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He should try chicken magmaloo every night for a week.
@ShotgunNinja How did you get on academic probation
@DeadMG Got C's and D's in a few classes earlier this year
It's senior year, and I had to take a bunch of Humanities/Social Sciences electives. Ain't nobody got time for that.
@thecoshman My understanding must be flawed -- I though the "T" stood for "three", not 17.
@JerryCoffin lol
'Humanities/Social Sciences electives' - breaches basic human rights. Should be a war crime, like waterboarding.
@JerryCoffin It does. It's the L that stands for "word".
@MartinJames Well, I'm in an actual enjoyable Humanities course next quarter - Science Fiction.
Then I have one more required Social Science elective, and I'm gonna try for Intro to Japanese.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, I guess I should have realized that. Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer (as the college text book would say about anything they couldn't prove).
@Collin no. Install SC2 instead.
Science Fiction : 'My app compiled and linked first time with no errors at all'.
@Zoidberg my coworkers are kinda lame :P won again
@JerryCoffin It's hard to prove the equality theorem by anything other than observation.
@MartinJames Computer Science Fiction, maybe.
We're studying the literary history and constructs of Science Fiction.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't have it, haven't gotten excited about buying it either
oh, bbl.
although it is much cheaper now
Intro to japanese sounds like fun. In fact, intro to any language sounds like fun, (except Chinese/Korean, of course).
@Collin Heart of The Swarm is coming out soon
@BartekBanachewicz Did you see the new trailer
@Borgleader I watched the premiere
Did they ever add LAN play?
@Collin No, why should they?
because I would use it.. spawn copies were the best
@BartekBanachewicz So people can play on a LAN.
@Borgleader Huge fucking disappointment.
@Borgleader Kinda. You can play over a LAN but you still have to have internets.
How is Kerrigan kicking ass a disappointment?
@Borgleader too bad they just copied and pasted the old one and just added a bit
@Mysticial Hahaha, I know one of those dudes
@Borgleader Because they made a huge fucking deal out of it, and then it's just a shitty cinematic, half of which was the previous cinematic.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't care too much.
you don't do "Making of Vengeance" when "Vengeance" is less than a minute of original CGI footage.
Meh, it was still neat :)
you don't hire a bunch of casters to cast a showmatch for your shitty half-a-new-trailer.
@BartekBanachewicz Well, I just stating the obvious. :P
they blew it ten billion miles out of proportion
Besides I didn't expect an entirely new trailer, these things cost a shit load to make
@R.MartinhoFernandes thank you captain
@Borgleader Why the fuss about it then -.-
It's standard "my game is about to come out" marketing strategy
fuck trailers, it's in two weeks
hype the crap out of it 2 weeks before launch
And with some luck, I'll be in 2v2 diamond by then
I want global play :(
That will be nice for EU people with NA accounts
@Borgleader An epic fail if the Vengeance event was their primary plan.
AFAIK some in Lounge too
the only thing they've succeeded with is ensuring that I never pay attention in the future
"Keep in mind that once it is released, you'll be able to switch regions on the login screen and will NOT have to download multiple StarCraft II clients."
Duh. I can't play. I have to code.
I wonder though... with global play do i still have to buy multiple copies of SC2?
@DeadMG Is there anything that doesn't disappoint you?
Oh good
@EtiennedeMartel He just builds huge expectations. Let the boy dream!
lol. I am switching rooms soon, and was informed that I got the desk in the darkest corner
@EtiennedeMartel It does happen from time to time. Unfortunately, Blizzard recently seem to be solidly in the "Never" camp.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey, I'm a pretty big idealist, but even I try to keep my head cool when around marketing bullshit.
I'm sure Daisy doesn't disappoint him
Diablo 3 was a giant mess, they failed WoL e-sports hardcore, etc.
@TonyTheLion who's Daisy?
@BartekBanachewicz his dog
@BartekBanachewicz His puppy.
can't be forever a puppy
@DeadMG D3 is a mess agreed, but failed e-sports?
must be a dog by now
@DeadMG Why must you blow everything out of proportion.
@EtiennedeMartel because.
D3 was not a "mess", it simply failed to live up the ridiculous expectations people had for it.
