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Facebook does this github.com/facebook/hhvm/blob/master/hphp/hack/LICENSE#L3, i don't think their legal team would allow this if it weakens any claim of copyright violation damages 🤔
other projects seems not to have Year even: github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/…
@SaifEddinGmati facebook lie to congress about knowingly taking money from people seeking to illegally influence US elections. Pretty sure they wouldn't care about being slightly wrong in a copyright notice. But additionally for stuff under sourcecontrol, the copyright notice is mostly ignored, and the log of when work is done is used more as the basis for when the copyright applies.
@PatrickAllaert well.....we have for years... Honestly I'm pretty scared of it being done. I know it's annoying when people 'volunteer' other people to do a shed-load of work, and we don't have money to hire lawyers to give proper legal advice, but i'd recommend either leaving it, or at contact the lawyers of whoever owns Zend now, to get them to:
i) clarify what copyright they are still claiming to have.
ii) ask if they are going to object to the removal.
Knowing Zend can't be contacted at [email protected]...
But I won't object to if you want to do it.
@PatrickAllaert that doesn't affect any copyright claim though... afaik.
AFAIK, nor Zeev nor Andi works for "Zend" anymore
They don't
So it's Perforce that should be contacted, right?
But you can contact the parent company, which is Perforce IIRC
again, me voluteering you for work, sorry - but contacting opensource.org/licenses and asking their advice might be worth doing.
oh, btw - it's worth saying why the PHP license is so messed up.
@Danack good pointer!
my understanding is that Zeev and Andi did a lot of their initial work at university. And their university said "any software work you do, while being funded by the university needs to be open source".
(btw, either a riot or football match appears to have broken out near me - might need to go check it).
Anyway, they wanted to be able to profit from the work they did, so they came up with the Zend + PHP licenses, which are hilariously poorly written.
Reading up on some of the drama might provide some insight:
heh, that's a contrast, when I was at uni, it said any software I write while studying there belonged to them. I told them over my dead body.
@Danack sounds interesting, please report back afterwards and keep safe
> Perhaps that's what the PHP project wants, but one gets the sense that what most project members really want is just to ignore licensing issues altogether.
Je m'accuse!
for timing, I think dropping it from master after 8.1 is forked is probably the sanest time. It gives about 18 months to sort any shit-show out, as opposed to 6 months for 8.1
@JoeWatkins lol! Looks like @kooldev has that covered for today :P
if the zend licence is dropped, what would PHP become. MIT?
@PatrickAllaert I'd probably also talk to @RemiCollet and github.com/oerdnj and ask them their thoughts, and "would this change make them stop distributing PHP?".
@MarkR Changing the license on an open-source project sounds like a logistical nightmare.
@cmb It seems that only a single version of imagick/3.5.0rc2 was built, but the previous version imagick/3.5.0rc1 is fine.
@Danack Ho, I did follow that drama. #popcorn
> restrictions on the usage of the term PHP

This has never been enforced, correct? i think it's better for it to be removed
yes. it's been enforced.....someone else got the link?
@Danack I should have phone contact with Perforce/Zend tomorrow.
@Danack Poorly then. Half the projects out there are SomethingPHP or PHPSomething
@PatrickAllaert There is no legal way to drop the license. The end date don't matter according to Berne convention.
@Trowski That's fine. It was when php-dbg was created by Joe, some company tried to block that, and got slapped by rasmus.
I'm violating it i guess with PSL ( PHP Standard Library )
@cmb Yes, but neither it is legal to be forced to mention a lie.
A licence with no-one to enforce it is pointless.
@cmb technically if you could show that none of the copyrighted work was left in the php code base, then it could be removed. But practically, that would just make a lot of lawyers rich.
@Danack I remember that :-D
> any package that uses the license but does not come from the "PHP Group" does not have a valid license:

