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10:00 PM
@KhaledAKhunaifer Wrong. Allowed:
@rlemon We value sense. Well. Some of us, apparently
user image
If only the chat platform had a way to handle such oneboxes... if only..
praise bjarne
10:00 PM
@Elyse muh wow. So glitter
Twilight: Server Room
@Nick I wrote most of them. The rest I dictated to my prophets.
@rlemon It does. With some clever userscripts that we're all too lazy for
10:00 PM
What the fuck is going on
@Elyse The only GIF we accept.
@Morwenn Looks like you're gonna puke, tbh
I wanted to post the picture where spiderman is lying on bed saying that gave me cancer
but I was lazy
10:00 PM
I want my Lounge back
@rlemon Lemon hade?
@rlemon Sparklestrup is the only allowed gif.
Ok, the room is now filling with bullshit. Can the JavaScript people kindly leave?
@rlemon Lemonade. Yum. Please calm your tits emotions
10:01 PM
@rlemon 1st grade lemoncism
JavaScript > C++
Eww.. bjarne vampire. I think I'd rather have the modern army.
Just a bunch of cis hetero oranges
10:01 PM
@Elyse room doom
I think someone tipped off another room in order to come stir up some more shit
Hmm, I could take cross room opinions on this. Anyone else thinks writing a CV is harder than theoretical physics?
@набиячлэвэлиь Yeah, shitty webcam & stuff. I can't ever take a decent screen capture.
10:01 PM
@Zirak Hey! I'm neither cis nor hetero, you filthy ass-cactus.
Also, I'm kinda tempted to gallery the room to get the noise out.
@BartekBanachewicz You've joined the presidential race?
@BartekBanachewicz 2016
@BartekBanachewicz slammed your finger with a hammer ?
Bartek 2016!
10:01 PM
@Morwenn what?
Bartek your hair looks very soft like mine
you know this chat room is making me laugh. :P
didn't get that impression at all
@KarelG my cat scratched me :S
10:01 PM
Jokes on you all, I've been in this room for the past 600 days
Because anyone's better than that other guy
@BartekBanachewicz You really look like a younger Jean Dujardin.
@BartekBanachewicz what is that thing between the 0 and 6 ?
@Xeo do eet
@BartekBanachewicz Weakling.
10:02 PM
@BartekBanachewicz I like the way your hair falls better than in most other pictures. Perhaps it is because this time we can actually see the top of your head. I dunno
@Xeo yesplx
@AwalGarg Yes!
for an hour or so
@rlemon That's...not...the way the joke's polarity goes
@orlp Fine then, but I could have become really annoying in no time. The simple fact that I was assrting things was a hint :p
10:02 PM
@sehe it's longer now
I spent three hours yesterday brusing up mine
@BartekBanachewicz kinky
omg I got so caught up in lounging I didn't realize it's time to go home
@BartekBanachewicz Ah. I noticed. It is really nicer. Less "rigid" IYAM
@SterlingArcher same
10:02 PM
howdy folks
!!afk vapeaholics anon
You're dismissed. Thanks for doing your duty!
@sehe aw thanks :3
hi ninja
fuck no cap
10:03 PM
Jesus Christ
I heard something was going down in here
:-\ room's gone to shit
@ShotgunNinja Keep dreaming
this room has always been shit
10:03 PM
@ScarletAmaranth Only for a bit.
@ScarletAmaranth welcome to the past ever of this room
Fatalism is way overrated these days
So, real effects of the mess: Cosh got banned, Cat got banned, Jerry is no longer an owner.
@SterlingArcher ... nice try
@AwalGarg Sure it's harder. On CV's, you have to lie convincingly, physicists can get away with lying insincerely.
10:03 PM
I'm just saying
> You have fully used your vote allowance for today
@ScarletAmaranth well, if it smells bad, you can use this
welp, gonna miss them a little
but not really
Everytime I come here, 98% of the time it's people yelling at @BartekBanachewicz
10:04 PM
This room is bad, everyone learn JavaScript and join us in room 17 for some real professional discussion.
@EtiennedeMartel How come Jerry is no room owner anymore?
I like how the JS>C++ message got to the starboard top here :)
@Morwenn Removed himself.
@SterlingArcher Me too
10:04 PM
@SterlingArcher That's what he'd like you to think. But we also like to yell at Puppy.
It's a bit like him.
user image
So basically what happened in C# happened here too
Yeah Puppy didn't like me when I came here for a question
@EtiennedeMartel 'cept he kinda went into hiding, so not that good of a target anymore
10:05 PM
invade ya later meatbags
@SterlingArcher This says a lot about the conditions that make you come here
ohh.. so that was a lambda
@JerryCoffin Woa, strong words there.
10:05 PM
Jerry sure is pissed
bartek is a seksi bič
Time to eat some nice bukkake.
@Morwenn did you check the merge code n ow?
@AwalGarg Yeah. We don't like premature censorship
@ElimGarak Ас фуцк
10:05 PM
@JerryCoffin Ouch
@EtiennedeMartel Strong, but fully deserved, IMO.
@Jefery I have unstarred something else just to star that
@ElimGarak Hi Elim
Only the most shameful Stack Overflow questions/answers -- Send me screenshots; I will retweet them.
