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And of everyone they suspended @thecoshman for... something
@Lalaland link?
If I post it (somewhere public), will I get banned?
@Lalaland just post it and delete it after 10 seconds..
Do eet
Anyway Jerry p much repeated it anyway
51 mins ago, by Jerry Coffin
@sehe I don't think it was off-color, nor was it particularly a joke. I said most women want at least something of a date before they have sex. At least in my experience, that's a simple observation of fact.
@orlp um it's illegal in most countries
@orlp posting pirated material is generally something that is frowned upon - even if legal somewhere.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not arguing against that
@orlp i think you are making a strawman argument
@Lalaland I don't think that's particularly rude, just out of line for the chat.
I don't even think it's that out of line.
by posing this as "it may be illegal but just as well be legal", but when actually it's more like "you could have some weird laws in a broken country in which it is legal"
Everything is legal somewhere.
right. he has made a "god" argument.
@Lalaland I think it was, and I would have deleted it if I was Jon too. That sort of discussion has no place in SE chat. Not because of anything deep - just because it's poor taste.
@Lalaland Murdering the national leader
@orlp There are a number of international treaties about copyright law to which most countries are signatories, so laws are quite uniform with respect to copyright. Most variation is strictly in how (or even if) those laws are enforced.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nonsense
are ttys full duplex?
What about illegal material that most people agree should be legal?
@JerryCoffin up until april 2014 it was legal to download anything in the netherlands, as long as you weren't distributing it
For instance, blasphemy?
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's pretty tame and completely not a problem.
@Lalaland I think you'll find a lot of people who suggest it should be illegal
@JerryCoffin namely - the united states where Stack Overflow is hosted, and would not want to deal with DCMA notices all of a sudden.
AFAIK it's still legal to make copies of (for personal use) and download copies of copyrighted material you have purchased here in the Netherlands
depends on your regime
@Lalaland "most people"? ask in saudia arabia and ask in germany
it just became illegal again in the UK
@orlp It's not in every country. You are not allowed to violate DRM in the US.
hence my "I assume you already own TAOCP"
i bet it depends on where you ask people
@Lalaland good thing I don't live in the US
@orlp And if TPP passes, it will be illegal almost everywhere in the civilized world.
@orlp Total Annihilation Units Compilation Pack?
@Lalaland TPP is a massive pile of horseshit.
@Puppy It actually has some good parts.
@Lalaland the TPP can go fuck itself
<strike>i think blasphemy is only illegal in underdeveloped countries</strike> correction: I think blasphemy only has a definition in underdeveloped countries.
I think the total package is a net negative, but I would love to cut out all the junk.
@Lalaland Not even remotely close to making up for the bad parts, like ISDS.
@Puppy @Cat you really don't think that that message or discussion are out of line for this public chat? Or how it might exclude people from participating (and not the bad ones)?
@BenjaminGruenbaum s/DCMA/DMCA/. But yes.
At first I thouught trying to stop people from making personal backups of content they own seems completely unenforceable
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think it's out of line.
Yeah, I'm not on my keyboard. :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's not, it wouldn't
but then I remembered DRM
@Prismatic That's what Online Piracy is for.
Is distributing cracks unethical?
Not distributing the content itself, just the cracks for the DRM.
instead of paying for a copy with reduced functionality, obtain it illegally and then you'll have full functionality.
@Lalaland DRM circumvention is illegal in many cases isn't it
@Lalaland No
using the crack is unethical :P
@Prismatic Illegal != unethical (unfortunately)
@Lalaland fortunately
we don't know whether ethics exist
For me, its not unethical to use DRM circumvention on something you own if you aren't trying to distribute someone else's IP in an unscrupulous way
DRM is garbage
Copyright is mostly garbage
direct rendering manager?
@JohannesSchaub-litb dick rights management
@CatPlusPlus I am sure the software you right relies on copyright law for sales.
Sometimes I wonder what the people who push all this IP enforcement crap are thinking anyway. Don't they make more money overall when its easier to use their digital content as opposed to packing it chock full of annoying DRM BS and paying a bunch of lawyers to sue people who mess with it
No, it relies on people wanting to pay
@Prismatic localized editions and what not either screw that over or introduce a whole bunch of loop holes. What if I bought some movie on VHS in the 90ies, am I now entitles to download bluray rips? :p
The only problem with copyright is that it is way too long a period of time.
It should be like 50 years.
@Lalaland no?
That's completely orthogonal to copyright even if copyright industry really wants it to be true
@melak47 That has nothing to do with what I said
@CatPlusPlus Without copyright law, someone could take your game and legally give it out for free.
With copyright law, they can too
You own a VHS, I think you should be able to do whatever you want with the content on that tape outside of distribution to others
@Prismatic alright, imagine I said "you" instead of "I" :p
@CatPlusPlus Yes, but that's illegal.
You have ways to fight it.
Yes but it doesn't matter
@Lalaland lol
def loop(incoming: Socket, outgoing: Socket): IO[Nothing] =
  implicitly[Bind[IO]].forever(IO { outgoing.send(incoming.recv()) })
If people want to pay for something, they'll pay for it
ie, I think you have the right to convert that VHS to a digital format
If they don't, they won't no matter what you do
I want to refactor this code so it returns an I/O action that can be performed to stop the loop.
what the fuck was that all about hay?