@SaifEddinGmati And we're violating it with amphp, so… meh
For the money it would cost to carry out one enforcement case, you could fund half a department of C coders for a year.
@PatrickAllaert yeah, but I don't think that concerns the php.net community :)
@Danack oh, looks like the build got cancelled; I'll check that
@Trowski no (and no for @SaifEddinGmati) - that bit is under:
> Products derived from this software
Unless you're distributing a modifed version of PHP it doesn't apply. And code that just runs in PHP isn't subject to that bit.
Ah, ok, that makes more sense.
@cmb ta. for the record, this is the 2nd CI system that has refused point blank to compile that version.
I'm feeling lucky today.
what about HHVM which uses bits of PHP source code, but also ships with 3 licenses MIT, PHP, and ZEND ( github.com/facebook/hhvm )
ah, I guess that might be related to the server migration (currently need to upload to 2 servers); still strange
@SaifEddinGmati no-one fancies suing facebook.
@SaifEddinGmati Seems fine. They're distributing the PHP code using the PHP and Zend licenses, and their code under MIT.
PHP bundles some other code under different licenses.
Mysql close is NOT synchronous ・ PDO MySQL ・ #81155
@GabrielCaruso FWIW, I can connect through jump just fine. Do you need me to push your tarballs for you?
"The Zend Engine is freely available at zend.com";: we know it's not true, can the PHP project be blamed for telling such a lie (which the Zend License enforces us to mention).
@Tiffany I'm happy to hear it :)
> can the PHP project be blamed for telling such a lie
so what? Morality has nothing to do with copyright.
fun-fact: in the UK (and the US) you can sign a contract that strips you of legal protections that you normally have.
/actual levels of fun may vary.
/side effects may include feelings of exploitation and loss of the will to live
Only some, pre-nups for example are not legally enforceable. They'll be considered, but they're not 100%
@NikiC Is your "no" on PFA because you would prefer Hack's $$ semantics?
@LeviMorrison Hack doesn't have PFA
unset() on ArrayObject inside foreach skips next index ・ SPL related ・ #81156
it has function references, with a weird syntax:

