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12:15 AM
oof rejected
6 hours later…
6:55 AM
7:11 AM
Yes. 😠
7:29 AM
8:06 AM
8:39 AM
Maybe someone here can direct me to a nice course to learn more about Android MVP
8:58 AM
benny, try mvvm, that is google preaching
9:10 AM
I found this File[]lass="crayon-h"> filelist in a tutorial i don't understand what he was trying to do because i have defined the same but it give me Cannot resolve symbol 'filelist'
and he is using it as
@eli could you please remove this code and past it on a gist.github.com instead?
what are this lass="crayon-h" for ?
i have no idea what this notation is
9:25 AM
i went through the comment's and no one seems to ask about that
It's a rendering issue
It's supposed to be ` File[] filelist;`
The syntax highlighter on that page is broken
yeah, when you click on the code it shows File[] filelist;
exactly Raghav :D
But he is using the same format at line 394 fileNameList.add(filelist[i]lass="crayon-sy">.getPath());
9:29 AM
The syntax highlighter is consistently broken
you need to click on the code to see the correct one
You can avoid these issues by not succumbing to the luxury of rendered pages and just reading the source code of pages like a normal being
Convenience breeds ineptitude
Thanks Raghav, CF, Mehdi
@RaghavSood XD
9:37 AM
huh? what happened to the discord channel? is it removed?
no but you need access now
ok... how do you get that?
You bribe your friendly neighborhood Tim
open discord bro
9:45 AM
it is open
I don't see you :/
that's kinda the point
I can see the channel. No permission
if Suraj doesn't have any roles, and the roles are set to no read or write, the user isn't gonna be in the list
Either use a bot, allow reading, or create a channel that doesn't require permissions
that's kind of implicit
9:48 AM
got it thanks
the bot assigns roles to new users, but suraj joined yesterday before I set that up I think
anyway it's less restrictive now
There's also a list of users in the server settings, you can manually add the role to anyone who didn't get it from there
nice, thanks
np ^^
restrictive is good Tim :D
10:14 AM
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Jul 4 '18 at 13:58, by Tim Castelijns
people always look weird when I say "yeah I asked my friend from edinburgh this" or "yeah I know some people in catalonia let me ask them" or "yeah my friends in india told me that X and Y" we know people everywhere :D
10:41 AM
@R15-Zucc There is theory called six degrees of separation, which means you can reach any person in the world using chain of 6 connections (friend of a friend system)
11:05 AM
@MuratKaragöz what shoes do you use for gym / running?
Just some random sport shoes
but if you plan on running, then look into good ones
i wanna spend a bit of money to force myself to committing to it
If you are planning to run
yeah sure
(it's no fun)
I won't run at the gym, I'll try running in the early morning on a running track where I live
You could get casual ones and see how it fits, then if you are dead serious you could look into expensive ones
Ivan are u discussing something with R15 :XD ?
xD what are those things
are you planning to run on mars
no idea, never saw something this weird XD
bro... they cost 1300€, looks like a tank mytheresa.com/en-de/… 😂
it says 50% off
i have my ticket to mars
11:21 AM
@eLi yeah me and zuc are bffs
hurry up then, it's just 650€ after all, deal of the century 😂
Boarding Ticket
No code there
@IvanMilisavljevic she wont reply :XD
one can only hope :D
11:23 AM
mytheresa.com/en-de/… I can get those in a traditional shoemaker in morocco at 20€ 😂
what a profit margin!
What would life be if you don't need to care about money
why so expensive though
"fashion" and snobism
I think I'm gonna get in touch with them, see if I can provide them with those leather shoes for a reasonable price XD
@MuratKaragöz how much money would i need to live in Berlin after taxes and everything?
Me and a wife
a wife
11:33 AM
If you want to live comfortable 2.5k would be good
how much is that /year?
@MuratKaragöz walking is even more boring, I have to do 200km within the 1.5 week
@IvanMilisavljevic around 50k
11:35 AM
@MuratKaragöz Like mine: broke but I consider myself rich in adventures which is most important to me
wow thats not to much
i thought i would need a lot more
Berlin does not pay that much anyways
i saw some android positions with offers from 70-80k/year
11:35 AM
2.5 /month =30 k/yr are you including taxes there murat?
