I have a variable i of type std::size_t and a tuple of type std::tuple. I want to get the i-th element of the tuple. I tried this:
// bindings... is of type const T&...
auto bindings_tuple = std::make_tuple(bindings...);
auto binding = std::tuple_element<i, const T&...>(bindings_tu...
So I have an old dictionary on my pc, pretty old that I cannot find any track of it's developer or the website (I guess it hasnt even been released as an official software). I have a personal project of mine and I might need some of this words translated (about 200-300) and I see that inside the ...
@sehe he needs it per process and he needs a web front-end with graphs. Also, I want to improve mah Haskell skills and this seems like an interesting project.
@daknøk I'd still do the backend as tcpdump or, if you insist bindings to libpcap. Portable and you get 'query syntax' for free, as well as dump file import, optional packet inspection etc.
@ScottW what happened to you, by the way. Did you loose the way to the lounge? Did you enlist with a local monastery? Did you decide that working at a bakery was more (ful)filling than game development?
For performance, OK, there are some parts like Program Options, but otherwise I don't know. They're likely more performant than anything you're going to come up with
@netcoder I have to agree with @Xeo. Boost isn't a library; it's a collection of libraries. If you only use a small piece in a particular program, then that's all that program will include.
@netcoder Depends for me. I'd use it if I have any intention of supporting specialties like resolving symbolic links, getting relative paths, portability, parsing URI protocols and what not.
@netcoder For that task, there's no point -- just attempt to create an ifstream, and if it doesn't work, the file doesn't exist (or the process doesn't have access, in which case it might about as well not exist).
OTOH, if you want to give the user a list of available files, what are you going to use? Boost Filesystem is clearly nicer than what Windows or POSIX provides directly, and throws in portability for free.
@netcoder That actually made me go and take a look at your profile picture. I hadn't even given it a look earlier. You know, I read stuff. Not much for visuals
@sehe Call me a bigot if you will, but to me `std::copy(directory_iterator(path), directory_iterator(), std::ostream_iterator<directory_entry>(std::cout, "\n")); seems nicer/cleaner.
@JerryCoffin Depends on what you want to achieve. If you actually want blazing speed and 'smart' traversal control, I guess there is little that beats *ftw family of functions.
@sehe That's hard to say -- if you wanted it on Windows, for example, it'd end up using a compatibility layer of some kind, so the best you'd hope for is about the same speed as anything else. I'll take your word for its being fast on (some) POSIX systems though.
A friend of mine went on an interview recently for a software developer position at a well known company. It was a senior position, and he had very relevant business experience in the industry. I gave him the highest recommendation having worked with him in the past as a no-nonsense guy that cu...
Opus is an open and royalty-free lossy audio compression format developed by the IETF and made especially suitable for interactive real-time applications over the Internet. Opus incorporates technology from the speech-oriented SILK codec and the low-latency CELT codec. Publication as an RFC is expected within the next few weeks.
Opus can seamlessly scale to high and low bitrates and can transition between a linear prediction codec at lower bitrates and a transform codec at higher bitrates, as well as a hybrid for a short overlap. Opus has very low algorithmic delay compared to popular m...
@LucDanton I'm not sure yet. It's supposed to go in standard known as WebRTC (I'm unsure what that is, a.t.m.) and Mozilla just landed support for it in their codebase
From the stats I read, I just happened to notice that it requires much less delay to encode, but i didn't get the impression that this was the most unique selling point. I think it is mostly the sound quality per bit/s, and the very linear efficiency curve that they propagate as strongest feature