$fun = foo<>;
$fun = $a->bar<>;
$fun = Foo::bar<>;
huh... I didn't know they'd added that.
@SaifEddinGmati Yes, I know. Please stop trying to educate me on Hack; I am familiar with its semantics and features.
You do this every time I refer to Hack; it's getting annoying.
@LeviMorrison then what does $$ have to do with PFA?
Yeah, I'm just muting you, sorry.
@NikiC thanks for review(s), just cleanup left, i'll deal with it in next day or two
Are there any good php graph renderers like graph.js? also is there a package or something I can use to generate drawing objects using angles and fill in php?
like, draw these things on screen without a browser?
no, draw these things on screen in the browser
Wrong documentation for \Ds\Set::__construct ・ Documentation problem ・ #81157
PHP can't really draw in the browser, as far as I know. You could render an image in PHP, then serve it, maybe that could be faster but I wouldn't count on it.
what do you mean by 'render an image'
speed is not my issue - this is all local for now
I think most of those are SVG based. You could generate an SVG in PHP and serve that.
it doesn't have to be realtime - just a set of commands I can send to a library/package and will send back an image
There may be a library specific to graphs, but I'm not aware of one. I use Imagine for image manipulation in PHP.
That probably is lower-level than what you were hoping for.
There have been SVG libs for PHP in the past, but most I know of are ancient and horrible.
looks good, but is a tad old, and hasn't been updated in a while?
What are you trying to graph exactly
@DannyF Imagine?
network statistics ?
CPU stats
Mem stats
@Trowski yeah
@DannyF googling - "php graph generator" gives some results. none of them look great. Imagick has ImagickDraw for svg drawings: phpimagick.com/ImagickDraw/ellipse
Incident with GitHub Packages
tbh, I'd pretty strongly recommend doing these in JavaScript....
@DannyF Last commit – 4 days ago. Your definition of old differs from mine.
@Trowski I missed it....whoops - PHP 5.3 was a flag
@ln-s I have a ton of data of positions of the moon over a 6000+ year time scale and I want to make some plots
Sort of surprised they haven't moved to 7.x yet.
@LeviMorrison I don't think $$ is really related to PFA. If we're talking about pipe operator, then yes, I would prefer the Hack semantics over the PFA based approach.
@NikiC am i right to assume ctor promotion assignment of new in initializer works bceause you can magically move that part of the code into the constructor and that is why property intiialzors only work there, but not on its own?
Anyway thanks for all the help, I'll look into some js options and the imagine and imagick
My no vote on PFA is mostly because it's a complicated proposal with lots and lots of edges (and even more once you start looking at the implementation) and I don't feel like it's justified for inclusion in PHP.
@beberlei Ctor promotion defaults are parameter defaults, not property defaults :)
aaah yes of course
@NikiC tbh, the edges are more that the impl is overly restrictive at times, but one can relax that
@NikiC Will you consider putting your first-class callable up to a vote in time for feature freeze?
@DannyF does that mean 100 mb? 1 gb? 1 tb?
more generally : JavaScript has plenty of excellent, quick, efficient and well designed graph tools. I would really have to have strong conditions I could really not get myself out to try and plot stuff on the PHP side, mostly because I'd then have to rewrite so much stuff
@Danack For graphs/plots what I did was generate the points in PHP, then use Plotly in JS to actually draw the plot lol
But it didn't necessarilly appreciate my 50k points which I tried at one point
@NikiC how far can I make the BC break for isset/empty? Do I still need to support arbitrary containers? Also why is trying to read a property of a non object not an error ;-;
@cmb it's almost old enough to drink!
<div class="content-but-not-the-same-one"><?= $this->content ?></div>
so I've just written this line, and I'm not sure if I should burn the last 10 commits in righteous fire or continue yolo style
@bwoebi I think it's more that, if you're only interested in the primary use case of first class callables, then this has a huge amount of edges and complexity compared to that ... it's a totally reasonable position because the simpler thing is already on the table ... being restrictive allows us to reduce edges, relaxing those restrictions does not make it better ...
@cmb any luck with fixing the ssh issues? Also, can another RM upload into their dir so we can't announce it today? :)
I'm still trying to figure it out on my end, but nothing :(
@Sara yes, seems so ^
@GabrielCaruso see chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=52440593#52440593 (not resolved for me yet)
@JoeWatkins Can you clarify about Come's question on the list just now? Is my example just incomplete or do we actually lose some type information in variadic placeholders?
@JoeWatkins Yeah, but there's a ton of value beyond first class callables. :-)
Hey, quick question if i may? I'm pushing laravel logs to new relic using a custom log driver. How / where do i find out what happens if new relic is down, I don't want my app to wait for an OK response from the logging service if that makes sense?. I've tried stepping through and can't see that it would hold execution of the app up but need to be certain before i roll it out to live.
@Crell being unconvinced that the value it provides is proportional to the complexity it introduces is nevertheless a valid position to hold ...
May 31 at 17:39, by Joe Watkins
@MarkR I'm ... not sure I would vote for it ...
@Crell can't be bothered to sift through internals right now, doing 5 other things, can you show me code and tell me what you expect or what they expect, or tell we what's going on ?
Heh, did anyone ever vote against their own RFC?
@NikiC I think I've seen that twice or so
@JoeWatkins externals.io/message/114907#114931 - In reference to examples 13 and 14.
a bit of a lazy question, is it possible to use reflection to detect arrays from a file? I'm building a Repository class, I have three different arrays stored in a separate file that I want to convert into value objects based upon the state stored in the arrays, but I want to abstract out the array's variable names
I'm not sure if that's possible though
you can just include the file and process the stuff, if memory/performance isn't an issue
basically, I want the Repository class to not rely upon knowing the names of the arrays in the separate file, only that there are arrays in the file, that contain numeric indexes with string values
@cmb oh :( okay, glad I'm not the only one. At first it appeared to be a issue related to my machine, but looks like it's something else. I'll start a new thread with rm@ sharing my debugging and findings
@Tiffany Use a factory for each array record that returns objects of type X and use objects instead of arrays, add all the pertinent methods that you deem necessary
@Sara if you could do it, please! And thanks for the help!
@Crell afaict, they are just confused by the example ... I don't know why they're talking about loosing type information, except that they think the short def is exactly the same as the partial ...
krakjoe@Fiji:/opt/src/php-src$ cat wat.php
function things(int $i, float $f, Point ...$points) { }

$c = things(...);

echo (string) new ReflectionFunction($c);
krakjoe@Fiji:/opt/src/php-src$ sapi/cli/php wat.php
Function [ <user> partial function things ] {
  @@ /opt/src/php-src/wat.php 4 - 4

