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2:03 PM
this is the default role btw
tim the peasant king xD
posted on July 03, 2019 by Android Developers

Posted by Don Turner, Developer Advocate for Android Media In Android Q there's a new API which allows applications to capture the audio of other applications. It's called the AudioPlaybackCapture API and it enables some important use cases for easier content sharing and accessibility. Some examples include: Live captioning - allowing the audio content of the currently playin

I am totally ready for the world to burn today
Who plays basketball at 1am?
2:10 PM
1:17am for me
Guns are so cheap in USA! .50 cal rifle for just 5k! :O
sheds tears of happiness
@MwBakker That's definitely odd
might wanna spend those 5k on a shrink, taseer
2:16 PM
Yeah kinda lookin' forward to the date LOL it's been put off for like 2 weeks now, good to finally just meet this girl
Won't be too long either she's just in my area for a little bit waiting
She's a horse-girl though... so should be interesting
Any idea why your ex just pinged you out of the blue?
@Graeme huh?
Someone near you playing BBall last night super late and wake you up?
@ballBreaker I had a deal with an ex of mine that owned a horse: I wasn't allowed to talk too much about cars and she wouldn't talk too much about horse
Awesome hips though, not just the horse also the girl
Yeah, some late teen/20's guys started playing with a neighbours ball and hoop on the street at 1am.
2:18 PM
@ballBreaker I have no idea
I didn't realise how noisy basket balls are
I like areal sounds like a bbq or such around me
@InsurgentPointerException @taseer I said: "might wanna spend those 5k on a shrink, taseer"
what does that mean?
2:19 PM
Didn't rly get it
@ballBreaker her explination was she wanted to stay in amsterdam and asked if I have friends there.. Also for me to come along. Then she asked if I maybe have friends in Berlin or want to book a hostel there together
@MwBakker hmmmm hahahaha
@MwBakker lmao that's not a bad deal to be honest... horse girls are pretty fun, some people find em weird but I kinda like em
they're definitely a bit "off" but who isn't
@Graeme Damn :\ ya basketballs are SUPER loud, especially when it's relatively quiet
I called the cops on them, solidifying my place as an old man
2:26 PM
that does make you old, yes
did you shout at them beforehand
ooooh yah did you
Nice man lmfao I'm not sure if I would... I probably would have yelled first
"you shut your god damn basketball up you whippersnappers!"
emphasis on the last two words
My dad a year ago went and yelled at a bunch of mid-teen kids for playing basketball at 1AM as well
2:28 PM
What is wrong with you canadians
It's hockey or gtfo
what is it about 1am that makes the game so special
Maximum neighbourhood disturbance
2:29 PM
@ballBreaker exactly. Here it's toiletseatthrowing or get out
Adds that extra bit of risk to it
or teen trends. kids these days
I sleep with a white noise machine on though, so I mostly sleep through anything
@ballBreaker ?
"shall we play cricket?" "I think I will call the police on my black neighbours, they frighten me" "this mayonesse is kinda spicy" "let's all wear sweaters over our blouse"
- white noise machine (?)
2:31 PM
I have a google home mini so its my white noise machine xD
No I have a little white box that plays varying frequencies of white noise
think it has some pink noise in there too (why would anyone ever use that?!) and some other random sounds like waves crashing and shit
pink noise would be kinda messed up for sleeping ...
Your brain usually hallucinates and places sounds into pink noise
sounds like a device that got john lennon killed imo...
@ballBreaker It's somewhat.... gangy close to here
I wouldn't want to say that when someone knows where I live :P
Ajax north
2:35 PM
Yeah, let the cops get shot
It's their job
I mean, I'd prefer if no one get's shot
But rather them than me or my hubby I'll admit
heh, they wear bpvests so they should be fine hopefully!
I actually quite like the cops in this city
quite chill people
Nothing compared to my home town
@Graeme - white noise
White noise doesn't cancel vibration
When you can hear something through your pillow white noise isn't a good solution
I tried it :P
If I have an input variable with a bunch of different options what do you guys think is the best way to do a comparison on it? I have really, 4 different cases, all with multiple possibilities
2:38 PM
switch case
It would have been fine if they were just shooting hoops, but they were dribbling :P
1) [Sold1, SOLD1, Sold 1, SOLD 1]
2) [Sold2, SOLD2, Sold 2, SOLD 2, Sold3 ..... SOLD 9]
3) [Not Sold]
4) else
Unfortunately switch cases are the most efficient, especially when you have larger conditions
it's really the 2) that trips me up
Not sure if I wanna run a switch case for 4x8 possibilities
You've got no choice if you've got an "else"
2:39 PM
Yeah.. true
I was thinking maybe a regex expression for 2)
Unless you can create a more generic rule
packed inside an if else
Would that catch #2's case? SoldX, SOLDX, Sold X, SOLD X (where X is 2-9) ?
I'm not very experienced with regex
Depends what you're trying to find. A good regex would set you right.
Ooh, go play. Regex are fun
Isn't there a website you can fk around with?
Oh I love that video lolol
ahh here we go
