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@JerryCoffin Thanks for the clarification.
@Griwes At least it doesn't suck piles of poo, like yours!
@Griwes I can still Google the hex code. 🖕 to your font, too
@nabijaczleweli My font is smart enough to show that!
@Griwes Mine is polite enough to not do that!
@Griwes Kids these days...
match (result)
    { _, testcase_status.passed, _... }
    // ...
I am insane.
@Griwes (says the youngest guy in chat)
I forgot I invented this _... notation :D
@Griwes pattern matching on a tuple?
@Griwes I like the unicode
Why not use right arrow instead of =>?
@melak47 Yes, matching any number of elements at the end.
why not .* :D
@Ell -> denotes the return type (like C++ lambdas), => denotes the return value.
make it more difficult to regex your language :p
@melak47 -.-
@Griwes but I mean, you have Unicode equivalents of those right?
If you're using lambda then you may as well
@Ell Ah.
@Ell That forces the user to have a shitload of macros or other shit like that.
-> is perfectly fine; there's no non-Unicode alternative to \lambda.
@Griwes Support as alternative?
Just use the Greek dead key, duh. λ
Fair enough
@nabijaczleweli You do realize that whenever you edit something pointed at me, I get pinged again and again? :P
@LucDanton ...I do not have it mapped.
For some reason it is not mapped in Polish layouts by default.
@Griwes I do, sorry
Also, pingpingpingpingpingping
As I said, I might just map that, yes, that'd make some sense.
@nabijaczleweli Hmm. Might do.
I wonder if I can map a keyboard layout just in some applications
That's just a trivial operation in the lexer.
That's actually not a terrible idea.
I would like a version of this with regular math instead of apl black magic
pretty accurate lifehacker.com/…
@LucDanton Which one would that be?
AltGr + g
Doesn't work here. It must be a pref.
I use vim for my digs
@sehe Nah it comes with my layout. I actually don’t expect it to be usual lol
@jaggedSpire So that actually clarified something? How?
Yeah I wondered too, there.
@JerryCoffin I was under the misapprehension that it was a UTF-8 character.
@sehe I'm such a great teacher I end up being informative even when I'm just trying to joke around.
No wonder. Because you still let too much fact creep into your humor
@sehe If it really is humorous, I guess I'm doing all right.
No, I'm just saying that
@sehe Well, thanks for at least trying to make me feel better.
Is it me or google play decided to increase the spamming?
It is you.
Hi folks, good morning (it's actually 02::22 here)
Is that a ipv6 address, or are you just happy to see me?
I wonder if having only vim as my text editor will serve to purely frustrate or to educate too
@πάνταῥεῖ Double colon. You've been writing too much C++.
@Ell Both. It will educate you in new and dizzying levels of frustration.
but it's still within my comfort zone, not like some spammer, you can not unsubscribe & they spam you every day (or couple of times a day)
When talking about The Tavern, which one is actually meant?
first mission: learn R by the end of this week
@Ell ehhh both
@JerryCoffin Certanly :-P ...
but have the cheat sheet
@VermillionAzure rightfold, I command you to leave this innocent soul
@JerryCoffin it'll increase my frustration tolerance at least
Anyway time for sleep. Night lounge
@VermillionAzure no cheat sheets. Just read the vimdocs
@VermillionAzure First exorcism free of charge
@sehe because vimdocs are sooooooooo helpful just like gitdocs
@Ell Good night.
Lots more. Anyhoops, both are pretty helpful
@sehe I sort of disagree
they're so opaque
How does that make them not useful
I didn't ever went there myself, I'm just happy drinking alone ...
They're not failed tutorials because you wanted them to be something else.
@sehe Readability and convenience are becoming more important
It's why people go to code camps instead of learn theirselves
They're documentation. If you can't be creative reading them, you can't be creative using the stuff either
@VermillionAzure Way to subject yourself to random trends
>creative reading

Yes. You actually have to assign meaning to what you read.
Novel concept. (pun intended)
@sehe next time i need book pun i'll page you
@sehe "They're documentation. ...." nit pick pick
@Nooble new computer arrived! 1TB hdd, 8 gigs ram, i7 (but one of the crappy U ones), and light enough for me to take to school every day (i hope)!
Meh. I think my AutoLISP documentation is really good
@Blob meh
Is it lenovo?
@VermillionAzure idk actually
@Blob Nice :)
Which integrated GPU does it have?