6 tweets, 5 followers, following 1 users
That message is kinda like Turkey shooting down a Russian plane
10:06 PM
I hate it when the trash bin overflows
@orlp No, there's too much drama right now and I don't want to miss it.
@JerryCoffin Once you figure out what it means, I'll tell you what I think of it.
@sehe Hi, sehe! Is there going to be a recap of the latest drama in the Lounge for the absent folks? :D
@Morwenn what is the drama
35 mins ago, by sehe
So far we've established that Jerry made a gendered joke that - out of context - was picked up and cracked down upon. Strange, weird, but no biggie (nothing to barge in for and make threats /cc @Jon @Mysticial).
10:07 PM
why do I always miss drama
I think I'd tend to agree with @Jerry. At the very least, this was really badly handled IMO.
Oh wow lol, I didn't do that.
@orlp Bans/flags all round...
@MartinJames wat why
10:07 PM
@MadaraUchiha Didn't do what?
@Jefery Jerry got a ban.
@orlp Coshy, Cat..
This is like the Bataclan massacre. Slowly banned one by one.
1 message moved to bin
10:08 PM
please at least tell me you all voted invalid
@Xeo That doesn't make me agree with the wording. I think even the mods agree that it was badly handled:
45 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
It's not that we're the only ones fired up
the feels
@Xeo aww I wanted to star that
so... disagreeing with a mods decision / stature as a mod gets you banned?
sounds about right
10:08 PM
Yeah, that was from flags
@EtiennedeMartel I object
@Elyse Off color...
@orlp i.imgur.com/euRG8lK.jpg (@BartekBanachewicz)
I only saw two flags.
mod flags insta validate
10:08 PM
@Xeo I'm not hiding, I merely now have other pursuits
so I suppose a mod validated it
@sehe define: off color
Disagreeing with Madara is a capitol offense
@rlemon I suspect so too.
@Puppy s/pursuits/excuses/
10:09 PM
@rlemon grrrrr
@MadaraUchiha which is some bullshit
@Elyse bad/tasteless joke
Probably just another instance of .
10:09 PM
@sehe You indeed have bad taste. I liked it.
@Nick Spelling mistake though earns you a special place in hell :)
@Elyse You should think more
The joke, not the massacre. Massacres are often bad.
can someone enlighten me
what drama I missed this time
Dec 30 '12 at 21:57, by user142019
Think less.
10:10 PM
you know what also looks like a lambda
@orlp It cannot be repeated..
@orlp Nobody can, because apparently nobody actually knows. It's just people getting hammered.
@orlp we got 3 valuable SO contributors suspended so far
@BartekBanachewicz lol "so far"
10:10 PM
7 mins ago, by Etienne de Martel
So, real effects of the mess: Cosh got banned, Cat got banned, Jerry is no longer an owner.
so yeah, it's C# room all over again
@KhaledAKhunaifer boobs: λ looks like Y, and ( . Y . )
Ban me too
@MadaraUchiha judging by current mod actions, seems apt
10:11 PM
@Nick wow. You can shout
@Morwenn well
that hand gesture
1 message moved to bin
that's the results of the drama so far
@Elyse only if it's shown down under.
10:11 PM
@MadaraUchiha I thought your secret Mossad mission was to surgically cripple all the chats?
Won't they be just suspended from chat and not from the main site though, @MadaraUchiha?
@Morwenn That's the effects. Who cares :)
One more oneboxed meme and I'll kick whoever posted it.
So, a week old moderator on a power trip coming down on, literally, a pillar of the community that is Jerry?
not what the actual drama is
10:11 PM
39 mins ago, by sehe
So far we've established that Jerry made a gendered joke that - out of context - was picked up and cracked down upon. Strange, weird, but no biggie (nothing to barge in for and make threats /cc @Jon @Mysticial).
Meh, I only just got back after 7-day ban, so forgive me for not showing too much solidarity with the oppressed masses.
@sehe I like it more when they're here :(
why is this depressing transcript attracting tourists?
I think the mods are coming down on chat in general right now
@MartinJames wait what you were banned as well?
10:12 PM
flag me
@telkitty Please post this on meta
000 000 your mom is phat
It started with them discovering what was going on with Mos Eisley on Stack Exchange
then it hit C#, and now Lounge
that quote was quoted by mods so many times
strangely enough
10:12 PM
@ShotgunNinja That's probably more accurate than you think.
I'm not sure what other rooms were affected
@Morwenn Yeah. Well. There's that. But to understand history and actually live on (with returning bannees) you need to know the relevant part
@ShotgunNinja What was going on?
this is one of those rare times when I actually miss @chmod666telkitty
Up until 2 elections back, we didn't have any mods actually active in chat.
10:13 PM
@JohanLarsson Because humanity
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah. I failed to be economical with the truth when commenting on shi... bad questions.
Which was fine; now you've gone and ruined all of the fun
And SO worked fine.
@MartinJames god damn it
10:13 PM
@Nick Where
@Jefery Basically, the mods are making a show of force on the wild wild web of chat
@sehe Don't ask me legitimate questions; it offends me
I've been called out twice by a mod for a joke of a sexual nature
@BartekBanachewicz That's... twisted
@Nick I don't mind if you do
@Nick Hey, you want unmoderated chat? You have alternatives.
