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@sbi yes, so again, what was the reason to prefer SVN?
@jalf And git doesn't magically push, it requires developers to do that. So?
@sbi So 10 minutes ago I asked you what the reasons to prefer SVN over a DVCS was. Now we've established that the reason you suggested doesn't really apply, because with both SVN and Git, it depends on policy and trust
@jalf some companies like the 'control' of dedicated central servers
Again, a DVCS is better than a centralized VCS at a centralized workflow. It also has some other options, sure, but you can decide not to use them. Even if you limit yourself to what could have been done with SVN, you're still better off with a DVCS
@thecoshman Again, central servers are not an exclusive SVN feature.
@jalf It's all about preferences. Some companies prefer to enforce the policy to "check in early and often" and be sure what's checked in is backed up, over enforcing the policy to push regularly, and be sure that developers have a fully history of their work in between.
@RMartinhoFernandes Again, SVN enforces this. Some companies prefer that.
Really, I feel like a broken record.
@sbi No it doesn't.
@jalf I will not let myself be dragged into a knife fight with you.
SVN prevents you from creating multiple repos. It doesn't prevent you from spreading your code out. SVN relies on policy saying "push to this repo". Just like Git or Hg relies on policy saying "push to this repo"
Have A Nice Day.
For my part, I wish SVN had a 'local commit' so that I could save an incremental part of my work without pushing it to the repo, breaking everybody else's head revision
@TomW I heard that was coming with one of the recent versions.
You can also resort to a private DVCS repo to do local commits :P Most of them integrate with svn anyway.
and there are tools like svngit, which manage the push from the local git repo to the external svn repo and vice versa
Once again, you have a weird way of debating. Your argument is nothing but FUD, applying different standards to VCSes and DVCSes, suggesting a reason why a VCS is better, then, when we discuss it, admitting that the scenario you outlined works exactly the same way in both a VCS and DVCS, and yet you insist that it is an advantage of VCSes over DVCSes
does not compute
And accusing us of FUD simply does not make sense
It's not FUD to say "Git can do what SVN can do". It is FUD to say "SVN can do some things better than Git, but I can't describe what they are"
In general I've been happy with SVN (work), have toyed with git briefly at home. Git doesn't solve any problems I have except the one of local commits. So I'm reasonably happy using SVN. It gives me headaches with merges and tree conflicts sometimes but that's more down to Tortoise/VS integration not representing what it's doing visually very well.#
@Xeo And it's not like you really need those tools: you only need them if you want the same local history to be on the SVN server as well. Otherwise you can just $ git init on the same folder and play along.
@jalf I never heard him say that it's an advantage, just that some companies prefer that, for whatever reason. (if you're talking about the central repo, that is)
@RMartinhoFernandes True enough.
@jalf That would indeed be FUD. But nobody here said this.
I learned version control from Tortoise, I'd imagine all my confusion is an artefact of the fact I didn't learn it from shell first
16 mins ago, by sbi
Please don't get me wrong: I am not saying SVN is better than DVCS. All I am saying is that there are reasons for companies to stick to non-distributed ones. Whether I agree with those reasons doesn't matter. I also do not like a lot of all the other decisions that are sometimes forced on me against my counsel. Yet, I often can see that they make sense from an economic POV.
> I am not saying SVN is better than DVCS.
I think the sticking point here is that 'reason' implies 'reasonable'.
I don't know who've you been arguing with, @jalf, but it can't have been me.
oh noes, someone is wrong on the internet
but it's always like this
Anyone who have had any problems with Ubuntu 64 bit?
Everyone is wrong on the Internet.
@Viper Nope.
It doesn't shutdown/reboot without forcing
If you're a business, I don't know of any compelling reasons to switch from any one system to any other. If you're a hobbyist, do whatever makes you happy.
Dell Precision M6600
@TomW I know a reason to switch to DVCS: it makes me happy!
@Viper There's likely no way around that.
@LucDanton What do you mean+
@Viper Really? Lovely machine, from what I heard. :) (I have a 6400.)
@RMartinhoFernandes There's a lot of things that would make developers happy, and which are nevertheless never going to happen in some corporate environments.
@RMartinhoFernandes try convincing CO's why you want to switch form one system that works to another that also works. Why every one is going to need to get re-trained on how to use it (I know it doesn't take much).
@sbi I think you forgot a "never" there.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
@sbi Yes, it is great
@Xeo Thanks!