2.5k after taxes, insurance
@IvanMilisavljevic how much would that be if you mention you work with databinding?
ah i see
100 thousand milions
What do you mean MB, Does working with databinding priced different?
11:37 AM
According to Tim and CF it would :(
They think I will have to pay them for it prob
lol using databiding without reset of the framework support is plain wrong
and it scales horibly
yeah i would make mwb pay for coding in databinding :D
reset of the framework support? Android fully supports databanding now
70 - 80 ? here they pay 2.1k per year
@IvanMilisavljevic agree to disagree then
11:41 AM
@MwBakker databinding is not just inject your pojo in the view
Originally its should be part of much larger concept
@MwBakker when you have really large project
@IvanMilisavljevic which is why you use viewmodels that for example hold the pojo
try finding smaller pieces of logic split between xml/java
you can't win this, Ivan. He is even convinced that databinding makes your code loosely coupled
Start investing in property if you want to become rich
11:53 AM
lols, we had this discussion days back :D
A kind of 'passive' income is to buy agricultural lands and rent it out to farmers, depending on the location features and size, you can make at least make $20-40k per year
If google is promoting it, it doesnt mean its good. Just look what they did with Context/Activity/Fragments
@TimCastelijns and he is convinced TextElement.setText("why") is still the way of going in 2019
@IvanMilisavljevic im going to make this worse, I picked up on databinding due to WPF
Ah WPF, thats why i said its totally different on android
11:58 AM
and android is missing a lot of stuff in order to use databiding "the proper way"
used to, but it got a lot better
tons of examples online
@TaseerAhmad if you have money enough to spare to invest in property, you're already rich
but aside from android, i cant see how can you properly test, scale, maintain, transfer the codebase using databinding
test -> unit tests. Scale -> viewmodels for each activity. Transfer -> you can 'grab' an XML lay-out and place it elsewhere without too much adjustments
@TimCastelijns I agree. I'd say invest in funds is a safe way to go but takes a long time
12:03 PM
Mahmoud Waked requested access. Rep: 106 - Questions: 1 - Answers: 10 (ratio 4:40)
@MwBakker sounds bad
@TimCastelijns Loaning from a bank
@IvanMilisavljevic agree to disagree then
@MwBakker Si :)
Btw you from Belgrade? I've been there last summer
12:06 PM
i mean, if using databinging means higher salary, than im in :)
Yup, did you like it?
I did, but there was just one thing I did not like very much
The boat clubs we went onto had no dancefloors, it was all tables
That was new to me
well that was strange
What part of the year?
We saw people spending the entire night at a table, when approaching someone from that table it was like I was infantry :p
@IvanMilisavljevic summer, august
haha, im not sure about that place, do you remmber the name by any chance
Usually its totally different
Did you like the girls?
one was called "money" as I recall
@IvanMilisavljevic I did but we had no succes with the native girls though
12:10 PM
Yeye, thats a bit far from city center
Yes club money was far away, we usually went to a river that had a long line of party boats
like 7 in a row
well we had some drinks so the exact amount I dk haha
It depents, you need locals to show you the right places
There is a lot of nighclubs in belgrade
12:12 PM
I also visited a friend who was from the gypsy part of serbia. Somewhere in the hills not that far from belgrade. He was a really cool guy
@IvanMilisavljevic that gypsy friend was our local, he brought us to that river
had some awesome nights though
Yeah, if you plan to come again
and if you like music festivals
this one is really poplar in europe
also feel free to ping me anytime :)
Yessss we planned to go there this summer
@IvanMilisavljevic that's very kind, thank you. Same goes for you when you want to see Holland
@MahmoudWaked welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
We can't make it to that festival due to work/school of me and my friends unfortunatly
12:19 PM
@IvanMilisavljevic for the next month only right? because you'll be in berlin afterward :D
wouldn't it be easier to just found an r15 company in berlin, and spending the time live talking? 😂
@MehdiB. Hopefully :)
Im trying to figure out cost of living, taxes and stuff
Find a job, ask them for shitload of money
and also prepare all of that nerdy stuff like datastructures, algos etc etc
12:44 PM
@MahmoudWaked your access has been revoked because you did not respond
isn't that a thing of the past now
have no idea
havent been on a interview for like 2 years
I don't want to work at a company that can think of no better questions than that shit
i've created simple list of coding tasks, and general knowledge for interviews in my company
When i see the code, i know everything about the guy whos applying for the job
@TimCastelijns I think the same, but most of the nice ones started introducing it on their process
or they just ask you to do some weird transformation or search, that requires knowledge of a certain algorithm
then they discuss with you the method and the complexity
12:52 PM
"what keywords do you google when about to implement a search" would be a more relevant question lol
I agree, I'm against this interviewing method, for me it's kind of lazy
giving a home project to be done in a week then inspecting the code, and seeing the performance of that code I agree on
you get home projects on interviews?