10:14 PM
the streets.
Let's all migrate to omegle
Lounge<Chat> is not dead.
I don't disagree with them coming in and cleaning up chat a bit, but there's a lot of resistance.
@MadaraUchiha Good point
10:14 PM
Well, love time then? Overflow the chat with love or something?
ITT "everyone get out of here, the new sheriff's in town"
I think small decisions were made that caused the situation to not be handled as gently as it needed to be
One of the big problems as I see it is that you guys treat mods as the enemy
@MadaraUchiha And it was a fun and peaceful place!
10:15 PM
@Elyse Fun? maybe.
and it turned the opinion of many chat users against the mods
@ShotgunNinja Well. From what I've seen today there was only resistance after a well respected mod in good standing came here making "threats" without proper argumentation
@MadaraUchiha It's not that you personally declared war on us or something.
@MadaraUchiha I want sensible moderation. What happened here seems far from it (from my perspective).
@MadaraUchiha If they present themselves therelike
10:15 PM
@ShotgunNinja So, I don't think the resistance is a necessary thing
@MadaraUchiha not true, you should come when Mysticial is around, he will suck up at you like a bee to a flower
@sehe On whose part?
Just ban everyone
telkitty is in the house
10:15 PM
I enjoyed every bit of it, especially after plonking jalf, some twats, and help vampires.
@sehe Not at liquid helium temperatures, no.
@ShotgunNinja The resisting part :)
@Xeo Well
@sehe Resistance is futile?
10:16 PM
everyone throw oil on the fire /o/ -----*--
We expect the room owners here to be helpful to the moderation effort.
Mumble update: Katt's talking.
@rlemon No, criticizing mods doesn't get you banned. Calling them "filth who don't deserve air to breathe" does. This would get you banned no matter if you direct it towards moderators or any other user.
@MartinJames Isn't that referring to superconductivity?...
That's kind of what being a room owner is about.
10:16 PM
Room owners have been doing a great job moderating this chatroom.
@Zirak Zing :)
If mods need to intervene, shit's gonna hit the fan.
@sehe Eh, I had a lecture back in a high school from a teacher who said "you're the generation that doesn't need to fight. We did that for you. But you know, you could use some shouting and standing up for things every now and then". I took his words very deeply.
@MadaraUchiha moderation to what standards?
10:16 PM
I really like hanging in chat rooms, I learn a lot, and interacting with people you don't normally get to know is fun.
@MadaraUchiha And why did mods intervene today? For non-existent reasons.
@MadaraUchiha You should hang out here more often. We're a bit.. different.
@Xeo There's a serious gap between your standards' and SO's apparently.
Because Madara likes to pretend that he has a throne made out of php that he likes to point fingers from
@Xeo For the same reasons people keep redesigning perfectly fine websites: you're getting paid anyway so you better do something!
10:17 PM
@Nick Oi, my throne is made from solid Lisp.
@MadaraUchiha There's a serious gap between whoever thought that cosh's message was serious and me.
I think the perception of chat differs drastically from the perception of the mods, and it's resulting in conflict
Solid Common Lisp I tell you!
@MadaraUchiha you have to be more concrete than that
I once saw a video of a Nokia 3310 in a microwave .. something came out of it almost like a face that was screaming. my guesses were right, the microwave couldn't destroy it, it opened a portal to hell and went down there.
10:17 PM
Lounge is SO. Have you noticed the contributions of the fellow you've been chastising? He's got experience on you in... Everything.
My candle is dead :(
@BartekBanachewicz Did you enjoy taking them very deeply inside you?
@Xeo Yes, that is also true.
@ElimGarak blah blah doesn't matter because rude and offensive
@MadaraUchiha Not a big problem. The whole storm was raised by mentioned vacuous - highly premature - threats.
It's not the first time I've seen @Jon blunder with that, and each time he has come around and corrected/apologize for the curt wordings. But it's still a damn shame of all the goodwill wasted and fuss
10:18 PM
@Morwenn Do you like wax play?
I want to try it one day.
@Puppy you should've said "dick" outright.
@Elyse Not my cup of tea, sorry :/
though I can see how under the new rule...
10:18 PM
The big thing that I've seen is that SO wants to foster a safe community for software developers, and the chat's standards aren't in line with that image.
I honestly don't know why I keep having to point out politeness and reason-ability to moderators.
Once you reach 100,000 reputation, racial slurs are allowed.
@MadaraUchiha does this mean we have a new mod babysitting here?
Every chat room is, by default, offensive.
@ShotgunNinja are we threatening people?
10:18 PM
> Cher ami / Chère amie -- Un vent de changement a balayé le Canada, et c’est grâce à des Canadiennes et à des Canadiens comme vous.
@Puppy Can you feel it Mr. Krabs?
Amongst ourselves, our standards make sense.
how is this chat room unsafe?
But I didn't vote Liberal.
@ShotgunNinja "safe" is subjective
10:19 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Nah, that spoils the joke.
Can you do something useful and ban Telkitty?
Woopsy daisies.
