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@MooingDuck Hey that was my question, IIRC.
oh wait lol :P
Q: How to get the i-th element from an std::tuple when i isn't know at compile-time?

WTP'--I have a variable i of type std::size_t and a tuple of type std::tuple. I want to get the i-th element of the tuple. I tried this: // bindings... is of type const T&... auto bindings_tuple = std::make_tuple(bindings...); auto binding = std::tuple_element<i, const T&...>(bindings_tu...

A dupe, apparently.
girls are confusing
Girls are good.
her: I have to cancel my party.
me: :(
her: you're disappointed. Why?
@daknøk well yes, but that doesn't make them not confusing
@MooingDuck I never claimed they weren’t.
@MooingDuck I fix that in a good way.
A girl I know has her birthday party on Saturday at six. I already come over at twelve.
She cannot cancel that.
*both PM
@netcoder are you new here?
Never seen you. :p
Also, I finally got a fun project I will complete.
A colleague needs a program for his server to monitor which processes send how many TCP packets and he wants to see graphs and such.
Pretty nice.
@daknøk You said that last time
@daknøk: new where? Lounge<C++>? I guess so
@netcoder yes.
I wish I wasn't, you guys have some interesting discussions going on :)
I am writing a program in Haskell.
For a friend.
He needs it for his server.
It can be.
Well he wants to monitor which processes send and receive how many bytes per time unit.
It could be used to find out how many porn is transferred if you use it with httpd. :P
@netcoder are you certain?
@daknøk i'm sure this already exists
I just came across a great dishwashingr liquid commercial
@MooingDuck: I guess I'm certain yeah ;-)
@daknøk Erm. Don't these just exist? I'd say, iftop, netstat, munin-node etc. Munin integrates with (I think) gnuplot.
Of course, you can write it if you want
Q: depack/decrypt/extract/ application .bin files

bornieSo I have an old dictionary on my pc, pretty old that I cannot find any track of it's developer or the website (I guess it hasnt even been released as an official software). I have a personal project of mine and I might need some of this words translated (about 200-300) and I see that inside the ...

