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11:00 PM
@ShotgunNinja Were you expecting One-Pun Man? Killing evils with a single joke?
you didn't laugh hard at the meteor?
that shit made me laugh hard
@Rapptz The hero qualification did it for me
Saitama is just so over the top
I would suggest to get rid of the mod who banned me for helping out with the misogynistic in this chat.
I loved how he was so proud of himself
and then the city exploded anyway
but hey he's B rank now.
11:02 PM
Can't wait for Fubooty
I guess I need to watch some more of it, I'm only like 5 or 6 episodes in
and Tatsumaki
Before soon this chat is going to gain the reputation for being the most misogynistic public chat on the internet
Didn't see the latest two episodes yet, since I watch them with a friend on Saturdays and we knew it was a two-parter.
Aaaaand we are back.
11:03 PM
oh lucky
@chmod666telkitty wow
that's really impressive
> alternative suggestions: mudarafucker, animesux, whatdoesjeferystandfor
I'm actually sad there are 3 more episodes left
@chmod666telkitty I dunno, there are chatrooms connected to /b/
11:03 PM
@chmod666telkitty And you can shut up, bye-bye.
Puppy officially saved £430 last month
@Puppy gratz
fun fact: a dog gets a boner that's so strong he actually gets stuck inside the female
@orlp It seems that I managed to get the interleaving wrong :(
11:04 PM
@chmod666telkitty Just because we dislike you doesn't mean we dislike women as a whole, ya know.
@Morwenn That (accidental) referred-to message gives a nice.. context.
@Morwenn try it with even sizes first
@orlp Makes sense.
@orlp at least the female has a pole to have pleasure
@Morwenn because with uneven sizes you might have a mismatch (the algorithm expects one portion to be bigger than it is)
11:06 PM
@EtiennedeMartel from my memory you dislike any woman who claims misogyny (i.e. the video lady)
breakfast time
@chmod666telkitty Your memory is wrong, because for the record I'm a massive white knight.
@EtiennedeMartel racist too?
Social Justice Wanker
what's wrong with a massive big black... knight
@EtiennedeMartel lol
11:07 PM
Or whatever slur the reactionnary right likes to direct at us progressives this day.
white knight/SJW != progressive
nice try friend
gonna have to try bigger bait
Don't tell me that.
Tell the idiots over on /pol/
Why do you call yourselves "progressive", out of interest?
Because opinions of people who are not are shit and backwards~
11:09 PM
@Ell I like to think of myself as a social democrat, and I dislike views typically associated with conservatives.
That puts me on the left of most political scales. So, "progressive".
but why is the left side called "progressive"?
Because the right side is called conservative?
@Ell because the right is called conservative
@Ell 'cause it ain't conservative
@chmod666telkitty how can you twist memory that much
11:09 PM
@EtiennedeMartel But but... left is backwards in platformers, not forwards or "progressing"!
@orlp Couldn't get it to work with size 24 either, but I might have an idea of what I'm doing wrong.
I thought it was "conservative" vs "liberal", traditionally
My keyboard is kinda dirty
@CatPlusPlus Make some soup.
I should buy a new one
11:10 PM
@Xeo The Japanese are very conservative, so of course they'd make you go right in Super Mario Bros.
@Ell In the US, yes.
I'm not American.
In Canada, "liberal" has a distinct meaning that I don't like to associate with.
Oops, past midnight.
@Ell That's what the scale is. Left is progressive and right is conservative.
Nope, still fails.
Haven't gone to bed this late in a while.
"Progressive" is more generic, I think.
11:11 PM
See ya.
Huh. TIL
@EtiennedeMartel liberal and conservative means different things in every country.
I think "progressive" is a bad word for it
Everyone wants to make progress
Is suppose it's just history though
Only special butterflies are progressive.
@Ell no, not the conservatives—it’s in the name
11:11 PM
The opposition is regressive.
@Rapptz Lounge is just full of people who have C++ jobs but can't code no matter how hard they try so they just sit mad and take they're rage out on women blacks and other injusticed minorities
@Ell Not really. Usual conservative position is that things were better "back then", and we have to go back to that.
Thaaaaaat's politics
was that big enough bait?