@chmod666telkitty No, actually. Today's particular events caught the eyes of quite a few moderators.
@EtiennedeMartel Is that when @Puppy's dog shits on the carpet?
@ShotgunNinja I wonder how they're gonna keep that in line with most of SO regulars being aggravated ass-cactuses.
10:19 PM
@ShotgunNinja And I actually applaud this focus. I missed it on meta (j/k?)
It wasn't just someone's one-off decision
Come on mumble and hear @Cat's sexy voice
if 'safe' means 'never offended', you can go fuck off
It's when held up to the candle of the Stack Overflow corporate responsibilities as maintainers of a public web space that our rules are a bit looser
@MadaraUchiha Hehe. I wonder why :)
10:19 PM
DID I MISS SOMETHING AGAIN? How awful, what happened?
@chmod666telkitty Yes. Caps lock
Yes, today's has been a terrorist attack upon the virtual realm. Calm down.
va vroom psst
@chmod666telkitty Yes, talk to @orlp, he knows it all.
@chmod666telkitty Please shitpost about this on meta
10:20 PM
@MadaraUchiha Ahaha you're trying to pull a tone argument on me and you're accusing ME of being dishonest, ridiculous. Also AFTER you said that just talking about the word is NOT BAD and I fucking QUOTE the thing and rephrase it to try to show you how your interpretation of it being derogatory to anyone is STUPID AND WRONG, you DELETE IT AND BAN ME ahahahaha and I'm trolling because I dare go against you
@MartinJames asshole :)
@ShotgunNinja This isn't relevant; this isn't "your" room. It's an SO chat, and that means it's subject to SO standards, not the standards of the regulars in a particular room.
wow angry cat
@CatPlusPlus that's not productive, dude
@orlp lol
10:20 PM
wait a minute
@EdCottrell I understand, I take no responsibility for this room.
The realization hits me in the face.
All this time.
@Puppy yeah, cats get frantic. Dogs just chew down, right :)
Lightness just wanted to be a mod.
how was "your mom is phat" is starred by 4 million people
10:20 PM
Is the lounge the new mod graduation room or something? :p
WELCOME TO UNITED SOVIET SNACK OVERFLOW REPUBLICS, complete with silencing dissent as soon as it crops up
So he practiced saying the things they would do.
@EdCottrell I hope you read responses by room owners too
We should have kept him around as a warning signal.
@EdCottrell i'm sure that before you got your mod "sheriff" badge, that you didn't mind some events here ...
10:21 PM
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@sehe I have been reading them. Some of them are, let's say, unhelpful.
In Soviet Russia, mod is banned by YOU!!
And you're surprised that people are hostile towards you when you ban people left and right for LITERALLY NOTHING
@EdCottrell can you be more concrete?
@Elyse Actually, can you kick mods as a room owner?
10:21 PM
And people we would rather have here than ANY OF YOU
@EdCottrell I get that. Have you read /any one/ of mine. I have the distinct impression you just came back and started reading again
@KarelG I frankly had (and have) better things to do than babysit a chat room. Unfortunately, I now have to do that.
@CatPlusPlus It's still better than the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Android.
10:22 PM
@sehe Considering how often he's sarcastic about the pointlessness of life, it's surprising to see him so enraged about it.
@MadaraUchiha Elitism!
Yay, the more mods, the merrier; that's what I always say
@Xeo Wouldn't be surprised if you can through AJAX but the button is just hidden.
@EdCottrell Here's an idea... Resign.
@sehe and puppy!
10:22 PM
@Puppy All bark, no bite.
@orlp About the RO comments? No; I'm not going to call anyone out in public. If necessary, we'll have a private chat.
I wonder if donald trump would end up becoming the president of the US
@KhaledAKhunaifer No.
It's like you've been conscripted at the age of 17 at gunpoint. You begged for the position, LITERALLY.
@EdCottrell no, I want more concrete details about how supposedly the standards of this chat lack compared to the rest of the SO
10:23 PM
I would like to be philosophic about what's happening and stuff, but it's boring.
that's the claim that keeps getting repeated but not substantiated
@EdCottrell That's what some other mods have done with C# room, where I am an owner. I've tried to live up to my responsibilities, as the dust has mostly settled there.
@ShotgunNinja What's fucking "productive"
@sehe How's it going?
@EdCottrell Welcome to the mud pond, we understand you are trying to help, but we also think you will just sink deeper and deeper the more you try. That's why no one wants to touch us with a 3 meter pole :')
10:23 PM
@CatPlusPlus You made absolutely no attempt to make a point. You made absolutely no attempt to in any way engage in the constructive conversation we were very much having. The only thing you've done is inciting the whole things with your "I'm so offended by everything" comments.
@orlp I'm not sure how it compares to every room. I just know what gets brought to the moderators' attention.
I have a question for the new overseers
Letting supposedly community-elected mods ruin a community??
@EdCottrell so, can you be concrete?
10:23 PM
What is your stance on "your mama" jokes
@orlp About what?
@EtiennedeMartel Not too well. Ed is derailing things a bit, again. Things were settling down a bit and getting more intelligible
it really seems to me that a) the mods massively overreacted and don't want to admit it, and b), plenty of room regulars massively overreacted and don't want to admit it.