@MuratKaragöz left one is cute, she gets away with it
Now... time to see what I get with Java 6 :P
couldn't I just do a substring match
if ("Sold1".substring(4).equals("1") or .substring(5).equals("1"))
else if(.equals(2-9)
Don't really feel like teaching myself regex :thinking:
nevermind the regex is super easy
just hit it with a Input.toLowerCase() first lol
3:07 PM
you can use a case insensitive regex
3:29 PM
I'm trying to find the construct for that in j6 but can't
java 6, why?
legacy project
hmm so I'm partially there but I can't figure out on part
Got it to here, but it seems like it could be cleaner
You can do \s* for "zero or more whitespace chars"
No need for an | with and without space
Or you can do \s{0,1} for zero or one space, if more than one is undesired
ahhh beautiful, that's what I was looking for
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("sold\\s*[2-9]");
yummy :\
Good old Java6
Thanks Raghav :)
3:48 PM
if you take in a string as the regex expression I'm assuming you have to double backslash like I did
It hurts my brain because does that mean to get a normal backslash in regex you need to \\\
yes it does mean that
4:03 PM
yes of course
as with any string
yeah it makes sense just had to double check it in a unit test first I guess
4:29 PM
So what's the link for the discord
Thanks dude!
5:02 PM
i have one doubt in android recyclerview adapter
anyone help me
5:20 PM
in my adapter i have json string using that im making dynamic items in every item
so if i scroll items down its creating duplicates in that item
o/ all
in that main item has only one item but if i scroll down and up looking like that
how to overcome this issue can anybody tell me ?//
How are you inserting the items?
im using hashmap arraylist to passing data to adapter and then getting that position string parse json data ,creating dynamic layouts in onbindview
I have no idea, maybe this might help stackoverflow.com/questions/33316837/…
5:33 PM
yes i have tried all but not working /:
but i have duplications in inner json array not main items in recyclerview
Maybe try pasting some code in a new question and post it here?
let me create inner recycleview maybe it will solve
Yes try that first
6:11 PM
@TimCastelijns I can't sign up on Discord
Whats the discord for?
just messing around. It was jokingly set up as a place to meet in case of stack overflow apocalypse
I don't know it keeps on saying I need to singup via phone, when I enter the number it keeps saying it's wrong
6:14 PM
phone should not be needed
Can I have the link?
Just kidding :p
I was the one messing around :PP
2 hours ago, by Ivan Milisavljevic
@ballBreaker https://discord.gg/vjp6Bh
hmm looks like nobody has said anything
6:19 PM
you can't do anything until you get assigned a role
so please say who you are and I can fix it
Sure I'm "ImJustMe"
Ha... I'm a Peasant...
Ok, something weird happened
ok, just a reminder it's easier if everyone uses somewhat similar names as they do here
6:22 PM
I tried to increase recycler view efficiency but now the fonts are change for no reason
@ballBreaker that's pretty good. I like it
we have a budding picasso amongst us
😃 Feel free to use it!
@TimCastelijns sure I'll get myself a nickname
Don't be like me
I got banned 2 times there :D
Don't be an idiot, got it!
6:25 PM
@TimCastelijns does my new nickname work?
yeah man
@TimCastelijns bro do you have the learning path list yet!!
6:44 PM
@TimCastelijns I joined discord
@Code-Apprentice why.? r-15 is my home
I haven't left you, bluetoothfx
I'll still be here
@AdamMc331 Grats on getting your presentation accepted at droidcon london!
talking about conferences...I need to find some that my company will pay for
@bluetoothfx working on it :P jk I forgot
I know. I told you that I will make you remember, but I didn't. please make it if possible
7:10 PM
Anyone uses AsyncLayoutInflator for recyclerviews?
never heard of it
is that in the native api or a 3rd party lib?
Support lib
It did certainly increased efficiency a bit
I can not imagine the loading efficiency with paging
I don't know why my MainActivity takes 2.5 seconds to cold start
The only views it has is a drawer, 3 imagebuttons, a textView and a FAB
must be your code
7:25 PM
I have gone through my code well over 3 times, it does not appears to be
Heavy tasks are all done on worker threads
I have even delayed the heavy task until the UI is done laying out
It could be due to the debug version...
I like the code explanation, it's the funniest
7:40 PM
what are common UI patterns for a "select all" feature with a recyclerview?
currently I have column headers with a checkbox...is something like that typical?
a CAB would be nice
but it depends on your use case
any selection already creates a CAB with "delete" button. Eventually there will be other options, too
Build UI in a way that a user can already predict the outcome of the view inflation
do you mean that the user first selects one item then the CAB also has a select all button?
Yes, select all and dismiss
7:43 PM
well, dismiss after the user also chooses another action
If you find yourself running out of space, I think a menu inside CAB could work
Does similar apps already exist? If so, download 10-15 of them, study their UI and eventually come up with your own that addresses their shortcomings

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