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Holy shit it compiles and passes all preexisting tests.
Weird, I didn't even fix the assignment ops.
maybe your tests have bugs?
Maybe your bugs have bugs
Hurray, variant<int, std::unique_ptr<int>> is copy constructible no more!
@Code-Guru What I'd try is having Hand = ([Card], Rank) and comparing that, since it's all the information you need to decide; sort cards by value and zip two hands together and then comparing each pair is trivial; in Rank keep only highest face values where needed and on tie compare that; should work
I'm tired though so vOv
> error| expected a type, got 'stored_type'
here we go again
So much witchcrafts and goat sacrifices. I'd need two Johannes to exorcise the place properly.
Okay, I get why it compiles so easily. As it turns out, I only have one operator= that's not a special member.
Fix'd that 'not enough parameters to apply' nonsense (by renaming namespace scope apply to result_of_apply).
Anyone has an opinion on assignment op of e.g. variant<int&, /* whatever */>?
erm. yeah. fishy :)
what would it default initialize to?
Assignment ops don't do that. Usually.
Okay, I'm a glutton for punishment. Time to fix and then start compiling the recursive variant bits.
Oh... I guess that compilation won't terminat
Fuckin swap'd.
Hi all, wish u a happy coding day!
@Deepeshkumar huh ?
Hi nullPointe
@Deepeshkumar hellow ... is there something like coding day ?
No.. i mean wish u a happy coding
I hate yooou.
hey people
"Everybody should learn how to program a computer coz it helps u how to think"...
^^ is that for troll this room ^^
The we'd be out of jobs
@Deepeshkumar and what do you mean by program a computer ?
Not me Steve Job had said that
... ^ German?
Feb 20 at 13:59, by Lightness Races in Orbit
New here? Do us a favour, and read this.
@ScottW nooooooooo :P
@ScottW its awesome ...and more annoying ... lol
@ThePhD swedish for "item charge"
Can anyone tell me a logic to find larger primes? My logic is like, "generate a number , check whether it is odd if its odd check if its prime...only even which is prime is 2 so add 2 to the list afterwards"
@ThePhD I suppose it would mean "load object", rather, but that was what GT gave me
It's probably load object.
@Deepeshkumar very simple if its divide by 2,3,7,5 than not prime
@Deepeshkumar Ow come on. If you're going to break it down in steps, word it properly (this is no language issue: computers are less forgiving). Also, Sieve Of Erastothenes
In mathematics, the sieve of Eratosthenes (), one of a number of prime number sieves, is a simple, ancient algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to any given limit. It does so by iteratively marking as composite (i.e. not prime) the multiples of each prime, starting with the multiples of 2. The multiples of a given prime are generated starting from that prime, as a sequence of numbers with the same difference, equal to that prime, between consecutive numbers. This is the sieve's key distinction from using trial division to sequentially test each candidate number for divisibility by...
@Deepeshkumar Anyways. This question has been answered dozens of times before on a site you might know: Stack Overflow, see e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/…
i know but didnt find a satsisfactory answer there...
@NullPointer, thanx for help
@Deepeshkumar Then it appears you (a) have to learn how to search. (b) realize that if dozens of people answering this question weren't "Satisfactory", then what do you expect us to provide you with?
@ScottW Damn. You're right. I'm off! almost 5 am
@ScottW Oh you can bet it's "late" with me. I don't particularly like "early"
lol, I just woke up
Anyways. I hope your wife doesn't have stubs already :)
Good night
@sehe have u solved project euler problem 10?
> why duz it hafe to be like 30 letters???
@Mysticial lol ...
So much trollerificness.
I should start earning rep.
But I feel like if I start taking answering lots of questions seriously, I'll get very sad.
Rep is bought with happiness.
@StackedCrooked Nah. Help people out. Be happy. Ignore rep -- help enough people out, and it'll take care of itself.
Gonna enable my RSS notifier plugin again so I get notified of new C++ questions.
@JerryCoffin Are you Gandhi?
@StackedCrooked No. I'm Buddha. Well, at least I have the belly to be a Buddha, anyway.
@JerryCoffin lol
wah wah :D
belly is really problem
Q: How to optimise a simple application

Mr UniverseBelow is a very simple bit of code that works out prime numbers (for example). For those interested, i will show how this seemingly optimum code can be enhanced for more than 30% more speed. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <math.h> int main(int argc, char* argv...

