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10:00 PM
Yup, it's #define ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) { BREAKPOINT(); } else (void)0
@BartekBanachewicz Virtually everything, but mostly the level of abstraction is wrong for almost everything -- it's low level enough that it requires the designer to micro-manage almost everything to get decent results, but high level enough that taking that level of control requires constantly jumping through flaming hoops.
ugh I feel like I'm being entirely dumb: void LoadGLForSFML(sfml::Window& w); what is wrong with that function declaration?
I wrote an assert header that breaks right there with no callstack crap
@doug65536 ROCKET_BREAK is an unconditional break. don't want to go replace that everywhere...
(And possibly with logging)
10:00 PM
@Ell error message? Have you included the appropriate header?
I wrote a CRASH macro before
@CatPlusPlus _CrtDbgBreak
To unconditionally crash :v:
` variable or field ‘LoadGLForSFML’ declared void`
@JerryCoffin you seem to like "almost everything" phrase. I am not making a webpage. I am making GUI for a game.
10:00 PM
I'll double check
@Cicada No, __builtin_trap()
@CatPlusPlus ...could be useful.
@Ell Can you show us some surrounding code?
It was, to test crash handling code
@CatPlusPlus both are non-standard, so...
10:01 PM
@FredOverflow Probably missing class brace.
Yeah :) But you'll need a welding mask else you'll probably be permanently blinded
Or function brace
Any brace.
something like this is much better than <cassert>
AFAIR _CrtDbgBreak is a macro too
The real intrinsic is called __debugbreak()
that's even better
10:02 PM
Yeah that's right
breaks right there with no need to screw around with calls etc
It's a macro on __debugbreak
@Ell Xeo might be on to something, does your editor have automatic indenting? Then missing braces should become immediately obvious.
-D_CrtDbgBreak on linux
Fuck off <tchar.h>.
10:02 PM
No bleh
Don't define _CrtDbgBreak yourself :cripes:
Besides, it's a reserved identifier and you shouldn't be using it
@BartekBanachewicz When condensing a large book ("what's wrong with HTML") down to a couple of lines of text, generalizations like "almost everything" are a matter of necessity rather than fondness.
10:03 PM
it doesn't use tchar anyway, that's there from before
I've never had serious problems with HTML.
On the other hand I did have problems with each and every GUI system I've used
@FredOverflow The namespace name was sf not sfml >.<
@Ell Wow, that's a horrible error message.
What compiler did you use again?
yeah, let's litter our code with debugging if's then bitch about an assert helper
10:05 PM
gcc - but I realised it said this the line after error: ‘sfml’ has not been declared. I apologise for wasting your time!
people will bitch just about anything anyway
so why not about an assert helper
@Cicada Why not about Zoidberg?
@Ell gcc apologized for wasting your time? How polite.
@Xeo Boring
10:06 PM
bah, whatever, I am happy, because I finally found the library of my dreams
@FredOverflow If only.
I just did this:
#pragma once
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define BREAKPOINT _CrtDbgBreak();
#ifdef _LINUX
#define BREAKPOINT asm volatile ("int3;");
@Ell Why the volatile?
@FredOverflow forces optimizer not to move it
without volatile, it is subject to CSE etc
@doug65536 Eh, optimizer shouldn't be allowed to move that anyways, an interrupt is a side-effect.
10:07 PM
@BartekBanachewicz HTML reminds me of GWBASIC -- people who are using think it's really cool, and can't imagine how the rest of the world disagrees. Then 2 weeks after they try something that doesn't suck, they take one look back, go to the bathroom, vomit a few times, and can't quite imagine how they put up with that crap for so long. Unfortunately, getting rid of HTML will be next to impossible.
it doesn't know its an interrupt
^^that I think, I just found it on a stack overflow answer. tbh I was more concerned about not getting compile errors so I didn't bother reading into it
@JerryCoffin I've tried numerous things as a gui for C++ programs. Each and every sucked terribly
@BartekBanachewicz IOW you're not a webdev
@CatPlusPlus Of course I am not!