People expected the second coming, so of course they were disappointed.
@EtiennedeMartel All Blizzard had to do was put out D2, polish it up a bit, and then not screw it up.
I had no expectations, yet still it failed in my opinion.
not totally screw up every existing mechanic the series had.
@EtiennedeMartel well, in fairness, the "ridiculous expectations were basically "it'll be as good as the game it succeeds"
I got 60 fucking hours out of that game, which is much better than most titles these days.
But don't listen to me, because I've never really liked diablo
which, I dunno, doesn't seem all that ridiculous
I haven't played it, and it still failed in my opinion
Anyway, Blizzard has gone downhill since The Lost Vikings
so there
why, because it didn't sound attractive enough to play
@DeadMG Oh, so you wanted a D2.5?
@jalf you remember that! how cute
@Borgleader Well, they charge money for tournaments but don't do anything to support them, like in-client streaming, promotions, etc.
@BartekBanachewicz You have no idea how much time I spent on that game back in the day
there's a reason why League of Legends is now way bigger than SC2 as an e-sport
and it's because Blizzard slept on the job
I also remember the code for the last level.
@jalf Maaaan. I've played it with my dad when I was 5 or 6. I don't know how old are you so can't really put that in proportion
Weird. LoL is much more boring to watch.
Not if you're Korean
I think LoL being F2P plays a role in it too.
@EtiennedeMartel No, that was just the minimum. Obviously I'd have rather had something way better than D2. But I'd have settled for D2.5.
@BartekBanachewicz 31
I've just realized why Cicada wants to move to Korea. Starcraft. Korea. Starcraft.
@Rapptz Also because Blizzard were too dumb to allow tournaments to play SC2 on a LAN, so the players would lag/drop out/etc.
@DeadMG Well, excuse me if I want a developper to try new things instead of rehashing the same old stuff.
@EtiennedeMartel They didn't try some new things that didn't work out. They broke everything.
@EtiennedeMartel um? I think that tournaments are really fun to watch, actually. I kept watching them even when I didn't play
@DeadMG What?
@EtiennedeMartel Tbh, I didn't have ridiculous expectations and I was still disappointed. The "PvP" was tera late if it even came out. I had lag issues all throughout while I played the game. The game itself was short (especially the 4th act). And unlike with SC2 they didn't do anything creative. In SC2 some of the missions are like "holy shit thats a nice mechanic". I never had this feeling with D3, it just felt like a reskinned D2.
@EtiennedeMartel Like they did with SC2, you mean? Release a 1998-era RTS when every other game in the genre has moved on and improved on the recipe... ;)
puppy is making it sound like the world ended when that game came out
I can't say I really associate Blizzard with "trying something new" :)
@jalf Yeah, but I only like SC2 because it's a pretext to have fun with friends.
@TonyTheLion I am not. I'm merely saying that "the world of people looking forward to a new Diablo" came to an end.
their games are decent though, but hardly as great as people make them out to be
SC2 is a very good game nevertheless
In both multiplayer and campaign
@BartekBanachewicz probably not. what was it about?
i still really love D3, don't play it much anymore though
@Borgleader D2 Act 4 was very short too.
Path of Exile is a decent D2.5. It iiis always online, but it doesn't pretend to let you play only single player in your own little world, world chat and common towns and such.
@DeadMG How much time did you spend playing?

 Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
2 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@sehe Oh you got it. Alioth. Just wanted to tell you the guy responded, if you haven't noticed already.
@EtiennedeMartel Dunno. Where do I find out?
@ShotgunNinja what about it?

 The Bridge

General Arqade Chat. We tried to leave once, but the door lock...
@EtiennedeMartel speaking of which, my steam playtime stats kind of surprised me when I checked recently
@BartekBanachewicz heh. just found the follow up. Yeah, the guy did a good job of reminding me of the full severity of Debian dev culture. That's quite a feat, really.
just over 100 hours for Dark Souls
annnd 140 or something for FTL
just being a pedantic little turd and posting rooms where this would be considered on-topic.
My 2012 in gaming :)
@DeadMG Hmm, it appears you have to boot the game for that.
@sehe you mean he's a dick?