@Viper Four cores?
@thecoshman I don't need to be retrained!
@thecoshman I'm sad! That's got to count as broke.
@RMartinhoFernandes The question was about collaboration.
@Viper It's my understanding that this kind of stuff is usually due to some manufacturer not properly documenting how stuff works. Usually the kernel tries to 'guess' how to shutdown but if the guess is wrong then the specific hardware has to be worked around (which will take time and is likely out of your control). Although do you know if shutdown work with other distros?
Yeah, I know :(
@sbi System info says 8 * 2.2 ghz
@thecoshman A problem might also be that most devs only encounter SVN during their studies etc
So I think it is 8
for examply at the Games Academy we also were only ever tought SVN
@LucDanton Unfortunatly not
@Xeo IME, most devs encounter no VCS during their studies.
I sincerely hope that is just a local thing, but I have seen evidence to the contrary :(
@Viper Oh, so it's four cores with hyper threading. Sounds great. I could compile on 8 cores while commuting. That would put the fun back into doing C++ in the subway.
@RMartinhoFernandes a company with thousands of developers is going to struggle to change anything - hence clear case :(
@LucDanton Do you think it would work if I use the 32 bit?
@Viper No.
@thecoshman Or TFS. Or gasp VSS.
@LucDanton That is a showstopper
Man, git-tfs was a life saver.
Although perhaps it's worth Internet-searching for.
@Xeo I doubt that this is representative. Most universities will not explicitly introduce their CS students to VCS at all, and most student working groups will likely pick a DVCS for their work.
@RMartinhoFernandes I mean, as much as you dislike SVN, you would surly love to move to it if you where currently stuck with clear case
Haven't found anything that fixes it
"Internet-searching"? Is that an archaic term for "googling"?
@thecoshman I'd use git-clearcase, or hg-clearclase, or whatever.
Or just plain hg without tight integration, like I described above.
@Viper I know what you mean. I have the same exact distro on a laptop and on a desktop, and shutdown only reliably works on the desktop. Laptop manufacturers (and manufacturers of their components) are mean I guess.
Wait, Ubuntu has broken shutdown?
@RMartinhoFernandes I didn't until my last year when we where burning through group work so fast that being able to roll back was probably the only thing that let us get anything finished
@LucDanton Do you think it will be fixed in Ubuntu 12?
@RMartinhoFernandes 'googling' doesn't feel generic like 'scotch tape' is or whatever. Yet.
@Viper No idea. Given the very large number of hardware configurations that exist it's all a crapshot.
@thecoshman Most of my friends learned of VCS from me. It was never mentioned in class.
@thecoshman Yeah, I was thinking that many companies are probably stuck in such dinosaurs and their devs would love to switch to SVN instead, but since I never worked at really big companies, I hadn't seen any of that. And I didn't want to promote something I hadn't even seen.
@RMartinhoFernandes I don't think the distro has control over that. Isn't that a matter for the kernel?
@LucDanton Oh, so it's not Ubuntu-specific?
@LucDanton are you saying the 'scotch tape' brand is synonymous with the product? there is a word for this... can't remember what it is though
@LucDanton I see, so do you use Ubuntu even though then?
@RMartinhoFernandes oh yeah, never got taught about source control, maybe a small lecture that mentioned it might have been a good idea to have used it
Any faculty administrator who doesn't bother introducing VCS at all should be strung up on grounds of gross incompetence
@RMartinhoFernandes It's likely a question of the HW drivers. (Which are usually compiled into the kernel, from what I know.)
A generic trademark, also known as a genericized trademark or proprietary eponym, is a trademark or brand name that has become the colloquial or generic description for, or synonymous with, a general class of product or service, rather than as an indicator of source or affiliation ("secondary meaning") as intended by the trademark's holder. Using a genericized trademark to refer to the general form of what that trademark represents is a form of metonymy. A trademark is said to fall somewhere along a scale from "distinctive" to "generic" (used primarily as a common name for the product o...
@Viper To be fair I don't really shutdown my laptop often.
I think I will install Win 7 again then
@sbi well, my only proper job is with a big company, and everything sucks. The coffee was good, but now I don't even have that :(
Ok, I see
I guess "to google" doesn't really count as that, because it doesn't work as a synonym to "search engine", but as a synonym to "to Internet-search".