@Prismatic ah, but the German dub is not the same content as the original English release! :p
You don't have the right to a remastered blu-ray, because its different content. Its been remastered, changed, etc
@Lalaland there is no way to fight it without going into fully dystopian societies
@JonClements @bluefeet care to explain?
No idea how to do it though. I guess I could spawn a thread and use a volatile Boolean? But send and recv block.
@Prismatic but you agreed to the DRM, right?
I think it's a teeny bit dishonest
but in the grand scheme of things not really bad
@thecoshman People got annoyed about pastebin.com/uTBtcjPF
@Ell Nobody agreed to DRM
besides, it's still unclear whether piracy actually hurts sales
Not when the buy the game?
You buy the game and get treated like you didn't and malware gets forced onto you to try to control you
@Ell I don't think you can hold people to half the terms in a EULA and barely any of the claims they force you to agree to have been tested in court so that's not a clear way of looking at the problem
Fuck DRM
@Prismatic EULA's are void in general
they simply do not apply
@Prismatic they aren't forcing you to agree though, right?
DRM and copyright are orthogonal. You can support one but not the other and vise versa.
agreeing to the EULA is part of the price of the game
The EULA you get on a piece of software may state "YOU MAY NOT TRY TO CRACK THE DRM ON THIS PIECE OF SOFTWARE", but the country you live in may allow you to
EULAs really need to die. I don't think they provide much value at all.
I'm sure they provide lots of value to some company lawyer :)
@Ell What? You can't even view the EULA without paying the cost of the game
Licensing is what makes copyright work
They weren't, it was a protest sarcasm, but good job anyway
@Prismatic really?
(It is also obvious in context)
@Prismatic thus they are not legally binding
@Ell Yeah, what you think they have the 20 page EULA printed on the box of the game?
box? :P
what's one of those? ;)
Maybe things are different with digital content
you young people
get off my lawn
@CatPlusPlus Yeah I quickly looked at the "Additional Drivers" section somewhere in the control panel or wtv that thing is called. It came up with nothing but that doesnt mean they dont exist. I'll look again sometime soon.
@Borgleader From what I've seen on Wiki they should be in Mesa
look at how crispy that text is
dont you just to run your finger over the edges of the letters
How are you rendering the text?
"crispy" is not exactly the term I would use
Signed distance fields?
i remember qt uses that technique
and my ipad doesn't use it, judging on how much the characters jump when text scrolls horizontally :p
Yeah they use it for QML
I think thats how I found out about it
I wonder if its practical to use always use SDF for all text glyphs
Like is it being used in the web browser right now? ... hmm
someone posted a question & answered it stating that his account was deleted. I wonder what was he about. stackoverflow.com/a/34028312/2128327
@Prismatic Probably not. For higher quality rendering you need to very careful.
Align the text with the pixels on the screen, etc, etc.
@KhaledAKhunaifer Meh.. PHP, who cares?
@Lalaland PIXELS? what is this 1995
in my user interface everything is millimeters
its for the high-def displays of the future
You with your high definition screens.
Also yeah they probably use subpixel rendering and all those fancy techniques
I can still see the individual pixels on my screen.
I have a 1920x1080 display I just sit really far back from the screen :p
@ell AKA, the XY problem.
@MartinJames ohh.. I didn't even notice it
@KhaledAKhunaifer PHP devs have the online skills of a paramecium, meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/311501/…
@MartinJames that make so much sense on why no one in the post has no idea what the question was.
What have I missed?
Like how pre-school students answer a question. more like: Oh I know teacher, talk about entirely unrelated thing.
@Jefery I got a suspension for saying you shouldn't do something...
something involving a gender, an act between genders, and a container
@Prismatic % or bust
Containers are serious business
@thecoshman % of what tho
Don't onebox Amazon
@Prismatic oh the screen
@CatPlusPlus bags of fucks are particularly bad
and heaven forbid you suggest it wrong to treat women as such, men you can though, I think...
@thecoshman I know that there are places where they sell containers no one knows what's inside them. they might be empty.
I dont know if Im getting old or what but it feels hard to resize windows
I like the idea of being random-ish storage units
like lining up my mouse cursor on the edge of them
@Prismatic lol, you useless sack of shit :P
maybe my hands are like... not as precise or something
@thecoshman Suspension from being RO? For how long?
how young are you any way, 12?
@Jefery RO? only an hour
@Prismatic well, if you are using windows, you can drag the top of the window to one the screen sides to resize it to full screen or one half.
convo is on the starboard btw
@KhaledAKhunaifer Oh I know about that trick. It works on KDE and Gnome as well! But yeah, I have a lot of windows open, and only one monitor so I'm usually resizing a bunch
Maybe this is a good excuse to buy a new mouse
with a high DPI precision laser and glowing lights
for my windows I just have to hold down windows key and right click drag somewhere barely vaguely near the edge
@thecoshman Excuse me?
@thecoshman Room Owner
@Ell you can have the window selected, hold win key, and just press arrows. Sadly, this isn't a feature on Gnome (afaik)
@Prismatic or maybe a mouse that can resize the window for you
@Jefery I've not been RO for ages... because of runk me (and a mean @xeo)
@Jefery that was meant for pris
were you ever a room owner?
tony added me, no one objected (because why would they bitches)... then drunk me was depressed one night :\
and so ended the glorious italic days :(
Ah, yeah.
look at that, 2am
what sort of man is held accountable at that hour!
go on xeo, add me up again
well, pirates are known for being drunk all the time..
It's a rum do.

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