(What "back then" means isn't normally well defined)
11:12 PM
@Jeremy Who's got C++ jobs
@Ell the term liberal has been taken over by fuckwads that enjoy a good corporate cock that are delusional or corrupted enough to proclaim that an unregulated market is the best way to handle everything
Who'd want to have C++ jobs
@Jeremy ? JavaScript devs are injusticed majorities.
@CatPlusPlus me
C++ is triggering me
11:12 PM
@CatPlusPlus I do
@EtiennedeMartel I don't mean progress in time, I mean progress in happiness/betterness or w.e. - you might say the conservaties want to make progress by going "back then"
progress by not going forward
well done Ell
@CatPlusPlus can you control the speed of the throbbing
@sehe Yes
@LucDanton going from sad -> happy is progress :P
11:13 PM
@sehe The number of +s does it.
Years of practice
C+ is very little. C+++++ is harsh on him.
Personally, I think that our world right now still has many issues that need to be fixed (so we can't sit idle), that those issues existed before (so going back won't change anything) and that there is a group of people who actively benefit from that status quo, but don't want to think too much about it (because who wants to be the bad guy?)
@Ell it’s about maintaining the status quo, sometimes the status quo ante I’ll grant you that
@orlp wat - it's the other way round
I guess it's very dependant on location
in the UK "liberal" means " 'progressive' "
11:14 PM
@CatPlusPlus I see marketable opportunities
@Ell wut ?
So bringing up those issues leads to a backlash from people who don't want things to change because they're comfortable.
or maybe I'm just misinterpreting things. Or maybe one word isn't enough to describe things (of course it's not)
"It looks like you got a C++ in your graphics class... how is that different from a B minus?"
a liberal is politically seen right oriented. That side is never progressive
11:15 PM
Even though progress isn't necessarily a zero sum game.
@KarelG Are you from the UK?
no. But i use logical sense.
Liberal Party is the name for dozens of political parties around the world. Liberal parties can be center-left, centrist, or center-right depending on their location. They can further be divided based on their adherence to social liberalism or classical liberalism, although all liberal parties and individuals share basic similarities, including the support for civil rights and democratic institutions. == List of liberal parties == This is a list of currently existing and active liberal parties worldwide. == Defunct parties == == See also == Liberalism by country (for a list of liberal parties...
So improving things for some people doesn't mean dragging other people downwards.
@melak47 Join the party on Mumble if you're around
11:16 PM
@KarelG if that's your logical sense, I'd hate to see your illogical sense ;)
But Labour is somewhat progressive. true
def deinterleave(i):
    return i // 2 + (i % 2) * N // 2

                yield (deinterleave(i), deinterleave(i + d))
@Morwenn ^
Anyway. I'm a privileged shitlord and I try to do something about it everyday.
I now propose nuking the from orbit
11:17 PM
@EtiennedeMartel try to do something about your privilege?
@EtiennedeMartel check yo privilege
Let x be the set of people with the privelege of not having a privelege
@Ell I have to remind myself that a lot of what I have comes from luck, not from skill.
@Mgetz it's barely used nowadays. If people wants to learn that, advise something else
@EtiennedeMartel yikes.
11:18 PM
@orlp That's exactly what I've got (except I used a condition instead of a multiplication).
@Rapptz what's wrong
@KarelG hence the move to purge
@sehe looks like white guilt to me
@EtiennedeMartel Luck? Did you win the lottery? :P
11:19 PM
@Ell Ethical, gender and location lottery, if you will. :P
@Ell Of course. I was born white, male, cis, heterosexual, and in a upper middle class family.
I starred the thing about zero-sums. It's the essence
cis ?
Called it.
Being in an upper middle class family is a consequence of your parents & grandparents skill at least
11:19 PM
@KarelG As opposed to trans.
I do not deserve these things any more than any other people. So, if someone who wasn't as lucky as me asks for a little bit more, then it's not like I can complain.
@Ell But you don't choose where you're born.
The point is (to me) that to give others fair/equal chance you have to help them. Of course you can argue "It's just nature" but that's not my idea of civilisation
@EtiennedeMartel Right, you don't choose until many years after you're born
@EtiennedeMartel This is why I find borders so incredibly cruel.
Whenever I see someone who's well off claim that "the poor are lazy", I cringe.