  - Parameters [3] {
    Parameter #0 [ <optional> int $i ]
    Parameter #1 [ <optional> float $f ]
    Parameter #2 [ <optional> Point ...$points ]
@ln-s that's my ultimate goal, but the contents in the array were from CSVs that I converted into PHP arrays using VS Code and regex
and I'm not sure if my regex ability is strong enough to further convert them into instantiated objects
it probably would have been better to just show how they actually reflect ...
Hol-up... i'm just catching up, but are we now in a position where the 2 best people to know about PFA are both against it, or at least unconvinced by it?
Nikita voted against, Joe quoted himself indicating he wasn't sure if he'd vote in favour ..?
I'm not unconvinced by it, but I recognize that this is complicated, and for as long as I worked on it, I still missed edges, ones I knew about and ones I didn't ... I'm an optimist, so I think between us we can find and cover those edges ... but holding the position that the complexity is not justified by the value it brings is totally reasonable
Tricky spot. I think this is one of those things where a lot of people will vote on it on the spec, which seems good, without knowledge of the problems it may cause internally.
it's not my baby, it's some code I churned out for other people, for fun ... and I hope they get what they want from it ... but I got what I wanted, the fun of trying to get it right ... and we have to remain objective, there's only a handful of people in this room and millions of people using php ... I'd like it to get in, of course, but if it doesn't I won't be in the least bit surprised, and I'll understand the motivation for it, and it's good motivation ...
If this is one of those "potentially too clever for our own good" things (e.g. JIT) that argument should be made on the ML while voting is still open imo
To be honest, all I really want is first-class callables, so if that's a better compromise, let's do that instead.
I disagree that it's too clever for its own good, frankly. I'm reviewing a PR for one of TYPO3's anncilary Symfony apps as we speak, and I'm staring at multiple places on my screen right this moment that PFA and pipes would be helpful.
Legit coincidence, but yeah, that's on my screen right now. :-)
First class callables is a nice benefit, but trivially making unary functions is the big one for me.
That's huge for functional code.
Sorry to disrupt the PFA thing but:
and what percentage of the php ecosystem is based around functional code...?
What percentage of the PHP ecosystem was based around objects before we had good object support?
what have you tried ?
There's a lot of places where IMO a functional approach would be superior, if the syntax were more convenient.
Offset handling is such a fucking mess
@GabrielCaruso No problem, grabbing 'em now.
@GabrielCaruso downloads.php.net/~pollita Done
2 hours ago, by Danack
(btw, either a riot or football match appears to have broken out near me - might need to go check it).
turns out it was Scottish football fans.
So... both then.
... arent you in Bristol?
Scotland is just the other end of the island, it's not like it's far.
I thought there were still restrictions on crossing the border
@Danack right: the builds are rolling now. :)
@MarkR likely football fans
@NikiC I'd like to hear more on your feedback on PFA -- depending on the details I could support doing just ... for now and getting the whole PFA stuff Done Right for 8.2, but as it stands I don't know which edges you are talking about when you say you don't like the edge cases and such, esp with impl.
cc @Crell
any implementation with the same surface area (ie, semantics) is going to have to cover the very same same edges ... it's just that you read the 5 rules or whatever and it looks simple, until you've thought about it for twenty minutes, and then not so much ... and then when faced with the details of how you implement that, it's not so very simple, there are many pathways to cover and they all have edges ...
At least from Joe's explanations to me I don't know how it could be done simpler, other than it genuinely just being a dumb alternate syntax for short lambdas.
@PatrickAllaert I don't really understand what is the problem with Zend License....
but changing the license will be some huge work
All issues have been resolved!
when I use nmake to compile PHP is there a way to control optimization level?
Have you read my mail (https://news-web.php.net/php.internals/114832)?
PHP is forced, by this license, to tell people things that are simply incorrect.
all of that does make us look a bit silly, but so does holding onto the name Zend, when that name has been sold to some web shop or whatever ... the politics involved in making any changes in this area make the topic unappealing for debate, or action ...
@PatrickAllaert The file header could be updated, yes? That's not part of the license.
The file header, that would already be a part of the problem solved, correct
but the license itself tells things that is not correct
you'll basically need Z to do even that, and he didn't reply ... and probably did read it ...
I would think it's reasonable to update contact info in a license. You're not changing anything about the permissions or restrictions defined by the license.
@Dharman you mean /Ox? I don't think you can control that manually, but release builds are fully optimized, and configure --enable-debug gives unoptimized builds.
like forcing the PHP project to tell that the Zend Engine can be downloaded on zend.com (which is just a lie)
do you want to use an @php address ?? and if not, what other address ?? and if so, is there a meaningful distinction to be made between zend and php, on paper or otherwise ??
@cmb Why does it say that Optimization | PGO disabled
@Trowski Do you have 10 min or so?
@Dharman ah, that is about PGO optimization, see github.com/microsoft/php-sdk-binary-tools#pgo
or for PHP 8 better my fork
@PatrickAllaert Updating this to a correct address just seems sensical. Who would challenge you that it has to remain pointing to non-existent address?
@Trowski what address ?
@Trowski Email check :-)
I am not a lawyer, but changing such content seems risky to me.