yeah, they send you by email an assignment to be done in a week, an app for ex
12:58 PM
no email
I got 48h actually
git history tells a lot about people
"here is an open api that gives data, make an app around it, you have 2 days"
yeah i had the same stuff for my interview
just an app to fetch and view the data in a nice way?
12:59 PM
+ 4 hours talk with CTO about stuff
4 houres talk?
yeah it was planed for 1h, but we got carried way
Ah ok, the carried away part is good though
@MwBakker yes, but you have to take care to demonstrate proper architecture and modern ways of programming. Also 2 days does not mean 2 days, more like 10 hours if you have work during the day and then do the assignment at night
my dad taught me one way to deal with interviews is to switch the conversation at a moment. Like asking why he went working there or what he likes most about the company
1:02 PM
10 hours is more than enough if you know what you're doing
This is how you switch the conversation
@MuratKaragöz hahahaha
@IvanMilisavljevic that's why it's important to have reusable assets in hand
1:06 PM
yes, I made a decent app in 2 nights. I did some questionable things but it was also kind of my playground for learning rxjava and MVP
Tim, do you have a developer account?
Dude you could make killer apps, it should be easy for you
How do you know
Saying on the fact he is experienced in Android, so implementing features should not be hard for him
1:10 PM
@MuratKaragöz his little bird parrot told him :D
@IvanMilisavljevic coding against such deadline during applying for a job is one of my fears
He just copy pastes code from SO
I also copy paste from the docs
Dealing with stupid users is hard
I assume Tim does not want to deal with that problem
Also, based from the stats, there are more Android 9 users than any other Android version
1 star review: I don't have enough free space to download this app!!
1:16 PM
Somebody said that my app is bad but gave 5 stars
anyway I have never thought of something worth developing that does not already exist
Playstore is filled with crap
I thought of something worth developing
That could potentially bring in millions in revenue
Those major apps are already drowned in their internal politics
1:17 PM
But I'm tired
And also it relies on technology I'm not already a master at and learning is hard
I'll sell you the idea for 50% income from it and all related products, services and merchandise
also I don't want to make a mistake on my personal account and get that app suspended and then also get all of our company's clients' apps suspended by association
Yea, that part sucks
this part kind of overshadows everything else
see how this "association" is bad, basically like the social credit system of china
"3rd cousin is bad" => you must be bad as well, here -1 in your score
what if I decide I identify as a person with an non-suspendable google developer account? If they suspend me, is that offensive enough to sue them?
1:20 PM
Staying 100% true to morals is enough to make you stand out from rest of developers
Educate and provide service to the user = $$$ + Reputation
People are worried about their security(they should be with the way major corps are doing)
@TimCastelijns 100%
then henceforth, let it be so
I made a test app a year ago, I kept with a certain morals and people already praise my 'team' and the app
you're such a good man
so here some exposure
very admirable, taseer
1:25 PM
Search "Dead pixel test" on the play store
It appears at the 2nd rank
what is the package id
@TaseerAhmad I know a company that charged 40 houres for a button change that took appr 15 min
google sorts results differently based on the user
Don't get me wrong, I am not here to brag. I just want to say that it is easy to be at top if you stick with good morals
Also, the package ID for that app is f**ked
with com.taseer prefix?