@TomW I wager that such a policy would cut the number of available faculties for teaching CS to about 10% of what we have today. While I emotionally agree with your sentiment, I don't think it's rationally reasonable to implement it.
@RMartinhoFernandes "product or service"
Isn't Internet search a service?
@sbi So, it's not local :(
@thecoshman I have yet to see a small software shop that doesn't provide free coffee. Here, it's also water. I have seen other shops where they even had free juice atop of that. Another one I have worked for had free (cooked) lunch five days a week.
@LucDanton But you don't use it to refer to the service, but to using it. Yeah, it's a thin line, but I see a difference between "google" and "Aspirin".
@RMartinhoFernandes I seriously doubt it's local. I have yet to find a dev on the web who does not whine about faculties not teaching this.
@sbi Last place I worked we had free coffee. Until the budget cuts came in. Luckily that coincided with the time I decided to cut on the coffee :)
@sbi we have coffee (and tea), but it's just not nice any more (and I don't like ea). Subsidised canteen as well, it's ok
Ok, thanks for your help @LucDanton
@sbi Wow. I love how techies take everything so literally.
@RMartinhoFernandes 'google' does appear in the Wikipedia liist of genericized trademarks but obviously it's not authoritative or anything. More to the point though, you're right, everything else on this list works as a noun, not as an action.
I don't see why universities can't have something like a a private bitbucket
Hey, 'to taser' does exist though, doesn't it? Also 'to xerox'.
@RMartinhoFernandes I have seen a few budget cuts (and layoffs) in my time, and I have seen a few very bad cases of bean-countery. But I have yet to see a company which thought that cutting the few bucks for coffee they spend per months are in any way financially relevant.
@LucDanton Nah, there's also astroturfing.
let the students make use of it all they want.
@LucDanton Right, and that.
@thecoshman What's "ea"?
A game company.
@TomW You just took my reply literally.
@sbi did you deliberately wait 'till I ran out of edit time? Tea, by the way
@RMartinhoFernandes I thought that the final twist would have been 'I decided to cut on working there'. Not that I have a problem with coffee myself.
@RMartinhoFernandes I doubt he was speaking of drinking the "challenge everything" company instead of tea or coffee.
@LucDanton never heard any one say 'to xerox' :P
@thecoshman In fact, I didn't this time. I just can't type fast enough to keep up with all the replies. I was genuinely asking what you meant by that.
@thecoshman E.g. there are hits when searching for 'xeroxed'.
@sbi oh, I thought my use of brackets would help link to two sections together.
@sbi Now, that's a picture.
@RMartinhoFernandes Here, have some brain bleach.
@thecoshman Well, if it's not a verb in English, it is in Brazilian Portuguese.
@thecoshman Brackets? Do you mean the parentheses?
@sbi I am rather firsty thirsty
@sbi Re: It's all about preferences. Some companies prefer to enforce the policy to "check in early and often" -- that's precisely what I can't do in SVN: I can not checkin everytime I need to (refactoring done, added new xsd, added a project, removed dead code, green bar etc. etc.) because the check-in has to go to the central server where it creates problems for other people.
@sbi British call brackets to "anything" that moves.
I don't see how that argument can be made in favour of SVN
@thecoshman I don't know what that means, but it sounds rather dirty.
@sbi yeah, there synonymous
@sbi better?
@sehe I have already said numerous times that this is what branches are for, and I am sick of having to repeat it. (And then having to refute that FUD that branching doesn't work in SVN.)
@sbi Regardless, I have been using bazaar, darcs and git as 'guerilla' local VCS on top of CVS, SVN, SourceSafe, TFS and probably in the near future: Serena Dimensions as well :)
@thecoshman They're synonyms? I am confused. ISTR native speakers correcting me on that years ago. Sigh. Maybe those were Merkins.
'Standard' names are as follows :P
( <= Bracket
{ <= curly bracket
[ <= square bracket
< <= pointly leftt bracket
@sehe Serena Dimensions? WTF?
Take that, TVTropes, linker from hell!
@sbi Native speakers from where? There are regional differences.
Wait, why are you inviting me to the bin?
@LucDanton Yup. I meant to add that, but first I had to remove the trap the robot had laid out again.
