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I dont like the left content sep scroll but ill deal with that some other day
@OctavianDamiean hahaha
@Loktar oooh that's better
im going to pretty it up with images now
and eventually fix my title
also ty :P
@Loktar it is how WP loads the css and how the js applies the scroll bars.
WP is pretty shit at loading resources after the html has been parsed / partially rendered
if you watch the network tab you see new sheets being loaded a second after content appears
okay, what do I do with a Wikipedia - sentence that pisses me off?
yeah I dont mind the flicker or whatever though
its still way better than my pos blog from before
stuffs readable now
yea it was hard to read before
@FlorianMargaine Why would you ever need to keep so many tabs open?
ok so what would you guys say to this: the company is not done the site yet and when a college asked about delivery date for the source code they told us "for the first year we host it and give you logins to the CMS, then you can have the source code"
uhh... wut?!?!
@GNi33 you edit it
@rlemon Context?
@Shmiddty I'm ADD, I keep them open as reminders
@GNi33 You take our your wiener, aim well and let it flow.
@rlemon depends on contract
@SomeKittens ugh... PITA contractors making my companies website that have been giving me a fucking hard time about everything since day one. - cost a shit load - late on delivery - etc.
I joined at either the worst possible time... Or the best.
Christians pissing me off again, gnaah
Contract has been voided so many times by them.
@rlemon not following
ADD = Attention Deficit Disorder.
@rlemon did you contact your lawyers to make sure of that?
I keep tabs open as a reminder of stuff I was working on before I got side tracked.
I know what ADD is.
@FlorianMargaine we have in house one who identified all of the legally wrong stuff they have done
edited it, but I kind of want to delete the whole thing overall.
it's great, we just hired a marketing / accounting / lawyer
who also speaks 3 languages
just do w/e you want then
cya people.
@GNi33 What are you reading there?
@Shmiddty "not following" would have been a pretty funny joke if it were meant as one
@GNi33 religious extremists* is probably more accurate
I mean, "Unfortunately, many of the messages in songs of their latest album, "Rescue and Restore", have communicated that homosexuality is acceptable, ...." just makes me want to punch those people in their ignorant faces
@rlemon Ask him if I can sue these fucking relentless college recruiters. They've called every single fucking day now for 2 weeks and every single time I tell them I'm not interested. Now I'm just not answering and they started calling off an unknown number.
@rlemon You should hire me. I speak three languages and my Latin gets better and better, plus I'm starting to learn Portuguese.
> "The homosexual lifestyle is not generally accepted within most Christian schools of thought."
yeah, because you people are stuck up idiots
They were calling when I sent that message. Now they're calling off a different number again.
dammit, I'm shutting up again, but stuff like this makes me angry like nothing much else does
@GNi33 haha, that's hilarious. Well, tell that to some of our pastors. :P
blah blah religion is dumb blah blah moving on
@OctavianDamiean exactly
Jediism is a religion based on the philosophical and spiritual ideas of the Jedi as depicted in Star Wars media. It was the most selected "alternative faith" in a 2012 census of England and Wales, as a result of a tongue-in-cheek email campaign. History Jediism became known following the Jedi census phenomenon in 2001 and the preceding email campaign to put "Jedi" as an answer to the census religion classification question. The Australian Bureau of Statistics chose not to recognise it as a religion, and the decline in subsequent years was seen as an indication that it was a transitory "f...
if we're discussing religions
I should probably add "if the partner is older than 9 years." to that sentence
Religion has no place in this chatroom. It can only cause problems to talk about your beliefs or the beliefs of others in the way we are now.
This is a very simple guideline for everyone to follow. We are all adults and come from different walks of life, we will not always see eye to eye on political or religious topics... However this is also the internet and these topics do come up from time to time. Please be respectful when discussing them and be prepared to cease discussion if someone asks you to.
I am not for censorship but there is a proper forum for this type of discussion and in the case of someone being offended by it that forum should then be used in lieu of this one.
^ from the rules
@rlemon I think I just found my religion.
Ub rekated bews: ihasabucket.com
No, we're not discussing religions, I just got my 5 minutes of rage
I stand by what I wrote.
that's all
talking about religion is a waste of time.
@OctavianDamiean yea when I first read it I was like "we're being trolled right" then you read more about it and think, it's more of a lifestyle than a religion, and it's a pretty damn good one
@rlemon Add a rider to the contract: The price decreases as the project's late
I'm not asking anyone to stop. You can't possibly piss me off with your beliefs, because I understand that that's what they are, they are your (not to anyone specifically) beliefs. And I have my own. I was only trying to make sure no one else is offended.
@rlemon Indeed.
@rlemon WickedLasers tried to use this as a PR move when they started selling the arctic. Lmao
@Jhawinsss yea I made sure it was the top of the Etiquette on the rules page
!!youtube book of mormon I believe
@GNi33 what have you done?
Fine by me. I didn't see the whole context of this before I posted, I don't see anything wrong with this now haha.
I just edited the "Unfortunately" out
although i'm not sure if the rest of the sentence really adds any value
probably for Christians, it does
bonj all
Oh hello good Sir!
I remember that
LOL WAT! hahaha
caps are funnier
I was repeating what some weirdo said lol
@Loktar You were quoting that Loktar guy? He's really weird.
@rlemon still fucking about?
ooh man, the featured images look nice
now I can post screenies from me pens
!!xkcd 624
@Loktar holy hell, guess what I just read
is wondering how many people google that up already
i misread that sentence
little "wtf"-moment there
!!google github for lesbians
@GNi33 haha, I did too.
