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Aren't you also, like, locked into ObjC?
well you could use Swift but frankly that's even worse in many respects
You can also do Swift or... Create a hacky "Objective-C++14" atrocity. But best option for people is to punch themselves in the face.
@Puppy All those points are meaningless for most people.
PC sales are going down.
He's not a moron, Apple is succeeding.
The smartphone does basically what most people want.
I'm long used to the idea that I don't represent the mass market
@exitc0de At what? Still, Donald Trump is also very successful, yet factually a moron.
He probably doesn't even believe what he is saying.
Its basically PR.
I'm merely saying that the way he phrased it, it was like there was no reason for anybody to buy a PC.
which is total horseshit
@ScottW Only if you're a power user.
@Puppy He's trying to channel is inner Steve Jobs.
@ScottW People say their phone is slow only when a new phone comes out.
@Puppy Probably taken a bit from context. Of course he's wrong but he's marketing Apple not Microsoft etc.
It's just a matter of perception.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah smartphones get bought more often because they age more quickly
@EtiennedeMartel I think that has little to do with the PC not being worth it.
I think it's actually the contrary
I use the phone when I use it as a phone or when a long shit requires me to indulge in KOTOR.
PC sales are going down because people don't need to replace their PC so often.
hi @ScottW!
it's better value for the consumer, not worse
sup bby <3
The typical use case of the majority of people is to use Facebook, YouTube and a bunch of websites. The smartphones does that, and it allows you to do it everywhere.
@ElimGarak sup <3
A PC is overkill for most people.
work work work
thats whats up
Also, if you're going to buy an iPad Pro next to a Surface Pro 3 or 4, you're not really making the best decision there (let's not Bartek).
Having more features means jackshit if you're not using them.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, but you don't need an iPhone for that, you can buy a cheap Android or Windows Phone
@Puppy I'm not talking about the iPhone.
I'm talking about smartphones in general.
The surface laptops are terrible too. @ElimGarak
Not quite as bad but terrible
to take his statement literally, you're right.
but I doubt he was saying "Why bother buying a PC; buy an Android phone instead"
As I said, it's Jobs-class bravado.
If you can browse lesbians, than you've got all you need on your phone :P
Apple's PR tactic is to basically be cocksure.
Because for most people, if you're arrogant enough, then you can't possibly be bullshitting.
Because a liar cannot be that sure of himself.
I thought it was to just not release any information about their products
@ScottW <3
He was probably asking why you would buy a PC over their new tablets because their new tablets can run a word processor, thats what he is saying
@ScottW sup
For businessmen or just ordinary people
So you walk on stage and act like you own the entire world and that you're the best and people just swallow that shit up because, again, you can't possibly be lying.
Then you buy a Surface Pro or a Surface Book. Which are amazing @ what they do. And they can do a hell of a lot more.
@ScottW you at work?
Which means of course they're going for those exaggerated statements.
fortunately I do not qualify as a people
@ElimGarak Surface books are expensive, there are better laptops with i7s and dedicated gpus
@exitc0de They're meant for people who are not poor peasants, obviously. It is Microsoft's attempt at getting some of those brand-freak customers.
Cook probably doesn't really believe that nobody needs a PC. Hell, he probably uses a PC everyday. But his business strategy revolves around grabbing attention and headlines, so he needs to bend reality around him.
@EtiennedeMartel tbh, he probably doesn't use a PC
He doesn't need to, and cost/practicality isn't an issue.
I've seen how this works.
When cost isn't an issue, some people just prefer OS X, or that's what they're used to.
he doesn't use a PC because whenever he needs a feature Mac doesn't provide, he just calls up the dev team and makes them implement it.
@ScottW mumble?
For the record.
@Puppy He isn't a software engineer, what does he need his computer for?
He's the CEO of Apple, of course he needs a computer.
@exitc0de Business stuff?
Last time I checked, computers aren't just for devs and gamers.
He needs a computer but not a PC, a Mac can do 'business stuff'
When I say "PC", I mean any kind of computer, desktop or laptop. So that include Macs.
I don't really get why you would buy into the marketing bullshit of "a Mac isn't a PC".
