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The CSS color "whitesmoke" is undoubtedly the most refreshing.
(let me know if you get it)
@JLott Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
:? nope
Sublime has shortcuts for lower-case transformations and upper-case. There is an option for Title-Case and an option for Swap-Case. Why the hell is there no option for Medial-Capitals?
The C# room sent me here... I heard there were be rude bastards.
we were be right here
@SimonSarris something about cigarettes, I'm guessing.
I guess CamelCase isn't always written as camelCase. Maybe that's too much of a stretch.
@Loktar Right on cue
I was thinking pope selection smoke
my first thought was smoke from umm smoking the Janga
camelCase and PascalCase
first word is SO ALPHA compared to the rest.
Switch case
      C`    _)
       \ ._|
        ) /
      || |Y|
      || |#|
      || |#|
      || |#|
      :| |=:
   |         |
       | ||
  jgs  (____))
the color "whitesmoke" is #F5F5F5
doesn't everyone know that?
aka the most (page) "refreshing" color
whiteSmoke > white
@SimonSarris hah
I see
I've never used whitesmoke tbh
@SomeKittens *buh
I use hex's all day
@mikedidthis But why should I have to add that.
I don't know if people are being sarcastic, but I use whiteSmoke all the time (albeit I have memorized the hex and rbg)
There's no reason whatsoever for it not to be included automagically.
I never use css color names
seems wrong
I tend to stick to shorthand css colors.
if I want a light gray, I usually go for #eee
@rlemon I have a few putrid looking colors we use memorized.
I've been using more rgb lately.
@Shmiddty hah yeah the greys are the easiest hex
iz easier for canvas shit
@Jhawinsss I agree you shouldn't, but the 30 seconds it would take to add it to your packages maybe worth it.
Hmm dark gray? 1e1e1e, oh lighter? d3d3d3
dark grey is #333
colour names are nice when I'm writing a example for main site Q
I just mean a dark grey
I dont use css color names
so I have no clue what their hex equiv's are
besides blue/red/yellow/black/white
I learned a few common ones
@mikedidthis True....
but mostly because I saw them, inspected the, made note of the rgb (from another site)
The CSS color "whitesmoke" is undoubtedly the most refreshing #F5F5F5
Sometimes, I want to quit and go back to freelancing for $20/hr
There now people are handed the joke
for debugging, I use #f00 #0f0 #00f #ff0, etc
^ corrected for the plebs
ty @SimonSarris
@Shmiddty :( I just fucking got it :(
I feel so un-nerdy
@rlemon That is a good thing.
@Jhawinsss its the reason I like sublime, you need something, its probably out there and package control is totes good.
@JLott go away, please. (I'm working on being more polite)
@RyanKinal We'll form a startup together
@RyanKinal Why?
macy gray is the worst
!!point out coworker's obvious massive mistakes or just keep watching Extra Credits and avoid the hassle
@SomeKittens point out coworker's obvious massive mistakes
wow theres a lot of color names eh?
ghostwhite my new fav.
Corporate horribleness, underwhelming coworkers, 15 years of technical debt, stupid APIs, ridiculous code
IMO, you should avoid color names. They're not really standardized.
@Shmiddty how's that working on being more polite going :D
666666 should be hell.
@mikedidthis splendid.
@mikedidthis True. And if it isn't out there, you can easily implement it yourself.
@JLott your hair is red. you cannot argue it in here. we won't listen because we're rude bastards.
@Shmiddty gold star for you sir.
@Jhawinsss yep. Plus dropbox sync and your away.
@rlemon Fair enough
whatever happened to kirstyharris?
@SomeKittens Nah. Too much thought. I kind of want to go back to the days where somebody would say "Here's a few PSD's. Make a website out of them."
boobs? she is around every so often
I need to stop multitasking...
she annoyed the hell out of me initially
In CSS, you can specify abbreviated colors codes that have just 3 characters. For example, #012 is the same as #001122.
with those ridiculous pics
@rlemon when IE is merking her, right?
that Roxanna chick jAndy was pedo'ing over never returned.
@Michael aye
Is there some config needed to get NodeJS to accept requests from anything other than localhost? I have nodejs running on centos in vagrant VM, and it works from inside the VM, but not from the host. And the port is forwarded in the vagrant config.
I'm not very good at multitasking. Multifapping on the other hand...
she might have also been perturbed knowing we found her pics on some jailbait site
Why do more girls come here than C#...
I'm the only chick there...
JS > c#
@rlemon Psssh... Lies.