I think I've probably spent comparable time in FTL.
I've only run into about 10 Debian devs/maintainers in ernest, but the experience has been largely dominated by elitist bashing
Debian dev culture? shudders
Besides, we all know Arch is superior ;P
damn, i didn't realize ftl had that kind of depth to spend 100+ hours with it
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know. His comment was highly highly unconstructive and dismissive, though
@EindacorDS I still haven't unlocked the last ship!
@ShotgunNinja in dev culture, perhaps
and I'm not giving up
@jalf i might finally cave to pick that up, put it on the pile
@sehe Nah, they're just as much of dicks as everyone* else. The advantage to Arch is it comes essentially bare-bones when you first install it.
@sehe I've noticed.
I remember a silly war with a very prominent Debian maintainer who basically said SCons was an unreliable piece of junk
@EtiennedeMartel 137 hours and 48 minutes.
@DeadMG Yeah, a disaster.
That game really sucked.
It sucked so much you had to wade through 137 hours.
anyone have thoughts on Defiance? beta or otherwise?
@BartekBanachewicz I don't "get" what the problem with people is, that creates those attitudes. I can be curt or even dismissive, but I'll always (a) make sure my action leads somewhere or (b) refrain from action
@sehe Maybe he wrote the original C++ program? :)
@EtiennedeMartel Well, my time on better games is several hundred hours at least.
@EtiennedeMartel on the other hand, if you're not allowed to criticize a game after playing it for a long time, when are you allowed to do it?
@jalf After playing for a short time?
it's been a while since I had accurate figures, but Supreme Commander totalled 1500 hours, and Warcraft 3 and Counter-Strike Source were about 900 each.
@BartekBanachewicz Who cares. :) Possibly, though. Nah. A "Andrew Moon" wrote that
@DeadMG You might have ridiculously high standards, then.
@EtiennedeMartel You mean, before you've seen all that the game has to offer?
Too high for me.
But what if it'd turn out to be awesome later on?
@jalf Oh, the FF13 argument.
If the game is so boring that I want to stop playing, then it doesn't matter if it gets good later on.
@EtiennedeMartel Or Diablo 3 cost a lot more than most other games.
The game is badly designed.
For the Diablo hardcore, the fun has always been in the endgame. You had to invest a lot of time in it to get to the fun bit (in their view). Which means that you can't really judge the game unless you've seen the endgame
@DeadMG only game i have like that is the fifa series. play about 400 hours per year for as long as i can remember
@sehe Did you try to upload it again though?
@DeadMG I played 60 hours, and payed 60$. 1$/h. Better than most AAA games I play these days.
@BartekBanachewicz Yup. I thought you'd seen that :) I uploaded a slightly tweaked version too. Nothing with a significant performance impact though
@EtiennedeMartel Which is why I very rarely purchase AAA games.
@EtiennedeMartel I agree with that. But that's a completely different argument: if it turned out to be boring, and you keep playing, and it stays boring, does that invalidate your criticism?
@sehe Now let's wait for the results
but considering that they started from Diablo 2, it's not unreasonable to have an expectation that they would get at least the basics correct.
@jalf I mean, pleople claimed FF13 got good 15 hours in. I wouldn't stand that long.
There's a bit of difference between "abandoning a game because it starts out weak" and "persisting with a game despite a weak start, and finding out that it stays weak" :)
@EtiennedeMartel I wouldn't stand 5 minutes
I'm still traumatized from when someone made me play FF7
@jalf That's not what I said.
@BartekBanachewicz Yup. I still feel I must be doing something wrong. A python3 script yields very similar timings, but it was dismissed because (?) it doesn't do linewise input. My program does do linewise input though
@DeadMG Most of the original team had left to go get bankrupt at Flagship and then to clone it at Runic.
@DeadMG i think people treat game sequels like new albums. they always expect it to be on the same page as the first album of an artist that they love. when its a little different they consider it worse or broken
(Because fuck originality)
if they don't do that, people accuse them of just re-hashing the same shit
@EindacorDS "They changed it, now it sucks".