10:08 PM
HTML has gotten a lot better
the things after the string give it inputs/outputs/dependencies/etc. the compiler basically does text insertions into the string and places it in the asm
HTML status: still a terrible piece of shit
@BartekBanachewicz Qt and GTK are decent
@JerryCoffin Was GWBASIC part of MS DOS? Somehow the name seems familiar.
I can think of being a webdev if Lua was in all browsers
HTML5 is a lot better though
10:09 PM
@CatPlusPlus Qt is piece of crap. Never used GTK
C++ sucks for GUIs in general
@BartekBanachewicz Agreed -- most of them do. And yes, compared to that morass, HTML clearly has some advantages.
Because it's a thing that can be heavily simplified with type reification
And reflection
@CatPlusPlus false, wrong, fucking misconception and one of the reasons for the current state of afairs
@BartekBanachewicz :words:
10:10 PM
C++ can do anything.
@FredOverflow Either part of or at least included with MS-DOS, yes.
@BartekBanachewicz inb4 "strict infinite array"
@JerryCoffin see? Let's keep it cool.
Oh god, you're this guy that was all C++ IS A ART NOTHING IS POSSIBLE
@JerryCoffin I used GWBASIC as a kid and thought it was decent.
10:10 PM
Yes make me a strict infinite array
And stop with this bullshit jesus
C++ has no reflection
it has
It's a fucking fact
put a mirror
and it has
for you everything you don't agree with is a bullshit
No, it's a vampire
10:10 PM
so in general, one can't have a reasonable discussion without being insulted
@BartekBanachewicz "Better than most existing GUI libraries" definitely falls under "damning with faint praise."
and I am stopping right there. have fun with your own little reality.
10:11 PM
that's the smiley i was looking for
@BartekBanachewicz heh. lounge.
I am outta here.
@CatPlusPlus you meant IMpossible, right? :)
@FredOverflow But would you voluntarily use it now?
10:12 PM
I am available for plinking. See you.
@JerryCoffin I used it for vocabulary trainers and address books and very simple games. I wouldn't use it for anything more advanced, and I never believed it should be.
@CatPlusPlus Do you have a link?
Oh btw @FredOverflow, your version of the mapL made me understand uncurry, I think.
I mean jesus fuck I'm talking about FACTS here and you go all "hurf blurf you just don't agree and it's always blurf derp hlurf" are we seriously discussing something or will you handwave anything I say (fyi you're a hypocrite) because of some dumb preconception
uncurry is simple.
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
10:13 PM
I mean FUCK
Function "takes" two args you make it a function that takes a tuple instead.
if the preprocessor is perfect for the job, why screw around with some pedantic technique? just get it done ffs
This makes me unreasonably angry
Meh, is this still true? 'thread::id comparisons not well-defined'
@Zoidberg Yeah, that I understand now.
10:14 PM
@BartekBanachewicz meh. get used to it. this room gets me mad one day out of two. i still come back. i have no idea why the fuck, though
And curry does the reverse.
You made me angry because of retarded discussion technique of a 3-year-old child with brain damage HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY
asdf;lhasdfhasldkfj vnsaduf
I'm done
ITT: Angry Poles.
We still love you Cat.
@Cicada it's because this room is an addiction
10:15 PM
I want to be drunk again
The new Rovio Game.
we need Lounge<C++> rehab
@refp evenin'
@Ell r/rehab/kebab/
10:15 PM
@Ell long time no see, how are you doing?
@Zoidberg you can never get enough of kebab
@refp You have never seen eachother you noob.
@refp I'm doing just dandy :) how about you?
@FredOverflow It was never a problem for really simple things -- some people really did some pretty impressive stuff with it, but the code to do so was usually pretty awful (e.g., purely interpreted, so don't include any comments, cause they really would slow its execution).
@Zoidberg I've seen you
I'm watching you now
hmm.. I know I've said this in the past, but I really need to write that so-chat to IRC proxy, this chat is driving me crazy
10:16 PM
Not IRL. :c
yes IRL. I watch you while you sleep
@Ell I'm fine thanks :)
@Zoidberg IOW, the resulting function unpacks a tuple into the arguments of the passed function.