11:21 PM
@EtiennedeMartel how often do you see this though?
@orlp A hell of a lot of times.
It's p. uncommon explicitly.
I don't understand "privilege" really. Is "white privilege" saying that being a white person is better than being a black person?
@Rapptz I see the signals when they're not explicit
@Ell No. It's saying that being white gives you some advantages in society because whites are seen as better than blacks.
11:23 PM
We can all make assumptions.
@EtiennedeMartel Nice leap.
Aren't you perpetuating that idea by "respecting" white privilege though?
@Rapptz Either you don't lurk in the same areas of society as I do, or you just close your eyes.
Or maybe I'm full of shit.
I have one key question I suppose: what is a privilege? (ie define privilege)
open a dictionary ?
I'm looking at your demographics.
11:25 PM
> a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.
@Ell Well, for example, people with "black" sounding names are less likely to be called back for a job interview.
You have a way lower number of minorities than my state.
And most parts of Canada.
@Rapptz There's a lot of women in Canada.
@Rapptz canada eh?
A lot of my friends are LGBT as well, so I tend to see what they go through.
I was unaware that being composed of 50% of the population was a minority.
Holy mother
Women are a minority now?
I mean it's not just minorities.
11:27 PM
It kinda varies though
You said "black" and "white".
The weird double standards that gender roles bring are making it worst for women than for men, even if both sides get shafted.
Could at least be consistent.
in china, there is 1 female for 2 males.
@Rapptz Ell talked about "white privilege".
But you can always just nitpick semantics instead of trying to argue in good faith.
11:27 PM
You're the one who changed the argument midway.
I'm talking about privilege. I always did.
And that's not just for race.
5 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
@Ell No. It's saying that being white gives you some advantages in society because whites are seen as better than blacks.
@Rapptz "It's".
This is the nonsense I was replying to.
But why is it nonsense?
11:28 PM
Your logical conclusion leap.
It's an oversimplification of history and society to the point where it bothers me.
@LucDanton good priorities
And FWIW the city I live in has the biggest signs of what you mention as a consequence of history.
So, what are you saying? That's it'as all part of nature?
What are you saying?
11:30 PM
@CatPlusPlus Yes
What's your position in all of this?
@GregorMcGregor Come to Mumble we're talking about mad bucks you're making
Let's have a conversation. Because right now I feel it's just me saying the things I believe and you trying to counteract every single point without ever saying what you really think.
@ElimGarak what party?
11:31 PM
@GregorMcGregor cicada
@melak47 Cat Plus Plus is here, so imagine :P
when are you going to change alter egos again
oh no bartek speaking in engpolish
decisions decisions which micro usb otg hub to get
11:31 PM
@GregorMcGregor Me too
@GregorMcGregor Come, join us, bbz
what is the average level of alcohol
I don't talk about my political or social opinions.
@GregorMcGregor 0.12 BAC
11:32 PM
@Rapptz I'm getting that way now :V
That explains your usual stance as devil's advocate. Only way to argue without revealing your view.
what is going on
@GregorMcGregor All alcohol
At least I get an opposing opinion.
roommates are singing 'let it go'
11:34 PM
Let it go orlp
in some gay-ass religious party
I'm like (-1, -1) or something in the axis.
bible study & suck 'n fuck
how to join
11:35 PM
@GregorMcGregor potato farmers can't join
you have to be a hot lady from hong kong to join
that's racist or sexist or sth
I'm sure you'll figure something out
The only reasonable Dutchperson here is @sehe
@EtiennedeMartel thank god I'm Belgian then
@TonyTheLion <3 <3
11:37 PM
@EtiennedeMartel :(
@EtiennedeMartel what did I do to deserve this hatred :(
Guys, if after the 3rd you don't hear from me anymore, I died during a colonscopy.
That would be shitty
@ScottW vanuit mn dikke bmw jonge
@Jefery ok I'll ping you
@orlp Nothing. I'm unreasonable like that.
11:38 PM
@Jefery you won't die :)
@EtiennedeMartel what an irrational rationalization
cool I just got the whole room to say "world" for no reason
@Jefery Well, the goal is that even if you die it's not shitty.
But I refused
@набиячлэвэлиь Happy birthday man
11:40 PM
@CatPlusPlus You re-fused?