!!s/me pens/my penis/
@Zirak now I can post screenies from my penis (source)
you all see that yet?
seems pretty cool but I dont have a need for it :?
heard of it, but haven't read up on it, what is it all about? people seem to freak out over it
@Loktar I believe you can get it with a free 3 month netflix account, so the dongle comes out at around $12?
thats a good deal, I still have no use for it unfortunately
trying to cut back on buying useless electronic devices :(
@Loktar It's $35, yes.
@Loktar being in the UK its sadly really useless.
Chromecast is not available in your country.
@Loktar thanks for breaking my heart again :-/ ... 3rice
@Darkyen I feel your pain.
no it also includes i am broke
and i can fucking use that shit to perform presentations using the 42" display at home
@Loktar I love how you go from "aww fuck it i'm done for now" ... 25 minutes later ... "this new thing I added looks sic!"
anyone watch HIMYM?
Fuck you google you racist bastards.
@rlemon lol
im going through adding featured images for every article now
@Darkyen not available in Canada either
I assume only where google fiber is run?
every time someone in here works on their blog it makes me want to revive my blogs... then I try to write an article - revise it - sit on it - revise it - delete it - rewrite it - never publish it. :(
looks so much better on an iPhone 4 ^
which makes no sense that I will say the stupidest shit in here and not care, but on a blog... I can't possibly make any mistakes.
the whole store from play has a nexus 7
@rlemon Current state of Recoding, too.
when I do demos I can't think of anything useful to write about how I wrote them aside from the comments I already provide
or is the trick to never comment and be heinous then write small blurbs in a blog post before the snippet?
Anyone played WorldofTanks?
Looks cool.
Hi all
anyone ever been to SxSW?
how can i take a variable and set it to my event trigger?

openAction: function(){
height: child.find('ul').outerHeight()
}, settings.menuOpenTime);
@Jhawinsss Meh. Loved the concept, but the gameplay is centered around getting one to pay.
openAction is my variable and for now its value is "mouseenter"
Ah. I hate that.
@Loktar comments are MUCH sexier with the new design
yeah definitely
they are readable!
they need to support markdown ;)
@MikeBoutin is that jQuery you're using?
Im sure I can find a plugin for that lol
@Shmiddty yes
@Loktar looks great, but are you really sure about using "Masonry"?
ajQueryCollectionOfElements.on(openAction, function(){...})
@GNi33 eh idk it was fast/easy does the job
@Shmiddty if i got many?
i do it many times
I wouldnt use it on my portfolio site, (which I need to redo next)
@Darkyen I'm sure it works if you get your hands on one.
I'm not sure about it. I see potential when used with client-side category filtering
but you're doing reloads anyhow
Just have it shipped to one of us and then we'll ship it to you ;)
ohh Loktar you just gave me a great idea. fuck the blog - portfolio site can hold all of the demos
@Shmiddty i cant pass it trought object
like that it just seems a little "messy" to me
what do you suggest @GNi33?
@rlemon yeah I've got one of each
hm, not sure
my portfolio redesign is like 50% done
if what you were saying made any sense, maybe I could help you
if you like how the articles are presented that way, that's cool
idk they are pinteresty
i'm too cheap to buy another domain right now, i'll just use github ;)
EDGY (lol)
i like article-overview - pages to be a little more structured
I'll definitely buy one, as long as it's not locked down in some stupid way.
@Loktar nahh bro, facebook timeline dat shiznat
but that's just me
man.. its seriously somuch better
the old layout was shit
but other than that, great job, looks really good
hmm I think I know what you're saying @GNi33
@Shmiddty .on({}) is when i got many triggers, but i can't use variable for the trigger names with other ways?
@rlemon Focus > BlastOff > Lemonmememe
I dont like how theres no real chronological order now
@Loktar portfolio?
not that you can tell by just looking at it
@SimonSarris im embarrased to show my current one :?
I liked it when I did it back in 2010 or whatever
@rlemon ?
@GNi33 his old design
@Loktar I like that still
i know the old page
you've posted it before
meh yeah idk Im not a fan anymore
@Shmiddty Ty, it works the other way, i can't explain very well what i want, so ill keep your solution
I hate any design I do after 6 months to a year :P
we all do
but from an outsiders perspective: that one still looks good
my new design is mostly just a demo showcase
I would expand the main content width, but that is about it
yeah that was back in 2010, 960 was all the rage
now it's what? 1020 or something?
not sure tbh
however 960 looks PERFECT when I split my screens
probably, I still use 960 a lot though
wanna see something funny as hell?
@Loktar cant wait to see new one!
@Jhawinsss I have a couple friends who were super into world of tanks for a while.
Seemed cool, but I never bothered with it
well, it was funny to me
being embarrassed of your old work is usually a good sign, in a way
@RyanKinal I used to play that
lol its SOO slow moving
@rlemon lol wtf?
@SimonSarris yeah, means Im growing (or so I hope)
also Ill have your book in hand today :)
1) showing the perfect width for split screen
2) for like ten minutes I was trying to figure out where the fuck that 'ask a question' was in the dom... then realized it was a chrome artifact from the screencast program
@RyanKinal RAAAAGE - stop reminding me
$1150 for a glorified conference
but if they company pays for it... :D
> The deadline for online purchases of this item has passed.
I'd pay to see Ray
> Delivered
^ win
I hate you amazon so much

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