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Sikhism might be one of the coolest religions
> Sikhism rejects claims that any particular religious tradition has a monopoly on Absolute Truth.
it was very effective
yes, very
ballBreaker hurts himself in his confusion
> However, a system with many small classes has no more moving parts than a system
with a few large classes
What does this mean?
it means nothing
Meaning you can split up large classes or combine small ones into a large class
Heck you could write an app with just one activity class
^ yeah @dave did that in the past
Jun 2 '17 at 20:06, by Dave S
Sorry I'm not helpful Graeme, I develop all of my apps in one giant method so I never hit the Dex limit
I have a personal app like that but its rly simple xD
I just got a new Samsung S10+ but I have a 2017 Mac xD
Mac doesn't have the right usb hole thingy
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Afternoon Everyone!!!!!! 😃
So I can't lanch anything :(
A Samsung and a Mac? You are not one of us
@W0MP3R happy afternoon wompy!!
@TaseerAhmad I don't have to install a bunch of stuff xD
My old S8 worked well with my 2017 MacBook Pro
Are you talking about USB-C?
Probably a converter plug
I have an adapter but it doesn't work
for android deving
USB-C -> bullshit apple plug
I wonder why samsung chose it
I read today that they're giving up on the flat keyboard
USB-C is the new standard
Everyone will be adopting it except for Apple
You should be wondering why apply decided not to use it
oh wait.. proprietary money
apple was one of the first to adopt it actually
like I said, 2017 macbook pro
Doesn't have all the new shit
@TimCastelijns Doesn't Mac use the lightning cable or whatever it's called?
that's ipod charger cable I think
I got "- You can perform this action again in 2 seconds. - retry / edit / cancel"
> MacBook models introduced in 2015 or later have a single USB-C port.
Tim what does that mean
huh, TIL
@InsurgentPointerException It's SO chat anti-spam
You can only send X amount of messages in Y amount of time
hold on lemme check
2017 fall and newer models have usb c ports only
I have the mid-2016 one, and I have the touchbar and only usb-c ports
Thanks for teaching me things, now I know
I hate apple slightly less
haha nice :/
Don't have a usb-c port
my work laptop runs an entire docking station just through the USBC port, it's pretty neat
3 monitors, 6 3.0 usb ports, ethernet, power... no idea how it encodes that much data through a small little cable
oooh nvm xD
I got a 2014 macbook pro facepalm
@ballBreaker actually they got a lot of shit for adopting usb c so early
apple hatred re-intensifies
because other products were not using it yet
So I wish I had a 2017 xD
Your computer is as old as my career
well yeah I should upgrade soon
what about you guys what do you dev on and preferred deployment device
@InsurgentPointerException the touchbar is useless, the keyboard sucks
My friend has one
He says its convenient
@InsurgentPointerException Lenovo atm for work
Alienware m15x at home, it's old AF. But I also have a 2018 HP that's okay, but HP laptops are filled to brim with bloatware
I have a macbook 2017 at work, no computer at home
But hey, it's 17", i7 and it was only $600
@InsurgentPointerException I don't actually program android ^_^
Yeah I'm not rly a windows user
shh don't tell anyone
lol jk
hahah yeah I think everyone knows anyways
I'm always complaining about java 6 apps
Speaking of, today is the first day in a while where I've had a ton of motivation to do work...and I have none
I deployed to UAT yesterday and all 7 features worked flawless first-try which I really wasn't expecting
Always weird when that happens
something must be wrong with the test environment
@TimCastelijns my thoughts exactly
test harder plz
There's your work
O.o I just jumped 120 rep
Well I answered a bounty question and got 2 upvotes
somebody else got the bounty
> Association Bonus
Whats that?
Did you link w/ another SE account?
you can see where your rep gains come from there
> The Association Bonus is a block award of 100 reputation granted on all of a user's network profiles, including ones created after the bonus is awarded. It is awarded when a user's account has accumulated 200+ reputation on any one site in the network, provided they have at least two network accounts
Umm Idk but I see all my community rep is now 100
It basically makes it so that when you make a "new account" on SE that you can post instantly
and vote and other goodies :D
Basically "you're trusted enough on one site to be trusted on all"
So what does a review queue look like
brb gunna go hit up the auto parts store near me
You can get an i7 quad core, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD, 256 GB SSD and a GTX 1060 6 GB for a price less than a MacBook
Yes, I am talking about a laptop as well
I have 500 GB SSD
"for a price less than a Macbook", sure if you want to match your price you could easily extend RAM to 24, HDD to 2-3 TB, SSD to 1TB or so
I think the only selling point of Macs are MacOs
But you can also install MacOs on a windows machine
One of my friend installed it
the hardware is also very robust
"But" as in, you can still taste both of the World. Windows and MacOS at the same time
who would, willingly, want to use windows
Quality from Apple is the last thing I want to consider
Thanks! @netpork, I'll try it
@ballBreaker that is basically true for all indian religion
Tell me more about extensibility and especially repair cost
repair? it doesn't break ;)
people have had their mbps for a decade
lol my apple laptop repair cost match the price of the laptop
i dumped it then lol
Look how Genius Bar rips off customers
Taseer Mine is ancient and I never had to get it fixed
You shouldn't keep the Apple genius so long that it becomes ancient
xD true raghav
also always get a extended warranty on apple stuff
those shit repair cost is insane and they treat you like trash once those apple shit is out of warranty
I used to own iPad 2 when it first came out, sure it was better in performance than other tablets at the time but boy...do I felt locked down using it
@ColdFire Where are you able to get warranty for yourself?