@sehe that. :)
I must have something to do when I go to school
Brb I am going to bed. The battery of my MacBook iz empteh.
> Brb I am going to bed.
first time I heard that one
My back hurts lulz.
@daknøk At least partly a dupe of cpptruths.blogspot.nl/2012/01/… :)
You know.
@netcoder You new here?
I was writing shit to parse packets.
@daknøk Your english is deteriorating very badly
@daknøk tcpdump...
But, I only need the header to figure out how many octets long the packets are. xD
@sehe: it certainly seems so
Welcome, I guess :)
@sehe he needs it per process and he needs a web front-end with graphs. Also, I want to improve mah Haskell skills and this seems like an interesting project.
Thanks :)
So @netcoder what are you interested in?
let's take a shot in the dark, shall we
mmm... C?
@daknøk I'd still do the backend as tcpdump or, if you insist bindings to libpcap. Portable and you get 'query syntax' for free, as well as dump file import, optional packet inspection etc.
I love lounges too
Have a look at Wireshark (or similar) to see what tcpdump is capable of. Of course, tcpdump is just a UNIX CLI tool.
wireshark is <3
@netcoder php, mostly. Mongodb too :)
actually I don't really like PHP that much
I like C++ a lot more
but hey, gotta pay the bills
I can't write anything useful in anything
@ScottW People who use PHP?
@Mysticial: not all of them that's for sure
example: me
@sehe I really only need the size of the packets in octets. That's all. I already know Wireshark and I am using pcap in my application.
@netcoder that's true.
the worst part of PHP is when you dig up the source code
@sehe, in fact, I once wrote a Cocoa application similar to Wireshark, except it didn't figure out the protocols used.
@daknøk Ok. I'm reassured now
> I like to avoid boost.
@netcoder why?
@ScottW what happened to you, by the way. Did you loose the way to the lounge? Did you enlist with a local monastery? Did you decide that working at a bakery was more (ful)filling than game development?
but when i do write, I write quickest in ruby
> unless it can spare me from including a huge library for a small purpose (i.e.: boost).
wait, is that really the reason?
@Ell I write quickest in vim
@Xeo: performance reasons, mostly yes
@Xeo inb4 BCP
and portability
go on
We're talking about Boost, and you question the portability? Examples?
1. large lib != bad performance.
2. boost is the most portable you'll get these days
@Xeo AIX in 2001, I bet
I don't question portability and performance per se
For performance, OK, there are some parts like Program Options, but otherwise I don't know. They're likely more performant than anything you're going to come up with
I just like neat little binaries that do what you need with fewest dependencies
Also, Boost is relatively modular, it's not like you include all of it because you use, say, filesystem
don't get me wrong, I use boost
So, what @sehe said, BCP
I like to avoid it
And I don't see the reason for that
learning stuff?
@netcoder that argument applies to the standard library too.
Sure, for fun n giggles that's totally OK, but you also said you like to reinvent the wheels if it saves you from including boost
@netcoder apparently not learning boost :)
@Xeo reinvent wheels?
it's all a matter of context
Yeah. Great contexts vs. crappy contexts :)
Btw, I personally expect Boost to be installed all the time
@sehe :P
@sehe do you know if there is a way in Linux to give priority to certain processes when it comes to packet multiplexing?
@MooingDuck: I've duplicated a lot of the STL myself before using it
Or do I need to write a kmod?
@daknøk sysfs/sysctl, I'm sure. Never had the need. I'd google in the vicinity of realtime kernels and sysctl.
@daknøk No. If you need absolutely proper QoS, though, switch to OpenSolaris/IllumOs or similar and simply use Crossbow - most excellent
Aight. I will look at it. Thanks.
@netcoder I duplicated STL too. But not in C++. That would have been rather... silly.
I did write/adapt containers to adhere to STL though
silly indeed
I've duplicated a lot of Boost too. And when I need it, I use it.
But I like to avoid it. Doesn't mean necessarily I do ;-)
my whole point is, I'm not going to include boost if my program needs a single thing from it
that's silly
I don't think it is tbh
If I need portable access to the filesystem, #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
If I need range operations, #include <boost/range.hpp>
Wooo I just convinced a french girl to flash me!
@netcoder Copy a header
@Ell Off topic. Tell us more
Anyone follow Linus's rant on github?
Maybe type? #include <boost/optional.hpp>
@sehe I go on chat roulette just to chat most of the time, actually to learn various languages (I'm looking for a Norwegian pen pal)
but I spent a while talking to this french woman
at the end I thought "meh might as well try it"
@Ell You do what?
@netcoder I have to agree with @Xeo. Boost isn't a library; it's a collection of libraries. If you only use a small piece in a particular program, then that's all that program will include.
@sehe haha go on chat roulette, to chat :L
@Ell So you talk norwegian on chatroulette, to a French girl and yet you are shocked to see some deviant behaviour there. Oh my god.
I'll have to do content filtering on the Mumble server soon
@sehe I am shocked girls will actually flash me. When I am showing only my face. I'd call that an acheivement
@sehe Another? Does he actually have something to say that's worth listening to this time?
@Ell You seriously need to raise the bar
Haha naah
@JerryCoffin: fine with me, you can disagree with me if you want to ;)
@JerryCoffin Nope. It's just fun stuff. And - as always - he's (in his) right :)
I'm just not going to include Boost.Filesystem to check if a file exists and read it if so
that's all
Why not?
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
oh, wait :)
because it's trivial to do in C++
sure, std::ifstream file(name); if(file) ...
@netcoder Depends for me. I'd use it if I have any intention of supporting specialties like resolving symbolic links, getting relative paths, portability, parsing URI protocols and what not.
@netcoder For that task, there's no point -- just attempt to create an ifstream, and if it doesn't work, the file doesn't exist (or the process doesn't have access, in which case it might about as well not exist).
@netcoder For a quick one-off, I'll be happy to use fstat(2) and fstream
@sehe: @JerryCoffin: yes indeed
@netcoder only with a relatively high amount of overhead
that's what I said earlier, right? it's all a matter of context ;-)
@MooingDuck runtime
@sehe yes
sure this example is simple, but there are a lot of things Boost will do in 1 line that I can do with 2 or 3 without it
OTOH, if you want to give the user a list of available files, what are you going to use? Boost Filesystem is clearly nicer than what Windows or POSIX provides directly, and throws in portability for free.
@JerryCoffin: If I want to use a list of available files, I probably will have to manipulate them somehow
so Boost.Filesystem
@netcoder I have a dependency lister for C++ files and I manipulate (more specifically, read) them through std::ifstream :P
But I need filesystem for the path stuff
resolving relative to absolute pathes, symbolic links, etc
^ my point
@JerryCoffin Disagree. Everybody forgets about nftw:
Basically, I need a list of files :)
considering what trouble I had to go through to explain my POV on this, I probably should rephrase my bio shouldn't I? ;-)
@netcoder you may. no need. no one reads it :) (oh wait)
@sehe: yeah I know, everybody stops at the profile picture
I'm used to that ;-)
@netcoder That actually made me go and take a look at your profile picture. I hadn't even given it a look earlier. You know, I read stuff. Not much for visuals
well I was talking about the Beer T-Shirt of course
Apr 13 at 15:16, by sehe
It took me a while (like, some months) to actively notice that the @DeadMG's avatar actually is a dog.
@netcoder Urff. Didn't notice that :)
@sehe Call me a bigot if you will, but to me `std::copy(directory_iterator(path), directory_iterator(), std::ostream_iterator<directory_entry>(std::cout, "\n")); seems nicer/cleaner.
well, gtg, catch y'all later
@JerryCoffin Depends on what you want to achieve. If you actually want blazing speed and 'smart' traversal control, I guess there is little that beats *ftw family of functions.
for(auto& e : range(directory_iterator(path))) std::cout << e << "\n"; :)
where range takes the end iterator as a default constructed one if you only provide the begin iterator
Ah you fixed the parens :)
@sehe That's hard to say -- if you wanted it on Windows, for example, it'd end up using a compatibility layer of some kind, so the best you'd hope for is about the same speed as anything else. I'll take your word for its being fast on (some) POSIX systems though.
@Xeo much better already. Or boost::for_each(range(directory_iterator(path)), std::cout << arg1 << '\n') with a bit of Range Algorithms and Phoenix
why not time it for a given directory?
@JerryCoffin Depends on what you want to do with it
@Xeo Because fs benchmarks are hard.
@netcoder Later.
@sehe All benchmarks are hard (if you want meaningful/accurate results) -- though fs benchmarks are even worse than most.
On linux, echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches to drop dentry, inode and page caches (but to be sure your fs driver doesn't still, remount the fs)
Just had an idea
html5 & js chat roulette
Are these *ftw things POSIX or something?
Woah... 521 on the multicollider:
Q: Is it rude to leave an interview early if you have already made your decision?