@Cat @Bartek you two should meet and have a drink together and become friends and whatnot
@CatPlusPlus I think you have been mistaking @BartekBanachewicz for another user.
10:16 PM
That's what I understood.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit, now I gained more confidence over myself now. If such a person is a C++ expert, then I can definitely call myself C++ super expert now. It also explains why C++ is evolving so slowly and losing its popularity. It is because standard committee is filled by those non-creative guys. Actually C++ itself is an art, and lots of powerful paradigms are found by programmers, not by the committee guys. — icando yesterday
@Xeo :P
yay, building librocket for 64bit didn't take any more source changes..
@Zoidberg in one of these: youtube.com/watch?v=BrfAWHHVz50
10:17 PM
inhabitants of Lounge<C++> should I write the SO chat to IRC proxy in C++, just for the hell of it?
@Zoidberg The signature is so beautiful, will you star it for me? ;)
@Cicada I like him, of course. Just don't tell it to him, because whilst he is an epic programmer, his mindset is a bit... narrow? And maybe he can open up a bit.
@refp Eh, IRC doesn't support edits, so you'd need a special client.
@Xeo just delay all messages past editing deadline :p
He's the very definition of narrow. But under the fur there's a purring heart waiting for friendship and pancakes!!
10:18 PM
@melak47 Erm
@Xeo that can be written as a plugin, the IRC proxy will add a user such as "Housekeeping"/"Housekeeper" and write out when someone changes a message
@Xeo problem? :)
@Cicada Admit it. You're one of those people who holds up a mirror when tourists come through your town, so what they end up with is pictures of themselves taking pictures of themselves.
or similar
or just send a NOTICE or whatever
@melak47 I don't know, I'm not a friend of 2min latency.
10:18 PM
I have a lot of experience (more, less, but if I'm talking about something sucking then I USED IT JESUS) with different weird things because I experiment a lot with different weird things, and because of that I have a lot of opinions about these things and state of software in general and GUIs happen to be one of those things I'm ~particularly~
interested in and I've tried this and that and the simple fact remains that HTML is NOT AS GOOD as it could be and things like XAML are simply better for describing GUIs declaratively. And I had to make this message multiline because it's all :words:
Now I'm done
Get me a drink
aka 4min turnaround
@refp Don't write Internet stuff in C++, it's almost always a waste of time. Your programs will just be (potentially) more efficient at waiting for IO.
NOTICE might be better, than clients can handle it the way they'd like
@FredOverflow it's fun.. but no, I'll probably write it in perl
@FredOverflow But what if I just like writing stuff in C++? :(
@JerryCoffin Oh that'd be great
10:19 PM
Also, servers.
@Cicada you know, there are People there. For me it's mostly the constant motivation of the better guys. More projects, more knowledge, more rep than me makes me want to develop every day. And pursue them. And one fucking day show Nicol that I can be as good as him. And in return, maybe, someone here will say something nice about my cubes :)
@CatPlusPlus but you do have punctuation in there :p
@BartekBanachewicz Nice boobs.
err I mean cubes
@Xeo Come on, you must have a secret affair with another language besides C++. Use that for Internet stuff.
(And yes I will get angry if you're dismissing things I say to you based on some bullshit generalised preconception)
10:20 PM
@FredOverflow Haskell is seducing me lately, but otherwise I'm pure! Or not! But I'm faithful!
@Cat Maybe you could accept that I can also know something and have some experience? Just sayin'
@BartekBanachewicz :wow we're all learning so much right now thanks:
@Xeo What do you mean, otherwise? Haskell is the definition of pure :)
@JerryCoffin Metapictures.
cops have the issue of eventually assuming everyone is a jerk. developers have the issue of assuming everyone is an idiot.
10:21 PM
@FredOverflow my secret affair is with C99. It was rape really, university forced me :(
@FredOverflow Yes, but C++ is not.
