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@FabrícioMatté There are a few similar ones. Each time somebody points it there, I do my duty : I downvote and vote to close...
@FlorianMargaine so much hate on meta
I find the indexOf answer ridiculously bad
it's weird
Is there a code documentation standard in Javascript? For example, Java has "Javadoc".
Yeah it just feels like I'm on a time tunnel, seeing the same question and answer over and over again lol
@rlemon smells like jealousy
I'm really looking for the "Fun is acceptable" thread on MSO...
Something that allows you to document you code. For example, describing what a function does and what its parameters are.
@FlorianMargaine I pondered answering but choose to keep a low profile. Those harsh people look violent.
I mean, the only point I can agree with is "lack of effort" - generally speaking I personally like to see some "here is what I tried", but aside from that I see it as just a comically worded problem.
like many of Ziraks answers
I was expecting to see you pipe in your two cents on meta ;)
jump into the wolves and say hey.
@dystroy They all ignore truth maps, which are so simple and pweety
@rlemon I think I will
Yes, it's not really on topic. Yes it got too many upvotes. But no, that's not so important and at least they were efforts in the question (especially in the formatting, admitidelly for rep) and in the answers.And people had fun...
just dunno what to say to burn them all
> Oh my.
my first line
@dystroy I think it could be on topic, with some tinkering.
@rlemon The problem is they act like wolves right now. I don't want to see Florian or Zirak eaten...
otherwise just off topic for SO, maybe not programmers
@dystroy same
It would probably be on topic for programmers, but it's too late to migrate and it would be dishonest to tune the question to look on topic.
Gecko is faster then webkit for animations!
@dystroy I'm just an innocent unremarkable, and who cares what happens to Florian?
dafuk !
@Zirak I need florian to get more rep
@dystroy the only thing I see that needs to happen is to describe more in detail how he plans on solving this and why that isn't really going to work.
nah i don't expect that to happen... since my gecko should not be faster then HW Accelerated Chrome
> Firstly, anyone looking at this thread from outside is scared. Really. So much hate in there... Please, don't bite me. I have AIDS.
is the "I have AIDS" too much humor?
Don't try humor
"I bite back"
"I bite back" is better
"I have a pet velociraptor"
yep, using that.
@Neal Probably, because it seemed to be consistently 1/2 a chunk off
@KendallFrey And .round rounds down?
@Zirak I have a pet chupacabra
> "Don't bite me, I am not allowing myself to shower until we can figure out who is going to buy the damn croissants!"
round rounds to nearest, ceil rounds up
floor drops it down
floating point sounds like a whore
Math.floor(she); // shawty got low low low low low.
lol @rlemon
@Darkyen Please don't have sex with IEEE-754, it's scarred enough.
I don't intend to. I have a dedicated right hand for having sex ;D
uhmmm.. okay I guess
@KendallFrey hmmmm, but why wouldn't I want to it to do a regular round?
idk. some for 'off-by-one-half' error
I've already seen an off-by-two error.
Aug 23 '12 at 14:24, by Zirak
What's 6 megabytes in kilograms?
I should find out again.
@Neal for example you have a map
stored in a 2d Array
now the indices will be always integer :P
@Darkyen I know indexes are integers...
suppose each increment in index represents 10 unit distance
so the point 12 is 1.2 which is impossible as index, and so is 18-> 1.8 [ as index]
in that case you can round down :P
Also -- my code is very specific to that wheel how do I make it do it works for all wheels?
show me the code ?
@Zirak Let me know when you do.
@Zirak star it here we all wanna know that
o never mind, i think i got it. it is (360 / number of values)
I forgot I did that
@Zirak My answer was valid.
@Loktar noise: tinker.io/4d9fa
It'll be specific to my HDD. There's an answer for what I had back then
I'm almost pro terrain maker now right?
@FlorianMargaine Unfortunately that doesn't hold, since I explicitly stated the units.
The speed of light is 1.38106525e15 tsp hp / ac cal
I would've accepted 7x
@Zirak 7kg is a valid answer.
since you stated the units, then of course it's the unit you mentioned that's used
Fair enough
and on what type of disk?
and do you care about the facilitating hardware? or just the physical platter / other
@FlorianMargaine and on the moon ?
@dievardump 42
Not sure the universal answer is an acceptable one.
@dievardump ...mass is the same no matter where you are
You did not specify mass. You said kg
But kg is a unit of force
Oh my.

*Disclaimer: I'm the OP of the question.*

Firstly, anyone looking at [this thread](meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/190106/…) from outside is scared. Really. So much hate in there... Please, don't bite me. I bite back. And I have a pet velociraptor.

So, when I wrote the question, did I think it was on-topic? Yes. Did it lack effort in research? Definitely.