maple_shaftA friend of mine went on an interview recently for a software developer position at a well known company. It was a senior position, and he had very relevant business experience in the industry. I gave him the highest recommendation having worked with him in the past as a no-nonsense guy that cu...

@R.MartinhoFernandes Mostly. There are GNU extension that make them more interesting, though (on the fly pruning of tree traversal)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes.
That's an amusing expression I hadn't heard before.
Does anyone here have experience with this new audio encoding technology:
Opus is an open and royalty-free lossy audio compression format developed by the IETF and made especially suitable for interactive real-time applications over the Internet. Opus incorporates technology from the speech-oriented SILK codec and the low-latency CELT codec. Publication as an RFC is expected within the next few weeks. Opus can seamlessly scale to high and low bitrates and can transition between a linear prediction codec at lower bitrates and a transform codec at higher bitrates, as well as a hybrid for a short overlap. Opus has very low algorithmic delay compared to popular m...
@sehe Never even heard of that definition of Opus... :)
From the specs, comparisons and even apparently well-conducted listening tests it seems to rock the world of mp3 and ogg vorbis
And it is royalty free. This interests me. Oh. Did I mention encoding can be near realtime? (As in: latency)
.opus is classy as fuck.
@LucDanton ? You mean you have experience with this?
Oh sorry no, I'm discovering that. I meant as a filename extension.
So it's intended as low-latency for real-time Internet applications and yet it can compete with music formats?
@LucDanton I'm not sure yet. It's supposed to go in standard known as WebRTC (I'm unsure what that is, a.t.m.) and Mozilla just landed support for it in their codebase
From the stats I read, I just happened to notice that it requires much less delay to encode, but i didn't get the impression that this was the most unique selling point. I think it is mostly the sound quality per bit/s, and the very linear efficiency curve that they propagate as strongest feature
Well I can't claim to know anything about anything but there's a nice graph.
See opus-codec.org/comparison for some graphs. I gleaned the latency stuff from the second graph.

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