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Why would I buy a console when I already have a game machine?
Wtf I'm not using cf_sql_varchar and it's throwing an incompatible type error. Coldfuuuuusiioooooonnnn >.<
@KendallFrey Because it's generally easier to play local multiplayer with a console?
Love the guy's reaction
@Retsam My brother isn't a gamer.
There goes that.
@KendallFrey Maybe a console doesn't make sense for you then, but it makes sense for a lot of people.
I don't know if you meant to imply otherwise or not.
Yeah, I guess for the people that have friends...
@KendallFrey Well friends that they enjoy playing local multiplayer video games with.
I hate local multiplayer trophies/achievements
@KendallFrey I would be your friend if you weren't always such a dickhead.
@phenomnomnominal Why so?
@Retsam they require friends to play with
@phenomnomnominal Ah. I'm not really an 100% achievement hunter, so I guess it doesn't bother me when there are ones I can't get.
Neither am I, I don't really have the stamina for it
But it's like they're saying, "haha, you can't get these ones."
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, DLC can be the same way.
It's pretty rare I get DLC for games; but they usually have their own set of achievements.
The last game I got all achievements for was Rocksmith, and that was just because it was fun as fuck
@phenomnomnominal did it actually teach you anything?
@SomeKittens I'd already played guitar for 10 years
But I'd say it could
ah, that makes learning the basics a bit different
I would certainly recommend it over a teacher, at least at first
Yeah, I've been thinking of getting that. I take it that means there's a PC version?
The number one reason people stop learning is because they can't learn songs fast enough, and Rocksmith throws you right in the middle of it
@Retsam I think their is? I played on ps3
@phenomnomnominal Right, I got you mixed up with Kendall for a minute who was just talking about not having a console.
But yeah, just googled it and it looks like there is one.
For some reason I thought the word 'nom' occurred at least 7-8 times in @phenomnomnominal 's name. Turns out it's 3. MISLEADING.
I only get 2 on twitter :(
@SomeKittens For some reason I thought the word 'nomnom' occurred at least 7-8 times in @phenomnomnomnomnomnominal 's name. Turns out it's 3. MISLEADING. (source)
@SomeKittens now make it ignore the first case of 'nom'
I'm going to try and draw a little man with javascript and make him party in my disco room. That should be a fun project
Hooray, my relational DB script worked in 1 go. I just made that excel sheet my biiiitch. #uploadking
posted on November 05, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

How a grad student trying to build the first botnet brought the Internet to its knees On November 3, 1988, 25 years ago this Sunday, people woke up to find the Internet had changed forever. The night before, someone had released a malevolent computer program on the fledgling computer network. By morning, thousands of computers had become clogged with numerous copies of a computer "wo

