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8:13 AM
has the machine wiped all the text in it's first strike?
Hello World..!
rather empty here....
pop quiz... that I don't know the answer to: Why are android code-names sweet foods?
the android phones beat out i-phones..! i was enthralled to read this..
@cofiem i think it's just like u r asking why is every ubuntu version named after animals..?
@vaibhav ha, you're right. Coz they don't want to be boring and just use numbers, I suppose.
8:30 AM
@cofiem yeah..! hope u got your answer..!! SO purpose solved..! i should be credited with at least 20 repo..! :D
8:41 AM
0 down vote favorite

Hai Friends, I have created a list View, which displays the parsed data from an url,i written a footer under list view which displays the next set of records in the list view, the problem is when i am clicking an title in the navigation bar for first time the footer is showing correctly(It's shown in Image1), if clicked some other title a cell space adding before under list view(It's shown in Image2).please help me i am really struggling, why an extra cell space is adding before the footer view. Image1
hello; has anyone tried <200$ Android Tablets; mostly from Chinese...there are many listed on Ebay?
9:02 AM
hai frnds any body there
2 hours later…
11:01 AM
have anu one tried this link b4
i need to know how to install and start those native service from phone itself
2 hours later…
12:38 PM
2 hours later…
2:17 PM
@cofiem that question made it to android.stackexchange
hi...logging out :(
2:51 PM
Hey. Can anyone point me towards a way of running Android Apps on the Linux or Windows Desktop without running the full emulator?
@AllainLalonde Why?
:) Because it'd be uber geeky.
I don't know why if I use @ yourName it goes up
@AllainLalonde testing
now it's working... strange.
@AllainLalonde The only way to do it is running an emu
The programming model seems pretty elegant. It's too bad it's only for mobile.
@AllainLalonde perhaps with ChromeOS... :)
2:54 PM
@Macarse I guess I will need to be patient then.
@AllainLalonde note that perhaps there is a way but I never find anything like you mention.
New in #Android: It's Live! Download The Full Version Of Angry Birds Right Now [v1.3.5 + Mirrors]
you can't paste urls here?
1 hour later…
4:07 PM
4:20 PM
@SarpCentel hi
4:57 PM
hai frnds
one small help
I have created a list View, which displays the parsed data from an url,i written a footer under list view which displays the next set of records in the list view, the problem is when i am clicking an title in the navigation bar for first time the footer is showing correctly(It's shown in Image1), if clicked some other title a cell space adding before under list view(It's shown in Image2).please help me i am really struggling, why an extra cell space is adding before the footer view. Image1
5:17 PM
hello world
2 hours later…
7:04 PM
Anyone have a minute to help me find the stupid mistake I'm making with the Maps API? Specifically related to tiles not loading.
@James Sounds like an API key issue, which happens frequently
@kenleycapps Yes, I suspect that's the case. The similar accounts of the problem I'm having all point to that.
I'm providing the API key that Google gave me for my debug certificate.
Also tried my release certificate (and subsequently signing the app with that cert) to no avail.
I keep hoping when I read an account of someone having this problem they'll throw in something like "oh, and also I was doing this stupid thing which kept it from working"
Yeah, release cert probably won't work. Are you certain your debug cert hasn't changed?
You know, DDMS/LogCat should be complaining rather verbosely if your API key is getting rejected. Have you checked that?
I've re-ran keytool to get the MD5 of it again and that hasn't changed. Neither has the API key that Google gives me as a result of submitting that MD5 to them.
Really? I didn't check extensively for that but I'll check again.
Do you know off the top of your head what the messages will look like?
7:12 PM
No, it's been too long since I've worked with it :|
I'm really going off of flakey memory here
The only error in logcat after launching my app and showing the map is this:

E/ActivityThread( 1890): Failed to find provider info for
E/ActivityThread( 1890): Failed to find provider info for
E/ActivityThread( 1890): Failed to find provider info for
FWIW, I don't know if that happens when I don't setup the map.
Checking now.
Yea, happens before I create the MapView object.
7:39 PM
is chat a place to ask questions!?
because i would love to!
That looks like a question to me.
Taking a big risk there.
oh dang
7:44 PM
I don't see why not.
well i have an autocompletetextview with items loaded from a custom adapter. when typing into it, the view show expected autocomplete results for me to click on. often times when it's displaying suggestions, the dropdown view will appear to have it's inside items cut out, but the top and bottom suggestions remain. the only selectable suggetion is the first(top) at this point
how can i "repaint" this viewing area so these leftover (bottom) suggestion(s) aren't showing, as they are not even selectable
it's like the screen isnt repainting at the correct time
i've already posted this as a question, but the fish aren't biting. poodizzle
Sorry, I can't help.
Well, I could guess...doesn't calling Invalidate() on a view force it to repaint?
i would think so, i have tried various invalidate() method calls
on the autocompeltetextview, the container holding it, etc
no luck :(
Yea...I figured that would've been the first thing you tried.
although i have only been able to make this happen on the samsung galaxy s phone
the problem doesnt arise on the g1/incredible
7:58 PM
That sucks
8:22 PM
Figured out my map problem.....well mostly
Apparently I need to do something other than just super.onResume() if I override onResume in a MapActivity
Holy shit....I hate myself.
public void onResume() {
well, congrats for figuring it out :)
Thanks.... :)
Hey guys
8:52 PM
Hi there.
@Mike Hi mike
2 hours later…
11:10 PM
/me tries out using IRC syntax
@garycomtois cheers! And yeah, the answer on A.SE is kind what I expected.

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