@EdCottrell The "unhelpful" RO comments.
@EdCottrell I literally just told you two messages ago
10:24 PM
@MadaraUchiha AAaaugh it's exaggeration because you're obviously NOT LISTENING
@sehe No.
@Puppy I don't think the initial reaction was overreacted
you can't come storming in here, complaining about how this room is not up too standards, but not give concrete information in what ways it is
@EdCottrell Sigh. Now that's helpful.
The important thing is that we keep our wits about us, and realize we're striving towards the same goal.
10:24 PM
@MadaraUchiha That's what he is saying
@MadaraUchiha I very much do. But opinions, eh?
That you don't admit it
@EdCottrell "unfortunately" ? You know that drama is a part of the internet community. While applying, you could have known that you have to do some babysitting too. I've been a community volunteer on other forums too. I know what it is. So please don't use "unfortunately". Or the cops in this world would be jobless if you think that everyone would be honest.
@sehe Again, I'm not going to name-and-shame in here.
We all want a public chat room powered by SO.
10:24 PM
@MadaraUchiha Your interpretation of original thing is PROVABLY WRONG
@MadaraUchiha I dunno, I didn't see it but from the messages of the other regulars, it was a simple observation that wasn't aimed at or offensive to anybody.
We all want there to not be drama.
@EdCottrell You don't have to name and shame to say what's wrong.
@KarelG Didn't say I didn't expect it. Just saying this isn't the best part of the job.
@EdCottrell Fine. Good luck organizing that support by room owners. IDGI. How does that work. Can we at least speak some where then?
10:25 PM
"There was a murder" does not reveal the murderer.
Name and shame me like one of your French girls
@ShotgunNinja Not really
Aug 10 at 18:59, by Morwenn
Loungers change opinions. They just don't admit it.
besides, 3 people got banned
@Puppy You don't get to pick what's offensive to others and what isn't. You get to pick whether you care about it or not.
10:25 PM
Drama shows you who people really are
We care. Some of you, less so.
Which is fine.
I'm trying desperately here to get both sides. It's not working
It's a fundamental part of a community growth
@MadaraUchiha nothing is offensive
@sehe If you want a private chat, I'm happy to chat with you.
10:26 PM
offense is taken
Likewise you don't get to pick whether someone is honestly engaging in a discussion or not
@sehe Come to Mumble/IRC
> You don't get to pick what's offensive to others and what isn't.
@sehe Cosh asks you for Mumble or IRC, please
@MadaraUchiha I'm not picking.
@EdCottrell Why private though?
10:26 PM
@MadaraUchiha That's true that I cannot pick. But I can make a guesstimate considering my experience as to whether or not it's probable to be offensive.
I broadly state that nothing is inherently offensive.
What is there to hide?
There is no choice or picking in that.
everything is offensive to somebody, it's just a matter of where the line is drawn
Mods, if I may suggest, pull the ROs into a private chat, and don't reply in here anymore; if only because it'll only stir the flames.
10:27 PM
Lol, people being offensed on the internet.
@Puppy Which is why I said there's a gap between what you guys tolerate as offensive, and what most of the outside would does.
rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble
I am never offended.
Offensive is very subjective. For example, the blue names tonight are quite offensive to much of the Lounge.
@набиячлэвэлиь sorry my mumble is borked. IRC not installed...
10:27 PM
@MadaraUchiha That depends on your perception of the outside world. My work colleagues would probably have simply agreed with him.
IRC is for old people
@Puppy Right, and I have at least 20 mods people that will beg to differ, and that's without even going to meta yet.
Or what you find offensive from a regular vs some unknown jerk (like me).
it's natural
@MadaraUchiha 20 mods?
10:28 PM
If you know the outside world, you're not a programmer, and you shouldn't be on Stack Overflow.
are you behind 7 proxies as well?
@ElimGarak when are we shooting that scene we had in mind? with octopuses and fake tentacles
@MadaraUchiha cultural differences counts too
@KarelG Yes.
But the rules of the site are stronger than any single room culture.
@MadaraUchiha (we are more than 20 here who agree)
10:28 PM
well cultural differences sometimes are weird
We're still going apparently.
@MadaraUchiha The room's population at large doesn't seem to beg to differ and I'm guessing more than 20 there.
His name is blue, therefore your input is invalid
@Rapptz No brakes on that particular train.
anyway, to approach this from a different angle, would you agree that this particular comment is way on the safe side of where we've drawn the line for years now?
10:29 PM
Don't you guys have flags to handle or something?
@Puppy This particular comment being the one I'm replying to?
Or actually offensive messages to delete?
no, the original one.
Bullying the Lounge is too much fun.
@Puppy You'll have to be less vague (apologies)
10:30 PM
@Elyse i have to agree with that. I'm here with popcorn.
What should I eat for dinner? I think I can make some tuna-salad sandwiches
What are the mods still doing here? Is there a hostage situation in progress by the "big bad Jerry" we are not aware of?
@Nick If in doubt, pizza.
in my place, men with big belly are considered more desirable by females .. because it's associated with status and wealth
@ElimGarak he's just so offensive and hostile
10:30 PM
@Xeo I had pizza lastnight
@KarelG Try copporn instead :D
@Nick So?
