125 isnt enough for taxes as a miner
u need 500 or more
@twiz Why would they?
@MrD umm you can just call that a "gift" anyway....
even if it was 3k ur still an ass ben
@BrandonGelfand Here's the thing, the problem with me is, I'm legit. Whatever I say I do or don't do is easily verifiable. I pay my taxes, do my chores. Every time I act like an asshole it's perfectly legal
@MrD I duno, they take my money... haha
pretty cool how u can ruin a kid
(function troll() { alert('trolololol'); setTimeout(troll, Math.random() 9e9 /* ohh the wait is killing you isn't it */);)();
@BenjaminGruenbaum so you would want ppl chasin after u?
@twiz I'm just being annoying now,
@BrandonGelfand Of course not :) I wouldn't want people chasing after me
oh so you have no problem doing that to me though?
@BrandonGelfand Go back to the swings then. You got as good as you gave
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think I would rather be a criminal than an asshole... haha
@BrandonGelfand Doing what to you :) I didn't send the mafia after you, I was being a responsible citizen
hey guys should we like talk about javascript or something?
By reporting me?
for 125 ?
@david Don't be surprised that this room is off-topic. It usually is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum to be truthful, if I ever see you I'd punch you in the face. Why? you might ask. It's simple Ben. You live on the other side of the planet, if I ever see you it's because I went to punch you in the face or you are here to do the same to me and i'll be damned if I let someone punch me in the face first!
@BrandonGelfand Wait, so you didn't get paid 3k for it?
No u jackass
!!/choose "go to gym" "continue trolling"
@SomeKittens continue trolling
thats all
@SOChatBot WIN!
@SOChatBot Fair enough
@BrandonGelfand Yes. Also, I didn't report you, that's way too much work
You know how many forms I'd have to fill to report you to the IRS?
Does anyone else here play Path of Exile?
!!/tell BrandonGelfand urban trolling
@BrandonGelfand trolling Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.
Ur a dick for even implying u would
@GNi33 I did the same thing, but I need to add it to a class, I did li .footers and li:first-child .footers and it doesn't work anymore, any idea why?
@david My brother does, he keeps trying to get me to play
@BrandonGelfand And, now I'm filling the forms :)
that actually made me laugh..
@BrandonGelfand I hope you've learned not to tangle with adults.
@BenjaminGruenbaum 125 isnt enough for taxes
already checked
Guys opinion on the look please? imgur.com/mJjSvWZ
You still have to report it, that's the law
good try though chap
I would love to see the IRS audit a 14 year old for like half a cent.... haha
@twiz i was audited for $60
You have to fill up a W8 form
@twiz I've been paying taxes in the uk since I was 12 :L
The IRS has better things to do then me
Even for 125$
@rlemon Thats what you get for having universal healthcare... :-)
when I was 17 some old manager tossed a t4 and I forgot about it because I only worked there for a few days.
That includes being fined for tax invasion
so come taxes I never claimed that t4
BAM, audited for 60 bucks in taxes
(I guess a w9 since you're a citizen)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am a minor, I already talked to an accountant
only for more then 500 do i need to file
@BrandonGelfand ...over $125
@BrandonGelfand Right, so you never made 500$ ever
@BrandonGelfand How can we believe you?
But your parents are dead
caused me a bunch of grief
And you bought your computer and phone
Life insurance... DUH!
@I have saved up from my aunt
and brother
and life insurance....
I know what I should do, there's no point in sending that data to the government, you're a kid
I can just send a link to this chat for your parents
meh i just respawned
both had a 1M policy
Only Brandon Gelfand on facebook facebook.com/brandon.gelfand.7
(enjoy the silence XD)
lol how would you get to my parents if there dead?
So your a multi-millionaire who is making $125 wordpress sites... yep. That adds up
@BenjaminGruenbaum :applauds
@SomeKittens lol how would you get to my parents if they're dead? (source)
where does it say I have millions?
@SOChatBot You're a robot, you don't have parents.
@BrandonGelfand Who is Sharon Gelfand Braverman ?
Doesn't matter, I'm sending a link to this chat to everyone whose family name is Gelfand on facebook
why are all of your friends ~35?
@BrandonGelfand They both had 1M policys?
and is in your friend list
I hope they'll be happy to hear that you killed your parents
What are your parents names.... I think they have risen
do you often pretend to be 14 online? this might actually be something we should report. :/
facebook.com/brandon.gelfand YOU HAVE A TWIN WITH THE SAME NAME OMGOMGOMG
Ooh, send that to his mother, she may not know about it
he knows that
cus they are friends
Not anymore, he deleted his FB. Something you don't want us to know?
a true liar covers it all up once he's been caught
hmm i better delete all my 53 FB profiles too
facebook.com/randall.koutnik <- me, not deleted, because I don't go around telling people I got 3k for a WP template.
@BrandonGelfand Just apologize for being a prick
15 minutes on google !== stalking
@BrandonGelfand You were rude, and arrogant, and you were bad at it
@SomeKittens you mean not yet deleted :D
@BrandonGelfand Apologize, and I won't send a link to this chat to your parents
@BenjaminGruenbaum again, dead
I deleted mine, half because facebook is annoying - half because my friends from HS kept tagging me in pictures with Questionable activities.
second all it would do is just get u arrested for cyber stalking
@BrandonGelfand To every person with the same last name as you on your FB friend list
Nope, be polite, we don't owe you anything
@rlemon. i kept mine cus of that :)
Well done for winning the 2010: 2nd Annual Sweet Charity Cake Auction
I won that
@BrandonGelfand bet that was a good achievement! Do you bake a lot?
@BrandonGelfand Claiming you did shit you didn't do on the internet will never get you anywhere
got me everywhere
@MrD ur fucking creepy dude
and yeah I do
have a problem with i?
@BrandonGelfand Never claim you know shit you don't know, always be willing to learn
see? That's something to share about! No need to make up achievements.
@BrandonGelfand The moment you think you've mastered or know something is the moment you stop learning.
@BenjaminGruenbaum u prooved ur point
@BrandonGelfand Waiiit how do I know your not lying again. Yours was the pink one.. dont lie?
@BrandonGelfand Here's the amazing part. We're all people on the internet, proving stuff to us doesn't mean squat
I'm only here because netflix failed me
@BrandonGelfand However, SO and the chat is a great place to learn, so if you stick to that state of mine you can learn a lot of shit
@BenjaminGruenbaum it doesn't ? hmm need new action plan