Macs are for people who have money and don't need the features of a PC.
Operating choice notwithstanding, yes.
It's the same fucking hardware.
Yes, but PCs are generally used to describe desktop non Mac computers
I don't see you saying "I'm buying a Dell".
what are you talking about, Macs can run Windows... What are "features of a PC"?
@ScottW oh
I am pretty sure I am running El Capitan on my machine (non-Mac) now and iMacs at work also boot to Windows (when needed).
@ElimGarak I was saying he doesn't need a windows PC for what he does so he probably used a Mac because he is the CEO of Apple.
PC is a generic term, stop excluding Macs from it.
Ok I'll say windows computer then
What about Linux?
it's pretty clear that when people say PC, they pretty much exclude Mac.
Linux is a bit more of a gray area
Yes, but that's mostly because they buy in Apple's marketing that Macs are better than non-Macs.
A Mac is a Personal Computer in my eyes
'Yes, but PCs are generally used to describe desktop non Mac computers'
@TonyTheLion Yeah, but you forgot your glasses ;p
"Personal computer". Macs are so impersonal. If anything, given Windows 10's privacy issues, Win PC is "Public Computer"
Im not agreeing with that terminology
Who cares?
Apple tries really hard to make sure that "Macs" and "PCs" are two distinct concepts, with the implication that the former is better.
Well, I'm having none of it.
But its convenient and that's how most people view it. It really doesn't matter.
@EtiennedeMartel its dumb
I usually prefer to exclude them because I think that personal computers ought to benefit the person who owns them.
I was a OS X user for the majority of of my life. Works pretty well.
> The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot open or write to the file ''. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view and write its data.
this fucking exception
I sympathise with you
why won't it let me open an excel file I clearly do not have open anywhere else
and yet it complains that I do
probably another program holding a lock on it
Came to the conclusion that the OS X haters probably never touched it in their lives or are complete scrubs.
Unreal is impossible
use process explorer to find it and kill it
@EtiennedeMartel complete scrubs?
@EtiennedeMartel I built my PC 2 years ago, before that I have ONLY used a MAc.
@TonyTheLion FC the handle
you mean money wise?
@Ell I mean they can't learn new stuff.
Oh right
yeah I agree
But I don't see how a "power user" could enjoy using a mac really
OS X is pretty good, I feel like it fills a hole between Linux and Windows (useful for kernel development, for example, in my case). It does miss some stuff, though. And XCode is shit, but hey, VS isn't far off.
I find it very restrictive - it tried to hide what's under the hood
which is good for a regular user of course
I like Macs, I liked XCode, I have nothing against Macs. In my opinion they are overpriced and unnecessary. PCs are cheaper and more practical. Anyway, you can hackintosh a PC.
@Ell Just open a terminal and it's basically a BSD flavor.
@EtiennedeMartel yeah fair
I liked terminal actually
but if you're going to do everything in a terminal, why use it in the first place?
Now, Apple hardware is overpriced, but I like OS X.
But you could just dual boot linux and Windows on a PC, or even build a hackintosh.
Like Mac - hiding stuff = linux/bsd :P
@EtiennedeMartel Same.
You can always run a Hackintosh machine, like me. A little bit of i7, a little bit of excessive ram, a little bit of 980GTX.
not sure if assigning 16GB of RAM to the VM which can run 32-bit Linux is worth it...
@ElimGarak I'm callin' the cops
@Puppy 4 should do fine
Ahahah, I thought of that song too.
@ElimGarak That's what I'm saying. I prefer OS X to Windows but I play PC games and use PC apps. I need Windows, if I could do everything on OS X I probably would.
Oh, man, I love that song.
'hd quality'
High definition definition
So high.
So quality.
So definition
@набиячлэвэлиь how do I do that?
But not in that order
I don't have the handle
@Puppy the kernel supports PAE in most likelihood
@TonyTheLion Use SysInternals Process Explorer, duh
So I guess it depends on whether you need to give any process more than 4
@TonyTheLion Then Ctrl+F -> Filename -> Click Del
@Ell I'm not actually sure why VirtualBox won't let me have a 64-bit guest OS.
it should
it's just not in the list.
all the Linux entries specify they are 32-birt.
