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If I freeze a fruit and then eat it, Am I eating the fruit or the ice?
I think I will go with Thursday
friday I'm in love
damnit now I got that song in my head
@InsurgentPointerException do you happen to be belgian?
Quick question, if I annotate Entity member with @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate=true), does this means I am explicitly defining Primary keys?
Anyone here ever play Subnautica?
I've been obsessed with it for about 2 weeks now.. such a good game
Is not it repititive?
A little bit
@MwBakker Usually app size goes from 3mb to 8 at max
But not too much, it's no more repetitive than any other survival game, but it has an awesome story
If you go with obfuscation and minification
Probably the most fun I've had with a game quite a while
@MwBakker no I'm not Belgian. Why?
I heard its awesome
Mahmoud Waked requested access. Rep: 106 - Questions: 1 - Answers: 10 (ratio 4:40)
bb Frostpunk?
@MahmoudWaked welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
Hello @MahmoudWaked!
@IvanMilisavljevic Subnautica?
It's amazing, I give it a 9.5/10
Not sure what frostpunk is
It's pretty cool
But very limited replay
Will googles
Yes i heard Subnatuca is awesome
@IvanMilisavljevic latest version is about 8mb
@MwBakker Check the console for optimizations
@InsurgentPointerException you have K3 in your image, a very popular group in Belgium
You can play with proguard to strip even more
and yeah
app bundles
I know @MwBakker xD I had no idea
its going to reduce it bellow 4
Proguard is going to reduce it?
a lot actually
Will look into it, but now the teachers just need to check it
So I have to wait
@MahmoudWaked Please read the rules...
you should give them obfuscated code :)
Progurad strips all unused code, reduces class names and obfuscates your code
so its harder to decompile
obfuscating means changing variables like 'dataHandler' to 'dH' ?
let new users be please, no need to ping them before they have said anything
something like that yes
it means changing com.mwbakker.myapp.feature.data.DataHandler to com.aa.bb.aa.wgre.gr.eh.str.h.rjyt.jtrnakeghkuserhk
ohhh k then
much harder to decompile
and same for all member names etc
Also it generates the mappings for the obfuscation
@IvanMilisavljevic I love doing those things myself (it's where I learn) or building factories/interfaces/abstract classes to reduce code
but Proguard could be the extra bit to it, thanks for the tip
Like prints out what was replaced with what
just change all your variable names to a
how would you distinguish between them
@MwBakker its pretty much the standard now
just different amounts of them
@ballBreaker logs
a aa aaa
Its actually doing like that
Its starts from a
than ab
and it goes like that
makes sense
@IvanMilisavljevic I know, which is why I performed it. Should have always been the standard but school didn't hammer on it that much
I had a molecular dynamics simulation in university and it was all
no he means using proguard is the standard
xyz, xxx, xyx, xyy, zyx, xxyx, xyyyz
it was horrifying
doing optimizations yourself is usually a waste of time
not if you're a student, I think it's obligatory as a student
especially now with R8/D8 compilers
There is a old programming rule
if you're not sure what your doing, dont try to help the compiler
Yo MwB you should just become a professional snitch instead of a developer, just saw this ad on FB
also learn to read bytecode
@MwBakker especially students should not be worrying about it
@IvanMilisavljevic thats insane!
Its really not that hard
Yah student should just make sure their code does what is required
No more, no less
@TimCastelijns that doesn't make sense, why should a student not worry about learning in removing redudancy or creating factories etc
Link me to some resources Ivan
note how the ad says "you could get cash..."
we are talking about optimizing code right
i agree with bakker, its important to learn good practices early
Microoptimisations are pointless in that stage
It becomes habit
@TimCastelijns yes. Writing code is one, but the difference in quality is how it is optimized
@MehdiB. Probably say that so they cover their ass incase the software is actually licensed lmao
that's not true
@IvanMilisavljevic I am not mentioning micro optimizations
@TimCastelijns why
Students should be more focused on partying and meeting girls than optimizing code IMO
Better use of your limited university time
Oh you mean design patterns
@ballBreaker "give me the money you promised" - "no, shut up or we tell your employer you snitched" :D
we misunderstand each other. Optimization implicitly means changing the code to make it perform better
you are talking about improving the quality
@MehdiB. hehehe
@TimCastelijns Yes
I'm surprised they even have ads for that, how many professional companies actually use unlicensed software.. like that's pretty ballsy for a company to do, definitely not worth it
@ballBreaker "I enjoy your View, wanna bind it to my ViewModel?"