@Cicada I hate you :)
@Cicada Ahaha
Props to Luc for that evil sentence
or maybe I'll write it in (node).js
10:22 PM
@melak47 A university that teaches C99? Why?
C99 is old.
@FredOverflow systems programming class :/
Use C11.
@FredOverflow they ran out of prolog
@BartekBanachewicz I'm not saying you don't
10:22 PM
node.js it is
But you asked me why HTML is bad for GUIs and I told you why: layouting is very manual
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, but I don't get angry about it :)
If you like something else more, that's cool.
so how do I gooey with xamel in sepples?
@Xeo Did you get to harcore monad stuff yet?
(You can make fun of me getting angry over Internet all day long, I'll be making fun of myself for that because it's a dumb thing to do)
10:23 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes No and no
I'm laughing at you right now
At least we made ya laugh
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you know we have a new Haskell chat room now? We're currently debating Objective-C, C# and Zoidlang over there.
I'm also retarded and didn't notice that I was using wrong font for a year
10:24 PM
In fact, I didn't continue my Haskell version of deps yet because I found out about gcc -MMD, remember?
I profiled Debug build, remember?
@CatPlusPlus hahah, that was hilarious.
@CatPlusPlus times new roman because you typoed ..what was it you wanted to use?
Courier New not Times
I typed Deja Vu Sans Mono instead of DejaVu Sans Mono
@CatPlusPlus As a modern C++ programmer, Courier New makes me nervous.
10:26 PM
I don't really know any fonts by name...except Comic Sans. maybe lucida console ;_;
@melak47 I like Segoe UI for non-mono.
Calibri and Consolas are nice
people think I'm retarded because I can tell them which fonts are used in the ads and such
I don't know I thought it was pretty standard knowledge
@Cicada you aren't retarded; just special
10:27 PM
maybe when we're all dead and buried they'll make a programmer font that doesn't have identical l and 1
No that's just OCD
Or something
nah. OCD would be if she picked font for an hour
i do that too actually
...you do? (too slow)
Interesting facts of life.
10:28 PM
You're here
@ThePhD mwahwahwha
i spent nearly a day choosing a font for a web app
@ThePhD Sorry, nobody here is normal.
trying ALL boldnesses
Aslo, minicraft just compiled with LibRocket
10:29 PM
"aw no 700 is too heavy"
"but then 400 is too light! FUCK"
how about 650 then?
( 700 + 400 ) / 2 ?
y'know, bisection
Yes that's OCD
Oh god order of operations q_q
10:29 PM
@ThePhD That would have been 900 before the edit :)
@BartekBanachewicz It only goes in step by 100
@ThePhD your so lame
@FredOverflow I realized..
whose so lame
his so lame
10:30 PM
Bam, parenthesis
@Cicada is it...fontist? if I say they all look the same to me? ._.
And spaces within parenthesis
spacis* FTFY
They don't all look the same, but beyond "I can tell letters apart" there's little that matters about font choice
@melak47 don't feel offented
10:31 PM
(Unless you have OCD)
Microsoft won't evne let me know if I've pressed teh big XBox button in the center.
@CatPlusPlus eh. Oh I just understood why you said that :wink:
How second-class is Microsoft going to treat my GamePad code? ;~;
10:32 PM
@ThePhD So second-class it's actually 6th
@ThePhD it checks if you wrote the code yourself, and if yes, works badly
hint hint
@CatPlusPlus he just wrote his own input class
@ThePhD Did you use my code or did you write everything from scratch as usual :v
guess by yourself
@ThePhD are you on an XBox? huh? No!
@CatPlusPlus I used my preexisting code. I haven't done RawInput yet.
10:33 PM
By the way install AwfulVision people I want to use more :emoticons:
Using your code would change a lot of the current flow and philosophy of my current design. I have to take more time to read and study how your code is working.
Ahahaha PHP is so bad that features have to be filed as bugs. — Cicada 8 secs ago
@ThePhD philosophy which is "i'd spent pointless time reinventing shit"
Say what you want, but my code works very nicely and is rather clean.
that's cool, I guess.