What the hell.
1. Why is that in Feeds
2. He says std::cout with string is a bottleneck, but is still flushing with std::endl
c++-faq tag
which I removed
3. What the fuck is going on in that question? Dx
@ThePhD IO is always a bottleneck.
What a dirty self-answering question.
It's not dirty.
It's a bad q&a though.
> this seemingly optimum code
@StackedCrooked That was pretty laughable, especially since his "optimized" version still isn't very close to optimum. You can do quite a bit more to quickly screen out quite a few obvious composites.
Oh wow.
It got closed.
Sucks to be that guy.
Of course, if you're going to check many numbers of primacy, you usually want to start with a sieve of Erathosthenes to generate primes as candidate divisors, so you're only doing trial division by numbers you start out knowing are prime.
Hello everyone!
I have this little question: why does GCC accept non-constexpr sizes for arrays?
Is it an extension?
VLA is an extension yes
C99 feature
Oh. I'll just disable it then.
I had that same experience with an argument with a teacher. He won.
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
^ Instant http server.
@MarkGarcia If you pass -pedanticerrors or whatever it'll fail to compile
@Rapptz I'll do that. Tnx.
@ScottW HAHA
@MarkGarcia It's -pedantic-errors
-pedantic if you just want them to be warnings.
VLA might help prevent heap fragmentation in some cases.
But questionable.
Wait a second
Why does it have to be constexpr
Doesn't it just have to be const ?
@ThePhD I just used it as a short term for "constant expression".
If the value for all intents and purposes can be const,
might as well have it compile.
It's silly to let a pedantic thing like that get in the way.
Enum never let me down :)
static const in header files did let me down a few times.
I changed the value and after recompiling the program ran with the old value.
@StackedCrooked D:
My pirated spore was buggy so I broke down and bought it. Still has the same bugs :( No plants or trees in the creature stage, only "Level 1" and "Level 2" opponents, after which I run out of opponents and cannot progress in the game :(
static const is a meanieface stupidbutt.
@MooingDuck Sure the pirated copy isn't corrupting the real version?
uninstalled pirate version before I installed new version
At last. They've changed the download window in Firefox 19.
And I can now have a separate private browsing window!
@MarkGarcia huh? doesn't it still have that stupid popup download "window" ?
@MarkGarcia or did they switch back to the sane download window
@CatPlusPlus Loungeitis, eh?
Rayman Legends released today! Oh, wait, oh, um, this is awkward...
Unit tests build in ~75 seconds instead of ~70 with -Og and now there's a check that's now tripped. Can't say I'm impressed.
@sehe awesome
Yeah, I don't think -Og has much of an impact on my code. Oh well, can't say I'm worried about it.
@LucDanton: And the 75 seconds is with just -O0? What is the code size difference?
I don't know. It doesn't matter.
@wilx Other way around.
Well, the point of -Og is to give better than none optimization to still debuggable builds.
I.e. that are full of symbols.
Q: Easy GUI for c++

Harshil SharmaI want to know a ways to create GUI for c++ program which is as easy to implement as Swing in Java. I'm using Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 8 (if that helps). If this isn't the right place to post questions like this, then please suggest an appropriate place for the same. Thank You

> Easy
> C++
That combination doesn't exist. :-P
@melak47 Oh. It's firefox 20 (beta).
@MarkGarcia There's a Firefox 20?
Did they skip several major version numbers?
@Insilico There are three firefox channels: stable(v19), beta(v20), aurora(~v21) (current version numbers).
@MarkGarcia How come I haven't heard of versions 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18?
Or do they have zero correlation with the version number found in the "About Firefox" dialog box?
@Insilico ^ Mine's 20.0.
WTF the Firefox installation on my computer is ancient already.
Are they considering all minor updates to be major updates too or what's going on with the versioning?
Rapid release cycle crap
a la Google Chrome
I've not used chrome for a while. But when I do, I check for updates. Nothing yet.
they used to be slow
Aren't chrome updates completely invisible?
@Ell Sometimes.
@sehe I'm done migrating. Go ahead!
I was surprised at Fireox's versioning...
Every release is a major update. I don't know how they managed to make it to such an incredibly high number (20)
Again, rapid release. They basically ship major updates more often
Good thing they have automatic updates now like Chrome does
The automatic updates were... really broken in Firefox 14 and below...
I remember that shit freaking out on my so hard. =[
Hmm freaking out how?
It would always attempt to update itself.
And when it did, it would say it worked, but really failed.
It would then do it again upon reopning.
It was nightmarish.
A large chunk of extensions and Flash would also go kaboom regularly too.
Automatic updates are still not that automatic for firefox. Sometimes, you still have to manually go to the about window for that.
@MarkGarcia Yeah
For me anyway
@Insilico no, they're shipping a version every 6 weeks, with whichever features are available
@MarkGarcia er, no
Is there anyone here who knows UDK ? (I know this is a c++ forum but the damn UDK forums have gotten me in a moderation Queue and this chat is probably the only place I have gotten actual answers to questions )
If you leave it alone it will download the new version within a couple of days (I assume they spread it out a little bit to reduce server load, as opposed to having all clients downloading the moment an update becomes available). And once it's downloaded, it will install the next time you restart the browser. It is fully automatic
@jalf Difference between "automatic" and "instant" I see
Q: Is HTTPS connection hijacking possible?