@MwBakker !tableflip
@TimCastelijns I meant optimizing, and optimized code is better quality is how I see it
I wanna insert into your student table
> VACUUM command may change the ROWID of entries in tables that do not have an explicit INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
I think its obvious I agree with Timmy here
What does this mean?
Yeah optimize is generally to make it quicker, more efficient, or smaller in size
@InsurgentPointerException but this is what I have been talking about
You could argue that your definition of quality could be that
but you could also have quality code that isn't optimized
non optimized code can be quality code?
...to improve efficiency of retrieval or processing.
semantics really
@MwBakker for sure
A lambo is still a quality car, optimize it by reducing the weight of the autobody with carbon fiber and it's still quality car, but now optimized weight
@InsurgentPointerException you can bold that text but that is what I meant, I dk what you are trying to point at
You're all arguing the semantics of the same point
@ballBreaker well from that perspective yes
You are talking about better quality: shorter code, better readability etc. right @MwBakker
@ballBreaker That fall in microoptimisations category :D
@MwBakker quality code is often not optimized on purpose, to maintain readability
> In computing, optimization is the process of modifying a system to make some features of it work more efficiently or use fewer resources.
So yeah
@TimCastelijns it's weird to call unoptimized code quality code but it seems that's the way it is
I get your point
I think we could argue that your ford sierra is a quality car.. but it's definitely not as optimized in comparison to a new ford
@ballBreaker clears out
because the compilers are so good at optimizing, we don't have to worry about it unless we are working on performance critical software. But that is almost non existing in app development. So instead we focus more on writing readable code
so learning about optimization is important to a student imo
Yeah it's definitely important to learn
But not important to focus too heavily on, at least in my opinion
@TimCastelijns but compilers can't create factories/abstract/interfaces or handle the right way of thread pool usage. This would fall under optimizing too right?
not in my dictionary
@ballBreaker ofc main subject is that it runs flawless and the maintainence won't take too long
@TimCastelijns what would it fall under
applying software patterns? Idk
Nope, its all compiled to bytecode, which is going to be striped most of the stuff anyway

You talk about good quality code (from readability perspective), not functional (perfomrance) quality
Yeah to me, learning code is about meeting the functional requirements first and foremost, just as in the real world. Optimization comes secondary to that
compiler doesn't give a shit how your code looks, it's just gonna poop out bytecode like ivan said
@IvanMilisavljevic I was talking about creating interfaces/abstract/factories and such
I think I learned about that in school but didn't really implement it very thoroughly until afterwards
compiler: oh you have a nice for loop here that your high level programming defines as a keyword? Cool thanks bro it's mumbo jumbo with labels and jumps and bits now
I think its important to learn to write good quality code (from readability perspective), using abstractions, design patterns and stuff. There is no point going too deep into bytecode optimizations
To compilers, they think that all code is essentially written on a single line, right?
Not exactly but yes
In what manner "not exactly"?
@TaseerAhmad To a compiler a newline is just a character
Sort of
@MahmoudWaked your access has been revoked because you did not respond
I told him to read the rules :/
In terms of, its not a single line
More like stack of single lines
@InsurgentPointerException don't waste your breath. Most people are like this
Jun 21 at 9:20, by Tim Castelijns
Feb 14 at 11:19, by Tim Castelijns
Jul 6 '18 at 10:38, by Tim Castelijns
user image
And it doesn't care about broader picture
It goes line by line and converts, stuff you wrote into stuff machine can process
applying smart microoptimisations along the way
How do you guys organize classes? How many roles do you give it?
@TaseerAhmad 1 of course
get absolutely REKT
lowering the weight is just as important, why use that elastic
he does it wrongly
that is clear yes
gym fail gifs are some of my favourites
except the ones where there is a leg press involved, I usually avoid watching those ones
some guys do some really weird stuff over there
Can only see so many legs snap in half the wrong way before you've seen em all
@ballBreaker I avoid leg press due to those videos lol
@TimCastelijns How many functions usually?
