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8:00 AM
@DRAJI Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Arf I don't want to be muted.
@Yucel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
8:07 AM
controversial question :>
hello people
i having a sort of problem here
  $(".TextBox3").blur(function() {

             var form_data = $(this).serialize();

                            url: baseurl + "/task/calculate",
                            type: 'POST',
                            data: form_data,
                            success: function(result)
this is my jquery
its not returning array of textbox3
@user2206616 what are you trying to serialize; the text box?
if you want to serialize all textboxes with that class, don't use $(this)
@dystroy hey, I got you your 4th most upvoted answer
oh god I hate this feeling
I want to do something pretty, yet I know I can't...
You can't do what ?
8:20 AM
@JanDvorak what should i do den.. just use class??
@user2206616 yep. ` $(".TextBox3")`. Also, consider caching it so that you don't reselect on each blur
let me try if it works out..
nah that too doesnt works :(\
is the URL correct?
@Anenth Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy decoupled code. Functions. SRP.
I can't make functions if they're not reusable
"it makes you go all around to understand what the code does!"
8:29 AM
yep ther is no problem with it
Hello, why is this line showing me a parse error on IE?
        <li><a id="addlyr" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:addLyr('3b8c916');">Add lyrics</a></li>
its also showing value but only of a textbox where u blur
@MGE don't add javascript: to onXXX attributes
<li><a id="addlyr" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="addLyr('3b8c916');">Add lyrics</a></li>
8:32 AM
I'd use a clickable li instead
clicable li?
I too. I prefer to set the cursor using style and not use a elements for things that aren't standard links
@DaleBotha Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<a href..><li>..
8:33 AM
<li onclick="...">
(if you're using jQuery, attach all handlers from jQuery)
in the CSS, something like: li[onclick] {pointer:hand}
thank you very much
can you check if the player is working in your browser? goear.com/listen/4ba5b2d/bohemian-rhapsody-queen
8:36 AM
Thanks @CapricaSix! First time on SO chat. Just watching! :)
^ just a bot :D
@dystroy in the CSS, something like: li[onclick] {cursor:pointer} (source)
just figured it out! what a noob
sexy bot though
8:38 AM
@MGE I have to click twice after clicking
so is ther no solution for my problem @JanDvorak
@user2206616 fiddle please
@JanDvorak click play twice after click back?
8:40 AM
the problem is that in firefox 22 for example the players doesn't start, and I don't know why ://
@MGE yep. The play button state is "play", but it's not actually playing.
@MGE It does autoplay on entry
in what browser?
if a bot how can @CapricaSix format messages like that? can't be!
8:41 AM
@DaleBotha she does it the same way human posters do
@MGE yep
no errors in console? :/
i dont know what to do
reads like real language going on there. Can the bot also be a sentient sometimes?
@MGE only three failed downloads caused by an adblocker
@DaleBotha kinda. She doesn't learn by herself, however
!!tell DaleBotha help
Hello everybody.
@MGE ah, sorry. [back] actually does start playback
Hi Dr. Nick!
I have a question, I use the fullcalendar.js is anyone familiar with it?
its working randomly
haha Im desperated
8:45 AM
!!tell tredged welcome
@tredged Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I know ;)
err, I mean, no. I don't know fullcalendar
Basically I want to highlight stuff with a button but only stuff in that 'category'
thats the 1 million dollar question :P
8:56 AM
I see! ::sheepishgrin::
I offer 200$usd for checking javasript of my site, there are few thinks seems not working on IE, I only want to know why, if somebody is interested please contact me.
What other !!tell commands are there?
@Zirak Where are you located?
!!tell DaleBotha help tell
@monners Krypton
@DaleBotha tell: Redirect command result to user/message. /tell msg_id|usr_name cmdName [cmdArgs]
8:58 AM
@MGE don't offer money here, *things, *that seem not to be working, don't ask for private help
ok :/
@DaleBotha So any command can used in conjunction with /tell
@Zirak I hear the income tax there is a bitch
Well, except two... tell, because that'll be stupid...and forget, for a reason which I forgot
@monners The tariff is horrible as well.
!!tell zirak tell dale what happens then?
9:01 AM
@JanDvorak Command tell cannot be used in /tell.
On what, green crystals?
ah, cool
Everything. Do you know how much it costs to transport something in a spaceship?
That depends on the method of propulsion, and the availability of fuel for said propulsion
And ever since that incident where it blew up...
9:02 AM
Hi guys! Can someone point me to a tutorial for using istanbul with jasmine for check code coverage?
Basically my question was that if its possible highlighting a json_transform fetch with mysql (if im saying this correct) to only hightlight specific category.
with a button
@monners :D
@dierre Sorry, I couldn't resist
@monners so I'm guessing you don't have what I'm looking for :D
9:05 AM
@dierre No, sorry. But I have a near infinite capacity to misconstrue your questions :D
I should write a love letter to nodejs. Each time I try to code something it just works, no need to read anything, to debug, it just works with a few obvious lines of code...
if we use nodejs, there is no need to use any server side language right?
@Mr_Green If you use nodejs you use a server side language
9:14 AM
but I'm not sure I get your real question
I will try to learn it in my weekends
and also canvas
Some people using node, for specific long running or cpu-intensive tasks will choose to code some parts in lower level languages
personally I prefer to use go for all serious server applications
@Mr_Green javascript isn't a language?
it is...
I suppose
programming language
9:20 AM
You suppose!?
I write everything in FORTRAN. It just makes sense...
I mean it is programming language
why you asked like that?
9:38 AM
I just added text-align:right to all <center> tags that are inside <font> tags inside tables inside tables - if anyone cares how my day is going.
ccan't you remove those center tags?
@Mr_Green by Jupiter's cock, seize fucking tongue, and see ignorance hidden from view.
I may or may not have watched a lot of Spartacus in the last few days.
I don't know what you are saying...
@BenjaminGruenbaum not very good I guess
@BenjaminGruenbaum lolz very bad day for you
9:48 AM
Working with a payment company, their HTML is horrible.
Guess what, they're using jQuery 1.2.6
it is a trap to torture you
even 1.4 is ancient
1.2.6 doesn't even have $#live
10:03 AM
if(!$this.length) return
voila`, delegation
!!jquery closest
damn, since 1.3
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do they have a "best viewed with Netscape" sticker?
while($this.length &&! $this.is(...)) $this = $this.parent()
if(!$this.length) return
!!/jquery parent
10:08 AM
yep. This shall work since the dawn of time.
Genesis, God said $(document).ready(...)
... and the DOM was loaded
Now I'm setting font-weight:normal for all b tags. The joy!
10:14 AM
sucks to write those things jsfiddle.net/YJZ66 but that's for matching highcharts format
I have a function something like this :
var myFunc = function(firstParam, secondParam){}
and another function like
var myAnotherFunc = function(){}
(all series with the same x Coords)
is it possible to call the parameters of myFunc inside other function ie myAnotherFunc?
something like this:
@Amaan god hates me :)
brb lunch
10:22 AM
@Mr_Green No. How would that work?
parameters are parameters
Is it possible to use other functions parameters in a function?
Q: Simple haschange event