@JLott JS is just a sexier language.
@Shmiddty Well they don't seem to stay lol
they come here to see me, isn't that obvious?
because there aren't many girls in tech to begin with?
Anyone want to give me puzzles for: jsfiddle.net/maniator/XP9Qv ? ^_^
@rlemon You are the reason I came here. Good job.
tbh I think it is the fact that more dumbasses are designers and deal with js.
not just girls, guys as well.
we see a lot of randoms
js is crazy popular right now
so thats definitely the reason
Javascript is so flexible. For example, to create an object in Javascript, all you need to type is: { field1: "value1", field2: 2}. But in C# and other compiled languages, it's much more verbose.
Actually, no
eh, C# 3.5+ is not that case
@KendallFrey Kinda what I was thinking...
new { Prop1 = "value1", ... }
@rlemon I can't even get offended at that, its such a valid comment
@mikedidthis not all designers are dumbasses, but very visually competent people shouldn't always be the ones writing the code.
@KendallFrey Ok, well, yeah xD
@JLott It might be the design aspect. It's a suspicion, I can't prove anything, but since js is tied to html/css, designers collide with it regularly, and there're more female graphical designers than female programmers.
@Neal first get rid of the awful alerts.
^ perfect @Zirak
On the other hand, "a lot of girls" is borderline double-digits.
@Zirak Makes sense :)
I like how you are humble too.
@Loktar what with?
@Zirak "and there're more female graphical designers than female programmers." I was afraid to assume that fact without hard figures
> Its a suspicion
@rlemon its not a generalization
@rlemon I agree.
its a fact
@Zirak Well it seems to be more than one lol
@RyanKinal There was a startup that was trying to do that programmatically.
@Loktar better
hey hey hey hey hey
eh no, stop being scared.
politically correct*
w/o facts Ill say there are more female designers than programmers any day.
its not a derogatory statement.
i'm not happy with marionette js
@rlemon You are not going to offend me lol
use pedophilejs then
alternatives ??? please gimmie a hint
@rlemon That's why I hesitated, but it does seem to be the case. Of course there's no real reason there would be less female programmers than designers, but that's how it ended.
@FlorianMargaine lol
but people get all pissy when you do stuff like that. idk, maybe it is because of recent events in my office and people getting offended because I said "some chinese guy"
oh hey, a girl.
The truth is, there are no women on the internet.
@FlorianMargaine f
let them get offended.
@Shmiddty I am on the internet...
@Shmiddty thats the truth.
@Loktar That is my view lol.
@JLott We have no proof that you are a girl.
rather, someone saying (s)he's a girl on the internet
@SomeKittens Yeah, I think I remember hearing about that.
@Loktar where I 100% agree.. some days I feel like I need to be 'polite' and less of an ass
@JLott a simple pic of you with a paper saying "Hi SO JS room" should be enough
@RyanKinal They're closing down, to no one's surprise.
I don't want people to judge me for being racist so I can't judge others for being sexist.
Umm its not being an ass to say there are more female designers than female programmers..
@FlorianMargaine you forgot "tits or gtfo"
@SomeKittens \o/
It might also be the environment. You have people raised on IRC's "durr hurr there're no girls on the internet" and "lulz what's a girl XD", combined with years of sexual frustration on an already male-dominant western society...
@Loktar you are focusing on this as an example
Because thats the only example I care about.
are there no commands in here ?
!!tell cept0 listcommands
@cept0 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, convert, define, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, sarcasm, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick, stackoverflow (page 0/3)
too many white knights on the net scared to say normal stuff.
Last comment was a joke although no one seemed to give a shit
@Shmiddty I dont want tits. My gf is watching my screen.
@Zirak big luv
I have had people get offended because someone 'assumed something about their sex/race/religion/etc' - so some times I catch myself and just don't say it
sometimes I catch myself and don't give a shit and say it anyways.
@JLott I just thought you were racist
1 min ago, by JLott
I don't want people to judge me for being racist so I can't judge others for being sexist.
@rlemon I'm from the South... say what ya feel man
@FlorianMargaine what does your gf have against tits?
@Shmiddty they're not hers
erghad. you people
@RyanKinal There is the proper response I was looking for :P
@cept0 I awoke on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 13:02:39 GMT (that's about 4 days ago), got invoked 463 times, learned 157 commands, but forgotten 5 commands
I was too afraid to call you out on being racist in fear id be called a sexist
@FlorianMargaine, @Shmiddty xkcd.com/322
@JLott so who is it? the whites? the red? hatin on the yellows? (you can determine who i'm talking about on your own)
^ Brazilian laugh.