@ElimGarak Gotta shoot everyone who says ~~~~BAD WORDS~~~~
@ElimGarak we simply need to start ignoring the mods and talk about tentacles
@Nick I just ate some pizza, it was amazing
10:31 PM
@Nick Fried goat cheese balls, tender ox meat, and port sauce.
I am a tentacle
Poor modding is probably a common reason for high reps to leave SO, the most common? The only?
I am a tentacle as well
@ScarletAmaranth Is @Morwenn going to hold the camera?
@ScarletAmaranth i hope not tentacle p..n
10:31 PM
@ElimGarak I can do that.
@ScarletAmaranth What could possibly go wrong
@MadaraUchiha I could simply repeat the instigating comment for you but frankly I'm not sure that'd be wise.
hey @CatPlusPlus
@KarelG that's what you said...
10:31 PM
Hentai tentacle rape.
> Was it? None of this would've happened if you just stopped. But on you marched. And for what?
how many tickles does it take to tickle a tentacle ?
@Jefery well if they find it offensive, it's purely based on their twisted imagination vOv
Barbra Joan Streisand (born April 24, 1942) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, director, and filmmaker. During a career spanning six decades, she has become an icon in multiple fields of entertainment, winning numerous awards, which has earned her recognition as Mother of All Contemporary Pop Divas or Queen of The Divas. She has been recognized with two Academy Awards, ten Grammy Awards including the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and the Grammy Legend Award, five Emmy Awards including one Daytime Emmy, a Special Tony Award, an American Film Institute award, a Kennedy Center Honors...
> The truth, Walker, is that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not: A hero.
10:32 PM
@ElimGarak I certainly do hope so; but this time without slacking! (do you remember that scene we missed because of the afking?)
@ElimGarak There is no Jerry. Jerry is gone. Instead, please enjoy Jerry's replacement, Terry.
@Puppy Quote him quoting it.
@JohanLarsson I guess we might present it as the point that @Jerry should actually become a mod again so that we have a fair voice.
@EtiennedeMartel What are you quoting?
We've no mod for ourselves since Jon stepped out today
10:32 PM
@Jefery Spec Ops: The Line
@orlp context ? There is no reason to put that here ?
Is there a way to unelect mods?
ten tickles .. 'cause it's a tentacle
@JohanLarsson I believe so.
@KarelG there absolutely is
10:33 PM
@Xeo don't know where it is
@BartekBanachewicz again?
@BartekBanachewicz ok, not gonna look it up :)
@Jefery It's the bad buy talking to the protagonist. Although that's what it seems. In reality, he's talking to the player. Because isn't that why we play shooter games? To feel like a hero?
@Jefery Or well, just become a mod.
@Puppy That's trolling
10:33 PM
I don't think the mods should make an enemy of arguably the most important and obviously officially the best room on Chat.SO
And also autoban because you said a bad word
what you think matters jack shit
All hail mighty blue regices
@EtiennedeMartel I see
as etienne said, no brakes on the "gon-be-gud new-sheriff-in-town" train
10:34 PM
so bad words have auto ban ?
49 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
But there's a very very big difference between swearing between friends, and saying, and I quote "breaking news, you can't dare consider women are more than just fuck bags"
Wouldn't it be super fun if this chat drama made media rounds
Like the easily-offended-college-student stuff does?
the bad grammar in that sentence is overwhelming.
@orlp what's the context then ?
We should stop electing mods who don't have gold stars in . It's not healthy.
10:34 PM
I am overwhelming.
@ElimGarak I thinkt he biggest mistake is to pay any attention to the blue folk vOv
@Puppy Actually, there's no wrong grammar in cosh's sentence, is there?
Power overwhelming.
I wonder if there is someway to inject a bad word into the comment that was written before you
We should stop electing mods
10:35 PM
@EtiennedeMartel OP!
@KarelG ask the mods
we should start modding elections instead
> can't dare consider women are more than
scared to tell the truth ?
10:35 PM
there's a missing "that".
at least I would infer
@Puppy he got actually banned for that particular one?
it's cosh man
or possibly s/are/as/
10:35 PM
@Puppy It's not as bad as to completely change the meaning to whatever mods think it says
@ScarletAmaranth Yes
you know he's bad at this english thing
@Puppy Hm, would count as slang or something, I guess?
@ElimGarak yeah that
@Rapptz I thought it was Jerry who posted the original comment.
I didn't really stumble over that "missing" word.
@Puppy Oh yeah, dunno where that one is.
10:36 PM
We've been ignoring the moderation for way too long
@CatPlusPlus you can't be serious; I read the message then, I was close to saying something along the lines of "wait, you mean there are also other purposes?"
@Puppy Hmm, where?
Jerry can tell us in 30secs, though!
@Puppy What Jerry posted was even less anything
Because I think it changes the meaning
10:36 PM
@Puppy No Jerry said something else.
Wait, they actually suspended Jerry?
@Rapptz Could I possibly see it?
It was literally an anecdote on how women prefer to date before agreeing to sex
Which is not really arguable with even?
@CatPlusPlus sexist cis scum
@CatPlusPlus Murrica, "sex" is a banned topic man.