You would replace in:

6. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
software must display the following acknowledgment:
"The Zend Engine is freely available at http://www.zend.com"

Zend's official address (which is still valid) by a github URL?
@Trowski people who don't represent Zend, aren't allowed to change their license. Probably
@cmb ty.
really confused about regex now
not able to get a workaround for en_US, es_US, fr_FR
USed this regex but not working

Any suggestion?
got an wonderful collaborative whiteboard.
@Danack When it comes to legal issues, it doesn't have to make sense I guess :P
Q: Whiteboard software with video conferencing, no sign-up

Always ConfusedNeed a very simple collaborative draw/ whiteboard software with audio-video conferencing feature.

it is wrote in php
but is there any way to get it as an android app?
Fixing multiple Zend License issues: Part 1 of x => github.com/php/php-src/pull/7166
github.com/cojapacze/sketchpad-connect it is their github project
@cmb Thanks, I didn't use PGO yet, but I think I must be doing something wrong. Same code on Linux takes 13s and on Windows 64s
Or maybe linux is just generally faster
@AlwaysConfused look at whereby.com which has mira support with it.
@Dharman that's unlikely to be fixed with PGO; more likely a general Windows issue
@Danack thank you does it run on android?
@Danack thnx but it require sign in
@AlwaysConfused yes
not from users.
only from people creating rooms.
oh ok
i was looking for android version of draw.chat
draw.chat is really feature rich, both scribble, audiovideo and text chat; enough for me. but it would b more convenient if there was an android app.
@PatrickAllaert that actually looks like a reasonable solution, but I don't know who can/will approve it
@JoeWatkins That is just solving a few things still respecting the license.
@Exception what are you tring to do?
first i would simplify the regex to /([a-z]{2})_(US|FR)/
but on regexpal both versions are working
@JoeWatkins it isn't changing a license, so should be a trivial change, just general cleanup
@Sara Thanks! I'll announce it before the end of the day here :)
@beberlei but not for validation, the anchors are missing
Hey strangers.
I have an that's too much of a "suggestion" question for SO, maybe someone can help: wondering if anyone knows of a database engine/technology (probably something "NoSQL") that is optimized to support tuples/lists of primitives as a "field" that can be treated as a unique/primary key. Something to the effect of ["string", 123, 456].
Since the elements of the construct are primitives, I could probably just concat them together as string_123_456, but I'm wondering if theres a "better" solution.
Oh, and the caveat is that not all of the UK/PK structures would necessarily be the same number of elements/types. Otherwise I'd just define a composite key.
So ["string", 123] as well as [456, "another string", true] would each be valid.
@DanLugg redis and a bit of lua trickery.
though.....I might say redis to most storage questions.
Haha, nonetheless, that could work.
I'm still going to see if the caveat I mentioned can be removed, so I can just go with a composite key and use <whatever> database; but I'll keep that in mind.
I feel like I might be stuck with the requirement.
$key = count($primitives) . "_" . implode("_", $primitives) also.
or maybe some glue that can't be part of a field
That's what I was thinking too. I could use underscore as glue, as the primitives should only be integers, camelCasedStrings, and UUIDs.
But (and I'd have to test of course) wouldn't that be potentially ugly on indexing performance?
4 mins ago, by Danack
though.....I might say redis to most storage questions.
Duly noted, lol
@DanLugg huh? is this on a per-row basis?
Whoah, that's a name I haven't seen in awhile.
And yes.
Tuples mapped to blobs.
what's the use-case?
really depends what type of scale you're working at.....if that's the case, then how you want to optimise your index may depend on your use-case. I mean also storing a sha256($key) would make some lookups be really fast.....and others really slow.
Message queue store.
and what are the primitives you'd index against for the messages?
integers, camelCasedStrings, and UUIDs (so far as I know now)
