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8:00 PM
my mother can't even remember her own Google password, so I probably did enough damage just logging out so I could log in to SE with my own
I could just be being stupid, but I'm really finding it hard to get rust module useage to work.
like, if I have module foo and module bar, and I want to access one form the other.
I also don't understand how some shit has to be declared with in 'root' files, but other stuff just seems to be defined based on file location.
What in the world is VS Community?
@Nooble the new VS Express
Ahh okay.
VS Express but they buffed it considerably and they're going to cut the old VS Express, I believe.
8:10 PM
I understood that it was full-featured VS 2013 Professional.
@thecoshman I thought you’d put a full path and that was it. Are you pubbing the stuff you’re accessing?
It supports extensions!
that means that I can develop Visual Wide with it.
maybe I'll stop pirating Ultimate
@Puppy Lol.
I understood that it was full-featured VS 2013 Professional.
8:13 PM
@caps you just said that
@caps Deja-vu
Weird. It told me that it failed and I could retry.
in fact
maybe I should just fix VW.
I should have looked to see if it succeeded.
I haven't worked on it in a considerable period of time.
8:15 PM
What's Visual Wide?
a VS extension for Wide.
@Nooble a plugin for VS for Wide (Puppy's language)
Should have gone with TurboWide.
well, I should really add features like automated refactoring, brace insertion, and autoformatting.
8:20 PM
@LucDanton that's what I thought, but It's when you want to have a private module that your lib uses that I'm getting confused.
What the hell, where is Coliru
My connection just fails
he's been having trouble with it lately
I knew he had that thing with the Chinese IP
But he got that sorted over the weekend and I thought that was it
@Columbo someone hacked it
@BartekBanachewicz Fucking assholes.
... I ain't.
But srsly wtf
8:24 PM
it's the Internet
you get hacked.
AC Unity runs 20% better in offline mode.
@thecoshman I see what you mean, I don’t think I’ve seen multi-file examples of that kind of stuff.
if your file or directory structure matters in your language, it's a shit language.
@Nooble Why does this surprise you?
@Puppy It’s a WIP. It’s changed before.
true enough.
you can simply think of that as referring to the current state, then.
it's true that Rust is nowhere near as locked in as other languages are right now
8:26 PM
There’s lot of incomplete accessibility rules for things like structs/enums, too. I don’t think you can have an abstract data type per se today.
@LucDanton you could do it via an enum, but it would be a lot of work
@Puppy I know it's poorly optimized, but what the hell? They're doing something severely wrong.
@thecoshman Aren’t all the constructors public, always? Is my point.
@Nooble I repeat my previous statement.
iow accessibility is only defined at the item level currently
8:28 PM
@LucDanton no, 'constructors' are not a true thing. you just have factory functions.
u wot m8
@LucDanton Ill bash ye fokkin ed in
Anyways, it's a Ubiport...
Are they called variants? I don’t remember.
you just have POD structs, and then factory functions that produce a struct for you.
@thecoshman Stop missing the point!
8:29 PM
with what armament did he miss it?
AFIK you can't force the use of your 'constructor', they can still just make their own instance manually.
1 min ago, by Luc Danton
iow accessibility is only defined at the item level currently
@LucDanton enums are avriants
> Enumeration constructors can have either named or unnamed fields:
From the reference.
aka fuck you
look I'm starring Luc's messages
8:30 PM
well excuse me for not knowing the exact details of this language
but Luc's an asshole and hasn't said a word to me for two years
Fine, but don’t "correct" me.
I actually consider this quite rude.,=
o_0 did I miss something?
I know how ironic this is coming from me, but still
@thecoshman He plonked me around 2012 or something
8:31 PM
yes, it is particularly ironic and I am laughing my ass off
oops, never mind that :P
@LucDanton what are you on about?
@Puppy it's not like you're the nicest person on the planet either
yes I am
any way, I have src/public_interface.rs and I want to it to expose src/inner_logic/module_that_defines_one_data_type.rs
8:33 PM
@BartekBanachewicz But he isn't a person.
