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1:00 PM
public List<Action<int>> MakeAssignBounds()
	var self = __makeref(this);

	return new List<Action<int>>() {
		x => __refvalue(self, ItemTemplateAttribute).lower_min = x,
		x => __refvalue(self, ItemTemplateAttribute).lower_max = x,
		x => __refvalue(self, ItemTemplateAttribute).upper_min = x,
		x => __refvalue(self, ItemTemplateAttribute).upper_max = x
terribly hacky though
@R.MartinhoFernandes agreeing
How do I get '+80 User was removed' ?
@MartinJames they downvoted you 8 times, got removed, you get the 80 rep back
@thecoshman Downvote takes 2 rep
@Cicada Ah. The lady found what I was looking for: __makeref :) /cc @R.MartinhoFernandes
1:01 PM
or some other combination of stuff that resulted in you losing 80 rep to that user
So it'd have to be 40 downvotes.
@Xeo 2 to make a down vote, 10 to be downvoted
@thecoshman No.
@thecoshman No, 1 to make a downvote, 2 to be downvoted.
TIL about shit I don't care about
1:02 PM
@MartinJames Do bounties get refunded when the recepient is deleted?
Oh! In that case goodbye, and best wishes for the future. Don't come back :)
@Xeo Don't ask me - I don't really know how this site works :(
@Xeo There are no 80rep bounties :/
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then, 15 downvotes and a 50 rep bounty!
@Ell Did linux version work?
@Xeo Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.#
1:04 PM
@Cicada Now don't ever put yourself down as "I'm incompetent (as a programmer)" ever again, will you? :)
You clearly have what it takes. Like everybody else, you're just insecure when you encounter new things, or think you have a gap in your knowledge. That'll come. But the important bits are present.
@R.MartinhoFernandes can't you decide what you want it to be, as long as it is between a range?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think I understand what he wants, but the problem with mpl is that you have to take care yourself not to insert duplicate keys into a map or set.
@sehe well said. Hopefully it will sink in
@BartekBanachewicz I'm too much of a nub to write an sfml version :L or an xlib version. Well for some reason including glew was giving a load of errors. But I will try again later
1:05 PM
Ketchup flavoured crisps
What's down.
@Zoidberg fi
@sehe yum.
1:05 PM
@Zoidberg (usually) the direction gravity works
Is it usual to keep dependencies in repo?
@Zoidberg pacman
@Ell it can be done, but preferable as a separate repo
It makes easier (in theory) to build the project
1:06 PM
@Ell Some people do. Some people don't.
@thecoshman ..except maybe for the anti-Zoidberg
@Xeo I don't recall that being an issue.
let's you know that you have a good source for the dependencies
@sehe :v
@thecoshman I just love the #11
1:09 PM
@LucDanton Hm.. It doesn't enforce uniqueness, from what I read.
@sehe We're all incompetent at some aspect. My SQL is apallingly bad, and long may it be so.
oh wow, I thought a lot of the bull shit names where made up by Ericsson, it's the fecking 3GPP standards the make up this shit
> error: conversion from 'boost::mpl::s_item<int, boost::mpl::set0<> >' to non-scalar type 'main()::<anonymous struct>' requested
Result of two insertions of int.
You suck.
I feel good bad.
Oh well, whatever.
1:11 PM
Give me crisps.
@MartinJames "My SQL is apallingly bad" lol, there's an extraneous space in there
s/My //
It got injected!
AIDS injection.
SQL injection is wonderful.
1:13 PM
Hacking through SQL injection for bad goals must be legal.
To punish the victims.
I think it is
@sehe how do you he doesn't mean the SQL he has is appallingly bad?
@thecoshman how do you words?
1:14 PM
Also, you'd think I got what he meant.
Shit I forgot to hold control.
You lost control
uhh. I don't want to sit there for the next 3 hours
I'm just not in the mood for work
@BartekBanachewicz Hehe - just about to post something like that.
The docs also suggest that this is intended. Thankfully -- why have a set at all otherwise. What's with the random FUD :|
1:15 PM
I just ate a Twix.
It was too sweet.
@LucDanton "This is a set if you make it one. Have fun".
Give me salty crisps.
Or beercan bacon.
This is somewhat hilarious though ^
Considering I work with Ordina
1:16 PM
@sehe I meant control+T followed by "nu.nl".
