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It's so weird to see someone else's chat screenie. All the wrong messages are highlighted.
@rlemon yeah, that was info from earlier this year
I'm trying to get into the one in 2014
If I didn't have a meeting right now, I'd rush home to open it up
But I do have a meeting right now.
@Shmiddty I get to go to.... agri conferences. watch as I try to hide my enthusiasm over the fact.
does anyone know how that works? @SimonSarris? am I getting shafted because I'm not from the USA ?
@FlorianMargaine You handed me a "nice answer" badge. I don't deserve it. Take it back.
amazon.com customers get priority over .ca?
difficulty level: expert
so you never know who is speaking to you?
or does the right side collapse
@Shmiddty This explains why you often ping the wrong person.
@rlemon I've been playing with the idea of hiding avatars to see if I treat people differently based on knowing who they are.
Or to see if you can tell without looking.
@Jhawinsss I don't do that very often
normally on my two monitors I run two windows per monitor so I have
[ [article|tut|issue|specs] [chat] ] [ [editor] [email|editor|preview] ]
@SomeKittens Falling asleep now. Will read later. Goodnight, people!
this is also how I can see the chat constantly. :/
see ya @Amaan
o/ later @Amaan
@SomeKittens You must be @Amaan
wait wat.
I must have @Amaan blocked?
I don't...
oh, I see where I got lost.
in the reading
@SergeiStruk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I think I did something useful with it: jsbin.com/uceguj/11/edit
Hi all, does anybody know is it possible to get local ip address of user with help of js?
@SergeiStruk why?
//ok so I run a midpoint displacement....
[0,0,3,0,0] // now I want to 'diamond' it?
[0,0,0,0,0] // where do the missing values
[4,0,0,0,2] //(currently 0) come from? random?
@Shmiddty I need to ban unregistered user if he will try to log in more then 10 times
@SergeiStruk Use cookies. Close enough.
@SergeiStruk then do it on the server
so the smaller upper left 'square' is now
the top right and bottom left 0 ?? where do these seed from? did I complete fuck up understanding the concept again ?
@SomeKittens user can clear cookies
@SergeiStruk OH SNAP! It's like cookies are almost as mutable as IP!
tl;dr - I am utterly fucking confused about the diamond step in the algo
@rlemon you are rLemon, no?
@SomeKittens I will check users by cookies and ip, thus I ask about local ip
@rlemon huh? wha? what are we talking about?
(that should confuse him)
@SimonSarris i'm really getting frustrated trying to generate terrain
atm i'm trying to understand how to implement diamond square
@Tommo1977 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I hope someone can help. I'm using KendoUI DropDownList, with the following

var iMake = $("#Make").data("kendoDropDownList").value();
var iModel = $("#Model").data("kendoDropDownList").value();
var iFuel = $("#Fuel").data("kendoDropDownList").value();
But the problem I have is I can only access the value of for example #Make when this box is Changed
or wait... diamond step is first?
gahd, I wish there were a more js oriented tutorial to follow. I have a hard time working with the concepts (right now)
But if check the value of say on the #Model change event, I can access the #Model value but not the #Make value
@Loktar you know what, i think i just realised what bugs me the most about the new layout
there's no way for me to see, which articles are the newer ones
@GNi33 yeah that annoys me as well
Ill add the date timestamp to them
@Zirak haha I remember doing that
at least put a date on them
and yeah, the paging does nothing at all :D
the black dots in 'a' are the initial seeded values, in 'c' how the hell do they determine the black dot values?
@Loktar you might know quickly. this is the most confusing aspect for me
oh wtf...
why does the paging not work
the black dots are avg's of the greys
ok so which greys am I averaging for 'c' ?
just three points?
the rest follow the 'avg middle of the square' but 'c' starts to deviate from that
@GNi33 fixed for now
@rlemon yea
still doesn't do anything for me
refresh fully
should only show like 6 articles per page now
ohh wait
/me clears cache
now it should work
@Loktar but how does it deviate? I have your (linked) article open.. maybe I need to just step back from this for a while and clear my head.. it's not making any more sense to me :/
you add random deviation to it
Does anyone have examples of beautiful graphs I can recreate in GoJS? I need to do a redesign soon and want a good banner or set of banner images
yea.. ok let me explain better.
Perhaps something like
(I just made those)
Look at the d3 example page
Sorry @rlemon, I've no idea :(
@Zirak good idea!
@Loktar wow, clearing my cache took some time now
oh I meant mine
yeah, looking better this way
the site caches all the pages
I don't know if this makes what i'm confused about a bit more clear
so I had to clear the sites cache :P
oh okay, well, didn't hurt to clear my browser-cache either
@rlemon the black dots are calculated from the gray dots that touch them
ok, so in 'c' there are only three greys touching each black
so in this case I generate a random 4th value (off screen grey?)
this is what is confusing me
no just use the 3
ok, I was getting super annoyed that it says you avg the four points - but you can't at the beginning and at the edges..
so it confused me beyond all else. sorry if i'm annoying you with this shit
@rlemon average the 3 points around it and add a random offset
yea, I got that. I was locked into thinking i had to use a fourth value. no where did it tell me to use just the three.. so was I supposed to use three? or make up a fourth random? (always with a random deviation)
eh, I got it now.
thanks @Loktar
Since when is coffeescript allowed in jsfiddle? cool.
they are trying to compete with codepen
only thing I like about fiddle over codepen are the revisions
I wish tinker.io had logins
I would like to be able to see past tinkers I've done
Error messages: Nice ("Something very very bad happened:( please let us know") or Useful ("DB error adding user to group")?
huh, I'm sometimes funnier than I give myself credit for chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/7474784#7474784
@Zirak you are one funny sob
@SomeKittens I've been lately trying to combine the two: Give memorable exceptions, like "Something very very bad happened. Please send us an email, saying that Henry Pantymuncher sent you".
Nobody can forget "Henry Pantymuncher"
@SomeKittens "We have detected recently Solar flare activity and therefore cannot add your information to the database. Please contact the administrator or your local meteorologist office if the issue persists"
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 mins ago, by rlemon
EBM-LX800 - I assume there is an upper limit to the size of CF I can put on this. Is that determined by the hardware or OS though?
if anyone here knows
@Zirak I awoke on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 13:02:39 GMT (that's about 4 days ago), got invoked 459 times, learned 157 commands, but forgotten 5 commands
I think that's the longest we had
I mean... the QNX operating system lists 2^56 bytes as determined by the disk driver.
but that is fucking huge. 16 exabytes
Has anyone looked at the C# room description today?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
I expect 4 virgins and a steak, medium-rare.
Sirloin if possible
I want 4 virgins medium rare
Virgins are indeed rare.
Sirloin virgin? That's just gross.
Their loins are tasty?
@KendallFrey But are they...medium rare?
No, blue rare.
done and done
@rlemon ...where did you get my highschool Fiction Appreciation Club group photo?
@Zirak second from the left?
@Zirak Fiction APpreciation club.. "FAP club"
ribeye > sirloin

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