@Loktar Are you mexican?
@Loktar Yes! Someone else gets it lol
lol no I'm not a mexican
he is close, 'Murican
@Loktar You know what's really horrible? I can make jokes about white people, but not about black people.
The only time I've seen "jaja" is when playing League of Legends...
Im an American, not an Americant.
@Loktar you know i'm no white knight, I pull no punches on the Muricans ;)
@rlemon Good 'Murrica is where it is at
yea, Canada's diaper
@Loktar wat? I always thought you were
@RyanKinal haha yeah and Dota 2
When the skin color used in the joke matches mine, it's all good, but otherwise I'm crucified.
@FlorianMargaine lol wtf?
with your knife et al you look like a gang member or something
so a mexican
oh wait is that racist?
@Zirak I know right?!
traficantes de drogas
@Zirak can I expand and say I can only ever make jokes about white people, anyone else and well...
@Loktar I feel like I should try DotA2
@FlorianMargaine no its only racist if you called me black for being in a gang.
@FlorianMargaine Nah that is the truth
@Zirak hurr durr there's no gurls on the neterwebz
don't name variables after races in PHP or C# will lynch you
@JLott honestly? I don't know, I've never been in US.
Whitelists are soooo racist
@RyanKinal why?
So are blacklists
@Zirak true dat
@Shmiddty Because I'v eheard good things
@RyanKinal LoL not cutting it for you?
Let's call them "politicallyCorrectList0" and "politicallyCorrectList1"
@FlorianMargaine Well stereotypes had to start somewhere.
@RyanKinal if you like LoL play Dota2
I cant stand moba's
I <3 LoL, but I've heard DotA2 is good too
if( isset( $whites ) ) {
    die ( $whites );
so I dont really play any. Even though I have >100 hrs in stupid dota due to friends
I suck at LoL
@Zirak isn't putting things into lists prejudist?
from what I understand DotA is just much more convoluted
@MichaelKachanovskyy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Well.. Valve is amazing
make the joke about the whites and no one cares... replace $whites with $mexican and people yell at you for an hour. <- true story
and the original Dota creator is making dota2
@rlemon True freaking story
soo... dota2 > all
its basic math really.
Anyone want some watermelon?
@OctavianDamiean I blame you.
@JLott ahaha you remember
like, how the hell couldn't everyone clearly see the joke there
(Valve + original dota creator == Dota 2) > (LoL, HoN, Smite, Blizzard All Stars)
^ they teach that in math now
so what you are saying is... get off my ass and install me some DOTA2?
HoN is bad
Valve is basically "awesome" squared though so anything with valve in the equation will be amazing unfairly so.
LoL is good
@rlemon If you want to play with me
Tf2 is prob my fav game
TF2 makes me feel like i've never played a video game before
TF2 was fun, but it didn't keep my attention
It is my favorite game.
Im such a boss in tf2 to be completely humble.
@Shmiddty I felt the same way, I struggled to find a class I liked playing as.
@Loktar I used to be. It has been a little bit since I have played. I sold my Alienware.
I play heavy/bow sniper/scout mostly.
@JLott lame
Engineer/Spy/Scout here
seriously. TF2 wen't like this -> spawn -> run around for like ten seconds -> get blown up -> spawn -> repeat from the beginning
@rlemon Maybe you shouldn't suck
Engie is fun
Q: Convert string syntax of an array to an array

Mike OltmansI want to turn a string as it is literally into an array. Below is a more indepth explanation of my problem. If you have the below line of code: <input onclick="retrieve_data('[[\'site_users\', \'SELECT * FROM site_users WHERE id = 8\']]' 'site_users', '1','');"> Within here: retrieve_data(...

@JLott maybe, I'll try that next time.
is there a hotkey for it?
no, that never works.
Hah. I remember group PvPing in Guild Wars...in the beginning of a match, say "Press Alt+F4 for cookies". It sometimes worked.
Firefall is good
learn something every day
you guys should check it out
!!/urban qq
@Shmiddty meh I cant get into it
@rlemon [QQ](http://qq.urbanup.com/3260159) Contrary to popular belief, QQ is not a set of crying eyes. It actually originated with the advent of Warcraft II. On battlenet, you could press ALT+Q+Q to immediately exit the match and program. Thus the term "QQ" was to tell people to just quit because they are unskilled. The term later developed and lost it's origin and is usually mistaken as crying eyes.