I hate these "no clue" quests which basically translate to "do sidequests for now". But don't really tell you that, so you wander around wondering whether it really means that you need to do sidequests.
ah apparently it's a BIOS setting which may be disabled.
Someone should make a game engine with the performance of Unreal and the ease of Unity which uses C++ 14 or Rust
Nah. I'm just not into StarCraft anymore.
I might get it on sale just for the campaign, or if enough of my friends get back to it.
'The New Smart Keyboard for iPad Pro
The only thing we didn’t reinvent was the alphabet.'
Wow, the surface book is expensive af
@ScottW No.
@milleniumbug Yeah, turns out that hardware virtualization was disabled in my BIOS for some reason.
@Puppy ouch
Ironically the only thing I like about the iPad Pro is the pencil thing :P
I don't get the point of such setting
Some BIOSes have "Disable L2 cache"
why the fuck would anyone do that
mine has that option too
Holy tits, only one week before that King Crimson concert.
I force restarted whilst I was downloading the x86 version of Ubuntu, and Firefox just resumed my download automatically.
that's nice.
yeah sites that don't break basic HTTP functionality on their servers are nice
I've never had an HTTP download auto-resume in a browser before.
Steam and bittorrent can do it of coures
I also noticed that my BIOS lists my max CPU speed as 4GHz and my current CPU speed as 4.2GHz
@ScottW Montreal.
> My girlfriend asked what's happened in the storyline so far... I said, "I just became a minuteman." - "You're already a minute-man."
ugh BOOST Y U USE std::auto_ptr ?!
Because old
it's nice to have so much RAM I can throw 16gb at the guest for fun
Does anyone want to be a hero and clean up Boost to stop using auto_ptr? GCC warns in C++11 mode and VS has _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC=0.
yeah that ^
Hey, @ScottW. We heard you liked physical game disks and hate when we withhold on-disk DLC on launch.
lol melted rocks
Someone wanted a slice of Fallout 4 early. Zing
@ElimGarak aaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh
@ElimGarak Are you Billy Knight?
@набиячлэвэлиь I'm Brotherhood of Steel Knight Nathan. But I am not really with them, I am using them for their resources and support, they will curse my sudden and inevitable betrayal.
@ElimGarak Is he BoS version of Billy Knight?
google intensifies
@набиячлэвэлиь Noob, include with -isystem.
@Griwes #pragma GCC system_header
eyebrow wiggle
@ElimGarak Cue plastic dinosaurs.
@набиячлэвэлиь That sucks for testing. :P
@Griwes So does @Elyse, yet nobody cumplains
Not using -isystem is incredibly annoying with the set of flags that ought to be the default, i.e. -W{all,extra,error} -pedantic.
@Nooble Gaem works
guess that must be why -isystem exists
@Elyse You know what else is incredibly annoying?
You expected a punchline? The dude pays my salary
Why do I have so many notifications.
Hi @Noob
Unity3d sucks but Unreal is impossible
Good eve @all!
@TonyTheLion @Puppy @Borgleader @AlexM. If you want to join the team, you have to either go on mumble or give me your email so I can send the invite link.
why don't you post your email and then I'll email you ;p
Is Puppy still the Wolf Einstein? :P
@ElimGarak No, his email is now [email protected].
@Ell I sent it :)
Today I stumbled over an iterator equipped with a custom cast operator that casts it to the type it points to. What do you guys think about that?
Hmm what is my role? :o
@decltype_auto p. much the technique used by back_inserter() and the like
can I change my role?
@Ell Get inspired by the current roles present
@decltype_auto about what
what is a cast operator? do you mean conversion operator?
linky? :£ @набиячлэвэлиь
I can't get to team page from sign up page -.-
@Ell Doesn't seem so.
ah decisions
there we go
I'll take my time thinking of a role
the woofages have arrived.
@набиячлэвэлиь ?
@decltype_auto !
@набиячлэвэлиь show me the cast, please!
@decltype_auto No, sir!

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