Owner of these rooms
This room is dedicated to moderating content on Stack Overflow with the use of bots. Follow @SOBotics on Twitter. Handy Links: https://sobotics.org | Github: https://sobotics.org/github | Redunda: https://sobotics.org/redunda | Team/Channel: http://sobotics.org/team
17m ago – jmoerdyk
Android Gujarati Smartness
A Room Where Developer can share their knowledge and ask their doubts in English http://codeshare.io/. Use https://gist.github.com/ or http://ideone.com/ for long code. Use http://ge.tt/ to share any file. Please share link/library with this format : [Title or desctiption](url of link or library)
2930d ago – Selva Ganesh
Let's talk about stuff
Anyone can talk here as long as they are human. Trash http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/23262/trash-can
3017d ago – user6438653
♦ SOBotics Workshop
A place to test new bots that will eventually graduate to the SOBotics main room. Github: https://sobotics.org/github | Redunda: https://sobotics.org/redunda | Channel: https://sobotics.org/team
3d ago – Queen