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12:08 AM
hola, mis amigos
just fixin' to log out...cuz I'm not making any progress on my app really
sounds like a good time for a break then
try again tomorrow
I seem to work on this about once a month lately...
trying to improve that
12:19 AM
hmmm...how did this work originally?
unfortunately, it's been a long time since I last looked at this code I wrote
It's gonna be 37 *C tomorrow :(
12:35 AM
It's gonna be 12°C tomorrow :)
it's in the high 70s here
Freedom Units!
bah...I am having trouble with this RecyclerViewAdapter. I have a select all button and if the user selects all of the items in the list manually, it should become checked
apparently I can't call notifyDataSetChanged(), though, because it's in the middle of a layout calculation
I'll come back to this another day, I guess. Time to log out.
Could RxJava help?
12:49 AM
@Code-Apprentice use view.post()
1 hour later…
2:08 AM
2:25 AM
Divergence requested access. Rep: 186 - Questions: 8 - Answers: 33 (ratio 4:16.5)
3 hours later…
5:33 AM
6:09 AM
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!!! :D
6:35 AM
@Divergence welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
6:49 AM
K. Dexter requested access. Rep: 251 - Questions: 21 - Answers: 32 (ratio 4:6.1)
@K.Dexter welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
I have read and understood the rules
thank you and welcome :)
6:53 AM
thanks :)
7:05 AM
@Divergence your access has been revoked because you did not respond
21 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
I didn't mean for you to star that message bros, I meant that you should be posting extra funny memes this week
note that I said "a message" and "do your best"
@TimCastelijns xD. we thought You want 10⭐
I cleared the stars just for you
Tim, you cleared the stars just for me? xD
no for everyone who thought I was asking for stars
7:20 AM
Should I manually handle room VACUUM command?
well, you cleared stars, such sportsmanship. 👏
@IvanMilisavljevic neat
7:36 AM
7:48 AM
Hiya Eric, Mehdi, K. Dexter, Rumit, Tim, Taseer, CF!!!!!!! :D
for member in room greet(member)
greetings.observe { reply(greetBack) }
Greeting Pointer Exception (0xH3X)
8:07 AM
how is everyone doing on this fine weather? (19° here and cloudy, that's my favorite weather)
how can cloudy be your favorite weather??
Are you family from nietzsche?
because you can walk freely without sunglasses or without being punished on your head / neck by the sun
@MwBakker nice XD
@MehdiB. Same here except 39
so quite similar :D
8:28 AM
what was that function called again that put an entire javascript into one line?
8:47 AM
@MwBakker minify? uglify?
@MehdiB. Here it seems not fine weather. (36°). wet out with Sweat. but still enjoying the end of summer.
We had 40° two days ago
no thanks
I wanted to make a joke but learned from my stay in the void
9:03 AM
Murat, It heard the temperature is at the highest level in Europe.
Does anyone here use a VISA Card?
I have one with the overlapping yellow and red circles
Which one
means? I have one provided by indian bank(ICICI)
means you want any international transactions?
9:11 AM
Any android open source project to contribute
linux kernel
Android ????????
Yes for international
open source like Mifos
9:17 AM
basically for vacation
good. are you coming to India?? xD
No Rumit
oops. I asked to murat. :-)
10:07 AM
I had more success with MasterCard than a Visa for inter-bank transactions, idk why
my dudes i did something crazy yesterday
decided to bike to poland at 7pm
night biking is crazy scary when you do it solo
you need a gun
how did it go?
you on poland now?
need a ride?
10:24 AM
I hope you took two bikes
10:40 AM
LMAO Murat
nope I'm back!
I took the train :)
10:55 AM
This was the most starred message last year on this day:
Jul 2 '18 at 7:43, by Tim Castelijns
4.99 days to weekend \o/
road bike or enduro oO
11:28 AM
@RumitPatel the end? we've barely reached its third :D
> say they can
so that's even less XD
funny that UK is bottom
expected the french guys
since they refuse to talk anything else
11:45 AM
I think these numbers are only pumped thanks to people of our generation
yeah, go us.
interesting how spain is at bottom half despite 40% of it's population being an automatic yes.
@MuratKaragöz so embarrassing to see UK last. A lot of people in the UK would be proud of this.
Joined mindtree another service based company. Unfortunately Philips took too long to release the offer.
I graduated at philips
11:58 AM
@Raghunandan didn't you work at philips a couple of years ago?
No mehdi.