@sehe ~reading input from stdio in high performance tasks~
@EtiennedeMartel yeah exactly
@EtiennedeMartel there's a lot more originality in Runic's attempt though
i'm biased though, i never played D2, but i love D3
But yeah, I guess it's pretty clear by now that me and the Puppy don't have the same tastes in game.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, but I don't care about that.
that's Blizzard's problem, not mine.
I tend to play a lot of games instead of sticking to the same game for long periods of time.
@EtiennedeMartel I still haven't forgiven him for disliking some game that I liked once. I can't remember which one, but I hate him for it! ;)
i'm also biased because while playing D3, 99% of the people on the forums were D2 fans bitching and moaning that they ruined the series
"blizzard owes us!!!!!"
I'm trying to remember if I ever explictly read anything from stdio in my life. I'm fairly sure I have not.
@EindacorDS The people fell in two camps: those who wanted a D2.5 (and were naturally disappointed) and those who didn't (and got a decent, if incomplete, experience).
Hey so, this is cool.
> The Nazgul, who can be killed by a grammar loophole.
@EtiennedeMartel We didn't want a D2.5, but we would have settled for that.
instead of D-1.
So much bitterness.
@EtiennedeMartel i'm also sometimes an easy sell for games too. i try not to be as critical, since i realize games aren't tailor-made for me and have to have some sort of mass appeal
I'm fucking easy to please.
Well it's time to make matters insignificant by mentioning a worst offender: Duke Nukem Forever.
My game of the year 2012 was Borderlands 2, despite its huge flaws.
@EtiennedeMartel You bastard! Having all the fun!
@EtiennedeMartel That's what she said.
@Borgleader hahaha, i loved all the coverage of that game
@EtiennedeMartel it was nice indeed
people were so incensed
I still can't believe Duke Nukem Forever got released
I also had loads of fun with XCOM: Enemy Unknown and Far Cry 3.
@EtiennedeMartel oooh yeah, XCOM. I got a lot of playtime out of that too
@EtiennedeMartel That honestly worries me a bit -- by strong preference (at least IMO) programmers should be harder to please than almost any potential customer.
And I get the feeling that games are getting better.
@EtiennedeMartel FC3 was so strange
I wrote this whole thing with Python 3.3 only to find out that Reviewboard's command line tool only works with Python 2.7.
loved the gameplay, but the story was hilariously sketchy
Honestly, anyone who gets really upset about games in 2012 played the wrong games. There were so many good games released, why waste your time on the ones you disliked?
@JerryCoffin Why would they? The only difference would be that a programmer would judge the technical side more harshly. But modern games are generally well made, so that wouldn't be an issue.
@Xeo Welcome to the schizophrenic world of "fuck-backward-compatibility"!
@EindacorDS Yeah, Mighty Whitey and all that.
@Xeo oooopsie
@jalf because people love to complain
Is Far Cry 3 similar to Far Cry 2?
And it seems 2.7's "ConfigParser" wasn't written as an iterable, it seems.
Far Cry 2 sucked when compared to Far Cry, the original game.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actually fucking backward compatibility feels good
How the fuck do you loop that thing in 2.7. :|
@wilx Same core concepts, but much better execution.
@EtiennedeMartel Why would they or why should they?
@JerryCoffin I don't know.
Bleh. Far Cry 2's story sucked, IMHO.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ooh, I live there. (adobe Flex is terrible. if you ever even hear the name, run)
playing far cry really just made me crave another just cause
@BartekBanachewicz yeah - the benchmark is exceedingly silly. The contributions are even more silly (using pthreads or openmp?! it's sequential input output... unless indeed I'm missing a crucial part of the problem)
@wilx FC3's story did too, but I was too busy killing people with a bow to notice.
> You may well be happy with your current job in Poland and not interested in traveling/moving , but if this isn't the case or you are looking for a new challenge in a new land, then let me introduce you to www.king.com/ apps.facebook.com/king_com who are hiring across 5 locations inc London - we make casual, social, mobile fun games
I can't wait to make casual, social, mobile fun games
sign me up
@EtiennedeMartel you play a rich white douchebag who tries to save his gang of other rich white douchebags
@BartekBanachewicz Guess what I do.
@EtiennedeMartel lol...?
@EtiennedeMartel My condolences.