@Nooble some crappy one
one sec, booting it up
(just installed linux)
i bought a $1k computer
@VermillionAzure you can buy me one if you like
@Blob freeloader
this shit cost in the $900s, basically $1k with taxes
custom manufactured too, so that probably contributed ;_;
@Blob ...
well i hope you get your money's worth
Do any of you want to try an exercise in C?
@Jefffrey C no evil, D no evil
@EtiennedeMartel why do we get the euphemism =/ also... l'area!?!?
@Jefffrey Not the hellspawn you're working on.
@VermillionAzure it's just so i can take it to school and still have a semi-powerful computer
@Jefffrey what?
I'll post this here
Q: Target, goals of stackoverflow and its sub-projects

code.qualityAs many of you I see that Stackoverflow has emerged to a strong community of programmers, but the project core - the questions still targets only the audience who has a very little or almost no experience in the technology that they are asking about in their posts - the novices one. There is eve...

Invite them to chat??
@Blob I have one too, y'know
GeForce 730M is pretty good with an i7
@πάνταῥεῖ whoosh, I guess
The challenge is: no structs, no pointers, only statically sized arrays
@Jefffrey What a nice assignment from 1985
@sehe whoosh FTFY
@Jefffrey Oh that can't be too hard
@Borgleader :D
@VermillionAzure Wait what she says the other day
@sehe English?
If it takes you less than 4 hours, you are better than me.
And you win an internet hug
right click doesn't seem to be working on linux. wtf
@Jefffrey 4 hours?
i need to tap-with-2-fingers bs -.-
I'll do this at home when I'm finished her
It actually took almost 7, but I was also explaining a student for 3.5 of those hours.
3.5 of debugging from there.
@Jefffrey oh you were doing this as a ta
I should be a C TA next semester.
What fun.
Does C have references?
i was surprised when i was talking to this senior (who took C) about something and he didn't know what i meant by references
I took the money by the way. /cc @Ell
Indicates that the joke just told was too sophisticated for the listener and has gone **"way over their head"**.
I feel pretty dirty, but he didn't even let me ask him if he wanted the lesson for free.
@πάνταῥεῖ I'm not ashamed to admit it
@sehe eh
@πάνταῥεῖ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Fucking diminisehed markup with chat.. I'm just too drunk i seems :-P
I was jabbing at the fact that you show zero code yourself. And the abundance of dryly asserted requirements made this look like work. Anyhoops, no need for more imaginary internet points :) Cheers — sehe 10 secs ago
(Did he actually say that if it were for money, you wouldn't have asked others to code it?)
haha he seemed pretty cool
I like how C++ solution is < 20 lines long.
@Blob Refer to a reference on references so future references to references will not refer to references needing referents.
Night all
@Jefffrey Good night.
good morning prokaryotes
@buttifulbuttefly Do you always greet yourself publicly this way, or is it something new you're trying out?
Sep 25 '14 at 8:59, by dolan
good morning prokaryotes
If I could go back in time & bring me back from 5 days ago when I was coughing & spreading the virus, I would have brought me back and then teleport the previous me to near you and cough on your face in the hope of getting you infected.
Oh look telkancer is trying to be mean!
Very nice
I must admit that my love towards meta only second to my love towards the chooks ... As long as things are involved ...
> Green Man Gaming
Pre-purchase Fallout 4
it just got announced with not even a gameplay video
fucking give me a break
eh just going to sleep even tho it's 6AM
@MarkGarcia gonna read that tho
@MarkGarcia would it cause them internal bleeding to make it a top down RPG with party selections and stuff like wasteland 2 did
off to sleep
Everything shown so far is spot on with her statements. Anyway, Fallout isn't really a game that can mbe spoiled.
@AlexM. Don't know for sure how it will work. Let's just wait.
@AlexM. Sleep well.
@MarkGarcia where'd this get linked from?
@Bartek I'm considering being constructive on your mSO post
@MarkGarcia the butthurt is strong with this one
There, constructive input submitted
1 hour later…
anyone online?
@AlexM. Pre-orders are available before the game even has a release date.
At least it's not as bad as Evolve. That game had pre-order bonuses before the game was even announced.
@AlexM. lol
I need help?
@MuhammadRaza No.
ok no problem.
I don't understand kids
I showed my brother lots of good PC games, he still prefers stupid android ones.