10:37 PM
I would like to remind the Lounge in these dark hours...
Mar 12 '13 at 19:03, by Cat Plus Plus
We're officially the best room ever
@ElimGarak someone (cough) voted on a flag where je called some mods something akin to "useless filth"
@ElimGarak ah man
But that provoked the original like TWO mods going apeshit
I wonder whether the mods are brooding over in their room right now.
10:38 PM
Jerry did nothing wrong.
@ElimGarak hahahahahahahahaha funny guy
I am useless filth :D
I'm gonna have to whip out the classic.
@Xeo About me going to take a shower, mostly.
10:38 PM
that is substantially less than I expected.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: We're a rowdy bunch, but deep down we love each other. [c++] [c++11] [c++14] [c++-faq]
@ElimGarak subjective. I would yell " NOT TRUE "
40 secs ago, by Rapptz
user image
lol, two opposing, top tag: jabbascript
are you guys serious ahahahah
10:39 PM
@EtiennedeMartel we love each other deep down eachother's throats
@orlp As long as everyone's consenting.
@orlp Kinky gastric acid play.
@Xeo communicating with grunts and pointing at messages
I am pretty sure Jerry is spot on.
@BartekBanachewicz lol
10:40 PM
Be right back. I need to change my candle.
@BartekBanachewicz This... is more accurate than I'd like to admit.
@BartekBanachewicz they've bought a foam finger too
Goddamn keyboard keeps adding letters to me wordsd.
@KhaledAKhunaifer that was made by a lounger
10:40 PM
@KhaledAKhunaifer Regular here did that one.
@KhaledAKhunaifer yes, @AndyProwl made that, thanks for reposting
@KhaledAKhunaifer You do realize a Lounger made that?
no they don't
10:41 PM
they come in and pretend that on this particular day something particularly bad has happened
it can't get any more arbitrary vOv
Also, what's all this with the javascript randoms influx?
We're sharing popcorn and watching the show.
@ElimGarak I suspect @BartekBanachewicz called them here.
I'm just here for the drama, though I do own a copy of C++ For You++
@ElimGarak Ask bartek
10:42 PM
Bartek, bby. And I said you were sexy...
I attest what @MadaraUchiha suspects.
Jerry's not suspended btw.
a friend in need
To be fair.
10:42 PM
He got 30 minutes
@ElimGarak hai
The JS room is the closest thing to the Lounge.
35 minutes too much.
@ElimGarak or perhaps, desperate times, desperate measures.
It might be, like second best room ever.
10:42 PM
yeah his suspension just expired
JS is due for a mod deletion and subsequent fallout anyway
@JerryCoffin 2016
Fallout is fun.
Elim come to Mumble
@ShotgunNinja Not the JS room. JS.
10:43 PM
Fallout 4 is better.
@Elyse Is Fallout 4 4 times the fun?
@ShotgunNinja Wanna bet lounge will fall first?
Lounge just fell
Or is it more like regular fallout where you just die at the end?
what are you talking about
10:44 PM
lol you can ignore mods
Was Jerry suspended for the original message about women needing a date before having sex?
I don't need a date before having sex.
@Jefery ehh I certainly hope not; it was more likely the air thing
@Elyse did you get any bans?
welcome to Lounge
10:45 PM
@Elyse hi
@Elyse Have one after and pre-select based on the sex
@Elyse Are you a BAD WORD
@JohanLarsson Nope.
@Elyse drops trousers
@Elyse you are getting old
10:45 PM
21 soon.
@Elyse So how many pings did you get?
21 soon.
Good. I have an open channel with Ed in case we need it. Ping me if you want mediation.
@sehe I want medication.
10:46 PM
@sehe At this point, I think more people are closer to "how do I unvote a mod" search on meta.
s/want/need/ hides
Also this chat has been misogynistic for ages, SO even sent a newb mod before the recent election to enforce this. Now it's a bit too late.
@MadaraUchiha Can I test something real quick?
If I get banned I'll just whine TRANSPHOBIA and MISOGYNY all over Meta Stack Overflow.
The benefits of being a minority.
10:47 PM
I never voted for Ed.
1 message moved to bin
Oh hey a flag.
Someone is offended.
Should I validate this person's feelings?
Maybe you should get rid of the previous misogynistic mod if you want to tackle this room.
did they flag the ed-voting message o_O?
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah. Well. I can't change your/people's emotions. I'm just giving more options. Trying to be constructive. I can wait
10:47 PM
1 message moved to bin
We need a "safe space" on SO
in this glorious safe space mods can't reach
@orlp just shut off your computer and walk away and go outside
ITT Javascript people are bad at reading Lounge rules
we'll finally be safe
10:48 PM
@orlp The logout page!
@Codeman But it's dark outside!
I have a lot of people plonked so I never saw the gifs being posted
@Codeman Just shut off your outside, walk away, and go on your computer.
@ScarletAmaranth Yup
10:49 PM
Oh man, shutting off the outside would be amazing.
@orlp we must return to irc homeland
@orlp cute... but not reasonable :)
@Elyse ... i have understood that
10:49 PM
@TonyTheLion heeft een leeuwenkut.