@sbi 'correct' name would parentheses, but really, either one works just as well
@sbi I don't believe you will easily convince me that SVN branching is simple and scales to this kind of microcommit. In my experience, it just doesn't. Subversion has long been my weapon of choice (in the years before the rise of DVCS), and believe me: I tried to make it work (using merge tracking extensions, branch namespaces). The fact of the matter is, it is intrusive for other users, and very easy to get merge tracking messed up. It is also slow, compared to distributed branches.
@RMartinhoFernandes I didn't do that, actually. It must be a new auto mechanism.
@sbi There you go then. IIRC 'parentheses' would be idiomatic for American English, yep.
@sbi again, I think using a local repo for this style of branching is ok. It is for me. So we can have our (sour) cake and eat it :)
@sbi It kinda makes sense: if someone posts to the wrong room, and one moves the messages to the correct one, they probably want to join that room. It just doesn't quite work well with our abuse of that mechanism to remove trash.
I'm going to be grown up enough to let sleeping dogs lie, but not enough to avoid making a point of it
@sehe Did I already mention everybody here regularly checks into feature branches, and that we rarely ever have any trouble merging? Yes, that could be due to the way we use SVN, and, yes, I agree that some DVCS tools might make merging easier. I really don't know. But I was never saying anything to the contrary, so will you please stop throwing those marketing speech bubbles at me?!
Thank you.
@thecoshman What does that mean?
@RMartinhoFernandes 'let sleeping dogs lie'?
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, that's annoying. BTW, @sehe, did you get an invitation yesterday when I moved your animated image to the bin?
@sbi Marketing? I don't follow. Anyways, I gave my view, as you did. It's ok by me
@sbi Nope I did not
@sehe So it must be a new thing.
@sbi I remember getting invited to the bin before. Don't recall the circumstances under which that happened
Damn, why does this chat always grow features over night, and they don't even point us at a list listing those.
huh... do these sort of sayings not translate well?
Wasn't the "marketing speech bubble" simply "there's no advantage to using SVN"? Which now no one seems to dsiagree with
@sehe Oh. Now I am intrigued.
BAM! Blasted.
Damn, I placed the quotes on the wrong word in that starred message. Fail.
@sbi Hmm, there was no invitation now.
@sbi meh? I'm much more intrigued by the reasons why people choose VCSes and, what reasons they state on the other hand.
@RMartinhoFernandes where you still in the room?
@thecoshman Of course I'm still in the room.
@thecoshman I have heard the proverb about never waking sleeping dogs in German, but originally it might be an English one. It's a very well known English one, though, and I would expect any furriner with the robot's ability to speak English to have heard of it.
@RMartinhoFernandes The bin room, shirley.
@RMartinhoFernandes the 'bin' room you don't think you get a new invite if you are already in the room
Oh, I never joined the bin.
And don't call me Shirley.
@thecoshman it's a saying in Dutch, alright
@sbi 'furriner' foreigner?
we have some really odd sayings in English, some of which don't even make sense to us
In the style of 'murican yokels = "dem furriners takin all ar jerbs"
don't ask me for any, let wiki give them to you
@thecoshman Yeah, but only when covered in fur. (lmgtfy)
@TomW dey tooked ar jerbs!
OMG everyone switched to gibberish.
@RMartinhoFernandes Tom and Dan aren't "everybody" here.
@sbi huh... it's an actual word
@thecoshman 90secs and counting down...
Who's Dan? @thecoshman?
@sbi ¬_¬ damn you remembering details that give me a wee shock when you make use of them
@thecoshman, Athlone
Software Engineer for Ericssons
3.1k tweets, 57 followers, following 97 users
@sbi got me all in a panic then
@thecoshman My twitter client throws that at me every time you tweet something.
@sbi I feel liked you just pulled my trousers down in a public place
Twitter profiles onebox? I didn't know that.
@sbi what client you use?
@RMartinhoFernandes 90secs and counting down...
@sbi I don't understand the meaning of that message.
@thecoshman On android I have just switched to TweetCaster. I'm not too happy with it, but right now it seems better than TweetDeck.
@RMartinhoFernandes You had an error in your message, and there were ~90secs to correct it.
@thecoshman No, I just showed everybody that poster you put up on the web, of you with your pants around your ankles.
@sbi I did use tweet deck on chrome, but didn't see the point when I like twitter it self just as much. On my phone, tweetdeck seems ok...
@Xeo Man, that's mean. I'm laughing.