@sehe great page
What is "Danseressen"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Female for "Dansers" (dancers...)
so auto_ptr is still a good idea (in certain circumstances) in C++03?
Ah, ok. Not "eating dancers" then.
1:17 PM
essen = eten = eating
German - Dutch - English
@BartekBanachewicz It says "ordina.nl" (<-- my employer), then "Striptease dancers", "Dating...", "Adultery, mistresses" etc.
@sehe just grand
@R.MartinhoFernandes To eat is "eten" in Dutch
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@sehe WTF do you work on?
1:18 PM
Yeah great! I wish I could get my 3G connection to work in a field in summer - awesome! I think the long grass attenuates the signal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Porn sites.
@Rapptz Python is always compiled :v
@Cicada oh, did you ever manage to claw back your domain?
@sehe are you secretly working for some xxx company?
@sehe those ads are related to your browsing history!
1:18 PM
(There's a not-that-restricted subset that's perfectly compilable to completely static form, too)
@R.MartinhoFernandes :) Google knows.
Mar 13 '12 at 10:12, by sehe
I wouldn't dare code up 27kLOC from scratch in .NET without proper business testing. Especially since this was core calculation logic, and our client is distributing 34 billion EUR on a yearly basis, based on these calculations :)
Ordina is awesome though.
@sehe Apart from the first part, I figured :P
Is 'verbetering' improvement and is your work hair-related?
They make me get my free money.
@sehe so, porn
ordina.nl, but yes, .com appears to be the same site
@Zoidberg Nice. I have to pay to get money.
Either that or something about loans or services. Still hair though.
I mean free money as in money that I don't need to do anything for.
1:20 PM
> Consulting, IT and Outsourcing services.
yo motherwankerz
@refp ohai fuckface
if you call me a motherwanker, I call you a fuckface
@TonyTheLion how you doing bumbutt?
I'm alright, cheesedimple
1:23 PM
> Tesseract recognition
I read this question title and thought "WTF?"
@TonyTheLion I'm fine thanks fingercock, thanks for asking
My tesseract deserves some recognition!
Then I realised "Tesseract" is a library.
been there, done that
@refp lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes Tesseract is also a band from the UK.
1:25 PM
@TonyTheLion Oy, I have copyright on calling people fuckface.
this is an awesome piece
metal btw
the shoot today was the quickest one yet, I got there half an hour late (because I'm stupid and didn't check what time I should be there, I just checked the schedule of when we were supposed to start shooting) - no hard feelings though. 1 hour and 15 minutes later we were done
do set iterators invalidate on erase?
1:26 PM
Q: Iterator invalidation rules

Lightness Races in OrbitWhat are the iterator invalidation rules for C++ containers? Preferably in a summary list format. (Note: This is meant to be an entry to Stack Overflow's C++ FAQ. If you want to critique the idea of providing an FAQ in this form, then the posting on meta that started all this would be the plac...

not iterators in general.
but the iterator to that element does.
it has linked-list invalidation rules.
@LuchianGrigore > References and iterators to the erased elements are invalidated
@LuchianGrigore only the iterators affected by the call to erase will be invalidated
ie. only the iterators you erase
(or well, the iterators in-between as well if you are using a range)
Ugh, random unexplained crash.
1:29 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes undefined behavior!
I love yelling out UB for no apparent reason, it's applicable to pretty much everything
The docs don't state any preconditions though.
Fuck this.
so I have something like for ( auto it = myset.begin() ; ... ; it++ ) { if (smth) myset.erase(it); }
@refp that's UB. :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes RTFM FTFM!
1:30 PM
@LuchianGrigore No. it is now invalidated, cannot ++.
@TonyTheLion what is, what @R.MartinhoFernandes wasn't expecting or what I just wrote?
@TonyTheLion UB is UB.
@refp what you wrote
I'm always UB.
@R.MartinhoFernandes alternative? or should I ask on SO?
1:30 PM
@refp You're a dangling refp?
@LuchianGrigore it = myset.erase(it)
@LuchianGrigore if(smth) it = myset.erase(it); else ++it; and don't always increment.
@LuchianGrigore instead of using if (smth) in a loop, use std::remove_if or equivalent
@bamboon std::set's erase doesn't return anything
@LuchianGrigore There's a common pattern github.com/rmartinho/ogonek/blob/master/include/ogonek/… (note the placing of the increment outside the third leg of the for)
last_ccc looks like a terrible name but it isn't, I swear!