But different messages have different properties that comprise the uniqueness constraint.
how do you understand what the constraint should be given a specific message?
(One of) the camelCasedString should be the first element, and it references the message type; the rest is arbitrary.
well, I guess I mean, given a message, how do you determine what the rest should be?
That's defined at the producer level and standardization is a bygone dream.
Is it standardized for a specific message type?
Honestly, given the use-case, I would think some sort of a join-with-separator approach would work. I'd personally try to move towards some standardization just for sanity over time, but depends. One thing to consider tho would be if you need some sort of normalization. Aka, is ["abc", 123] the same thing as [123, "abc"] (positional parameters makes some of this really tough)
Order would technically be relevant ["abc", 123] is different than [123, "abc"].
It is standardized by message type (or should be) but I'm still uncovering tidbits of chaos as I go.
I am pushing for a unified identification standard, which would then allow me to just use defined columns/fields in a composite. Referring to @Danack's suggestion of using SHA, that's essentially what I've proposed; define whatever fields you want, but don't give them to me, just the hash.
So then it'd be ["messageType", "SHA"] or maybe ["messageType", "SHA", revisionInteger] -- either way, I can just define a schema for that.
Anyhow, thanks both for the feedback; I didn't expect an answer like "Just use TupleDB, <link to site>", but figured I'd fire into the dark, lol
@DanLugg Elastic search maybe
@ln-s that is fast for lookup of complicated data sets.....afaik it's not so great for small messages that need either decent throughput, or latency.
Well I wouldn't be asking anyone's opinion about just storing in a key value storage if my problem would be that simple
hacking redis with LUA well, you know it can get a little bit out of hand with time
I use both so I understand exactly what you are talking about
@ramsey Hey, maybe you need to upload your keys to GitHub, your commits are tagged as Unverified: github.com/php/web-qa/commit/3abde316 :)
Mails sent by mail function broken since PHP 8.0 ・ Mail related ・ #81158
guys, do you know is DDD either a technical thing (related to coding) or just a organization culture?
@Girgias Congrats on the Intersection types RFC, I wanted that so bad :D
@GabrielCaruso Well it needs to still get merged :p but yeah it took some effort and some fried brains to get there lol
@Girgias Is there a podcast about it? I can imagine, I gave it a try, but ended up giving up :(
Last weeks episode
@Girgias Nice, I'll listen to it
@Jeeves "totally broken" = "looks different" ... word precision is helpful ...
@GabrielCaruso We'll have to sort out your issues with jumphost, but fortunately the GA release doesn't need that, so we have some time. :D
Bruh, why is MacOS taking 18min to build php-src on Azure?
@Girgias assuming that azure and github actions share some infrastructure, there's probably currently a global backlog of jobs: twitter.com/MrDanack/status/1405552438455803910
Don't know, it was just the make part
Which is why I'm surprised
I think I grew such old that I start to dislike new features :D
@Danack wonder if difficulty with processing credit cards at a local food place is related
Oh, clicked the link, probably unrelated
@cmb Anything else needed on github.com/php/doc-en/pull/689?
yeah....I was going to say not sure how credit cards are related to build failures of OS's....
@Sara Yeap. I'll send the debug logs via email and tests. Thanks for the help, I knew I could count on you 🤞🏻
Uploading 'C:\php-snap-build\rmtools\tmp\php_imagick-3.5.0-7.4-nts-vc15-x64.zip' and logs
Cannot connect to windows.php.net
Error . Upload failed
@cmb sounds like windows.php.net might also be cursed.
well, it runs on Windows ;)
anyhow, I uploaded that manually
cool, thankyou.
Object to int warning when using an object as a string offset ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #81159
isset/empty doesn't throw a TypeError on invalid string offset ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #81160
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 23:00

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