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

^ learn! yay!
I need to get an updated list
@BrandonGelfand I still don't understand why you are surprised that a room full of programmers could track you down?
ok.. @BenjaminGruenbaum u seem like the twisted and funny mentor who knows how to kick my ass tht i have been looking for...
@MrD i am not
@BrandonGelfand Most of us are professionals, we work in real software companies making money doing the thing we love, programming. If we didn't love what we do we wouldn't be spending more time talking about programming then we already do at our jobs.
> want to partner in a startup?
I do it all the time to ppl in video games
scares the shit out of em
@BenjaminGruenbaum watch out now u gonna get offered equity!
@BrandonGelfand karma baby!
@BrandonGelfand See, now you're bragging about your video game skills again. I'm high masters in starcraft 2, I didn't bring that up once. @copy is THE GUY, you know how hard it is? I've only seen him talk about it 3, maybe 4,5 times?
@plodder I am not asking for a bsuiness partner
someone to teach me though on the other hand I am
@BrandonGelfand Programming is awesome, just try to enjoy it
Kinda hard when it doesnt run or breaks evertime
Yeah, that's lame. But when it actually runs.... the rush is amazing
It's not about who has the largest e-penis, that question is already settled. the answer is always copy except for when it's ThiefMaster . Otherwise it's HostileFork .
2 mins ago, by rlemon