@khajvah Age?
Well, it's okay. Small toys for small kids.
I will brows steam for a good game for him
fallout 4 looks promising
but that's for me
@TonyTheLion OMG. That is stupid. Dude gets boners. When they are naked, it is visible...
I miss world war 2 games
@wilx how stupid can they be? <whistle/>
@sehe lol. Sehe, I never know if you are mocking me or agreeing with me. :)
> Cyclist who knocked down three-year-old girl says his life has been 'destroyed' here
Just... WAT
> [...] claims he had apologised to Lucie’s mother, Lauren Howarth, age 26, after the incident and did not know that cycling on the pavement was illegal.
Oh. ok. I guess that makes it alright then.
@TonyTheLion It's a hard decision to make.
@thecoshman In what sense?
@TonyTheLion you don't want to rub him the wrong way
They didn't want be a dick about it
@thecoshman lol
but afaik, UK law is more or less that it's not a crime just being naked, it's a crime to 'try to cause offense' by being naked. And a boner is almost always considered indecent.
but it is like saying if you sneeze, you are breaking some bio-hazzard public health laws
I totally agree that if you know you have some contagious extreme disease, sneezing on purpose knowingly infecting them deserves reprimand, but you can't just say no sneezing in public
> A poor young man called Roger,
> sat on his bike with a hard todger.
> From the event was rejected for being erected.
> Who would want him as a lodger ?
They shouldn't organize such events if they are afraid of a boner. Being naked is appropriate and having a boner in inappropriate? makes no sense
From comments.
Good morning, friends!
@thecoshman kind of unfair really
Boners and sneezing are difficult to control
@Ell you can fap the boner away
Not in public :L
I don't understand this. If it is ok to be completely naked in public, it should be ok to fap too
What no way
@Ell Steel underpants.
Fapping is sexual in nature by definition
having your dick hanging around in public is not sexual?
@khajvah not necessarily
Being naked in the shower isn't sexual
Being naked sunbathing isn't sexual
I said public
@Ell didn't deny that, but you can control where you direct them.
Being naked when youre not having sex isn't sexual
Why does it have to be naked anyway?
@thecoshman lol
the lounge is in heat today
The bikers I mean.
That is true
it must be the summer
@khajvah being naked isn't inherently sexual
Fapping is
anyways, being naked yet in this century is sexual
if I see many naked girls around, I will automatically get a boner and it makes it sexual
@MarkGarcia hipsters/hippies
@MarkGarcia muh freedom
@khajvah What about old naked grand mas?
Would that give you the same boner automatically?
My boner is not discriminating
I didn't say that.
I was wondering if your boner'd prefer one to the other.
If I prefer to eat Kimch to pizza, that that's a valid preferring.
why are you wondering about my boner? o_O
@khajvah o__O?!
( ã…¡__-)y- ~
@MarcoA. is this the "most realistic simulator" ?
@khajvah no, this is
100% physically accurate
oh lol looks amazing
@MarkGarcia This, I feel, is key
Jesus everybody in Korea talks about MERS.
@DeanSeo What's a MER?
@MarkGarcia Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), cdc.gov/coronavirus/mers
It's widely spreading here, although I still think this is a little overrated.
@DeanSeo revenge for all the fuss over SARS
another fucked up illness
Well maybe I will soon watch a random tv show talking about how Kimchi cures MERS.
we need more doctors
> Deputy Health Minister Ziad Memish raised concerns that scientists who held the patent for the MERS-CoV virus would not allow other scientists to use patented material and were therefore delaying the development of diagnostic tests.
but computers are easier to understand than human body, so I made the right choice I guess.
wow patents
patents and copyrights are evil
@MarkGarcia I didn't know that
@khajvah are we still talking about your boner?
@DeanSeo Whoah, the governments specifically withheld that information from you. I wonder what your are doing for a living.
@MarkGarcia You mean the Korea gov ?
@DeanSeo "governments". Anyway, :P
I don't think the government here is even that smart. But they are rather very incompletent. I am sure they don't even know that either, not withholding.
@MarkGarcia :)
> When builds are slow, there is time to think. The origin myth for Go states that it was during one of those 45 minute builds that Go was conceived.
@rightfold Slippery slope. Now they don't have time anymore to think!
@rightfold "compiling!" <relevant-xkcd-here>
I have that shirt.
What happened to Cat?
he got decremented
I want a rust sirt

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