In contemporary gamer culture, QQ has become the mainstream emoticon for crying eyes, though it is still often used in it's traditional sense.
makes sense.
@Loktar it's got a bit of a steep learning curve
hi hi hi hi hi
since it's still beta
@Shmiddty I was in the beta
@Darkyen Hello
oh it still is
i am online :->
i survived..!!! reading javacode!!
lol well anyway its just not my type of game idk. Reminds me too much of Global Agenda, but not as good.
wait... a girl in the JavaScript room O_O
@Loktar how deep did you get into it?
@Darkyen nothing to see here
as deep as I could go, so deep dude.
@Shmiddty ... thats what she said.
Alright, well I am outta here. This shit is weak. I expected way more rude comments.
@JLott dont worry
@JLott psh they are scared of offending girls.
@JLott don't you just love bananas?
we are kind sulky ^ thanks for the example shmiddity
She is a dude, right?
@Darkyen Be nice.
plus you havent acted like an idiot..
@Shmiddty lol
soooo thats part of it :P
@Loktar Well I try not to lol
Out of all those u ping me for being nice simon ?
@JLott JLott = Object(JLott)
Now I've objectified you. HAH!
...I'll go cry in the corner
besides... @JLott just saying that picture reminds me of someone
@Shmiddty I didnt get too far. Played a few hours. I have so many games though that if a game isnt fun within 3 hours Im just wasting my time.
I'm not just a filthy object @Zirak!
I shouldn't have to "find" the fun
@Darkyen Dear god that made me jump
thats nothing :-)
Welp that made me lose 97 minutes of my life
@Loktar not really a fan of FPS style gameplay?
no I love fps's that was far from it
auto targeting.. not really based on skill
I was hoping it would be more like tribes
@Loktar it doesn't have auto targeting...
@JLott Object.freeze(JLott)
when I played it did.. id target the mobs and hit them right away
I'll just talk with these frozen object...
@Zirak Keep telling yourself that
But if I hug it, it'll melt faster!
My problem was I expected it to be like tribes, and it wasnt
Quite the hedgehog's dilemma.
I was doing run quests
@Loktar I actually like Counter Strike lol
@JLott i am way scarier then her :-)
"go kill 13 crabs and come back"
@JLott You sound just like my mother!
@JLott zomg we can be good friends :->
@Darkyen Is that really you?
I haven't played Counter Strike since the original
@JLott yes..
played far too much Dust
@Loktar wanna play counter strike ?
haha I've only played csgo with @Darkyen
once.. and that was the last time
all i can do is camp now :P
@Shmiddty dust 514?
@Darkyen Don't make that face anymore
did a little awp whoring
@Loktar -_- damn u
@JLott :-) dont worry
@Loktar de_dust
oooh nm
@Loktar why wont u play CS:GO with me anymore ?
Its not fun :(
@JLott thats how i look normally
Alright well the C# room needs me there to keep them together. Later y'all.
was fun playing with you
@Loktar that timing.
just not the game itself
bleh yeah I caught that too :?
should upload on facebook and tag you :->
@JLott ? @Darkyen
^ that looks decent
seems weird to have keanu as the lead role
but.... he can't say "duuuude" in this role....
what will his main line be?!
@Neal HTTP Error: Length Too small
@Darkyen that's what she said.
@Loktar the comments are funny
yea idk, the movie looks pretty good.
but did I just get to see all of the best scenes?
also, the cool shit I just saw - how much of that is actually going to be in the movie?
I hate previews
My favorite movie scene:
@Darkyen heh?
woot.. I pretty much did it. beside the check for negative x/y/w/h values, looks good to me
I guess I'm doing a jQuery plugin now to kill jQueryUI resizable/draggable crap
@jAndy Ha, plugin. Just recreate jQuery :-P
nah, my hate concentrates only on the UI :P it sucks so hard its not even funny
you could just release your own UI library
but tbh, I don't know any resizable/draggable lib right now which supports transformed elements
jQueryUI sucks a lot - it's made by david walsh
(on pure DOM nodes, no canvas, svg etc.)
@rlemon how do you always know things about me.. you also knew what I'm wearing and stuff.. I'm pretty much working a UI lib for a couple of month now
well jQueryUI does suck. but I fail to see what noting that david walsh developing it is saying?
I hate you :<
@jAndy the plant in the corner by the hallway has a camera
@rlemon jAndyUI? Nahh.. why not jQuery? It sounds better.
jQueery - the liberal library
first upload will follow soon

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