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

@BrandonGelfand Compilers are good interpreters of lies
Yeah its a nice feeling when I got my first thing to run
The first thing to learn is how to teach yourself
now it's a rocket. arrow
@BrandonGelfand Baby steps. I've seen too many people think programming is a waste because the first thing they tried to build is the next Facebook. They get frustrated and give up before they ever have a chance to shine.
@SomeKittens where you from?
@BrandonGelfand Upstate NY
I have a friend up there I think, he lives in a place called the diamond district I think..
not exactly sure
something like that
Also Zirak is probably going to kill me for not saying his name in that e-penis comment :P
Is there a place called the diamond district @SomeKittens
@BrandonGelfand Upstate NY covers a LOT of ground. Could you narrow it down?
@SomeKittens if you left now, we could be having a beer in ~8 hours
@rlemon Less than that, you're near Toronto, right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum But you're right about copy. Just saying.
40 minutes if you don't follow traffic signs
our limit is 100kph.
but we drive 140ish
@BadgerGirl Like I don't know those two stars were you and copy :P
(Random Fact, Tom Fulp founded newgrounds when he was 13, newgrounds was awesome)
@BrandonGelfand I'll pardon the insult since you're from the wrong side of the country, but ~90% of New York state is not the city.
Random fact, in some state in which name slips me at the moment, you have to remove the roof from your house when you burn it down
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@SomeKittens sorry @rlemon LMFAO
pinned?! @SomeKittens you sly bastard you ;)
@rlemon How'd you know it was me? Zing!
two owners in the room ;)
it must be late there
Oh wait, I'm the only other owner.
Quick question, I have a mac but it's from 2008, I own a legal copy of OSX 10.7, should I virtualize OS X on windows or use the mac?
(In terms of speed, extension, safari 6)
only 9:41 in NY
not that late
Which means I should get to the gym, which closes at 10:30
See you all!
Random Fact time, I crashed my car yesterday by hitting a parked car. I'm still confused at how.
will u teach me the ways of the master?
I mean that seriously
stick around the room, don't gloat too much, actually read the shit in the links* we post(ed) and you'll be fine (also don't get turned off from us being a bunch of pricks)
he left.... :/
Step zero: learn to learn
Step one: look through those resources @rlemon posted
Step two: Get a project: http://recoding.blogspot.com/2012/11/projects-to-pursue-your-passion-by.html
we're nerds. nerds are pricks.
now I'm leaving
I'll be back in ~30 min
u do wordpress at all somekittens?
dang it... he left....
@rlemon what do u have against WP??????
U hate that it takes ur programming jobs?
@BrandonGelfand lol
Whats so funny?
I really mean that....
wp takes who's jobs?
I would hate it.....
The guys who normally make the good stuff
A programmer always aspires to create tools that replace him
but... wp is not good stuff
I can just get a plugin now if I want something
I actually like WP
be4 i would have to hire @rlemon
Whats a good film to watch?
It's a quick way to deploy a blog, it's a nice SaaS platform
@BenjaminGruenbaum ME 2
@BenjaminGruenbaum Snap
It's horrible in many ways, but it's awesome in other ways
@MrD I'm serious, just like I like jQuery but don't really use it personally
I would say that 80% of the user base makes it crappy, I'm serious I even contributed to it before :P
With a good theme it looks very nice
@MrD Users abuse X and that makes X bad is a poor argument. (stolen from a cat)
You have to pay for it to look nice though
You cant use the free crap that most get
if you want it to look nice that is
@BrandonGelfand The good programmers... make their own :O
hmm the problem i have with wp is that it promises you something, it looks like it works so you're happy, then you get 1000 daily active users and then you ask me if i can please help you out
I wouldn't use it personally, not only is it bloated and huge, it's hard to customize to your exact needs and is limited
@BenjaminGruenbaum A la Facebook
However, I see the appeal
@plodder check some themes out under WP
brandon: themes?
how the site looks
WP is a great concept, the easier it gets to develop stuff the better
You install a theme and it makes it look realy different
you guys are boring now, no drama.
@rlemon You go poop on a slide buddy :)
Not in front of kids though... they dont need to see that side of the mood, YIKES!
@BenjaminGruenbaum The problem is you get people like Brandon who think its about installing themes and plugins to get what you want, but if you take to hand coding what you need, you can strip out 90% of the other crap
@MrD That's not the problem, that's what's awesome about it
That's what people said about PHP when PHP was new, and people said and are saying about jQuery
@MrD I dont code from scratch, I tweak a lot though
and combine
The fact that a tool is so easy even designers and newbies can use it to achieve stuff is awesome
I am good at tweaking
@BrandonGelfand My guess is your copy and paste code from google too?
A designer could take a website he built and make it dynamic using PHP, that makes php awesome
I can code when it comes to tweaking
I am bad at scratch stuff though
The problem is that in an evolved web people are making web apps and suddenly the fact PHP is a horrible language started mattering
@BenjaminGruenbaum the fact that a tool is so easy that designers can use it means more money for us later... but sometimes i just wish i'd get it sooner ;)
There'll always be enough money for developers, if anything the demand right now is CRAZY
@BenjaminGruenbaum mm, I've seen some peoples sites and honestly I would rather they didn't DIY it first :|
the souperdip site looked nice right?
@BrandonGelfand do you want my honest opinion?
@MrD Sometimes you're right, however if I just want to make my page a bit animated and responsive without learning a lot about the DOM or lexical closures, jQuery is a great way to do it. If I want to add a contact form to my site and a comment box, PHP is a great way to do that
I don't have to understand complex programming concepts to create stuff, that's awesome in my book
they like it so it doesn't matter that much to me, I want to know what to do for next time though, so your opinions plz
swoops in, drops image, runs
@BrandonGelfand Take a look at some wp security articles,
@MrD paypal does the paument processing
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have nothing against jQuery or PHP, I think it will be the year of php this year, its just the way that some people use them that gives them the stigma
@plodder ur opinion?
@BrandonGelfand There are other places as well
@MrD It's not the stigma, php is a shitty programming language :) JavaScript bests it in about every possible way
@MrD MySQL injection?
@MrD It has a messy global namespace, odd conventions that stuck, no uniformaty in the way to do stuff. Bad syntax and it's slow
I've been waiting for people to prove me wrong, went to the php room who claimed they have "benchmarks, but they can't show me"
It's a great tool for making stuff dynamic, for inline code in your HTML, other than that, I wouldn't touch it
@BenjaminGruenbaum wht do u think of souperdip.com
@BrandonGelfand si
Especially now that tools like RoR, ASP.NET MVC, Django and node.js are available
Since All, C#, Ruby, Python and JavaScript are better languages
@BrandonGelfand I don't really like it, sorry. It's OK though
@MrD it doesnt worry me that much, I am going to be adding SSL soon
and I am gonna add some anti injection stuff
just havent had timer

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