^--- that too
@orlp Nice try. But years of Rebecca Black links on Fridays make me very suspicious of any link.
@KarelG I love your profile picture.
think i'm gonna watch rick astley
10:50 PM
@orlp should've also pointed to the logout page
@MadaraUchiha AHAH, So javascript gave you some useful lessons
@JohanLarsson Don't forget to blink!
Madara Uchiha is a shitty character in Naruto.
@KarelG It is not JS specific
@Rapptz gasp
10:50 PM
@MadaraUchiha Nonono, don't blink.
He had to be asspulled to be removed and I thought that was lame.
eh man when will raspi zero schematics come outtt
How can you forget that advice.
10:51 PM
@Xeo Blink and you're dead.
@Elyse : nice, a dutchy girl
It's true m8
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me understand an example piece of code? pastebin.com/8TviMwUD
@Rapptz On the other hand, Naruto as a manga is not that good to begin with.
Naruto is a crappy anime/manga in general
10:51 PM
The solution for the madara problem was to give Naruto and Sasuke ninja jesus powers.
@MadaraUchiha Oh, can we get a real mod-enforced rule about no black friday links?
sad, i'm a kiddo from the south
@StanleyDharan Yes, please post it here.
@EtiennedeMartel Bring it up on meta.
Help vampires are awful, but better than mods.
10:51 PM
@EtiennedeMartel this please
@Elyse not a safe click, think you are desperate for a ban now
@Morwenn Sunk cost.
I got to see it end at least.
oh gosh, an enforced no-Friday-links rule on chat would absolutely destroy the JS room
@Morwenn It has the weird tendency to get plot threads resolved through deus ex machina.
@StanleyDharan Do you absolutely have to use strcpy and new? Can you use std::string instead? It's much easier to use and less error-prone.
10:52 PM
@ShotgunNinja sounds like a plan
@ShotgunNinja Yes, and I would enforce it with glee.
@MadaraUchiha I edited my original message links there, I know its a copy constructor and a member overload for operator= but I dont understand how its preventing memory leak
@ShotgunNinja there is still a saturday song ;)
that's about 70% of what gets posted on chat every Friday
@StanleyDharan strcpy must be prefixed with //, as the standard says.
10:52 PM
@PolymorphicPotato thats the only way we were taught so far
@EtiennedeMartel I hated that « haha, here, have even more fights! » trend at some point and just stopped reading.
Now I almost only read seinen/slice of life.
@StanleyDharan stop going to school and get one of these:
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

Naruto had good fight scenes.
That's not the problem.
Tokyo Ghoul has amazing fight scenes.
The problem was the seemingly out of nowhere asspulls like ninja jesus.
10:53 PM
Time to sleep, bye!
@PolymorphicPotato need the piece of paper though :p
Tokyo Ghoul the anime had terrible pacing.
that schools give
TG the anime was terrible
10:53 PM
because shitty adaptation
@StanleyDharan ikr
but yah heres the code pastebin.com/8TviMwUD
@orlp I am totally setting this as my profile pic on friday
@orlp Ok I have to admit, this one is funny
ah balls I think the rpi zero might not even release them
10:54 PM
I started watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood a second time. I swear it's better this time.
@EtiennedeMartel I know
@EtiennedeMartel Ever read the manga?
I think FMA:B is the only anime I've seriously watched more than once.
PSA: Apparently, you can plonk mods.
10:55 PM
@Xeo it's a bit better than the anime
@ElimGarak lolwut
@ElimGarak I'm gonna to do just that and take a shower
enough of that bs already
@BartekBanachewicz They're both pretty much on par, I think.
PSA: ...and you should!~
the example explains how to copy an object to a new instance of that object without memory leak, but I dont see how its preventing memory leak? im also not sure what the overload is doing
10:55 PM
@EtiennedeMartel A long time ago, I watched the old FMA. Then started the manga, and watched FMA:B after the manga finished.
@ElimGarak Yup
It was nice to see all the action scenes animated.
Also worth noting, mods can unplonk themselves from your preferences.
@ElimGarak But can a mod plonk themselves?!
fma brotherhood was good
10:56 PM
@MadaraUchiha That's cheating.
Asspull mod-jesus powers.
tokyo ghoul i liked the best last winter season
@StanleyDharan Read the manga, thank me later.
Mods Ex Machina
@EtiennedeMartel FMA:B is one of my top tier anime.
10:57 PM
Anyone watching One Punch Man?
i tried omw to school but I fall asleep half way through
I am
It's pretty good
@MadaraUchiha Yes: you.
@MadaraUchiha Yes.
As awesome as I'd hoped
(I also read the manga)
@Xeo I know :D
I only wish other anime invest a quarter of what they're putting into their fight scenes
10:58 PM
@MadaraUchiha Try Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV)
Or Fate/zero
> can-opener bridge
@Xeo Saw them bothh
Or really pretty much anything by ufotable.
Praise ufotable.
@MadaraUchiha It's okay, but honestly I'm underwhelmed
What does PSA stand for again?
10:59 PM
public service announcement
@Jefery Public Service Announcement.
Public Sex Act
yeah it's a fun diversion from the overly-serious action manga, but it's not especially funny

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