I stuck to my morals delivering a working app rather just getting points from school and call it a day leaving my employer without functional app. Result of my good morals are a 5 month delay on school and 5 months unpaid work (while I had to pay school)
I can look at myself in the mirror, but no longer in my wallet #morals
Package name is messed up
> No app can fix dead pixels, because dead pixels are due to hardware malfunction that software cannot fix
there is another app 1 place higher than yours that has 5star reviews because it can do this
I guess they had better morals
Your search results are appearing different, I did'nt knew it
1:30 PM
taseer found a nice wallpaper for you
user image
top kek
oh damn mehdi edited the message. oh well
That 1 app is ahead of me only because of number of downloads
I do have to agree on Tasseer about his moral theory. It can cost one a lot though sometimes without getting something back. This why morals are not always the choosen directions
@TimCastelijns XD
1:31 PM
you wrote a rather aggressive review reply on may 31 for someone with certain morals
I guess that's how you protect morals, Tim
@MwBakker Think of it as a money, you invest in and it gives you back one day
I can't get back 5 months though
Wake up, we have morals to burn. - Keanue Reeves
1:34 PM
btw, how do morals correlate with showing a dead pixel on the screen?
@TimCastelijns That was like 40% 'almost agressive', it had to be done so other users could see why such reviews "does not work" mean nothing to any one
^ taseer is on a mission for the betterment of the world
@MehdiB. They don't, look at similar apps and what they offer
Guys good evening
I turnt pink from blushing
1:35 PM
but you said that this app is well received because of your morals
IDK man it looks like you lost your patience there, insinuating he didn't read the description, assuming what he meant by "not working"
@murat pls read carefully, you might learn something here
@TimCastelijns I assumed because the app works on every device as it should. Code of the app is far far from anything complex. There are 3 kind of people who hit this category. 1 - People who recently bought a new device and they want a quick and easy way to test. 2- People who test their old device. 3- People actually expecting that a mere few touches to the screen will fix their screen problem
hello guys
And the guy 100% belong to the last category
1:43 PM
hi bb
see that is an assumption
Pretty sure you can fix stuck pixel
@TimCastelijns why would certain morals fit to everything, I think he meant morals during development
I have few other reviews in a different language, they are all similar like that
having morals doesn't mean you immediatly have to be nice to everybody
1:45 PM
The app 100% works as advertised, those who say it "does not work" assume that the app WILL fix their screen
That's more in the ethics department than the morals
^ Yes, morals is a wrong word, ethics!
exactly. You can't bust Taseer just for putting some guy on his place in a review, that is more an ethical thing. Could have been done different, but still
I have very low amounts of both
BB`s soul is burnt to a crisp
1:47 PM
Oh hey good morning everyone
You shoulda replied to the review with "It DoEsN't NoT wOrKiNg"
@TimCastelijns lol
also he double-negative'd so he really meant to say "it does work"
@ballBreaker not not cancels
1:48 PM
It does not not working = it does working
@MuratKaragöz exactly
could have replied with "that's unfortunate"
and call it a day
or "that's not not unfortunate"
1:49 PM
I once replied to a guy saying "You are breathtaking", an imitation of Keanue Reeves lol
I would be the worst PR for a company, or maybe I would be amazing. IDK
I'd be more like Wendy's twitter than helpful
Throw in there a little pop culture so you also hit the pop culture users :D
Google Ads library is around 1 MB
1:52 PM
I made $2 from the app, I don't know who unfortunate bought the app
how big is a typical app anyways
I'm used to EE apps
My current one is like 800Mb
Idk, maybe 10 MB?
"return that unfortunate guy's money"
1:52 PM
All bloated with IBM libs
Mine is about 8.5mb
Yeah I guess it depends eh
snapchat is like 400Mb or something dumb
Not sure why I even have it anymore
It was 26mb lol I dk how it got reduced like that
I have done many exaims on the code though, removing redundancy etc perhaps that could be it
"oh shit I forgot a third of the code!"
on diet?
1:54 PM
FB total is more than 1 GB I think?
naah its 100 mb+ iirc
Is it? I'm not surprised. I deleted FB tho, just messenger for me
1Gb seems large though yeah I woudl think closer to 200-300mb
@ballBreaker take my hello world 30Mb WAR :D
I used to believe apps like Google Services etc are huge to bloat up old phones and make people switch to newer devices sooner
Actually I still think this is what is going on
Reading these reviews is more interesting than a Reddit
1:57 PM
haha one review says "i dk what it does, can't remove it either. Now my storage is full damnit"

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