I interviewed a year back for contract at Philips but I rejected the offer since I wanted a permanent role
I forgot which one it was, iirc it was a US based company , that you had to quit because of the stress
Sonata software limited
That is because of bad management. I complained to the CEO and he seems to have taken my complaint seriously by checking with my project manager
so you ended up not joining them
No I did not take that offer as it was for contract position
12:04 PM
ah okay, phew, I thought I was getting senile for a moment
You aren't?
Oh ok
Discord, where?
I would not blame you since it was me who did not make it clear
12:06 PM
Hi mauker. What's up?
@MehdiB. Did you use octave or MATLAB during your Coursera course for machine learning?
yes, I used Octave
it's free and has the same syntax as Matlab
disclaimer: jordy is in there
do you guys already use it?
I am taking that Coursera course
12:20 PM
You wanna know > you have to go
alright, leaving me without a choice :D
we just sit there though
waiting for the apocalypse
the amazon deliveryboy is having the race of his life
been tracking him for an hour. he's round robin rolling around the hood
the path makes nonsese. even if it was by parcel amount, he'd be done half an hour ago by doing a per street swipe. he's been 3x times already on potsdamer platz
Hasan Kucuk requested access. Rep: 634 - Questions: 15 - Answers: 28 (ratio 4:7.5)
@K.Dexter road bike!
wait none of you is at droidcon berlin right
12:36 PM
no D:
do we have any german peeps here?
& Murat
@HasanKucuk welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
12:40 PM
ahmad slacking on your RO duties heh 😏
me / mehdi count as german-living too
i reading rules. thanks for adding chat group
is it normal to wait for a month and a half for some stuff to arrive over Global Mail DHL?
dhl is the worst in germany
i cant even track my order
12:42 PM
it's a miracle stuff gets delivered
@HasanKucuk Thanks Hasan, let us know when you finish reading them 👍
i sent my stuff from spain to my new flat and it took 2 weeks for the first box, 2 months for the second and the third has finally appeared on madrid. the three were sent the same day.
i've had some stuff from Asia delivered in less that 2 weeks
you need to file a report
i've tried contacting my local DHL
but they said its going over Global Mail DHL
so its not the same
12:45 PM
I read on reddit people complaining about dhl, apparently the delivery guys face so much pressure they can't bother wait or notify the recipient or even take the package upstairs to the door
do you have a tracking nr?
and apparently Global Mail DHL is something like a regular post
i've received this : CE648146567DE
it sais: The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically
i guess dhl received the package
oh that means it's not picked up yet
@MehdiB. my dhl packages get put in front of my door, even if I'm not at home. Sometimes they slip this "you were not home, we will come back at ... " note in the mailbox, even though I was home /shrug
in what stage?
12:47 PM
It's not picked up
it's the pre-purchase of the delivery slot
like, " come tomorrow ar 10am to pick it"
they write it that way too in spanish correos, same wording gibberish
Where did you give that package?
am, i should receive that package
12:48 PM
@TimCastelijns Oh ok no thanks
Sent from Germany to Serbia
DHL is good but here you need to complete kyc to get your stuff across airport which is pain and gets delayed
so tis actually here, i have to pick it up?
or DHL in germany has to pick up the package from the sender?
it's not here
the dhl guy did not pick up the package
12:50 PM
Is there here some kind of pre verification for delivery from DHL?
Whoever send it to you, tell him
I've ordered this stuff like a 1.5 monts ago
"Roses are red, violets are blue, Mauker joined this server with you"
Denys Séguret requested access. Rep: 287419 - Questions: 74 - Answers: 5411 (ratio 4:292.5)
12:53 PM
@DenysSéguret welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
sorry, wrong manipulation, I didn't want to enter this room
He does not linger with low reps
@DenysSéguret funny, we talked about your project yesterday chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/15?m=46642732#46642732
12:57 PM
Denys Séguret requested access. Rep: 287419 - Questions: 74 - Answers: 5411 (ratio 4:292.5)
@DenysSéguret welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
@TimCastelijns wtf, what if it got stolen? would they reimburse it?
“I have read and understood the rules”
How to Use Quotation Marks
& a very warm welcome!
@MehdiB. Interesting. Miaou can of course welcome you all ;)
And it can also be a place of rendez-vous in case of stackmaggedon. It was used this way in the past already
mobile client?