Very DemotivationaL
wait till the puppy sees this.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: They just pulled my trousers down! [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@sbi I have nothing to hide! Unless it's cold
lunch :)
> The dictionary does not contain any entries for 'cole'
@thecoshman That appears to imply that he wouldn't object if he had done it in a private place?
@thecoshman What cold stuff are you hiding?
@thecoshman Small things are easier to hide
@sbi you are either being obtuse, or misunderstanding me. I suspect the former
@sehe Well, would you rather have your pants pulled down in public or in private?
@sbi at least in public people can come to your rescue :(
@thecoshman Isn't "being obtuse" a synonym to "deliberately misunderstanding"? (That's a genuine question.)
@thecoshman Or to hers.
@sbi I would still object
@sehe Even if she is beautiful?
@sbi erm... I guess it is. sort of being deliberately awkward
It's probably ok if I'm on fire :)
Though I think there exist more effective ways to put out flames
@sehe Wait. You would object to having your pants pulled down, except if the person doing it is female, beautiful, and you are being on fire?
Erm. Do you have kids?
@sehe I'd hope that if I was on fire, I would not just have my trousers pulled down
I merely replied to a message. That doesn't mean I confirmed anything you said, or, indeed, even took notice.
Of course, you posting that made for nice coincidence when I was ready to post my 'on fire' line :)
.....are we discussing pants?
@thecoshman Depends what part of you is on fire. If your hair is on fire, you could wrap your pants around them to extinguish it
@IntermediateHacker !!pants!! to be precise.
@IntermediateHacker Yes, we are discussing pants... being pulled down.
well, yes. But I am using the (proper) English meaning, not trousers, like those silly merkins
@sbi a.k.a rape?
4 mins ago, by sbi
@sehe Even if she is beautiful?
oh, then that's okay.
@IntermediateHacker without penetration it is either attempted rape or just sexual assault
@IntermediateHacker Wait, beautiful people are allowed to rape?
@RMartinhoFernandes we prefer to call that 'seduction'.
Q: how long an executable will run in infinite case(any timing limit)

Anil KumarA small doubt I have an application(exe) running in infinite loop, how long it executes.. I mean does it executes for years if my system is ON. or is there any timing limit for an application to run. (If this is not correct place for this question please point me to the correct reference) Than...

Fascinating. GCC was crashing because my allocator had an unfinished max_size implementation. Somehow GCC couldn't report that.
Voted to move to superuser. In practice there could be CPU time limits. On shared hosts, e.g.
@IntermediateHacker "Rape by a beautiful girl is called seduction". That is a good one. I'll have to remember it.
Well, I'll leave for lunch now.
@sbi For the next time, so you'll not be stupified like before? :)
@IntermediateHacker Doesn't that imply willingness?
woof woof!
no puppy burgers made out of me
@DeadMG yet...
he's alive!
I was looking forward to eating the burger, though.
this is far from unusually late for me to wake up
@sbi late reply: note that I can pull down my own pants. Very quickly, too. And I haven't kept track, but I wouldn't be surprised, in general, if a good percentage of children around the globe were conceived without the pulling down of any pants (think of the Scottish, for a start)
@sehe You should list this under your special skills in your CV.
@ScarletAmaranth What makes you think it isn't there, yet?
@sehe Touche.
@IntermediateHacker Really, that's just pointless and stupid.
@IntermediateHacker I wouldn't be surprised if you'd get flagged for that. You risk CW-ing a question that might yield the OP a ton of rep :)
Heh, as a 'feature' my allocator can default construct (i.e. instead of value-initialization) some types. And I can't test that in the unit test without UB. Ah well, too bad.
Some people actually care about rep / badges ? ...
Mmh, I have an overload taking (T) and one taking (T, Args...), and GCC does pick the first one whereas I thought this would be ambiguous.
Keeping in mind that T is not a template parameter but the first overload is still a template. Silly overload resolution rules, I have no idea if GCC is correct.
I can see how those two could be ordered, but I have no idea if that's how it should be.
A: Most efficient way in C++ to strip strings

DeadMGTry calling reserve(2000) on your final string before using it. Also take a const ref as argument. Edit: I would suspect that on Unix, the isalpha function is performing a lot more work to support Unicode, and you are only interested in the ASCII range. It's still a big leap, but you might try ...