Gam ErixThis really bothers me a long time, because.. to encrypt / decrypt data you first need to send a encryption key / decryption key (on an unencrypted connection) to the computer you are comunicating with, right? If a hacker captures that key HTTPS is useless.. or not? Or am I thinking the wrong...

Also, I guess it might be possible to disable the updater service they install, in which case you obviously won't get automatic installs :)
@GamErix Learn about assymetrical encryption
Anyone here extract the materials from an FBX?
what's an FBX?
Frame Buffer eXtreme?
Autodesk FilmBoX, their 3D Interchange Data Format
I bet Autodesk can do it then :)
@ThePhD Use assimp.
A: Why is it possible to sniff an HTTPS / SSL request?

Thomas C. G. de VilhenaYou can't break https unless you have access to the session symmetric key. In short, https sessions work this way: Client and server exchange some initial information Using this information the client is able to authenticate the server, making sure it is trust worth The client uses the server's...

@MarkGarcia I guess I could use Assimp.
I've already gotta fairly deep into loading it with just the FBX SDK, though.
@BoltClock A funny name for a horrible disease
@ThePhD I also recommend using COLLADA.
Question regarding `auto`:

When iterating over a list (with no intent to modify its elements), do I have to write :

for (const auto& item : list)


fo(auto item : list)

Is the same ?
@MarkGarcia Yeah... no.
COLLADA is a giant XML mess. No thank you.
Write auto&& unless you want a copy then write auto
They're not the same, no.
@ThePhD It's not meant to be fed directly to engines. It's very good as an exchange format.
Gaaah, I shouldn't have been awake till 4:30 x_x
@MarkGarcia I'm feeding my things directly to a game engine.
FBX is much better in that regard.
auto&& ? I'm not sure I get the reason.
@Xeo High five
(And no, I don't want to copy)
Collada is for when you want to export a format that needs to work in some ridiculous application, I.E. Google Maps.
It's 9:30 now and I'm sleepy as fuck. :(
@CatPlusPlus Question, does auto&& essentially mov the contents of each item out of the underlying container?
Does that mean your container will be filled with dead-ish values?
No, that's silly
Why would it do that
I dunno.
&& still feesl like rvalues to me, and rvalues mean move the data out from the previous one.
@ThePhD no
Of course, I know nothing about prvalues and rvalues and xvalues. :3c
&&, by itself, never does anything
It's only when you construct a new T from an xvalue.
That's why std::move is such a confusing misnomer.
morning all
Chalk it up to C++ for making confusing names out of everything, yet again.
I see the many types of values in C++ are causing butt hurt again
Not really butthurt just yet, moreso curious.
In any case, I should stop wasting my time and get up... gaaaah...
Get up and do what? o_O
Also, dear lord FBX. WHat are you doing? Dx
1 Material Per Polygon ?
Is this thing mad? D:
I guess I should remember that this is meant for things like 3ds and Maya which operate primarily as Raytracers, and would probably have a material per polygon...
@Xeo you give yourself a hernia?
@ThePhD well, I am sure they have blending of many materials on a polygon
At the moment, there's only 2 materials: one for his head (index 0) and one for his body (index 1)
and I doubt many people still use hard polygons much any more, all splines and what not
problem is, my arists went and blended all his vertices together
so now the model is just one thing, and so I have to figure out how to separate out the materials and for which vertices and blabhabhabhahbahbahb.
Artists. ~_~
I really am ashamed of myself:
@ThePhD Get to work?
Q: What's the meaning of [=](...){...} in C++?

user1412366What is the effect of this statement: std::replace_if(ln.begin(),ln.end(),[=](int c){return c=='\n'||c==' ';},0); Specifically, I'd like to know: What's the meaning of [=](int c){return c=='\n'||c==' ';} Where's the grammar for this defined?

