@ballBreaker good luck my nederbro, you'll be fine
@ballBreaker you are just describing your base now, doesn't mean life itself is at a standstill you just have stability for now. But you are wild enough to get out this comfort zone and get on adventure now and then. These adventures will have result you gotta trust that
@grrigore she told me she is not willing to talk about work on Tinder to which I responded "there are better subject" to which she replied "do tell" and I told her "unprotected vaginal ejaculation"
when I have do the pull project by git . at this time generate the bug "choose upStream branch" master has not tracked branch . i have do the try last 4 hours. when i have do the back project open after that i try do pull then generate this bug
I found two people with different way to invoke inflate(). One invokes without calling getActivity() but the other one invokes with getActivity(). For example, see the following snippet. Which one should I follow?
looking for options to WASD faster, not understanding some basic game concepts yet (like I thought you can walk and atk in the same turn but haven't been able to)
and at the start the game gives you 2 boring midget sidekicks
hate bards in general, and the arrogant wizard makes my toes curl
I think arpgs are like the most boring genre out there. Running around doing the same thing all day every day
anyway solasta was perfect for me because I literally didn't have to learn anything because it is an exact copy of dnd. The story is OK but not great. Hit the level cap 10 hours before the final fight. Only one fight was really challenging and the rest was so easy I was skipping turns on weaker characters to speed it up
My frustration with media is two fold. (1) I don't like the fear mongering. Because people then give up on security. (2) They are focusing way too much on who is being targeted, and less that it is possible to target anyone
The main issues imo isn't that this tech was used on journalists and human rights activists, it's the idea that governments and companies are hoarding and trading vulnerabilities.
Privacy and security; It does affect you. Assuming you use a phone and/or live on earth. Foreign (or domestic) governments could spy on you, or the people that keep your country working.
Also, from a technological perspective how the hell does a text rendering engine have so many vulnerabilities. Talking about iMessage's text engine.
The nothing to hide argument states that individuals have no reason to fear or oppose surveillance programs, unless they are afraid it will uncover their own illicit activities. An individual using this argument may claim that an average person should not worry about government surveillance, as they would have "nothing to hide".
== History ==
An early instance of this argument was referenced by Upton Sinclair, in The Profits of Religion:
Not merely was my own mail opened, but the mail of all my relatives and friends — people residing in places as far apart as California and Florida. I recall the...
> Government surveillance can also have a direct harm on others – think of human rights workers or journalists who must work with people who fear government scrutiny, not because of wrongdoing but for political reasons.
@JBis are you not listening to what I'm saying. I don't care if they spy on me. And governments have been spying on each other since the beginning of time, this is not a new concept
So I just had another talk with my work about my future, and I think I'm going to apply for this Solution Architect role.. lol no programming unfortunately, but it would basically shoot my career ahead by 10 years
@ballBreaker speaking of which, bb you said you are done with dating apps but for more serious stuff you should focus on paid dating apps since the payment requires certain dedication that immediatly eliminates the categories you listed that made you 'done' with dating apps
@MwBakker that's true, but one of the huge reasons I'm done with dating apps is because there are less beautiful girls on dating apps than there are in real life. My experience with anything 'paid' is that the girls are not usually beautiful
it's how my dad met his new wife for example, so there are a lot of old people on it but I believe also younger women with the same mindset as you have right now
and afaik they can be beautiful too, usually the shy kind of types which is a plus
@ballBreaker keep diggin, it only requires 1 person after all and if you have met you would walk through fire for her so certainly you would pay the 40 or 50 dollars and start the search
yeah but part of the problem with dating apps for me is that there are such a small amount of girls I find attractive, when you go to those dating sites there are even less than what is already a small sample size for me. That develops a bad mindset when there are only like 2 hot girls I can talk to, where I automatically put them on a pedastel because they are the only girls out of a thousand that I'm attracted to..
@JBis she has a boyfriend
but I ended up going back the next day during lunch and buying some conditioner and asked her out
@MwBakker our bond has never been stronger. Just last week we went to the park together and threw rocks at web devs, it was an amazing experience for us
I feel like if I get this new role I'll somehow have managed to convince everyone that I'm a good programmer and nobody will be able to prove that I'm not anymore
feels like a win
I told my CIO I'm interested in it lol, gonna sew some seeds now
I am working from home till the flights are closed, had to install driver for printer+scanner and after i was done, he said no, i want that assistant thingy instead of hp smart
@MwBakker thanks! It's exciting but also sad/disappointing, as I would very much have liked to have continued coding during my day job for the rest of my life
but this just means I'll have to do more side projects and do them during my day job
Also one tip that I learned is for the first few months, stay a bit extra time at the office so your boss builds and expectation in his mind that you stay late
and then stop doing it after your probation
I did that, and my boss still to this day thinks I stay late to work
I think for any moment in a job you want to work hard during office hours and don't do anything outside of them. You can put in extra effort if you are consciously working towards a raise or promotion for example, but otherwise there is really no point. Assuming you don't get compensated for overtime
btw I rid myself of both the midgets :) I have exactly the party I wanted, out of the people you meet in the first "chapter" of the game. I went the evil route