@RaghavSood he just revoked Apple's selling license in india
I am in India, no CF decrees here
He has no power anymore
Only a Prince in name
What time is it over there? O.o
Time for revolution
But rly tho
Good afternoon mW0mp3r.getName()
So how do you get tag badges
You have to challenge the top answered over the last 30 days to trial by combat
very funny
That's what the previous gold badge holder said when I challenged him
He's not doing so good now
Although, he is certainly more deserving of the Android tag now
What with the new robot body they had to build for him and all
@RaghavSood delhi?
@ColdFire /shrug
I'll have to trust you on that
Who pinned my message lolol
today is murican independence day
must be why no american here today
You're a regular sherlocke holmes!
@ballBreaker what message
Gah I should eat lunch shouldn't I ... my coworker is gone who I always eat with and he makes me eat at 12:30
left to my own devices it's closer to 2
@InsurgentPointerException CF's
@ColdFire I'm afraid we can neither confirm nor deny any such locations due to operational security requirements.
@ColdFire I'm an American
oh well all hail the imperial
happy independence day
damn lol raghav so delhi it is
spotify changed their logo on browsers and it's tripping me tf out
Why is it always so quiet here at noon (where I live)
"most" users here are european/indian/other side of the pond
Small handful that aren't
two Canadians
typical american, thinking everyone in the americas is american ;)
Got some south americans on around this time as well
Shooting beer cans, hunting, red dispoable cups everywhere
Curent state of America
Not in MN
Other than the disposable cups everywhere I don't really see a problem with the other two lol
MN doesn't really have the trash problem
Not yet anyway
Yeah MN is basically CAnada
Whatever stereotype you can come up is not a stereotype in USA
but with shitty healthcare
Man I love USA...their gun laws <3
Actually...I don't love USA... I love myself :O
No really...watch it
It did open me a new perspective
@TaseerAhmad Morals ++;
I prefer ++Morals than Morals++
Oh no, that was a Morals --; move
so sad :(
I've already seen the video
my o.O was in response to
Man I love USA...their gun laws <3
Where is this going?
Is Taseer being trolled?
So 'loving' guns is wrong?
their gun laws are retarded though
you're probably the only person outside of the USA that thinks otherwise LOL
guns/shooting is a cool hobby in itself, but heavy regulations need to be in place imo
Otherwise you end up with a mass shooting every other day
I can't recall a law that is not retarted in USA
Their healthcare really makes me sad
I once saw a Yon outube a motor cycle crash. The bystander asked if she should call the ambulance but the guy said he could not pay
Man this Firefox is shit in handling this chat
Yeah the health care is the best in the world if you're a millionaire
outside of that you're shit outta luck
super rich canadians will get things done in the US because there's no waiting list like there is here, but it's insanely expensive
Can you imagine getting cancer and not being able to afford treatment, like damn
It's like a bug but gets called a feature
Exactly, the wait lists are non existent because nobody has money to get the treatment :D
but it's a feature for us Canadians who would have to wait and have more money than we know what to do with
Once on a reddit I saw a post where a guy got his leg broken and was billed $46K USD xd
some canadian gave birth in the US without healthcare and they sent her the bill of $1 million USD because there were complications and she spent a month in the hospital
USA is indulged in worse form of capatilism
The funny thing is though, is that you could just never go back to US and never have to pay it
Canada isn't going to extradite you over something like that LOL
@TaseerAhmad Yeah when you put money above human life things tend to fall apart for everyone involved
Also, those student debts
It's really every industry
It really is hard to see students living on pennies while still having to pay up loans
I have always wondered what exactly is the difference between USA and Canada, they are pretty same, ain't they?
@TaseerAhmad is it?