Is it tested?
Is it documented?
10:35 PM
there's nothing wrong with reinventing the wheel as long as you are learning and not actually trying to be productive
oh, of course
says @BartekBanachewicz, who is reinventing the voxel wheel
you just can't forget there's a line between "I want shit done" and "I'm learning"
Well, I'm doing this all to learn and be productive in instances where I can.
10:36 PM
@melak47 I am learning
Hey guys you should check out tubgirl!
Hencewhy I'm trying to figure out if I want to use Pango or try Freetype or wdhwadwaj
It's just "I am trying to get shit done while learning" ain't gonna work
@Zoidberg What's that?
@ThePhD Freetype. Evr1 is using it
10:36 PM
@FredOverflow You don't want to know.
@ThePhD wdhwadwaj sounds kinda cool.
@Zoidberg Forget I asked then.
@BartekBanachewicz Oh yeah, you can. It's just that eventually you will learn that there is that line. And that it keeps migrating further towards "write less code" than you thought possible
@Zoidberg Then why the fuck are you bringing that up?
@ThePhD I disbelieve you :p
10:39 PM
Because it's a nice photoshop.
@BartekBanachewicz I reverse this in my work. When planning a new project I think to myself: okay, I'll try to employ <new stuff X> there and tinker with <new Y> to see whether it would be useful in the subsequent milestone. I do have backups plans (if <new stuff X> doesn't work out, gets to risky or takes to much time, I have <plan B instead of X>)
Oooh! Oooh! I got MiniCraft to run on linux!
@ThePhD Have you proved that it's correct? :v
@sehe yea, that's more or less what I do
It just doesn't do what it's supposed to yet. But at least it doesn't segfault
10:40 PM
@Ell wow. Does everything work?
I am working hard to make linux work easier
I have a cyan screen with a black square in the topleft corner xD
@BartekBanachewicz Works for me. Mostly
@CatPlusPlus Use the b-method to prove correctness.
@CatPlusPlus Yes. I'm building a game with the code I write and it is going well.
@Ell that's good
10:41 PM
But I've messed around with lots of stuff, which I need to now fix
@BartekBanachewicz Gasp. Easier still?!
I am making solid progress and I am a learning a lot.
@BartekBanachewicz atm I haven't done mouse so I can't move the camera to look at what it is
@ThePhD Yeah but have you got a formal proof
Not really?
10:41 PM
@sehe mental shortcut. I am swamped in context creation
Does an executable count? :3c
@Ell try E and Q
ahh. keys too xD But it's okay, sfml simplifies input a lot
@Ell just don't put too much effort in it, I hope that rocket will solve all these problems
10:42 PM
@CatPlusPlus do you?
@BartekBanachewicz okay
sfml is the way forward :P It's just:
sf::Window Win(sf::VideoMode(ScreenXSize, ScreenYSize, 32), "SFML Test");
@BartekBanachewicz it's okay, it's all a learning experience for me
@Ell ..how don't you have a mouse :o
@Ell I know. I've used SFML :)
10:43 PM
Use the B-method for your formal proofs
It works
And it's very common
@melak47 I control the cursor with my mind 0:)
@melak47 I wouldn't care. Much.
by the way
> libRocket uses the time-tested open standards XHTML1.0
So time-tested it's dead
10:44 PM
@Xeo Agreed
@Cicada I'll keep that in mind. :O
@Cicada You just want to share your pain, eh?
what? no!
it actually works
Shut up and take it like a man! Oh wait.
@CatPlusPlus they call it RML. It's modified
10:46 PM
most automated subways use a b-method verified software as pilot
too bad I have to cleanup old OpenGL from their sample
and that's pretty much it
Mmmm look at my controller vibrate.
Well. My persona on questions is getting a life of it's own. I don't even have to go there to make my comments:
As sehe recently said: "You're hurting your potential to get quick & easy answers by leaving just enough code out to make this a puzzle." — llonesmiz 55 mins ago
People will do it for me :) LOLOL
10:48 PM
Do upvotes get redirected to you? :D
Sadly, no. By the way @llonesmiz is much appreciated. His insight in Boost Fusion/Proto/Spirit is much more profound then mine.