@LucDanton Can't you use a default constructor with observable sideeffect? Or do you need it tested for a POD type?
curious question
for some reason, the OP has a ridiculously, absurdly, slow piece of code
I'm adding an SFINAE test to be explicit. Sort of verbose, but at least I'm reasonably sure the code is conforming.
the kind of code which takes him 1.6sec and for me, it's so fast, I had to literally count the CPU cycles before I could get a time- and I even checked the disassembly to show it was happening.
@sehe Ah, this is indeed intended for types that are trivially default constructible. So there's no actual constructor call.
@sehe I thought you had the right idea with the default constructor thingy but I wouldn't want to make that available to clients.
A: Most efficient way in C++ to strip strings

seheUse the C locale. On some locales, isalpha and friends might be very slow. E.g. on UNIX LANG=C export LANG or use std::locale to activate the C locale from code std::locale::global(std::locale::classic); // untested draft Edit For an example of how locales can slowdown performance of, e.g...

Either I make it work for non trivially default constructible types (non tdc types) but that's a worthless feature (as value initialisation is the same as default construction for those) or I don't and I can't test.
beyond irrelevant
I'd rather go with a bit of UB in the unit test tbh.
there's a difference between "very slow" and "1.6 seconds for a 2000 character string".
@LucDanton How can you trust the tests to work then?
Mar 13 at 9:30, by Luc Danton
@thecoshman I have unit tests for the unit tests.
Didn't you know?
@LucDanton You remember what you said more than a month ago?
hey robot
I has question
when you does mathematical stuffs in Haskell, do you produce separate types?
@classdaknok_t Well, it was a good joke. Or at least that's what I think of it.
like XFloat, only a float along the X axis, or stuff like that
@LucDanton it is, yes.
@DeadMG Like typedef float XFloat;? Or strong typedefs?
nah, a strong typedef
Mmh, no support for std::is_trivially_default_constructible. No surprise here.
so if you do something like YFloat f = XFloat(); you get an error
Usually no.
But in some cases, I do.
I wouldn't do so for XFloat.
@LucDanton Look for a has_trivial_default_constructor or something. GCC has these old names.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, was going to plug in std::is_trivial in the meantime. Nice to know, thanks.
I doubt itwould be of much use to me anyway
Yeah, I don't see much use in XFloat.
I can't imagine a function that would only work with coordinates in the x axis.
I found yet another special case in these damn geometrical codes
apparently, cross(x, -x) is bad
It has an infinite number of solutions.
I'd rather that it just picked one rather than breaking my everything
@DeadMG geometrical codes?
No wait, the solution is the 0 vector.
sin π = 0.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, all I get is a bunch of NANs
probably cause I tried to normalize the vector after crossing it
That explains.
but now I have no idea what to put as the axis
I could just rotate x by 90 degrees in some arbitrary direction?
What are you computing that needs that cross product?
rotate from facing X vector to facing Y vector
So apparently GCC chokes on EnableIf<...> = _ mostly when packs are somehow involved.
cross product to get axis of rotation, dot product to get angle of rotation
use angle/axis to create quaternion
Well, you can pick any vector perpendicular to either of x or -x.
So, yeah, rotate x by 90 in any direction works.
but how do I get one without using the cross product?
I think swapping two coordinates works.
(a,b,c) is perpendicular to (b,a,c) in the z = c plane, if I'm thinking this right.
Of course that leads to more special cases :S
that would be fine- if all my vectors were in a flat z plane
@DeadMG It works for any plane.
There are an infinite number of vectors perpendicular to x, you just select one plane and use that one.
well, I don't really think so
Hmm, came across the following comment in some code: `//! Obvious, is it not?
`. Can't decide if I think it's cute or annoying
z = c is just the one that gives the simplest calculation.
the exact values which trigged the problem are 0,0,1 and 0,0,-1
if I swap 0 and 0, I'm just gonna get my original vector back again
It is very obvious, the function below it is very well named, so no comment is necessary
(0,0,z) is problematic though.
1 min ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Of course that leads to more special cases :S
I would say more accurately that (a,a,b) in any form is problematic
Oh, wait, I got that wrong above then.
It's (x,y,z) -> (-y,x,z).
I need paper to think this properly.
you know
it occurs to me that I don't need a particularly good solution
all I need to do is kick it out of this local minimum, and the next tick, it will continue on it's way because it won't be in the minimum anymore
cross((a,b,c), (basis in the direction of the coordinate with the least magnitude)) seems to work in all cases.

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