David FariñaI did a little function which is listening to hashchanges. What do you think about? var onhashchange = function(code) { var checkHash = function(oldHash, code) { var hash = window.location.hash; var hashObject = hash.replace('#/','').split('/'); if (hash !== oldHash...

Parameters are just variables, so if you have access to them, yeah.
my problem is that I have nested functions
I need to use a parameter of a parent function inside a child function
10:23 AM
function foo (blah) {
    function bar () {
        //I can access `blah`
it's ok then, scoping
@zirak I did the same first
now they need to keep it out of the function
for readability purpose
var container = {
    foo : function (blah) {
        this.blah = blah;
    bar : function () {
        //I can access this.blah
didn't thought that
10:26 AM
@FlorianMargaine For which question?
Don't tell me the repwhoring using croissants worked
Q: Find out who's going to buy the croissants

Florian MargaineAt our company, we have a rule: each one of us has to buy the croissants once in a while for everybody. Now we'd like to be a little more regular about this. And last friday, both of us bought the croissants, and some almost went to the bin because there were too many. Hopefully, I sacrificed ...

God damn!
I thought of a really nice way using a biased RNG, but was too lazy.
Q: Dealing with "Find out who's going to buy the croissants"

Mark BoothOn Stack Overflow at the moment, there is a popular question which is currently high in the Hot Questions feed: Find out who's going to buy the croissants So far it has been closed twice (once by the community and a moderator and once by a moderator alone) but re-opened twice by the community. I...

@pale Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
10:28 AM
@FlorianMargaine He has a good point
Is there anyone experienced in chrome extension development ?
hey guys
@pale just ask your question
@pale I worked on a bunch like a year ago, so I could help if it's basic. Otherwise, I'm out of touch
Okey then
I want If user click my button. Different html page to load
In extension
10:32 AM
..so change the login.html part to whatever page you want to open?
It is not working
and i dont know why
Have you disabled and re-enabled the extension?
Or reloaded it?
can somebody gaussian blur it 5px and send me it ?
Yes i reloaded it.
10:34 AM
Close Chrome and reopen it
And i put it in window.onload
@Darkyen The website doesn't seem to like hotlinking
@Amaan It is now working . But there is now different problem
@Amaan I must click extension again to see loaded login.html
fucking bastards :-(
okay i will do it via canvas :->
@Amaan Otherwise cant see and page not load
10:39 AM
@pale No idea what it could be
Can I redirect without the need to click again to chrome extension?
I don't really know why you need to click twice in the first place
Try removing it from the window.onload and seeing if that changes anything
i want to ask small question
in htmk
triying now
And I want 72 virgins
Life is hard
10:45 AM
@fedeghe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<input type="file" id="fileinput" name="uploadimgs" multiple="multiple" /> anything wrong with that ???
when i run the code it show me like "choose files" but i need the name ADD FILES
As far as I know, that's not up to you. The browser does that
but the same i did with my old code but it doesnt work
This is an extraordinary architecture.
Who can spot the flaw?
10:57 AM
What's empfanger?
And versender?
Versender is sender, and Empfänger is receiver.
Anyway, the important part is between provider A and B.
Ah. Well, not that I'd know, but I learned some german words!
Guten tag, good sir :P
So, while the connection between the sender and his provider are secure, the connection between both providers is completely insecure again.

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