half your work is done
@rlemon stahppppp i wanted to do that xD
the little guy geeks me
@phenomnomnominal the little guy arouses me (source)
@CapricaSix me too Cappy, me too.
Aaaaaaand im gonna cry.
Its OK. Here is a tissue
If you codepen me a tissue I'll hurt my computer.
best teacher I ever had was someone else's code
I kinda agree. My best teacher is a project. It makes me research which in turn leads me to others code which I lookup in the API, learn and apply.
Ha, if I can time out your dancin man properly, I can make it dance to Boneless by Steve Aoki xD
@RUJordan Using the web audio API? That'd be cool
Who needs timing. Audio api
my brother did something like that in Blender but he got one of the measurements wrong and it went hilariously wrong.
I have a simple audio wrapper for modern browsers
@RUJordan Do beat-detection with the audio API and do it that way
You guys overestimate my JS knowledge ._.
But, it's time for me to go home.
Goodnight, might be on in a couple hours
beat detection is fun to learn
my gf hates when I'm testing audio api stuff
At the most basic level you can just look for peaks in the power spectrum of the audio signal
Get ready yo listen to the first ten seconds of the same song 300 times
@rlemon all those lovely sines and fuzzes?
boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats
fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish pop tarts fffffffffiiiiiissssssssshhhhhhhh
I really wanna do a audio visual demo using my confetti
but i'm le lazy
no, you're not, do it.
ok, teach me beat detection
I have 255 data bits, all amplitudes
sample rate?
it looks like I can find that out in loadedmetadata event
so we're good there.
A really simple way would be to look for the highest averages in the FFT data
running it in real time might be a pain though
hrm, it appears to me I know nothing about audio analyzing.
So the data you're drawing there is the FFT right? The frequency domain signal
i believe so
Average the amplidutes of all the buckets, and look for the peaks
i read a tutorial and fucked around till I got something working, like I always do
the signal will have the most power on the beats
well, you can assume that
so average all of the values of the array and look for > n ?
function processAudio(data) {
	for( var x = 0; x < max_amp; x++ ) {
		if( bars[x] < data[x] || data[x] !== 0 ) {
			bars[x] = data[x];
which is passed data from
yeah, but > n might not work
	process: function () {
		var data = new Uint8Array(this.analyser.frequencyBinCount);
		(this.playing && this.onprocess) && (this.onprocess.call(this, data));
just because the beats aren't always going to be bigger than some n
which is all run by
you're looking for local maxima in a series of data
	this.context = new webkitAudioContext(); // add support for other audio contexts
	this.node = this.context.createJavaScriptNode(2048, 1, 1);
	this.analyser = this.context.createAnalyser();
	this.analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.3;
	this.analyser.fftSize = 512;
	this.source = this.context.createBufferSource();
	this.node.onaudioprocess = this.process.bind(this);
fuck all of this math, this is the one thing I really suffer through because no formal education
formal education doesn't help here, it's all fucked up.
I mean, I will be able to get it, I just don't have the exposure to these things already like I feel I should
i had to google maxima and minima to understand what you were talking about
fourier transforms were the part of maths that tied it all together for me
not knowing the terminology is very frustrating when googling
all the physics of sound and all the maths of signals tied together
oh yeah, that bit would help a little
the simplest way to do it would be to do an analysis of the whole file at the start
nahh, I want this to be real time
i'm not sure how you would handle it if the beat changes mid song
if Loktar can do it, so can i!
normally you want to generate some sort of tempo map
thought I guess you only need the time between two beats to get the local bpm
@rlemon the worst thing is when you see symbols in equations
Googling "squiggly r symbol thing" doesn't work too well.
omg I know @twiz
equations would make much more sense to me if it was written in Javascript....
doubt it..
!!wiki the rendering equation
@phenomnomnominal The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
haha not ALL equations
In computer graphics, the rendering equation is an integral equation in which the equilibrium radiance leaving a point is given as the sum of emitted plus reflected radiance under a geometric optics approximation. It was simultaneously introduced into computer graphics by David Immel et al. and James Kajiya in 1986. The various realistic rendering techniques in computer graphics attempt to solve this equation. The physical basis for the rendering equation is the law of conservation of energy. Assuming that L denotes radiance, we have that at each particular position and direction,...
that bad boy is my fav
that shit
^ that looks a lot worse than say:
It actually makes sense if you break it down
var spectralRadiance = (x*y*z);
I completely understand that it all makes sense. but when you don't know what each symbol is actually called it is almost impossible to google it all quickly.
Except that the whole thing id the source code for a ray tracer
@rlemon oh yeah, fuck that
that is what twiz and i are bitching about
especially when they're different every time theyre written down
we don't know what the shit is called.
like that symbol @BenjaminGruenbaum used earlier, what the fuck was that?
I'm starting to pick up on more of it. but having no formal education past HS that shit looks greek to me
That shit is Greek isn't it?
latin/greek, close enough amirite?
3 hours ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@Shmiddty Sure it has, it's א0
@rlemon I find that learning calculus helps with some of that.
@KendallFrey I took calculus in HS.....
In set theory, a discipline within mathematics, the aleph numbers are a sequence of numbers used to represent the cardinality (or size) of infinite sets. They are named after the symbol used to denote them, the Hebrew letter aleph (\aleph). The cardinality of the natural numbers is \aleph_0 (read aleph-naught, aleph-null, or aleph-zero), the next larger cardinality is aleph-one \aleph_1, then \aleph_2 and so on. Continuing in this manner, it is possible to define a cardinal number \aleph_\alpha for every ordinal number α, as described below. The concept goes back to Georg Cantor, who ...
Is that a N? a X?
@rlemon lol durn. I didn't
but now a days the curriculum probably teaches it to you in like grade 4
@Shmiddty I don't want your answers dammit!
@phenomnomnominal aleph lol
I just don't think symbols are the best way to represent math equations
@KendallFrey I was in HS 00-04
I think you should all learn APL.
curriculum changes like every what? 4 years?
@KendallFrey Or J
J is really cool
Ping Jan Dvorak 3 times and he'll teach you
set theory makes my brain ache
meh, J is ASCII
yay, inbox zero
@phenomnomnominal set theory makes my **** hard
@SomeKittens "Mark all as read" is your friend.
@SomeKittens Mailbox?
No, just dealt with a bunch of email that's been piling up.
Don't have an iPhone anyway
oh :( mailbox is the shit
I'd use it if I was fanboi enough to get a selfcenteredPhone
I'm semi fanboi, but fuck it bugs me when people say iphone when they could just say phone.
"Let me just check my iPhone".
I fucking get it, you have an iPhone.
iProducts are status symbols, it is what they are designed to be, and anything that doesn't further that image is excluded.
The penis mightier.
I hope they make an iPen
codepen.io/hbi99/pen/mFhzH holy crap that is smooth
and have adds saying "iPen is coming."
that would make me laugh.
the ipen is coming
That's actually a fairly interesting solution to a problem I've never had.
I am so sick of UK internet
fucking censoring, this shit is bullshit
I just want to download some TV, is it really the end of the world?
thank fuck for Tor
Some censoring's ok, when it's something people come in contact with without consent (say, a billboard in the middle of a city) but why block people from getting what they want?
> HTML5 wealtime multiplayer
yea ^
also, congrats on the publish
It's late over here... :>
damn, two messages off.
Glad I didn't make it eeltime...

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