Close votes
@ThePhD just get him to re-export the model
@Xeo got 1k rep going spare?
@thecoshman Huh?
Whoa wait a second wasn't Xeo's rep in teh 60's?
Why is it only 51.2K? D:
No, 51k
Sadface is sad.
I thought you had more rep. :c
@Xeo you need 3k to vote, I am only 2k :P
I never had as much rep as, say, the puppy or robot.
Also, getting up to work is lame. Stay in bed and chat with us all day. <3
@thecoshman Oh, lol
Brb, setting bounties...
@ThePhD Yeah.. it's not like it's still my trial period or anything, right?
Shoo, shoo with you!
Also @thecoshman WTF you only have 2k Rep?!
Dx I thought you had at least 10K!!
What the hell is going on? D:
Btw @ThePhD, your rep display seems to have a bug. Your first two digits are flipped.
@Xeo whos?
must make bigger
one more
You're sooooo 2011.
nope, that looks right to me... 2011
@Xeo What
@CatPlusPlus Last time I saw his rep it was 131 :P
@ThePhD well yeah, I don't rep whore like most of the people here :P
I guess I should have 131 rep. D:
... I could start answering questions for rep...
mawning Cat, Pirate, Anime character and ThePHD
... But... just look at this:
Q: byte[] receiverByte = new byte[BUFFER];

user1954391i want some help with the following line of code i am writing my code into c language and i want some replacement for following line of code in java So please help me and suggest some alternative how can i modify it for my c code.i am waiting for line of code. thanks.. byte[] receiverByte =...

@Xeo erm... if you are seriously planning that, don't
This is terrible. I don't want to answer these questions. D:
Those are easy rep
@TonyTheLion sexually orientated lion
@TonyTheLion Moorniing.
Also, lol.
The first answer to that question is horrible.
@thecoshman porn
@ThePhD Stop following the wrong tags.
It says to use new.
But the OP is asking for C code.
There's no new in C.
What a jokeshow answerer. ._.
@ThePhD "There's no new in C." lol
@ThePhD It's tagged Java.
@MarkGarcia Well, there isn't! D:
At least not when I last checked. :c
@Xeo Java toooo C.
@TonyTheLion that's my stereotype!
I guess I should see if I can get a little rep...
What tags should I be looking in to score myself some easy rep?
Is this a serious question?
@ThePhD ones you know stuff about, obviously
@ThePhD All about web. ;)
@ThePhD Just follow Jon Skeet's path.
Oh, and now we know @sehe full name.
do people self nominate to be a mod?
@BoltClock No... maybe. Sort of. >_>
@thecoshman Yes
@BoltClock what sort of 'nomination' is that?
@thecoshman Vanity
@thecoshman Yes. And they can only nominate themselves.
I thought it was standard practice for nominations that others have to nominate you?
@BartekBanachewicz what?
@thecoshman Yeah, well, we're non-standard apparently
no don't post it here
¬_¬ I nominate my self, my about me would be '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻'
My about would be: I tend to appear when someone mentions sex
@BartekBanachewicz aye, out of respect, keep it to your self
He posted it publicly inthe first place, it's not like I am stalking him
hmm... problem with closeing this as a dupe, is that it relies on someone looking for a similar question to know that symbols [](){} are a lamda. Is there question with the syntax in the title this can closed as dupe of instead of the one currently proposed by @ecatmur — thecoshman 12 mins ago
@xeo, @cat, @tony ^
you did wrong
Anyway @sehe the guy has responded that "the uploader works and you should try again until it works for you" :P
Tee hee, I just answered an ezpz question. x3
Baabaa black sheep (a lamb, duh). — Mark Garcia 21 mins ago
That's enough Stack Overflow for today
@CatPlusPlus ah you taking a puppy approach? Just trash anything in site?
Oh my god I could get like
addicted to doing this
<3 <3 <3
@BoltClock Two puns already. Sadly, many more to go.

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