Here is the story: it's a real issue I have. I need a software algorithm to solve a *specific* issue for me. I did have a few ideas of implementation to start with, bu
> closely related to programming
@FlorianMargaine did you really had to paste as code ?
IMO, it's vaguley related to programming
@KendallFrey it's a program I have to write.
so, closely related.
so, is the answer ok? can I send it?
@user2293790 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DevlshOne I just had a test fail with your answer.... Sorry :-( (it was on my 3rd try) — Neal 24 secs ago
@FlorianMargaine It looks OK to me. Even good. But I wouldn't dare jumping among the wolves.
I swear we have server goblins. Shit works fine one day, then when it is most vital, just stops working for no reason.
@FlorianMargaine Sounds fine, but as dystroy said, you're gonna be eviscerated.
@FlorianMargaine You made most of it unrelated though.
A: Dealing with "Find out who's going to buy the croissants"

Florian MargaineOh my. Disclaimer: I'm the OP of the question. Firstly, anyone looking at this thread from outside is scared. Really. So much hate in there... Please, don't bite me. I bite back. And I have a pet velociraptor. So, when I wrote the question, did I think it was on-topic? Yes. Did it lack effort ...

man, people are just jumping on this and running with it
that discussion in the chat you linked is pretty hard core :P
Why did you add a recursive link ? You'll get people make a stack overflow and they'll be angry. More.
24/7/2013 - Florian Asks about Croissants, SO goes ape shit for a day.
@dystroy because fun is acceptable :D
A: Dealing with "Find out who's going to buy the croissants"

Ben BardenRemove the picture. Actually, in general I suspect that a lot of the upvoting has to do with the large, visually appealing picture of a pile of croissants. The picture adds no clarity to the question. All it does is give everyone who sees it a quick shot of "oh, hey - pretty croissants" which ...

How comes it's now acceptable to criticize a question for being attractive ? Do they want to impose a chador next ?
room topic changed to JavaScript: We are the rudest bastards in the world. Room pseudo-rules: rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [freedom-croissants] [javascript]
@dystroy comment on the answer
so next we should have a meta post titled "How to deal with the answer whoring from users who post pictures of pretty girls as their gravatar?"
@Darkyen, @KendallFrey:
mass = 0.69(kg)
capacity = 600(gb)
1gb/kg = 600 / 0.69 ≈ 724.6376
1mb/kg = $_ / 1024 ≈ 0.70765
6mb/kg = $_ * 6 ≈ 4.2459
Hey Guys!
So, what's the answer now?
It can't be 4
well fuck
i have no idea how to create a tag, screw it
@GNi33 remove leading space
Are you enjoying your 10mbps+ Connection? Gues what? 5kbps. Yh.
Wait, you can do ?
@KendallFrey No, you can't
[meta-tag:Yo Mama]
@StackExchange http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17807531/find-out-whos-going-to-buy-the-croissants #SaveTheCroissants
we can trend this
come on people!
what have i missed?
@deep You're pregnant. Happy birthday!
@warfares Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Your gonna be a daddy!
You got a 14 yr old male pregnant Congratulations!
Interesting that you immediately leapt to rlemon
First name i saw that wouldve been funny.
@Zirak s/to/onto
Did I do that right?
You missed the trailing slash...
tut tut tut
@Zirak At the end of september, I'll be able to invite you to spend one or two nights at my home, five minutes by feet from Lyon's main railroad station and well located to visit the town.
@Neal Without the slash, it becomes a REBEL program :P
@KendallFrey pffft
@dystroy That could actually be neat. The concert's on the 21st, and I have absolutely nothing planned.
@James Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine well that's a right shit-storm your question started, then :)
As in, "absolutely nothing" besides the concert and the vague want to travel in Italy.
@Alnitak heh, totally
A: Dealing with "Find out who's going to buy the croissants"

Florian MargaineOh my. Disclaimer: I'm the OP of the question. Firstly, anyone looking at this thread from outside is scared. Really. So much hate in there... Please, don't bite me. I bite back. And I have a pet velociraptor. So, when I wrote the question, did I think it was on-topic? Yes. Did it lack effort ...

the comments are... surprisingly kind.
For all the respectful geeks in the world we introduce

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@Zirak If you don't know Italy, go visit it. Anybody with a taste for culture and intelligence must visit Italy. (And anybody with a taste for food should ask me for a list of restaurants when visiting Lyon or many places in Italy or France).
anymore things yall need ? Github the code ?
Prostitiuts, lots and lots of prostitutes
anyone here familiar with flask? If I pass a python dictionary, how do I reference that in my JS as individual lists?
@deep good coders dont need prostitutes they have a Wife / GirlFriend and if not all we have strong hands
@dystroy I've been in Rome for 4 days once. I still have a yearning.
...those 4 days only increased the yearning
@Zirak Note that I don't say you'll like everything, but there is some culture density in Italy that exists nowhere else in the world. You may look at some food or some clothes showcase and see history.
You must see Firenze, Torino, Venezia (not at tourist season, though) too.
Pompeii and Florence
there's not so much to see in Pompeii tbh...
Love that
Q: Separate a module into smaller parts

anvozThe file is quite long, 1000 LOC so I want to separate it into smaller files. https://github.com/anvoz/world-js/blob/v1.0/js/world.core.js Here is a brief version of the code: (function(window, undefined) { var WorldJS = window.WorldJS = function() { // WorldJS Constructor ...

How waouw, why does teresko not come here anymore ?
Does he hate us now ?
@FlorianMargaine Pretty much everything I don't like about Meta in one question. Well done.
@anvoz requestAnimFrame should be a sub module.
// Helper Functions
    function is(obj, type) {
        return typeof obj === type;

    function has(obj, prop) {
        return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);

    function random(min, max) {
        return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
Should be a hleper module.
@dievardump IIRC he said he was fed up with this room and said he's never coming back.
Well, fair enough
I am confused with this one: stackoverflow.com/a/17839004/561731
@FlorianMargaine There's Pompeii, and just going around the Vesuvius should be pretty sweet.
@Neal Why ?
@dystroy Do you have any nice travel guides (related to Italy)?
The only think that this controls is the spin speed. It does not need to be an integer. — Neal 9 secs ago
@Neal It just looks like a stupid answer
@dystroy Yea...

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