@TaseerAhmad no
Not at all, really
for example Canada has been world's best place to live rank #1 for 3 years in a row
no idea where the US is on the list but it's not high
We're quite socialist
It's quite sad really, it's just an inherent flaw in the ultra-capitalist system, it's not meant to last long, and it will implode eventually
@ballBreaker 1m$? Wtf
I talked to someone a few years ago, who told me that people usually waited every 4 or 5y to go to Mexico or South Korea to go to the dentist, because 1 filling in the US costs 1000-1200$
So the poor guys take "vacations" to go to the dentist
damn :\
I know a guy from the Java chat that I keep in touch with who has Epilepsy and he has something like 30-40k of medical debt
AND he has health insurance through work
Which I think pays for 80% or 90% of it, so whatever that tells you..
@TaseerAhmad This is a pretty nice song
@ballBreaker that's so sad, especially that it's a chronic disease
Yeah.. and he's like 50 now
Don't forget to watch Jacoo - Eternity
Has to choose between things to get for his kids, and vacations for his family or paying off his medical debt
sorry kids no disneyworld, I had another seizure!
American Dream y'all!
So bored right now, I hate having days where I'm mentally engaged but no work to do
@ballBreaker Play some game
Also remember that story about that medicine which patents got taken by a drug company that decided to raise the price from something like 20-50$ to 600$
And it was a drug people actually used on a regular basis
Also another case 0 protection for the small businesses : nytimes.com/2019/06/28/business/subway-franchisees.html
Yeah I remember that
didn't the CEO go to jail though?
ah not that one, I think you're referring to that young CEO who livestreaming his life h24
no no, I think it's the same guywait sorry, not the same guy
the other one was a big pharma, and what they did was legal because they owned the patent for a few years still
I have no idea who you're tlaking about
Martin Shkreli (; born March 17, 1983) is an American businessman, former hedge fund manager, and convicted felon. He was the co-founder of the hedge funds Elea Capital, MSMB Capital Management, and MSMB Healthcare; co-founder and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the biotechnology firm Retrophin; and founder and former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals. Shkreli is the former CEO of start-up software company Gödel Systems, which he founded in August 2016.In September 2015, Shkreli received widespread criticism when Turing obtained the manufacturing license for the antiparasitic drug Daraprim...
Is who I'm talking about
and even independent labs who volunteered to produce a generic drug were forbidden to do so because it was a patent violation
yeah not that one
> In September 2015, Shkreli received widespread criticism when Turing obtained the manufacturing license for the antiparasitic drug Daraprim and raised its price by a factor of 56 (from US$13.5 to $750 per pill), leading him to be referred to by the media as "the most hated man in America" and "Pharma Bro".[11][12][13]

Shkreli was charged in federal court, then convicted on two counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiring to commit securities fraud.[3] In 2018, Shkreli was sentenced to seven years in federal prison and up to $7.4 million in fines.[14]
@ballBreaker What's that USB type c thingy called that combines multiple busses?
Are you talking about Epipen ?
@ballBreaker is security fraud related to that price jump?
@ballBreaker yes !!!!
Yeah I remember that, I think they came out with a generic now though
A Canadian company manufactured a generic non-epipen version and released it to the public
nice, that's awesome
i think they should bind big pharma with the same code of moral as doctors, aka the patients life before anything else
a doctor should never ever reject a patient whose life is in danger because they have no money or insurance
yeah the world is a messy place lol
Sometimes Justice/Karma works itself out though
not always though... that martin guy was fined to 7.4M when his net worth is around 70M$
Yeah but he got seven years in federal prison
There was an article I saw of people who got rejected from jury duty.. apparently it was near impossible to get people in for jury duty who had never heard of him / had preconceived bias's against him
Someone's reason for being rejected was straight up "I don't like the guy. He has a punchable face. I just wanna punch him square in the face everytime I look at him"
> the most hated man in America - bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34331761
@bluetoothfx I think this is a good list guides.codepath.com/android#libraries at least it used to be, it was in my favorites
bahahahaha good gif choice
lol nice gif
anybody using AS 3.5 and facing project corruption issue?
im using 3.6 and no
everything seems to be stable
cache corruptions maybe?
try compiling it outside of india
proxy compile
click on the link
@IvanMilisavljevic hmm maybe it gets resolved by a AS restart
i saw a related bug report
yeah, try clearing the cache
and stuff
ya' know usual AS shenanigans
@TaseerAhmad we posted a comment on that question at the exact same time xD
What question?
Right when I pressed enter both of our comments showed up
1 hour later…
any dagger nerds around
like REAL nerd
Also @TimCastelijns Am I a real nerd if I play piano, code, talk nerdy, super good at math etc.
not sure
let me check the guide
dagger the weapon
or dagger the language/framework
the framework geezzz
@TimCastelijns what'd you find in the guide?
it's empty
oof so we'll never know
big oof
sorry man
@TimCastelijns tims what do you need with dagger?

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