I'm just going to shuffle into the back here, don't mind me.
Aww. =[
Should I institute a deadzone for my api?
I am going to sleep goodbye.
10:50 PM
@Zoidberg gnight
Yes seth I know it's a waste of time but I don't care.
we know
@sehe lol
we too
10:50 PM
been linked 99999999999999999 times
It's terrifying.
ah sorry I forgot you're that good
Aha keys work
@Mysticial yeah. way cool
@ThePhD ...you mean in your api? or are you gonna make your api disregard small inputs to functions :p
10:51 PM
also, I already registered
Anyways, off to the train station. Got another interview tomorrow... It's endless.
+1 if not having to use Clang, that's my opinion.
@melak47 Just for PadState.
@Mysticial Good luck.
If I should make a DeadZone of some kind.
@Mysticial GOOOD LUUUCK!
10:51 PM
@ThePhD Copyright! I'll sue ya.
@DeadMG :c nullzone?
@Mysticial Weren't you enrolled in a phd or something?
@ThePhD Yeah it's endless. I found out last Tuesday that I'd be flying back home on Wednesday. (that ticket, paid for by Google, was almost 1k - last minute booking)
@Cicada you've got the point there. He still didn't unplonk me :/
Now I'm back at UIUC, but I have an interview in downtown Chicago tomorrow. So I have to head up tonight.
10:52 PM
ITT Mysticial complains about having too many (paid) interviews
@Mysticial Google paid a thousand dollars to see you? Wow.
@Mysticial wow. That's nice google pays for your tickets
@Cicada I got forced out of the program.
@Mysticial Awh, sorry to hear that :(
Why? Too smart?
10:53 PM
@FredOverflow A round-trip ticket from Chicago to San Francisco is usually only $500 USD or so.
But because it was such a last minute trip, it got upped to 1k.
The reason being that the deadline for my Apple job offer is expiring at the end of the week.
So they had to rush it like mad.
And which are you gonna pick?
So did Google reject you?
Do you have a preference?
@BartekBanachewicz It's just funny to put time-tested and XHTML in the same sentence unironically
I'll take the other if you don't mind
10:54 PM
@CatPlusPlus I'm not entirely sure that the irony wasn't stiff upperlipped
@FredOverflow The opposite actually. They haven't given me an offer yet, but I'm getting a lot of phone calls requesting information on what kind of job I'm looking for.
"Bitches and monies"
@CatPlusPlus yea, kind of. It's really whatever for me; It's something-like-markup, and I am actually pleased with the quality of C++ code inside
@Cicada we all know what you want from life, thanks
@Mysticial Something that works with computers and stuff.
10:57 PM
@Mysticial They wanted me to sysadmin. Fuck that shit.
@Mysticial How did they find you, reddit? ;)
@BartekBanachewicz it's alive! i.imgur.com/YHTvEy3.png
Interfaces eh
@FredOverflow ~tumblr~
@DeadMG Seriously
10:57 PM
the mouse is erratic, because I haven't done relative movement properly, but keys work
@CatPlusPlus Ye.
@FredOverflow The manager who found me probably found me through a hacker news link to the branch predictor question.
^ now stand up and congratulate Ell for first successful Minicraft run on linux
10:58 PM
Sysadmining is not bad
and I asked on meta for them to merge your top question on my account
they haven't answered yet
Our company admin is not even on-site
I guess I'll head the train station in about 30 min.
bah, you're lucky
either way, you win
10:59 PM
I'm spending all day tomorrow interviewing in Cambridge.
Also, if you're good at sysadmin, you don't really have a lot to worry about
Sure you might get alerts at 3AM on Sunday
@Mysticial Let's hope wrong branch predictions don't slow your train down too much ;)
Set the system once and if it works you're okay for a long time
@FredOverflow Ahahahaha
But it beats code deadlines and shit
10:59 PM
@FredOverflow ROFL

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