Not a mobile client per se but a mobile layout and notifications when offline if you ask for them
1:05 PM
we had some ideas to to wrap SO Chat in a wrapper, and build a mobile client around it
If you want to test Miaou, come to this room: https://miaou.dystroy.org/3
People speak in French only when there's only French speaking users
its kinda ugly but it works really nice
i've build couple of chat stacks so far, so i know the pain
@DenysSéguret So they only post images of white flags, croissants and bagguette's?
1:08 PM
@Jordy noooo. There's a lot of cheese, wine and beer too
French people can't create cheese
Same for beer :(
And we have some very passionate beer experts on Miaou
Here is the winning run youtube.com/watch?v=J_IFoSKTl1Y, but holy moly this looks actually fun
@Ahmad do it
Sorry bro, we Dutchies take credit for cheese and beer. You can keep the baguette's & croissants
1:11 PM
& wine
Well... I have no problem getting you credit for beer... Anyway there's probably 30% of Belgian users on Miaoy
OrdinaryDraft requested access. Rep: 522 - Questions: 19 - Answers: 10 (ratio 4:2.1)
@OrdinaryDraft welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
1:25 PM
@TimCastelijns What's Fuchsia?
it's the new OS google is working on
people speculate it's the future replacement of android
@DenysSéguret nice :D how do you cover the costs of hosting? does everyone contribute?
@DenysSéguret your access has been revoked because you did not respond
Denys Séguret requested access. Rep: 287419 - Questions: 74 - Answers: 5411 (ratio 4:292.5)
what just happened?
1:30 PM
@DenysSéguret welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
looks like he didn't respond
@MehdiB. No... I just spend 100 € per month hosting many applications on my server. I've made some money in the past with a few startups
he did
but it looks like he didn't :)
Hey, let me some time... I'm playing a tribo game right now!
1:31 PM
32 mins ago, by Denys Séguret
“I have read and understood the rules”
the "?
Divergence requested access. Rep: 186 - Questions: 8 - Answers: 33 (ratio 4:16.5)
anyway: just recieved a brand new this:
@Divergence welcome. Please start by reading the rules and confirm you have read them before saying anything else.
I have read and understood the rules
1:32 PM
Regarding the contributions, there's none. Usage of Miaou is 100% free. Some users sent me some bottles, though ;)
@DenysSéguret same happens with the bot of this room, Tim is paying for it, but I don't think it's fair, and would like to have willing people also contribute to it
@Divergence thanks and welcome :)
Basically the price of one kebap
@CptEric ergonomic mouse?
1:34 PM
Hi @DenysSéguret
sometime the bot messes up when the same person is accepted twice in a row, but I cba to fix it
@MehdiB. noob killer for space/flight sims
nice XD
@MuratKaragöz holy sht I wanna do that
1:42 PM
Here is the guy overtaking 960 riders youtube.com/watch?v=pltY5vS-aOY
@IvanMilisavljevic sup
apparently it's in france
that looks so hardcore
You have to do that man
at some point it also looks like he's just flying over all those rocks
in the first vid
1:44 PM
Yeah the first guy went all in, but the second guy is a bit calmer
imagine crashing
mads props to these people
I don't want to bother you guys but do you guys know about the CpuStatsCollector API
not heard of it
Yea ok then just ignore it...
@MuratKaragöz damn dude that looks like fun
1:50 PM
Ok so my question is at stackoverflow.com/questions/56800784/… I was hoping you guys could find a solution b4 I put a bounty on it
is the discord room down for you guys as well? (502 bad gateway)
There is a discord room?
@MehdiB. The website at least
The desktop client hasn't disconnected, but it doesn't seem like I can send messages.
Discord servers are worse than cancer since 2k18
Scratch that: Expect nothing.
1:54 PM
that's it? discord couldn't handle r15...
@Jordy meh, you're just in the wrong servers
Europe West, Central, all are lagging hard.
Every single day.
1:54 PM
good morning!
@Jordy so not a sustainable solution for us
@ballBreaker it actually looks fun
Well, that has more impact on voice than chat
so it's not really an issue for us
weird, images here just died
1:55 PM
@OrdinaryDraft your access has been revoked because you did not respond
lmao, ironic. status.discordapp.com is also dead :]
@IvanMilisavljevic tell them you've found the ideal reliable chat ^^
what else is new
doesn't Imgur also run on cloudflare?
downforeveryoneorjustme is also down :)
for me, at least
1:58 PM
@TimCastelijns for me, too
I'm guessing cloudflare is having problems then
> Investigating - Cloudflare is observing network performance issues. Customers may be experiencing 502 errors while accessing sites on Cloudflare.

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