@MwBakker They always lock their knees which is a bigbig nono
As long as you don't do that, it'll basically never happen
I just do the other leg machines or squats instead
@TaseerAhmad as many as necessary
@TaseerAhmad it's typically better not to lock yourself down to: only x number of classes with y number of functions and z number of variables
But instead just follow good design practice, like using interfaces and abstractions properly
I'm not sure if I mentioned it here before.. but there's a barber shop I've been going to for the past 2 years where for an extra $10 they'll give you a hot Eucalyptus towel on your face and give you an upper back/shoulder/face/head massage for like 10 minutes after your haircut
It's heavenly
You see that is an example of a class with too many functions
omg, spot on
You can also just get a normal haircut too
If anything that's just OOP
they extended the Haircut class
the first "and" in it alone describes that the class has too many responsibility
You guys are crazy
I am only 3 chapters short of completing my first programming book :3
@ballBreaker It would become Beautysalon extends BarberShop
this is like r/funnyAndSad
and the customers are confused by the sign
Yeah well it's a barber shop
but all the barbers are hot chicks
So not exactly wrong
BarbersShop extends Hooters
The atmosphere is pretty baller though, super old school
@ballBreaker Next time they will make you choke on the towel and you die
Why is BarberShop extending Hooters?
so they will build in a mortage as well
@TaseerAhmad "all of them are hot chicks"
It should be implementing a woman interface?
and BB goes there so I'm forming an image
Oh...the hooters..
They have those chairs that fully recline for shaving too, it's dope
no hooters is a restaurant in America
@ballBreaker kek "Hello dr Gordon, I wanna play a game"
I heard that barbers have a 'degree' in their work?
yes, it's kinda like craftmanship
and a license?
@ballBreaker That chair texture is so 1950s
It's going for the old-school look
Those chairs are also from the 50s
Fallout theme intensifies
@ballBreaker those fingernails a bit too long, no?
@ballBreaker kinda like the direct usage of UI elements stuff.setText("welcome to the 50's")
@TaseerAhmad of course! it's a profession
I have been going in the high end barbershops here and I have not seen one with a degree in their work
and even after their studies / apprenticeship, they have to go through a long "internship" to complement their curriculum
@TaseerAhmad well as long as your hair is fine
@TaseerAhmad pakistan
@MwBakker I like how you think
Work is slow here as well
I had to spent literally half of the day just to get money from western union
i guess that is the normal time , or does it happens instantly?
One time a barber messed up my hair and I just sat there quietly watching my life getting ruined
@ColdFire Nope, it's fast. People processing the work are slow
hair grows again
@TaseerAhmad xD we all have been through that once
hahahah yeah I've had that happen before.. I just kept making them change it until I liked it
was way shorter than I wanted but it wasn't fucked up at least
They were visibly annoyed I kept telling them to change it though
I once came back from a barber, and my dad burst out laughing telling me that I look like a monk XD
hahahhaha great dad
10 out of 10
maybe he was complimenting you on your beer brewing skills
the fuck are you posting murat
Monk from Vikings
yeah I got that too
@ballBreaker same
That was weird, never had that before
@ballBreaker lol if you click that you are obligated by law to visit the gym 5 times a week or pay ransom]
@MuratKaragöz XD
@MwBakker oh no
I saw it after opening it on a new tab and canceling the certificate window
yeah when I cancelled out it showed the pic, but not until I did that :s
any of you distribute libraries as aar files?
@ballBreaker same thing about your pic
what is www.aveleyman.com:443
Oh, yeah my pic didn't show for me
@TimCastelijns no, but include them
I found a real nice Windows App, it's called 'Dimmer'
@TaseerAhmad I like flux better
or is it f.lux
I'm assuming Dimmer is an app that dims your computer screen?
Flux gives you tint but Dimmer dims brightness lower than system
can it do the opposit too?
You would have to 'overclock' your display then :p
App is only 23 KB I think
There is anther one with similar function but also works like Flux
With Windows 1903 update, night light does not work
@MuratKaragöz I have some aar files that are the same library, but does different things internall based on build type. Say "lib-debug.aar" and "lib-staging.aar". I want to include one of them based on the build type of the app. using debugImplementation(files(libs/lib-debug.aar)) and staging counterpart, but getting some weird ass errors
I don't know how goood it is
Oh interesting
I find the lowest brightness low enough
hmm actually it seems a proguard issue
Anyone want a job working with Fuchsia? careers.google.com/jobs/results/…
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The external consultant who does coding for us's last day is tomorrow T_T
no not nice
He was a totally Sikh dude

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