@ScottW Come to Mumble Cicada is showering live
cat is right pissed I bet
Don't piss beds
he's really mad, join mumble and you can listen to him rant
11:42 PM
So wtf did I miss?
Cicada showering
@CatPlusPlus what was mumble again
@Borgleader Un char de marde.
@Borgleader <3 <3 <3
join mumble tony is explain
11:43 PM
@MadaraUchiha join mumble
@TonyTheLion <3<3<3<3
@EtiennedeMartel calice... encore?
@Borgleader :) :D
11:45 PM
@nick I actually might tomorrow, It's almost 2AM here and as I said before It's been a really long day :(
I'm just about to hit the lights
ah alright man
Thanks for offering though
@MadaraUchiha So what it's almost 8 am and am late for work for the lounge what are you a wimp
@GregorMcGregor #ForTheLounge
11:46 PM
this new batch of smurfs is DISAPPOINTING
@GregorMcGregor you have quite a lot to catch up with
I'll try to match your expectations better tomorrow
hey can I get banned too
this @Ed guy isn't cool enough to join us here
11:47 PM
Despite it being 2AM, I was still at work 3 hours ago :D
@MadaraUchiha exceed my expectations
@GregorMcGregor Not for free.
If you're going to get a free ban, I'd like one too.
free spankings?
Bans are $5 each.
@MadaraUchiha hopefully by not being here
11:48 PM
woof your face bitch
@LucDanton :(
@MadaraUchiha are you going to pay me 5$ for a ban ? OK
11:48 PM
@GregorMcGregor i joined mumble for u bb
one important thing
after 3 hours
I have no intention of mumbling with Cicada.
can we flag out a moderator out of a room
@BartekBanachewicz "out of a room"?
> Nevermore - Puppies are now at the appropriate vendor, Bunnies are still broken!
poor bunnies
11:49 PM
Room owners can't kick mods, and mods can instsa-invalidate flags against their messages
I actually don't know what would happen for a mod to be succesfully spam/abusive flagged
didn't hurt to ask I guess.
@MadaraUchiha Only if they are quick enough :P
11:50 PM
posted on December 01, 2015 by Eric Battalio [MSFT]

Did you miss the Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 announcement yesterday on the Visual Studio blog? Find the release notes here Install C2/CLang support from the breadcrumb template under File > New > C++ > Cross-platform or, for new Visual...(read more)

☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
But even if they get banned, they can easily unban themselves (methinks)
Can you ban yourself
@Feeds You're late.
11:51 PM
Are you Mad ara
@MadaraUchiha Hi friend welcome to the lougne<c++>
> Offhands now go in your bags beside your mainhand when swapping to a 2h weapon!
@GregorMcGregor topkek
@GregorMcGregor the impossible happened
@GregorMcGregor Nope
Apparently I can't.
11:51 PM
Well at least you tried I suppose!
@ScottW I did vote
There were moderator elections?
@vagtech sup
i want star 2 pls
11:53 PM
@Jefery and why do you think we're having today's shitstorm
pls a star for me 2
@shog9: Still wondering if we can get some guidelines that if an intelligent person reads them, and makes a sincere attempt at following them, he can be reasonably assured that either he won't get banned, or else the actions of the moderator(s) who did the banning will have their actions reviewed by actual employees, and when/if those mods are shown to have done the wrong thing, appropriate action will be taken.
@EtiennedeMartel Not true
@JerryCoffin we need to give him some time to get that. Just wanted to say you have my full support on that.
@TonyTheLion majestic as fuck, less than you though :3 /cc @jaggedSpire
11:55 PM
@JerryCoffin I would love such a guideline
But I have a feeling it wouldn't be so simple.
@Borgleader awwww <3 <3 :)
@Borgleader Get your sweet ass on Mumble
Right now, the mods are doing their best to make it clear that 1) they can and will apply completely arbitrary standards, and 2) when/if their actions are shown to have been wrong, they'll simply ignore the problem and when the problems are pointed out to them, they will take punitive action against those who did so.
@Borgleader :3
11:56 PM
@ElimGarak Nope, time for a shower.
@Borgleader It's okay, we're all streaming that
it needs way more quotes I suppose, from the discussion, election statements and SO policies.

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