"Low-quality" being poorly researched, low testability, and vague wording.
@πάνταῥεῖ No, as in the perception of "freedom"on SO such that we don't have to subscribe to too much bureaucracy
In my opinion, SO should create a library of answers or helpful resources for common problems so that certain questions will always be concrete and answered.
That way new people who have "bad questions" can easily get their answers without ever making a question.
so, you would say that this `friend void swap(myclass& a, myclass& b) { using std::swap; swap(a.x, b.x); }` is significantly superior to `friend void swap(myclass& a, myclass& b) { using namespace std; swap(a.x, b.x); }` due to it being inconsistent in some way?
@gha.st I'd prefer the namespace declaration over the namespace directive, but I have to admit it's not a particularly significant difference under the circumstances.
@sehe I think given the three (or so) line function involved, I don't see a significant difference in the intellectual requirements to understand one versus the other.
@Puppy loads. Mainframe is one huge part. Secondary is distributed stuff. Monitoring (e.g, CA APM), server/VMs management (CA Server Automation, CA Client Automation, yes, I know, very inventive names). Loads that I even do not know about.
So many distributed databases and when you look at any of them it turns out that nope, it's shit, you're still better off with just running Postgres in hot standby and throwing more resources at a node
As I woke up on the April 1st 2015, a brilliant idea hit me: wouldn't it be wonderful to allow the new users to show their humbleness & eagerness to improve by allowing them to carry certain tag, so they would not be ripped into pieces when they inadvertently ask some dumb questions when they fir...
@Cinch with that said, the wording of that section should be changed. Also, in C++, the variables declared in int a; and std::string b; are both objects
@FilipRoséen-refp yes but the lack of alternative strong connotative words in the context of the OOP crazy class terminology I am forced to use objects as in OOP
@Cinch no, I'd teach beginners that main is a magic little entity (and explain the things about it), but I would not have them write return 0; at the end of the block
He wants to teach something he doesn't know. Many people here tried to make him understand why this is stupid, and he still goes on. The only thing left to do is ignore.
Take one of those recommended books, and read at least one of them. Then code away, then read a little bit of Scott if you like it, and then code away again, and then... I guess you see the pattern.
And if you really like it, then you'll start to follow the C++ community, watch some interesting talks, and so on.
> We’ve added a new feature called Harrison Jones’ Museum! Accessing it will allow you to gaze proudly upon all the weapons you’ve put in the museum, where they belong.
Not bad ideas @sehe. Unfortunately you don't get to choose the students. My last least favorite is "I don't want to come to classes and you should respect that. And I find the examination project too hard."
@MLM inspired by your question you could do this, effectively making delim_stream (std::cout, ", ") << 1 << 2 << 3; be equivalent to std::cout << 1 << ", " << 2 << ", " << 3;
@MLM a simple solution would simply to the additional output in the operator<< for your wrapper, the hack I wrote for you previously was just to.. well, inspire you further
anyhow, time to hang out with the most awesome girl