@bamboon unless you use std::set<T>::erase (const T&) that is
1:32 PM
@refp I don't have std::
@refp It does.
@Xeo erhm, no?
@refp in C++11 it does
@bamboon I bet my little pinky on that @LuchianGrigore is not using c++11
1:33 PM
@refp I bet he is using MSVC, which is enough!
@refp I'm not using std
and no, not using C++11
@LuchianGrigore o_O
@LuchianGrigore well, who would wanna use a sexually transferrable disease?
@LuchianGrigore Then why did you ask about it?
I.e. any answers about std::set are irrelevant for my::set.
@R.MartinhoFernandes eastl... the interface is pretty similar
so we have std::set and the likes
1:34 PM
Rails routing and all these magical generated helpers are annoying as hell
but not remove_if
@LuchianGrigore just because an interface is "pretty similar" doesn't mean that it is "pretty similar" in cases such as this
@LuchianGrigore Well, then does eastl::set::erase return an iterator?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yep, so that's gonna work
Also fucking 500 page takes 30 seconds to generate
1:35 PM
@CatPlusPlus generting ascii art from pornographic movie?
for those who haven't seen this.. this is quite amazing, honestly, and I'm not impressed that often:
@CatPlusPlus lol
it's an app that translates signs, IN REAL TIME
> I am working on a little Voxed-based game. I don't plan to create a Minecraft copy, but it's not the point here.
1:36 PM
(using the phone's camera.. whaa whaa whaa)
@refp old news
@BartekBanachewicz s/Voxed/voxel/?
@R.MartinhoFernandes probably. That's a original quote
@thecoshman depends if you've been living in the fashion industry for the past couple of years, not keeping yourself updated on the tech things in this world
@refp stop being a fanny and nerd up
1:37 PM
@thecoshman look... I'm a male model, don't expect too much of me. I'm bloody stupid
it's nice being able to say that, it's kinda my "get out of everything" sentence
@refp depends, what do you make models for?
argh, my fucking brother
you might think that, since I lent him the components he needs to build his computer and play games and shit, that he would be nice to me
You have a brother?
but apparently not
@thecoshman I work as a model, so I don't make models in that sense
1:39 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes.
@DeadMG are you new to having a brother?
I'm sure you've had the misfortune of hearing about him previously.
@Zoidberg Indeed.
@refp No, but I did manage to escape having to live with him for any serious amount of time until recently (for the last few years, anyway)
1:40 PM
@refp I don't follow
@R.MartinhoFernandes He's older than me, but definitely not bigger anymore.
@DeadMG never mind
four years older than me
@thecoshman I'm not sure how else you want me to put it.
1:41 PM
@thecoshman They take pictures of him wearing clothes.
@refp being coy, don't worry
does the compiler assume that functions in a .cpp files are all definitions?
@TonyTheLion opposed to?
@TonyTheLion There is nothing magical about .cpp files. They're just files.
@TonyTheLion They are all definitions.
1:41 PM
@thecoshman well if you void foo();
@LucDanton I don't see what you are referring to, but, yes, "verbetering" is improvement/amelioration and my work is not hair related (though, I am known to split hairs once in a while)
which is a declaration
@TonyTheLion That's not a function, that's a declaration.
@DeadMG nhaa, you can have declarations in your .cpp..
@DeadMG a function declaration?
1:42 PM
What makes them .cpp files and not headers is the fact that we don't treat them as headers, i.e., don't #include them all over.
@TonyTheLion It's a declaration.
@BartekBanachewicz Hey. It's just a website. You know, whatever they say in marketing can't really hurt me. Also, this is a big ass company, so yes, they probably do all that. Too
@R.MartinhoFernandes here's a sane answer :)
there is no REAL difference between .cpp and .h to a compiler (to put it nicely)
the compiler knows which functions you do and do not define
1:42 PM
@sehe I know, it's just prejudice taken from TDWTF
and they do not treat declarations like definitions at all
@BartekBanachewicz I have the same reaction. I don't even recognize myself/our company (department) from that page :)
@sehe Well, I can't say the same :)
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for ntdll.dll]
Hmm, let's try that Symbol Server crap, then.
1:45 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes last_call_with_current_continuation?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit is it now?
@sehe Nah, last character combining class. CCC is a somewhat official abbreviation (it shows up in the standard).