From Jon Kalb's talk on exception safety :)
@thecoshman I thought we were doing the purposefully rude thing?
@StackedCrooked Cough is that... Comic Sans!?
who knows.
ooo there is accessibility at the impl level then
8:36 PM
@StackedCrooked There are sometimes trys in strongly exception safe code, but it's not that common.
yeah, he said that :)
It’s just the enums that can’t have finely-grained access on their constructors/variants.
the end of the third talk is pretty good
they only occur when you can't express the final mutation as a single operation
@LucDanton where? how?
8:39 PM
Escapes me atm, I can’t find it in the search.
@LucDanton do you understand how mod foo { fn bar(){} } differ from `struct foo{} impl foo{ fn bar(){} }? obviously struct foo 'should' be Foo (and thus impl Foo). But like, appart from that, it all seems the be the same.
I guess I really need to understand what 'impl' really means.
Oct 20 at 7:49, by thecoshman
@sbi needs more condescension.
That thing.
what has that got to do with anything?
@thecoshman I think they end up doing the same—although more by coincidence than design.
@thecoshman It’s where you declare the related functions. You can’t with a struct.
8:43 PM
@LucDanton yeah, so really the only things you put in an impl block should be functions that take a '&self' so that you can do foo.bar() opposed to bar(foo)
why is Rust so full of weird shit?
that and doing traits.
I don't get why the whole struct/impl thing needs to exist.
@Puppy it's new(ish)
@Puppy s/Rust/any language
8:44 PM
@thecoshman Righto. The 'static' functions ending up in a weird place.
It's not what you are used to. That's why you call it shit.
@thecoshman Arguably that’s keyword reuse.
@Borgleader Not that you haven't been able to do some weird shit in Wide at times.
@Puppy Struct makes sense... except you already have tuples with named types...
@LucDanton well for that it makes sense, impl trait<foo> for type<bar> it explains what you are doing in this block.
but for 'member functions' it just seems awkward...
Well if the language needs extension methods all it has to do is allow impl blocks outside the module.
8:47 PM
ah, I see rust is doing this 'function vs method' thing
you don't have to have the impl block in the same module as the struct... do you?
Compiler has yelled at me telling me I have to.
Just trying to workout why the member functions are not just define line struct foo{ fn bar(){} }
it's very clear that fn bar is part of struct foo, bar can have an implicit '&self' that it can make use of
I forgot: impl blocks are super nice for generic types, because you can group members according to the condition that enables them.
impl<A: Copy> Foo<A> { … } stuff
ah yes
@Puppy so is wide
8:53 PM
you can declare that 'this function foo is for trait A, buth this version of foo is for trait B'
@Puppy there you go
Wide is different in your way
Rust is different in its creators way
The only language that's weird in a non weird way is Haskell
So I like the rules as they are. I don’t think separating data from functions is a hindrance in this case.
no, I guess it makes sense.
you can specialize member functions easily for different generic conditions
but not member data?
data ain't types
if you don't have dependent types, which rust doesn't
8:56 PM
neither is functions
Yes, the generic stuff is very high-level. No static-if style fiddlery.
I guess it's a bit awkward (because of me) when you have `mod foo{ struct Foo{} fn do_staticy_thing(){} impl Foo { fn do_instance_thing(&self:Foo){} fn do_another_static_thing(){} }
@Puppy what would that look like?
@thecoshman Er, how about "Exactly the same mechanism as is used for member functions"?
8:58 PM
@Puppy except with traits you describe what functions it has, not what data it has
why would you want a trait to say "you must have this variable"
Yeah I don’t know what the community consensus is on what should be a 'static` impl what should be a module-level function. I’ve heard that sometimes inferring/giving a hint for the static functions is sometimes problematic, so that could be a factor I suppose.
@thecoshman Right, but I'm not defining a new generic interface, I'm defining an implementation.
struct Foo<A> { … } struct<A: Copy> Foo<A> { … } :D but should the second item replace, override, or extend the first one?

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