@sehe the crucial part is the whole language benchmarking idea
@EindacorDS Yeah. While recklessy driving in the jungle and killing people with hilarious accents.
@EtiennedeMartel i still envy that if it makes you feel better
@BartekBanachewicz Well, technically, I don't work on the games per se. But they pay my salary.
@EindacorDS Is that a game about the NHL lockout?
I could move after I finish my uni. To Germany, perhaps.
@EtiennedeMartel Glasgow?
@Borgleader haha, could be
@EtiennedeMartel yea. That's different from making casual, social ...
@BartekBanachewicz hahah
@BartekBanachewicz What I'm saying is: my employer makes casual, social, mobile fun games. But I don't.
@MartinJames More like South African. I think.
He just drinks beer on fridays :P
@BartekBanachewicz Soon the Lounge's official language will be German!
@EtiennedeMartel uh, I'm saying that it's not that bad. Not as bad as actually making casual, social...
@R.MartinhoFernandes We got this close to switch to French, actually.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't see anything about making such games in that quote.
@R.MartinhoFernandes We should set one day a week german only. I've already recommended this awhile ago
Haha - that ^ was a bit of a shock. Until I realized I had gotten lost on Meta
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nonononono! My customers will be on here :((
> ConfigParser instance has no attribute __getitem__
@sehe learn to paint and rectangle
@BartekBanachewicz the screenshot is complete adequate
@EtiennedeMartel zhis close, FTFY
@BartekBanachewicz wat?
@Borgleader "ziss"
@BartekBanachewicz "free hand circles"
@BoltClock Phrase : learn to <noun>.
@BartekBanachewicz lern2freehandcircles.
@Rapptz freehand attention markers
c-c-c-c-c-ombo breaker
Sexy Bear.
A: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXIMeme: Freehand Circles Originator: TheTXI Cultural Height: TBD See Also: Here, Here, Here, ...and Here as answer to this post

This room was placed in timeout for 10 seconds; the topic of this room is "Code Warriors Anonymous" - conversation should be limited to that topic.
Hey guys how does this thing work
Did not...
lol wtf
Or, as my opponent in SC2 said (some random dude) "this no fun you low bye"
@BoltClock That's really cool.
what the hell
@BoltClock WAT
@R.MartinhoFernandes That was actually the page I was on when I found that unnerving rep page
giant numbers
Oh god, the power's gone to his head.
Maybe it doesn't work against room owners? :)
Since when is that a feature?!?!
@Borgleader Mod only.
@Xeo or/and trusted user list
@R.MartinhoFernandes Figures, but I've never seen that before
@R.MartinhoFernandes Room owners can talk during timeout? Huh, interesting
Holy fucking shit.
Or was the timeout already over by the time you...
Try that again, with a 10 minute timeout this time.
@BoltClock no, it wasn't
@BoltClock I think it was about five seconds in.
Try a bigger time interval.
just not 10 minutes goddamit
like 30 seconds.
Timeout seems really useful though.
I actually thought my CSS was breaking
I'd like to have it as a tool.
@BoltClock Premature elapsation
Like when people start talking about spaces vs tabs: post link to Great Indentation War, timeout!
It'd be a lower-level guardian spell
'England is a nation of secret boozers, with more than a third of the population drinking unhealthy quantities of alcohol, new research suggests.' Not very secret - in our village, the wine-bottle recycle skip is the first one to fill up.
Maybe one of you should run for mod.
@Rapptz Ha
@Rapptz :effort: :notime: :notheywillallhateme:
Searching meta
Aww... did I miss the timeout?
@Mysticial 10 secs only
Always Late Mysticial.
Anyways, how the fuck can I coerce Python 2.7 into playing nice. T_T
@Xeo you should be a comedian.
@Xeo wha?
What issues are you having?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Woa. You really got pissed by that.
@Xeo beat it with a stick. snakes hate sticks
The issue is he wrote something in 3.3 that needs to be processed by 2.7.
Got an issue? Grab a tissue.
@EtiennedeMartel oh snap
I'm off. Last match of the group stage.
good luck?
@Rapptz No config["stuff"] indexing in 2.7 for ConfigParser

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