@R.MartinhoFernandes It works nicely for me
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah. I thought, either that, or you omitted the P (CCCP Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик)
@sehe Worked nicely here too. But now "[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for Public.dll]"
And Public.dll is not an MS DLL.
1:48 PM
@R.MartinhoFernandes Urff. Need to copy around pdb-files then. I hope your build server (?) archives them somewhere
@sehe It's not an internal DLL. It's from Adobe. And it seems the InDesign debug build does not ship with the pdb for it. Which is quite WTFy.
@DeadMG oh, I have the same issue with my younger male sibling.
does ip6 have implicit conversion to ip4? or is there any sort of DNS style look up? Does this even make sense!
who am I
@thecoshman implicit, no
@R.MartinhoFernandes "ship" - I assume I cannot "buy" the debug build. Anyways, yeah, the pdb is what would be required
1:49 PM
why am I here?
to waste time
@thecoshman Answer to the exclamation is "no".
@thecoshman tunneling. You can tunnel ipv6 over ipv4
@sehe ooh
you can fit a ipv4 address into a ipv6 address, but it needs translation (tunnel)
1:50 PM
@sehe Why not? The debug build is provided for plugin development.
@sehe But that's the kind of things that are starworthy :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah. Like that. Makes sense. Then it's just WTF-y. Perhaps (lol) you have a support contract?
@Cicada not when genuine
@Cicada I'm sorry about that. It seems more people agreed. It was you posting the evidence, though. I hope you got that point too :)
@thecoshman shut up troll
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the latest revision of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that routes traffic across the Internet. It is intended to replace IPv4, which still carries the vast majority of Internet traffic as of 2013. IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. Every device on the Internet, such as a computer or mobile telephone, must be assigned an IP address for identification and location addressing in order to communicate with other devices. With the ev...
this help?
1:52 PM
@thecoshman There certainly exists IPv6 DNS lookup, and by "conversion" you could map IPv4 ips to individual IPv6 ips but there is no "translation" formula
@R.MartinhoFernandes Maybe they have symbol server?
@sehe I am not trolling. When people say it in a 'funny' way, amusing, when said with genuine intent (like it seems @Cicada often does) it is not.
eh, I have this free function I've defined in header foo.h and I want to use it elsewhere, how do I do that, without having to #include<foo> everywhere?
@Cicada that's more or less what I was wondering, if there was like a reserved range of ip6 that can be assumed to directly map to all of ip4 range
@CatPlusPlus Ahahahah, we're talking Adobe here. No, they don't have one (despite continuous requests from devs)
1:53 PM
@thecoshman there's genuine things said in this room? :P
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the latest revision of the Internet Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that routes traffic across the Internet. It is intended to replace IPv4, which still carries the vast majority of Internet traffic as of 2013. IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to deal with the long-anticipated problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. Every device on the Internet, such as a computer or mobile telephone, must be assigned an IP address for identification and location addressing in order to communicate with other devices. With the ev...
@thecoshman no lol I just bought another
@LightnessRacesinOrbit repost
> Hybrid dual-stack IPv6/IPv4 implementations recognize a special class of addresses, the IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. In these addresses, the first 80 bits are zero, the next 16 bits are one, and the remaining 32 bits are the IPv4 address. One may see these addresses with the first 96 bits written in the standard IPv6 format, and the remaining 32 bits written in the customary dot-decimal notation of IPv4.
> For example, ::ffff: represents the IPv4 address A deprecated format for IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses was ::
this ^ @thecoshman
1:54 PM
So, "yes".
found that in under 30 seconds
@TonyTheLion mark it inline and include it everywhere, if that is what you meant.
@TonyTheLion if it's inline, you don't. :)
@DeadMG it's called unconditional love towards ones bro
@TonyTheLion You mean put a declaration in the header or something?
@thecoshman yes, but not the other way around (ofc)
1:55 PM
My rms pin has gone :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't see IEEE anywhere
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, I just want to avoid having to do #include"foo.h" just because it contains the free function that I need in to use in bar.h
because my foo.h also has other stuff in it
which I don't need in bar
Make a separate finer-grained header?
seems so silly, for one 3 line function
You weight the silliness against your desire to avoid including all the rest.
1:58 PM
Oh IP has nothing to do with IEEE standards, why did I think it does?
@Telkitty what?
@Telkitty and you were expecting to, why?
duh doy

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